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What to Realistically Expect from the 44th President


Oct 27, 2008
We are eight days from this election being over and as usual most Americans are tired of the ads, attacks, and 24/7 news coverage. Given the challenges the new President faces, one must ask why anyone would want the job. An 11 Trillion Dollar Debt, two wars, a severe economic recession, a very divided nation. So what can we realistically expect? Well that depends on US and NOT THEM we are all stake holders.

WE'RE BROKE-Our nation has an 11 trillion dollar debt with an almost 500 billion dollar deficit projected for FY2009. We have already allocated part of the 750 billion dollar bailout to the banks and there seems to be some hope with intra bank lending rates decreasing slightly in the last week. However, many experts agree more will be needed to get us out of this credit crunch. Most Americans are also broke and live paycheck to paycheck, and use their credit cards to subsidize a standard of living they cannot afford. The country is broke and many of us are broke too.

TWO WARS-Right now we are in talks with the Iraqi government on when US forces will leave Iraq and this will probably be finalized before Bush leaves office or shortly after the next President is sworn in. I would bet whoever is sworn in the US will abide by the agreement and if one has not been completed that will become a priority for the new administration. The War in Afghanistan is one that needs long overdue attention. The new President must not "go it alone" as the 43rd did and must did as George H.W. Bush and build a coalition. This will be hard because of the "you are with us or against us approach used by Bush."

SOUND FISCAL POLICY vs. SOCIAL SPENDING-Americans face challenges getting affordable health care in the best of health and if they have problems it is almost impossible. Health Care costs are soaring, and this alone drives up the cost of Medicare, then throw in the Prescription Drug Program giveaway and you have just created the largest entitlement program ever. This is just one area that needs the attention of money THAT WE DO NOT HAVE. No Child Left Behind a/k/a Every School Budget Unfunded is another issue ONCE AGAIN WE DON'T HAVE THE MONEY TO DO ANYTHING. We also face a huge national debt of 11 trillion bucks with 500 billion owed to the Chinese that needs to be addressed.

ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION-Congress passed the ball on that one to the next Congress and President. With the lousy economy many immigrants are leaving for home because they can't find what they want the most a job here so they can send money back home. However, the problem persists and when the economy comes back they will be returning. Democrats and Republicans have their own interests in keeping the system the way it is because Democrats will see if they win states like CO and NM the Latinos are reliable voting blocks that favor them and the GOP´s corporate interest like the fact illegals work cheap and usually don't do nasty things like forming unions. However, all of us pay for programs that mandate that their children be educated and receive ESOL, Emergency Room Visits, and their use of the justice system. In California they say 25% of the inmate population is here illegally.

YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT COULD BE BROKE TOO-Even governments like Arlington County, VA just outside of Washington DC are seeing their revenues shrink and are bringing in hiring freezes. California needs 7 billion or it could go bust and more problems loom for most local governments.

So what is the solution? Nobody has one. Both candidates McCain and Obama have unrealistic budget plans that will add more to the national credit card. But I urge, all of you to think back to the Immigration Debate that bill was headed for fast passage however WE THE PEOPLE SPOKE OUT and stopped it cold in its tracks. WE THE PEOPLE MUST KEEP WATCH ON OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS AND WATCH THEM AS CLOSELY AS WE WATCH OUR KIDS AND DEMAND REAL SOLUTIONS TO REAL PROBLEMS NOT QUICK FIXES.

To get lasting fixes we must also need to sacrifice our own selfish interests to the national interests and we must insist the "drive by attacks" end and the real work begin. THIS ELECTION IS EIGHT DAYS AWAY!!! ON NOVEMBER 5TH EVERYBODY NEEDS TO STOP CAMPAIGNING AND START WORKING TO SOLVE OUR PROBLEMS.
I expect from the next pres exactly what I expect from every pres and that is to uphold the Constitution. Needless to say, I never get what I want.
Yeah, I'd say that's a fairly honest assessment of our current situation.

Don't expect much would be my suggestion.

Since most Americans problems are financial in nature, and since the economy is basically in the crapper for most Americans, telling them that they need to fix it themselves, while true, isn't really going to help much.

Why not?

Because that basically presumes that they have a lot of waste in their lives that they can easily stop doing.

While it may be true for those in the 60% and above income brackets, it is most definitely not true for most in the lower income brackets.

We can't really work toegther until we have a common goal.

And since the goal of about half the population is to keep the status quo, and since that half of the population is also the people basically in charge of most of what happens in this society, I think working togther is going to take some rethinking of our values.

We're NOT going to put most Americans back on the right path and continue to import most of the stuff we use from overseas, folks.

We can't all be lawyers, doctors, cops, computer programers or well heeled scions, now can we?
I realistically expect the next President to be just another big-government, power-hungry politician with no regard for the common man and no idea how to fix anything, let alone understand the Constitution.
Last November 5th I had such High Hopes Dammit....

The 4.3 Million Dollar in a Day Man

Last November 5th I had such High Hopes Dammit....
The 4.3 Million Dollar in a Day Man

So did I, but Obama has run one of the smartest campaigns ever. Howard Dean's fifty state strategy has proven to pay real dividends. I have been talking to Democrats in Florida the DNC has been working since 2004 on voter registration and education efforts here.

We have finally learned the ground game and this is what lacked in the Kerry Campaign. If Obama is indeed elected and his administration is successful the Democratic Party has finally found it's new approach. Grass roots campaigns, with the simple message, do what you can with your time, and with your money and you the average Joe can have a say in your country. If you don't there is a group of people who will run for their own selfish gain and your impoverishment.
So did I, but Obama has run one of the smartest campaigns ever. Howard Dean's fifty state strategy has proven to pay real dividends. I have been talking to Democrats in Florida the DNC has been working since 2004 on voter registration and education efforts here.

We have finally learned the ground game and this is what lacked in the Kerry Campaign. If Obama is indeed elected and his administration is successful the Democratic Party has finally found it's new approach. Grass roots campaigns, with the simple message, do what you can with your time, and with your money and you the average Joe can have a say in your country. If you don't there is a group of people who will run for their own selfish gain and your impoverishment.

So you're under the assumption that Obama is an average Joe? That's where we differ......He's just another corporate candidate with a very well oiled machine backing him. Who is part of that machine? Just more criminals in different clothing.
this was the Dimocrats' election to lose. A blind chimp could have won it for the Dims. Oh wait, I just described Howard Dean "YEEEAAAAAHHHH"
Its called democracy.

The people are actually allowed to vote and deside instead of being systematically kept from voting by a party that is nothing but a tool for the 2% of this country who are wealthy.
this was the Dimocrats' election to lose. A blind chimp could have won it for the Dims. Oh wait, I just described Howard Dean "YEEEAAAAAHHHH"

That was the biggest media hit job I had ever seen.

A guy who lost a state rallying his troops after the fact is called INSANE by the entire media.

It was so blatent is turned my stomack.
So you're under the assumption that Obama is an average Joe? That's where we differ......He's just another corporate candidate with a very well oiled machine backing him. Who is part of that machine? Just more criminals in different clothing.

Nope hes NOT an average Joe, he is a very bright Joe who came straight from the heart of this country.

He has raised more money by individual voters than any other candidate in history.

Weep for Ron Paul and your and his failed ideas but please dont lie about people for political reasons.

Ron Paul is a good man but his ideas fail.

Obama is a good man and his ideas will work and the American people back them at a crushing rate compared to ron Pauls ideas.

This is a Democracy and we wont let that change no matter how much cheating the republicans do this election cycle.
Nope hes NOT an average Joe, he is a very bright Joe who came straight from the heart of this country.

He has raised more money by individual voters than any other candidate in history.

Weep for Ron Paul and your and his failed ideas but please dont lie about people for political reasons.

Ron Paul is a good man but his ideas fail.

Obama is a good man and his ideas will work and the American people back them at a crushing rate compared to ron Pauls ideas.

This is a Democracy and we wont let that change no matter how much cheating the republicans do this election cycle.

Actually this is a Republic, and I'll have to disagree with you about Ron Paul's ideas.
Nope hes NOT an average Joe, he is a very bright Joe who came straight from the heart of this country.

He has raised more money by individual voters than any other candidate in history.

Weep for Ron Paul and your and his failed ideas but please dont lie about people for political reasons.

Ron Paul is a good man but his ideas fail.

Obama is a good man and his ideas will work and the American people back them at a crushing rate compared to ron Pauls ideas.

This is a Democracy and we wont let that change no matter how much cheating the republicans do this election cycle.

I'll reiterate my advice to you BHO worshipers.

When you're on your knees in front of someone remember not to look up. You never know what you might get in your eye. (Just ask Monica!)
Nope hes NOT an average Joe, he is a very bright Joe who came straight from the heart of this country.

He has raised more money by individual voters than any other candidate in history.

Weep for Ron Paul and your and his failed ideas but please dont lie about people for political reasons.

Ron Paul is a good man but his ideas fail.

Obama is a good man and his ideas will work and the American people back them at a crushing rate compared to ron Pauls ideas.

This is a Democracy and we wont let that change no matter how much cheating the republicans do this election cycle.

ok, so this is why we keep calling Obama supporters Kook-Aid Drinkers.
ok, so this is why we keep calling Obama supporters Kook-Aid Drinkers.

Can you elaborate on this statement further? I am deeply offended by it; however, maybe I am reading something into this so I would like an explanation.
You'd have to understand constitutional construction to know the answer to that.

But I'm pretty sure it doesn't include signing statements.

I'll admit I am an amateur Constitutional scholar but I know a thing or two and that seems to be more than a lot of pols know.
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Kool-aid drinkers...

cultlike/ to buy into/

Yes, it's derogatory but I meant it that way.

IMO the fact that Obama is a CFR member says it all. A G E N D A....
Same Sh*t Different day.

and this makes him different than.....nobody (except for Ron Paul :)

As I keep saying

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss

I feel that is the theme song of this election.


except that we keep losing more and more of our soverienty.....
Kool-aid drinkers...

cultlike/ to buy into/

Yes, it's derogatory but I meant it that way.

Well at least your honest so hats off to you for that. As you might know a pitcher labeled as Kool-Aid appeared on a fake Food Stamp and many saw it as racist. I truly hope there was no racism involved here.

I hope you are like most in American and are tired of the endless smear campaigns, personal attacks, and more interested in hearing about issues. It is these type of "derogatory" comments that causes people to show up at McCain rallies with toy monkeys with Obama's name on it. I would hope that you are like so many other American including myself that are tired with derogatory attacks, endless smears and downright lies. Are you?

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