What type of America do you want


Oct 7, 2012
There are two simple choices on the type of America you want. The first one is one of Government dependency. This takes by people being dependent on the Government for food paying your bills and health care and other life essentials. The second America is one of self-dependence. This is an America in which you’re responsible for making money paying your bills and buying food and health care and other life essentials
I would hope that Americans would want an America that best fits for the longest period of time. The Government dependency America would be less stressful. The reason being you get the Government to send you money through food stamps and unemployment check or welfare check and do nothing to earn it.

There are huge repercussions from this type of Government. These are simple eventually you run out of money. Do you want to become Greece or Western Europe? These Countries are destroying themselves everyday with riots and fighting. There is a simple reason there running out of money and there free Government entitlements are being taken away

Self-dependency is the best way to move the economy and to financially support America. This method works with a few simple Ideas. Idea one you get a pay check through a job and pay taxes from your pay check which helps the economy grows. Secondly you pay your bills and buy things like food water and gas and health care. A pay check is more constant for a desperate economy then a welfare check.

President Obama in a nutshell thinks the Government can do what is best for you and your family better then you do. Governor Romney feels that you can do better for yourself making your own choices and being in control of your own life.
I want the government to do everything for me as I voted for Romney......crap.....I pushed the wrong button......I must be a democrat from Florida
I hope all Democrats push that want Obama press the wrong button

yeah democrats arent the brightest stars in the sky.....the 2000 election they were confused by a butterfly punch card ballot......it's not that hard
I want one my children can enjoy in freedom and prosperity
I just want a guy who can lead, and not fuck shit up to bad.

I have learned over the years to not have very high Expectations.

I just want a guy who can lead, and not fuck shit up to bad.

I have learned over the years to not have very high Expectations.


Im thinking more long term than the election. But that is definitely a good thing to have.
I want the government to do everything for me as I voted for Romney......crap.....I pushed the wrong button......I must be a democrat from Florida

Well, now you've done it. Now government is going to have to eliminate elections because we are too stupid to vote.
I want a America that stands for
-Free markets
-Leading in every way
-Biggest and best
A new golden age for the nonrich and the country. But you dupes vote for the greedy rich that got us in this mess.
A new golden age for the nonrich and the country. But you dupes vote for the greedy rich that got us in this mess.

Even with this "mess", America is the greatest country on earth. You Dems give the impression you forgot that fact.

Furthermore, this "mess" was caused by BOTH parties. You Dems give the impression you think you are innocent, and that is a demonstration of a lack of taking responsibility. Grow up.
You speak of America like it's a single enity, it is a union of 50 states, it's time they take back the power the feds have assumed over the last 140 years. The only people who should ever get a check from the federal government are federal employees or retirees. The feds were never intended to have subsistance power over the individual and as long as they have it, our rights are deminished. A government that has the power to give you everything you need, has they power to take everything you have.
A new golden age for the nonrich and the country. But you dupes vote for the greedy rich that got us in this mess.
yeah a golden age for us non rich.....gas has shot up.....food has shot up.....and electricty has gone up and since you libtards want to get rid of coal...it's really really gonna shoot up......
you must be rich, because I cant afford green energy
A new golden age for the nonrich and the country. But you dupes vote for the greedy rich that got us in this mess.
yeah a golden age for us non rich.....gas has shot up.....food has shot up.....and electricty has gone up and since you libtards want to get rid of coal...it's really really gonna shoot up......
you must be rich, because I cant afford green energy

If your man wins taxes will shoot up to pay for his military spending. There will be a new war.

Did you pay attention to his record as governor? He "lowered" some taxes, but increased fees on just about everything. Or do you like $8-a-gallon milk?

And if you don't like being non-rich, why vote for the party that wants to eliminate the minimum wage? You must not have any women in your family if you think getting rid of fair pay for women is a gooid idea for the non-rich.
I love the notion that rich greedy Republicans did this by themselves. We are supposed to believe that Democrats are all poor. It is also believed that only Republicans work and make money and have all the luxuries in life.

This class warfare fight is amazing it really clarifies the meaning of the post. Going to College getting a degree getting a job and being successful is a bad thing in America. This is truly President Obama's daddy’s dream a smaller weaker America. People are falling into the trap. If Obama wins search what is going on in Greece because that will be America

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