What was a reason for God to sacrifice His Son?


Gold Member
Mar 14, 2015
As far as I am aware, according to Christian beliefs after Adam's fall all humanity became sinful and doomed to perdition. Then Son of God was sent by Father to save mankind and give eternal live for those believing in Him.

‌Why was all this needed? Why didnt God simply send a prophet with instructions how people can save themselves? Why did God have a need to make sacrifice for himself?
As far as I am aware, according to Christian beliefs after Adam's fall all humanity became sinful and doomed to perdition. Then Son of God was sent by Father to save mankind and give eternal live for those believing in Him.

‌Why was all this needed? Why didnt God simply send a prophet with instructions how people can save themselves? Why did God have a need to make sacrifice for himself?

the SANCTIFICATION of roman barbarity lent credibility to the filth of Constantine
As far as I am aware, according to Christian beliefs after Adam's fall all humanity became sinful and doomed to perdition. Then Son of God was sent by Father to save mankind and give eternal live for those believing in Him.

‌Why was all this needed? Why didnt God simply send a prophet with instructions how people can save themselves? Why did God have a need to make sacrifice for himself?
It's quite simple...
As far as I am aware, according to Christian beliefs after Adam's fall all humanity became sinful and doomed to perdition. Then Son of God was sent by Father to save mankind and give eternal live for those believing in Him.

‌Why was all this needed? Why didnt God simply send a prophet with instructions how people can save themselves? Why did God have a need to make sacrifice for himself?
It's quite simple...
View attachment 185645

As far as I am aware, according to Christian beliefs after Adam's fall all humanity became sinful and doomed to perdition. Then Son of God was sent by Father to save mankind and give eternal live for those believing in Him.

‌Why was all this needed? Why didnt God simply send a prophet with instructions how people can save themselves? Why did God have a need to make sacrifice for himself?

the SANCTIFICATION of roman barbarity lent credibility to the filth of Constantine
I seem not to understand your point clearly. What filth of Constantine do you mean? Christianity as we know it today?
As far as I am aware, according to Christian beliefs after Adam's fall all humanity became sinful and doomed to perdition. Then Son of God was sent by Father to save mankind and give eternal live for those believing in Him.

‌Why was all this needed? Why didnt God simply send a prophet with instructions how people can save themselves? Why did God have a need to make sacrifice for himself?

1. Repentance (turn away from sin) for the forgiveness of sins.
2. Discern the will of God and follow it.

Wait a minute! What about all the Temple revenues brought in from Temple sacrifices and offerings for the forgiveness of sins? This man is nuts and a danger to the community! He is trying to bring down the Temple and with it our entire nation! Must.Find.A.Way.To.Get.Rid.Of.Him. BECAUSE HE WILL NOT SHUT UP!!!!

Jesus life was a way of redemption, not a magical forgiveness of sins (like only some Protestant denominations would have everyone believe). Jesus came with a new Covenant--i.e. repentance for the forgiveness of sins. People argued, Not True!!! Only God can forgive sins! We want proof!

Traditionally, a sign of a Covenant was blood. Jesus offered his own blood as the sign of this Covenant. He was crucified, but rose again on the first day of the week.

Another belief about Christ's death is that while we can turn away from sins, and even make amends, there are some bad habits (sins) no matter how hard we struggle, we cannot overcome. Also, some of our sins cause hurts beyond for which we, the sinner, cannot heal. Our sin sacrifice for these is belief in Christ and our total trust that God can accomplish what we cannot.

Christianity was meant to be a way of life. Some have turned it into a Get Out of Jail Free card and missed that we are disciples of Christ. We follow him, we don't use him.
Jesus life was a way of redemption, not a magical forgiveness of sins (like only some Protestant denominations would have everyone believe). Jesus came with a new Covenant--i.e. repentance for the forgiveness of sins. People argued, Not True!!! Only God can forgive sins! We want proof!

If I understand you correctly, you are saying that it isnt Jesus' death that made it possible for people to achieve forgiveness, but his death and what is more important his ressurection was a proof for people to follow his teaching. Right?
Jesus life was a way of redemption, not a magical forgiveness of sins (like only some Protestant denominations would have everyone believe). Jesus came with a new Covenant--i.e. repentance for the forgiveness of sins. People argued, Not True!!! Only God can forgive sins! We want proof!

If I understand you correctly, you are saying that it isnt Jesus' death that made it possible for people to achieve forgiveness, but his death and what is more important his ressurection was a proof for people to follow his teaching. Right?

It seems to me Jesus was saying that forgiveness is not about sacrifice and offerings, it is about giving up sin and being obedient to God. It is not the offering that opens us up to God's forgiveness, it is the giving up of the sin that opens us to God's forgiveness. He also spoke of discerning God's will and following it, not simply sitting down and calculating how many dill seeds will fulfill the Law.

Yes, God desires obedience and His mercy and forgiveness are ours under those circumstances. Many of the Jews were going above and beyond, complicating what should have remained uncomplicated. As a result, the well-to-do could earn that feeling of self-righteousness whereas the poor who had way too little in those times had to choose between their tithes, their offerings, and whether to let the family go hungry and ill-clothed at times in order to keep up with the Law. What if your neighbor is hungry? Is the tithe or cereal offering more important, or should such be used to feed the hungry at one's door?
As far as I am aware, according to Christian beliefs after Adam's fall all humanity became sinful and doomed to perdition. Then Son of God was sent by Father to save mankind and give eternal live for those believing in Him.

‌Why was all this needed? Why didnt God simply send a prophet with instructions how people can save themselves? Why did God have a need to make sacrifice for himself?

the SANCTIFICATION of roman barbarity lent credibility to the filth of Constantine
I seem not to understand your point clearly. What filth of Constantine do you mean? Christianity as we know it today?

who is "we" ? I have no way of knowing your orientation regarding the
history of the "holy roman empire". Constantine was the first emperor
thereof-----and is, actually, the REAL founder of the Roman Catholic Church,
and its "canon law". He is also the author of that which was later, some 1700
years later ----the NUREMBURG LAWS. Without the input of Constantine----
the "inquisition" of the "holy roman empire" would not have happened. The
Inquisition was a catastrophic event for most of the world including the Americas----
something analogous to Genghis Khan for Asia
Jesus life was a way of redemption, not a magical forgiveness of sins (like only some Protestant denominations would have everyone believe). Jesus came with a new Covenant--i.e. repentance for the forgiveness of sins. People argued, Not True!!! Only God can forgive sins! We want proof!

If I understand you correctly, you are saying that it isnt Jesus' death that made it possible for people to achieve forgiveness, but his death and what is more important his ressurection was a proof for people to follow his teaching. Right?

It seems to me Jesus was saying that forgiveness is not about sacrifice and offerings, it is about giving up sin and being obedient to God. It is not the offering that opens us up to God's forgiveness, it is the giving up of the sin that opens us to God's forgiveness. He also spoke of discerning God's will and following it, not simply sitting down and calculating how many dill seeds will fulfill the Law.

Yes, God desires obedience and His mercy and forgiveness are ours under those circumstances. Many of the Jews were going above and beyond, complicating what should have remained uncomplicated. As a result, the well-to-do could earn that feeling of self-righteousness whereas the poor who had way too little in those times had to choose between their tithes, their offerings, and whether to let the family go hungry and ill-clothed at times in order to keep up with the Law. What if your neighbor is hungry? Is the tithe or cereal offering more important, or should such be used to feed the hungry at one's door?
I agree with your post. But it isnt explain my question I asked in my OP. If there wasnt a need for God to sacrifice His Son, then why the mission of Jesus couldnt be laid upon an "ordinary" man with God-given power to make miracles, healings etc?
As far as I am aware, according to Christian beliefs after Adam's fall all humanity became sinful and doomed to perdition. Then Son of God was sent by Father to save mankind and give eternal live for those believing in Him.

‌Why was all this needed? Why didnt God simply send a prophet with instructions how people can save themselves? Why did God have a need to make sacrifice for himself?
Sacrifice to appease a god or gods was a well-established practice among the mystery religions Christianity misappropriated.
As far as I am aware, according to Christian beliefs after Adam's fall all humanity became sinful and doomed to perdition. Then Son of God was sent by Father to save mankind and give eternal live for those believing in Him.

‌Why was all this needed? Why didnt God simply send a prophet with instructions how people can save themselves? Why did God have a need to make sacrifice for himself?

the SANCTIFICATION of roman barbarity lent credibility to the filth of Constantine
I seem not to understand your point clearly. What filth of Constantine do you mean? Christianity as we know it today?

who is "we" ? I have no way of knowing your orientation regarding the
history of the "holy roman empire". Constantine was the first emperor
thereof-----and is, actually, the REAL founder of the Roman Catholic Church,
and its "canon law". He is also the author of that which was later, some 1700
years later ----the NUREMBURG LAWS. Without the input of Constantine----
the "inquisition" of the "holy roman empire" would not have happened. The
Inquisition was a catastrophic event for most of the world including the Americas----
something analogous to Genghis Khan for Asia
I think that almost no one has ever done to Jesus' teaching more damage than Roman Catholic Church has done.
As far as I am aware, according to Christian beliefs after Adam's fall all humanity became sinful and doomed to perdition. Then Son of God was sent by Father to save mankind and give eternal live for those believing in Him.

‌Why was all this needed? Why didnt God simply send a prophet with instructions how people can save themselves? Why did God have a need to make sacrifice for himself?
Yes those are Christian beliefs. People didn’t listen to God’s prophets and they couldn’t follow instructions to save themselves. They were in sin.
To understand the answer to this question, one must understand the true nature of God and man. Creation does not imply Ex Nihilo Creation. Ex Nihilo Creation is a false concept. God created man's body from the dust of the earth and placed his spirit within his body. The spirit of man existed prior to coming to this earth. The spirits of mankind are the offspring of God and existed before the creation of this earth.

Ecclesiastes 12:7
7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

Acts 17:28-29
28 For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.
29 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device.

Hebrews 12:9
9 Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?

Before man was born of heavenly parents and became the offspring of God, he/she eternally existed as intelligence. The intelligence of man is self-existent. It was not created or made and neither indeed can be. This was made known in a revelation to the Prophet Joseph Smith:

Doctrine and Covenant 93:29
29 Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.

This was also taught to Abraham:

Abraham 3:18
18 Howbeit that he made the greater star; as, also, if there be two spirits, and one shall be more intelligent than the other, yet these two spirits, notwithstanding one is more intelligent than the other, have no beginning; they existed before, they shall have no end, they shall exist after, for they are gnolaum, or eternal.

If man has always existed and is an eternal being, then God could not have created man to be perfect since the very essence of man (his intelligence) was not created or made. Mankind's intelligence is at whatever stage of grow it has achieved. It just so happens that the intelligence of man has not reached a perfected state of being. It is the purpose of God to bring about the progression of mankind. Since God could not create us to be perfect like himself, he has devised a way in which mankind can learn and grow and become more like God. This process includes coming to this earth and learning by taking on a mortal body and experiencing pain, sorrow, joy, love, happiness, and even death. This mortal existence is a temporary existence to teach mankind important eternal truths that will remain with them throughout eternity.

You might be wondering by now what this all has to do with Jesus and his suffering and death upon the cross. God lives in a heavenly kingdom where there is a law that maintains goodness and righteousness perpetually. To live in his kingdom, one must learn to live and obey the law of his kingdom. The wicked will never inherit the kingdom of heaven unless they repent and learn to live according to the law of heaven. This life is a time for us to learn good from evil and learn to live according to principles of righteousness and godliness. For this reason Jesus taught the doctrine of repentance of sin to prepare us to be able to live in a kingdom of righteousness. Once man sins, he has fallen short of the glory of the kingdom of God. He is not worthy of it. According to the law of heaven, he should not be allowed into the kingdom. So, how can God make weak beings strong who he knows will at time fall short of the glory of his kingdom? God is a just God. He must uphold the laws of his kingdom. He must exercise justice in all things. How can the God of heaven allow repentant sinners into his kingdom who have fallen from the glory of being able to abide by its law? This is where the genius of God comes into play and the pure love of God is manifest to us all.

God chooses a being to come to this earth who will teach us all to repent and show us how to live to be members of the kingdom of God. He also chooses a being who is so advanced that when he comes to this earth, he never sins. Not even once. He lives a perfect life. He then has this being suffer to the extent of all the sins that would be committed by mankind. He allows him to suffer even unto death. QUESTION: Did this being deserve the suffering and death that he suffered? NO! Of course not. He was a perfect being who did no sin. He only did that which pleased God. Now that he has gone through all this suffering and death, yet did not deserve it, would not God the Father owe this being a recompense for the injustice of all the suffering and death that he went through? Would God be a just God if he were to ignore giving this being a recompense for all the injustice that was brought upon him? Of a necessity, God the Father is obligated to recompense this being for the injustice he went through. But not only for the injustice but to the extent of the injustice. Since this being suffered to the extent of all the sins of mankind, he should be recompensed to the extent of all mankind!

What was his recompense?

His recompense was that if mankind would repent of their sins and forsake them, that he would have the power to forgiven them of their past sins. Since he suffered to the extent of all mankind's sins his forgiveness was to cover the sins of all those of mankind who repent and forsake their sins. It was the just for the unjust.

1 Peter 3:18
18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:

Now because of this genius and selfless act of the love of God for his children, God can still be a just God and a merciful God also. Mercy had become a just act in the eyes of God because of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It was necessary to bring about the bowels of mercy and still satisfy the demands of justice.
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As far as I am aware, according to Christian beliefs after Adam's fall all humanity became sinful and doomed to perdition. Then Son of God was sent by Father to save mankind and give eternal live for those believing in Him.

‌Why was all this needed? Why didnt God simply send a prophet with instructions how people can save themselves? Why did God have a need to make sacrifice for himself?
God sent many prophets. People ignored them. Just like they ignored Christ.
I agree with your post. But it isnt explain my question I asked in my OP. If there wasnt a need for God to sacrifice His Son, then why the mission of Jesus couldnt be laid upon an "ordinary" man with God-given power to make miracles, healings etc?
My take: In God's eyes, this word (information) was vital. Today it seems such a simple message, but not so much in earlier times. There was going to be resistance and that resistance might well lead to an execution. Rather than ask anyone to do this, the Word became man who would willingly undergo a torturous death if that was what was needed to push this truth to the forefront in the lives of mankind.
As far as I am aware, according to Christian beliefs after Adam's fall all humanity became sinful and doomed to perdition. Then Son of God was sent by Father to save mankind and give eternal live for those believing in Him.

‌Why was all this needed? Why didnt God simply send a prophet with instructions how people can save themselves? Why did God have a need to make sacrifice for himself?

It makes churches richer.
Brilliant marketing. Create guilt by having God's son die for your sins which is a totally bizarre concept but works in the context of a religion. Then create fear by depicting God as a fearsome entity who will torture you for eternity if you don't believe in him.

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