What was a reason for God to sacrifice His Son?

It seems to me that you believe in the concept of fairness; a universal code of decency so to speak.

You have let the cat out of the bag.
It's a story about a Hells Angel, so what did I let out of the bag?
That you believe it wasn't fair, Taz.
No, my position would be that the whole thing is TOTALLY LUDICROUS. lol.

But just in case, I'll probably repent on my dying day too. :biggrin:
And yet you believe in fairness; common decency. Where ever did you get such a foolish idea?
The nothing fair or decent in the bible, it's a book full of hate, killings and threats.

It's a book about humanity. How do you talk about humanity WITHOUT talking about hatred and killing?

There's a difference between "threats" and "warnings". If I tell you that jaywalking on the freeway will get you hit by a car, am I threatening to hit you with a car myself, or am I simply warning you about the consequences of a bad choice?
The Pope just said that there is no hell.

Who is The Pope again?
The short drunk guy with the pointy hat and long curly cane.

He should be believed because why? (The current pope will burn in hell, I'd lay odds on it)
Because in the Christian hierarchy it goes:

The Pope
The Lesser pedophiles
Ordinary suckers

Often times ignorance is insolent. This is especially true for ignorance that thinks it knows.

Not to mention ignorance that feels compelled to prevent others from knowing.
Who is The Pope again?
The short drunk guy with the pointy hat and long curly cane.

He should be believed because why? (The current pope will burn in hell, I'd lay odds on it)
Because in the Christian hierarchy it goes:

The Pope
The Lesser pedophiles
Ordinary suckers

Often times ignorance is insolent. This is especially true for ignorance that thinks it knows.

Not to mention ignorance that feels compelled to prevent others from knowing.
I call it the conviction of invincible ignorance.
In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was made flesh
All that means, dear, is that the preexisting metaphor for the Word of God, manna from Heaven, became flesh, the flesh of Jesus, a new metaphor for teaching from God. It is this teaching that "dwelt among us."

"I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, (teaching from God) which I will give for the life of the world."

"The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, BURIED IT AGAIN."
So you think or should I say in your opinion. Bodies in heaven are actually created for each and everything that is of the Spirit. Your inability to grasp that is a personal thing you will have to take up within you and see if the Spirit will reveal that to you. Or simply go along believing in your own precepts on the matter.
In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Given a body in heaven and then manifested into a world where flesh beings dwell the Word became a sacrifice for All could come to be saved. That is why the sacrifice was made by God the Omni present creator of All of the only begotten Son. It has been allowed to coexist with carnal minds and that should be clearly evident by all of the opinions in this religious section.
Jesus was given a body in the womb of Mary.
Perhaps you can start a thread and learn who and what Mary is?
In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Given a body in heaven and then manifested into a world where flesh beings dwell the Word became a sacrifice for All could come to be saved. That is why the sacrifice was made by God the Omni present creator of All of the only begotten Son. It has been allowed to coexist with carnal minds and that should be clearly evident by all of the opinions in this religious section.
Jesus was given a body in the womb of Mary.
Perhaps you can start a thread and learn who and what Mary is?
I know my bible, and I know who Mary is.
In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Given a body in heaven and then manifested into a world where flesh beings dwell the Word became a sacrifice for All could come to be saved. That is why the sacrifice was made by God the Omni present creator of All of the only begotten Son. It has been allowed to coexist with carnal minds and that should be clearly evident by all of the opinions in this religious section.
Jesus was given a body in the womb of Mary.
Perhaps you can start a thread and learn who and what Mary is?
I know my bible, and I know who Mary is.
Then you should know that Mary is a Spiritual host in the Kingdom of Heaven within that brings forth a child who is to rule the spiritual nations created within you too, right?
In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Given a body in heaven and then manifested into a world where flesh beings dwell the Word became a sacrifice for All could come to be saved. That is why the sacrifice was made by God the Omni present creator of All of the only begotten Son. It has been allowed to coexist with carnal minds and that should be clearly evident by all of the opinions in this religious section.
Jesus was given a body in the womb of Mary.
Perhaps you can start a thread and learn who and what Mary is?
I know my bible, and I know who Mary is.
Then you should know that Mary is a Spiritual host in the Kingdom of Heaven within that brings forth a child who is to rule the spiritual nations created within you too, right?
Where is that found in the Bible?
In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Given a body in heaven and then manifested into a world where flesh beings dwell the Word became a sacrifice for All could come to be saved. That is why the sacrifice was made by God the Omni present creator of All of the only begotten Son. It has been allowed to coexist with carnal minds and that should be clearly evident by all of the opinions in this religious section.
Jesus was given a body in the womb of Mary.
Perhaps you can start a thread and learn who and what Mary is?
I know my bible, and I know who Mary is.
Then you should know that Mary is a Spiritual host in the Kingdom of Heaven within that brings forth a child who is to rule the spiritual nations created within you too, right?
Where is that found in the Bible?
Start from the beginning and take notice that the host of heaven are complete before the (son of man) human (Adam) is created to till the earth.

It is written throughout.

I am not going to set here and search all the scriptures which tell you that the kingdom of heaven is a place in the spirit and that that is put into you when you are made a 'living soul' with a puff of breath. It is up to you to search that all out and seek the truth within yourself and around you.
The short drunk guy with the pointy hat and long curly cane.

He should be believed because why? (The current pope will burn in hell, I'd lay odds on it)
Because in the Christian hierarchy it goes:

The Pope
The Lesser pedophiles
Ordinary suckers

Often times ignorance is insolent. This is especially true for ignorance that thinks it knows.

Not to mention ignorance that feels compelled to prevent others from knowing.
I call it the conviction of invincible ignorance.

I call it bigoted hatred to the point of obsession. Have you ever noticed how every single time someone starts a thread about Christianity, ESPECIALLY one that might be thoughtful and meaningful, Taz practically breaks his neck hotfooting in there to fill it with metric fucktons of worthless, pointless two-line bullshit posts that serve no other purpose than to shout "I hate you I hate you how dare you be a Christian I hate you!" at everyone and guarantee that it's impossible for any conversation about anything other than what a completely and utterly ignorant shitstain he is to occur?

It's not that he has anything, however shallow and empty it is, to say. It's that he deliberately works to make sure NO ONE ever gets to say anything, EVER, as though he's terrified that someone might hear something that makes them think about Christianity as something other than a target to be reviled. He's not an atheist, or even an evangelical atheist. It's not about disbelieving in God, or about convincing others they shouldn't believe in God. His actual religion is pathological hatred of Christianity.

An enterprising psychology student could write a master's thesis on it.
In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Given a body in heaven and then manifested into a world where flesh beings dwell the Word became a sacrifice for All could come to be saved. That is why the sacrifice was made by God the Omni present creator of All of the only begotten Son. It has been allowed to coexist with carnal minds and that should be clearly evident by all of the opinions in this religious section.
Jesus was given a body in the womb of Mary.
Perhaps you can start a thread and learn who and what Mary is?
I know my bible, and I know who Mary is.
Then you should know that Mary is a Spiritual host in the Kingdom of Heaven within that brings forth a child who is to rule the spiritual nations created within you too, right?

What he actually should know is that that is what YOU believe. What you should know is that not everyone shares your beliefs, or even needs to.
In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Given a body in heaven and then manifested into a world where flesh beings dwell the Word became a sacrifice for All could come to be saved. That is why the sacrifice was made by God the Omni present creator of All of the only begotten Son. It has been allowed to coexist with carnal minds and that should be clearly evident by all of the opinions in this religious section.
Jesus was given a body in the womb of Mary.
Perhaps you can start a thread and learn who and what Mary is?
I know my bible, and I know who Mary is.
Then you should know that Mary is a Spiritual host in the Kingdom of Heaven within that brings forth a child who is to rule the spiritual nations created within you too, right?

What he actually should know is that that is what YOU believe. What you should know is that not everyone shares your beliefs, or even needs to.
If YOU or "he" desires to know what I believe simply ask. If anyone desire to ignore what I may share here or anywhere else feel free to do so as its on you or anyone else when they chose to do that, not me.
In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Given a body in heaven and then manifested into a world where flesh beings dwell the Word became a sacrifice for All could come to be saved. That is why the sacrifice was made by God the Omni present creator of All of the only begotten Son. It has been allowed to coexist with carnal minds and that should be clearly evident by all of the opinions in this religious section.
Jesus was given a body in the womb of Mary.
Perhaps you can start a thread and learn who and what Mary is?
I know my bible, and I know who Mary is.

Really , so you must know the gospels were wrote after Pauls letters. Luke and ACT was wrote somewhere about 90 AD. Paul's letter were put in order by length.
Jesus was given a body in the womb of Mary.
Perhaps you can start a thread and learn who and what Mary is?
I know my bible, and I know who Mary is.
Then you should know that Mary is a Spiritual host in the Kingdom of Heaven within that brings forth a child who is to rule the spiritual nations created within you too, right?

What he actually should know is that that is what YOU believe. What you should know is that not everyone shares your beliefs, or even needs to.
If YOU or "he" desires to know what I believe simply ask. If anyone desire to ignore what I may share here or anywhere else feel free to do so as its on you or anyone else when they chose to do that, not me.

Yeah, who said we desired to know it? I said that's what you're telling us, completely unasked. You asserted it as an unquestionable tenet of Christian belief, but it is, in fact, merely a belief specific to some groups of Christians and not others. And it is in no way obligatory for anyone to agree with you in order to be a Christian or to go to Heaven.
He should be believed because why? (The current pope will burn in hell, I'd lay odds on it)
Because in the Christian hierarchy it goes:

The Pope
The Lesser pedophiles
Ordinary suckers

Often times ignorance is insolent. This is especially true for ignorance that thinks it knows.

Not to mention ignorance that feels compelled to prevent others from knowing.
I call it the conviction of invincible ignorance.

I call it bigoted hatred to the point of obsession. Have you ever noticed how every single time someone starts a thread about Christianity, ESPECIALLY one that might be thoughtful and meaningful, Taz practically breaks his neck hotfooting in there to fill it with metric fucktons of worthless, pointless two-line bullshit posts that serve no other purpose than to shout "I hate you I hate you how dare you be a Christian I hate you!" at everyone and guarantee that it's impossible for any conversation about anything other than what a completely and utterly ignorant shitstain he is to occur?

It's not that he has anything, however shallow and empty it is, to say. It's that he deliberately works to make sure NO ONE ever gets to say anything, EVER, as though he's terrified that someone might hear something that makes them think about Christianity as something other than a target to be reviled. He's not an atheist, or even an evangelical atheist. It's not about disbelieving in God, or about convincing others they shouldn't believe in God. His actual religion is pathological hatred of Christianity.

An enterprising psychology student could write a master's thesis on it.
Jesus told us that the world hates Christians because they first hated Him. BTW, if you claim to be a Christian and the world does not hate you, some soul searching is in order, because something is seriously wrong with you.
Because in the Christian hierarchy it goes:

The Pope
The Lesser pedophiles
Ordinary suckers

Often times ignorance is insolent. This is especially true for ignorance that thinks it knows.

Not to mention ignorance that feels compelled to prevent others from knowing.
I call it the conviction of invincible ignorance.

I call it bigoted hatred to the point of obsession. Have you ever noticed how every single time someone starts a thread about Christianity, ESPECIALLY one that might be thoughtful and meaningful, Taz practically breaks his neck hotfooting in there to fill it with metric fucktons of worthless, pointless two-line bullshit posts that serve no other purpose than to shout "I hate you I hate you how dare you be a Christian I hate you!" at everyone and guarantee that it's impossible for any conversation about anything other than what a completely and utterly ignorant shitstain he is to occur?

It's not that he has anything, however shallow and empty it is, to say. It's that he deliberately works to make sure NO ONE ever gets to say anything, EVER, as though he's terrified that someone might hear something that makes them think about Christianity as something other than a target to be reviled. He's not an atheist, or even an evangelical atheist. It's not about disbelieving in God, or about convincing others they shouldn't believe in God. His actual religion is pathological hatred of Christianity.

An enterprising psychology student could write a master's thesis on it.
Jesus told us that the world hates Christians because they first hated Him. BTW, if you claim to be a Christian and the world does not hate you, some soul searching is in order, because something is seriously wrong with you.

Yeah, but I don't think Taz is your garden-variety "worldly hater of Christians". I think he's got some sort of serious psychosis going on there.
Perhaps you can start a thread and learn who and what Mary is?
I know my bible, and I know who Mary is.
Then you should know that Mary is a Spiritual host in the Kingdom of Heaven within that brings forth a child who is to rule the spiritual nations created within you too, right?

What he actually should know is that that is what YOU believe. What you should know is that not everyone shares your beliefs, or even needs to.
If YOU or "he" desires to know what I believe simply ask. If anyone desire to ignore what I may share here or anywhere else feel free to do so as its on you or anyone else when they chose to do that, not me.

Yeah, who said we desired to know it? I said that's what you're telling us, completely unasked. You asserted it as an unquestionable tenet of Christian belief, but it is, in fact, merely a belief specific to some groups of Christians and not others. And it is in no way obligatory for anyone to agree with you in order to be a Christian or to go to Heaven.
"Go to heaven". You dingy twit. If you believe in Jesus Christ and you actually 'know the Bible', then you would know the Kingdom of Heaven is in you. You aren't even close. By the chit you type you sound more like a wanna be to me but hey, that is just my opinion.
I know my bible, and I know who Mary is.
Then you should know that Mary is a Spiritual host in the Kingdom of Heaven within that brings forth a child who is to rule the spiritual nations created within you too, right?

What he actually should know is that that is what YOU believe. What you should know is that not everyone shares your beliefs, or even needs to.
If YOU or "he" desires to know what I believe simply ask. If anyone desire to ignore what I may share here or anywhere else feel free to do so as its on you or anyone else when they chose to do that, not me.

Yeah, who said we desired to know it? I said that's what you're telling us, completely unasked. You asserted it as an unquestionable tenet of Christian belief, but it is, in fact, merely a belief specific to some groups of Christians and not others. And it is in no way obligatory for anyone to agree with you in order to be a Christian or to go to Heaven.
"Go to heaven". You dingy twit. If you believe in Jesus Christ and you actually 'know the Bible', then you would know the Kingdom of Heaven is in you. You aren't even close. By the chit you type you sound more like a wanna be to me but hey, that is just my opinion.

I just heard "Everyone who disagrees with my precise beliefs is STUPID!" Was that what you meant to say?
Then you should know that Mary is a Spiritual host in the Kingdom of Heaven within that brings forth a child who is to rule the spiritual nations created within you too, right?

What he actually should know is that that is what YOU believe. What you should know is that not everyone shares your beliefs, or even needs to.
If YOU or "he" desires to know what I believe simply ask. If anyone desire to ignore what I may share here or anywhere else feel free to do so as its on you or anyone else when they chose to do that, not me.

Yeah, who said we desired to know it? I said that's what you're telling us, completely unasked. You asserted it as an unquestionable tenet of Christian belief, but it is, in fact, merely a belief specific to some groups of Christians and not others. And it is in no way obligatory for anyone to agree with you in order to be a Christian or to go to Heaven.
"Go to heaven". You dingy twit. If you believe in Jesus Christ and you actually 'know the Bible', then you would know the Kingdom of Heaven is in you. You aren't even close. By the chit you type you sound more like a wanna be to me but hey, that is just my opinion.

I just heard "Everyone who disagrees with my precise beliefs is STUPID!" Was that what you meant to say?
No, I actually stated exactly what I meant to say.

You need troll someone else.

Go pull your crap on someone else as I am not interested in it.
In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Given a body in heaven and then manifested into a world where flesh beings dwell the Word became a sacrifice for All could come to be saved. That is why the sacrifice was made by God the Omni present creator of All of the only begotten Son. It has been allowed to coexist with carnal minds and that should be clearly evident by all of the opinions in this religious section.
Jesus was given a body in the womb of Mary.
Perhaps you can start a thread and learn who and what Mary is?
I know my bible, and I know who Mary is.

Really , so you must know the gospels were wrote after Pauls letters. Luke and ACT was wrote somewhere about 90 AD. Paul's letter were put in order by length.
Doesn't matter when the Gospels were written. They were inspired by the Holy Spirit.

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