What was a reason for God to sacrifice His Son?

That you believe it wasn't fair, Taz.
No, my position would be that the whole thing is TOTALLY LUDICROUS. lol.

But just in case, I'll probably repent on my dying day too. :biggrin:
And yet you believe in fairness; common decency. Where ever did you get such a foolish idea?
The nothing fair or decent in the bible, it's a book full of hate, killings and threats.
No. It is a how to book. How to live life and how not to live life.

I can't help it if you read it to confirm your bias.
You haven't helped anyone so far. You're still way too confused about your own beliefs.
My obligation is satisfied when I present it. What others do with it is on them.
I’ve heard the bible stories, so what? What will happen to my soul?

If you ain't right, you're gonna burn in hell, 'nuff said?

No joke and true story.
The Pope just said that there is no hell.

Who is The Pope again?
The short drunk guy with the pointy hat and long curly cane.

He should be believed because why? (The current pope will burn in hell, I'd lay odds on it)
Because in the Christian hierarchy it goes:

The Pope
The Lesser pedophiles
Ordinary suckers
If you ain't right, you're gonna burn in hell, 'nuff said?

No joke and true story.
The Pope just said that there is no hell.

Who is The Pope again?
The short drunk guy with the pointy hat and long curly cane.

He should be believed because why? (The current pope will burn in hell, I'd lay odds on it)
Judge others as ye shall be judged.

Well, he goes against what God said, so..:dunno:

If you ain't right, you're gonna burn in hell, 'nuff said?

No joke and true story.
The Pope just said that there is no hell.

Who is The Pope again?
The short drunk guy with the pointy hat and long curly cane.

He should be believed because why? (The current pope will burn in hell, I'd lay odds on it)
Because in the Christian hierarchy it goes:

The Pope
The Lesser pedophiles
Ordinary suckers

Often times ignorance is insolent. This is especially true for ignorance that thinks it knows.
The Pope just said that there is no hell.

Who is The Pope again?
The short drunk guy with the pointy hat and long curly cane.

He should be believed because why? (The current pope will burn in hell, I'd lay odds on it)
Judge others as ye shall be judged.

Well, he goes against what God said, so..:dunno:

You don't know God's mind. No one does. You should leave the judging to him.
No. God will give you exactly what you have always wanted. To be left alone.
Never said that that's what I wanted. I said there's no proof of what you just said.
It is exactly what you want. 100%.
You'll have to prove that.
No. I don't. I'm happy enough for you to find out on your own.
As usual, you have no proof. Must be nice to live in a fantasy world.
Who is The Pope again?
The short drunk guy with the pointy hat and long curly cane.

He should be believed because why? (The current pope will burn in hell, I'd lay odds on it)
Judge others as ye shall be judged.

Well, he goes against what God said, so..:dunno:

You don't know God's mind. No one does.

You are such an obtuse individual. I know God's word, "The Pope" contradicts it. This isn't rocket surgery.
No, my position would be that the whole thing is TOTALLY LUDICROUS. lol.

But just in case, I'll probably repent on my dying day too. :biggrin:
And yet you believe in fairness; common decency. Where ever did you get such a foolish idea?
The nothing fair or decent in the bible, it's a book full of hate, killings and threats.
No. It is a how to book. How to live life and how not to live life.

I can't help it if you read it to confirm your bias.
You haven't helped anyone so far. You're still way too confused about your own beliefs.
My obligation is satisfied when I present it. What others do with it is on them.
So you agree that you haven't helped anyone. Good for you.
No. God will give you exactly what you have always wanted. To be left alone.
Never said that that's what I wanted. I said there's no proof of what you just said.
It is exactly what you want. 100%.
You'll have to prove that.
No. I don't. I'm happy enough for you to find out on your own.
As usual, you have no proof. Must be nice to live in a fantasy world.
The proof is everywhere. I've gone over it many times with you.
And yet you believe in fairness; common decency. Where ever did you get such a foolish idea?
The nothing fair or decent in the bible, it's a book full of hate, killings and threats.
No. It is a how to book. How to live life and how not to live life.

I can't help it if you read it to confirm your bias.
You haven't helped anyone so far. You're still way too confused about your own beliefs.
My obligation is satisfied when I present it. What others do with it is on them.
So you agree that you haven't helped anyone. Good for you.
I wouldn't know if I have or if I haven't.

And neither do you.
The Pope just said that there is no hell.

Who is The Pope again?
The short drunk guy with the pointy hat and long curly cane.

He should be believed because why? (The current pope will burn in hell, I'd lay odds on it)
Judge others as ye shall be judged.

Well, he goes against what God said, so..:dunno:

You mean the god that some guy wrote about in the bible and claimed that it said something?
The short drunk guy with the pointy hat and long curly cane.

He should be believed because why? (The current pope will burn in hell, I'd lay odds on it)
Judge others as ye shall be judged.

Well, he goes against what God said, so..:dunno:

You don't know God's mind. No one does.

You are such an obtuse individual. I know God's word, "The Pope" contradicts it. This isn't rocket surgery.
I hope you don't mind if I disagree. You have never demonstrated that you understand anything.
You don't know God's mind. No one does. You should leave the judging to him.
You keep telling me what god is going to do to me because I'm not a believer, so you're admitting that you don't actually know what god wants?
The short drunk guy with the pointy hat and long curly cane.

He should be believed because why? (The current pope will burn in hell, I'd lay odds on it)
Judge others as ye shall be judged.

Well, he goes against what God said, so..:dunno:

You don't know God's mind. No one does.

You are such an obtuse individual. I know God's word, "The Pope" contradicts it. This isn't rocket surgery.
"rocket surgery" :lmao:
He should be believed because why? (The current pope will burn in hell, I'd lay odds on it)
Judge others as ye shall be judged.

Well, he goes against what God said, so..:dunno:

You don't know God's mind. No one does.

You are such an obtuse individual. I know God's word, "The Pope" contradicts it. This isn't rocket surgery.
I hope you don't mind if I disagree. You have never demonstrated that you understand anything.

Apparently, you're quite unobservant as well.
Never said that that's what I wanted. I said there's no proof of what you just said.
It is exactly what you want. 100%.
You'll have to prove that.
No. I don't. I'm happy enough for you to find out on your own.
As usual, you have no proof. Must be nice to live in a fantasy world.
The proof is everywhere. I've gone over it many times with you.
The proof for the god of the bible doesn't exist. You're right, we have gone over this many times.
The nothing fair or decent in the bible, it's a book full of hate, killings and threats.
No. It is a how to book. How to live life and how not to live life.

I can't help it if you read it to confirm your bias.
You haven't helped anyone so far. You're still way too confused about your own beliefs.
My obligation is satisfied when I present it. What others do with it is on them.
So you agree that you haven't helped anyone. Good for you.
I wouldn't know if I have or if I haven't.

And neither do you.
So you have no proof that you have. Got it.
You have to study the bible to find out. It’s in the stories about Jesus.
Show me where, TN.

Go sin no more is the bottom line. Like these sins found at 1Corinthians 6:9-11, Galations 5:19-21--along with the false god worship on earth and pagan practices off the table of demons= 99% on earth do these things daily. Because 99% of all religion is false including 99% of all religion claiming to be Christian.
The blind guides tell those who do those sins--you are saved or born again in the false Christian religions. And they believe those teachers over Gods written word. Not a wise path to walk.
Salvation works from the inside out. Our Spirit is born again, not our flesh. We continue to sin, but if we are really saved and keep following Jesus, we will become more like him. It's a process.

Why do you continue to sin?
Paul addressed that very subject in Romans. The flesh is always tempting us. There is a battle going on in our soul realm. Man is three parts. Spirit, soul and flesh. Our spirit is what is born again by the Spirit of God, but our flesh is still subject to the temptations of life and sin. The soul, which is our mind, will and emotions is the battle ground. Do a thorough study of the book of Romans.

Paul is a Stoic.
So god is going to roast me if I don't follow the church. Sheesh, next they'll want money.

Not what I said. IF the Pope holds a personal belief, I named a couple of passages to which he might refer. The fact is, the Pope has mentioned the devil and warned about people in hell at other events--which were covered by more credible sources. For example:

October 30, 2014
“This generation along with many others has been taught that the devil is a myth, a figure, an idea, the idea of evil. But the devil exists, and we must fight against him.”

February 14, 2016
“Because brothers and sisters, let's get one thing clear, one cannot have a conversation with the devil. We can't do this, because the devil will always win. Only the power of the Word of God can defeat the devil.”

March 21, 2014
“You still have time to not end up in hell. That is what awaits you, if you continue down this path.”

June 17, 2014
“As Christians, our duty is to pray for them and ask the Lord to give them the grace of penance, so that they don't die with a corrupt heart, because otherwise the dogs of hell will take their blood.”

Pope Francis' strongest statements on hell and the devil | ROME REPORTS

The Catholic Church points people to God's promises of redemption and salvation for mankind.

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