What was a reason for God to sacrifice His Son?

As far as I am aware, according to Christian beliefs after Adam's fall all humanity became sinful and doomed to perdition. Then Son of God was sent by Father to save mankind and give eternal live for those believing in Him.

‌Why was all this needed? Why didnt God simply send a prophet with instructions how people can save themselves? Why did God have a need to make sacrifice for himself?

The people tend to turn a deaf ear to a prophet, most especially if he tells them what they don't want to hear. That is pretty clear in the Bible.

The concept of blood sacrifice was thousands of years old and deeply ingrained in the religion and culture of the people of Jesus' time. So God became incarnate in the person of Jesus and willingly suffer and died on the cross to pay in blood everybody's sins. And on the third day he rose as the beacon and assurance that death was not final, and his promise of eternal life was real.

That's pretty much it in a nutshell.
Go sin no more is the bottom line. Like these sins found at 1Corinthians 6:9-11, Galations 5:19-21--along with the false god worship on earth and pagan practices off the table of demons= 99% on earth do these things daily. Because 99% of all religion is false including 99% of all religion claiming to be Christian.
The blind guides tell those who do those sins--you are saved or born again in the false Christian religions. And they believe those teachers over Gods written word. Not a wise path to walk.
Salvation works from the inside out. Our Spirit is born again, not our flesh. We continue to sin, but if we are really saved and keep following Jesus, we will become more like him. It's a process.
So what happens to my soul if i don't follow jesus?

Were you made aware of him?
I’ve heard the bible stories, so what? What will happen to my soul?

Already told you. Ultimately, it will become part of whichever aspect of the universe your actions have suited it for.
Sez you?
Go sin no more is the bottom line. Like these sins found at 1Corinthians 6:9-11, Galations 5:19-21--along with the false god worship on earth and pagan practices off the table of demons= 99% on earth do these things daily. Because 99% of all religion is false including 99% of all religion claiming to be Christian.
The blind guides tell those who do those sins--you are saved or born again in the false Christian religions. And they believe those teachers over Gods written word. Not a wise path to walk.
Salvation works from the inside out. Our Spirit is born again, not our flesh. We continue to sin, but if we are really saved and keep following Jesus, we will become more like him. It's a process.
So what happens to my soul if i don't follow jesus?

Were you made aware of him?
I’ve heard the bible stories, so what? What will happen to my soul?

If you ain't right, you're gonna burn in hell, 'nuff said?

No joke and true story.
The Pope just said that there is no hell.
Disagree. Hebrews teaches that faith in what Jesus did on the cross is what cleanses me from sin. You can't earn your salvation. Again, Hebrews and Romans teaches we are saved by Faith in Jesus, not anything we do. Your words contradict the Scriptures. I also believe in living holy and in discipleship, but I am saved by faith. That is scripture.

I thought we disagreed. ;)

Actually, as I mentioned before, Acts, 1 Peter, and even Mark support the position of Baptism for the forgiveness of sins. In the Gospels Jesus taught Repentance for the forgiveness of sins. At the time it was written, the Hebrews saw blood as life, not death. Thinking oneself saved by faith is a nil if one does not recall scripture warning, "Faith without works is dead." This goes back to blood meaning "Life of Christ" where we follow closely the life, the Way, he taught us to live.

It seems to me that some decide what they want to believe and then find a couple of scriptures to back that belief. Isn't it better to study all scripture, along with the culture of the time, so that we have a clear view of the totality?

The reason I am making an issue of this is because when a fragment of Christianity is over emphasized, non-Christians quickly see the holes in logic, and like the Rorschach Test they fill in as suits their purposes.
Yet, you appear to be doing the very thing you warn against, taking a few scriptures and building a doctrine of salvation by baptism. Good works follow saving faith. You are falling into a common error that many people fall into, the "faith without works is dead" misconception that James is speaking about salvation. He isn't. Tell me, If I am dying without knowing about Jesus and someone shares with me the gospel and I believe on the Lord and ask his forgiveness of sin, then I die a few seconds later. Am I saved?
Yes. I read in the paper about a Hell's Angel who was given a Catholic church burial after a gang slaying. So the reporter asked the priest, how can you give a murderer and overall evil guy a Catholic funeral? The priest replied "he may have repented a half-second before he died". No joke.
It seems to me that you believe in the concept of fairness; a universal code of decency so to speak.

You have let the cat out of the bag.
It's a story about a Hells Angel, so what did I let out of the bag?
The Pope just said that there is no hell.

The Catholic Church teaches there is a hell (just not Dante's version of it). Unfortunately, the outlet publishing this story isn't all that credible, especially in the way it covers the Pope. Possibly, it could be Pope Francis personal belief there is no hell because he seemed to be focused on a couple of scripture passages.

The first mentions that the chaff is burned away and only what is good survives. The second is where Jesus mentions not to fear those who can only kill the body, but fear him who can destroy both body and soul in hell. The Pope's thinking seemed to be what others have said before him: While hell is eternal, once destroyed, the soul is gone forever. (i.e., no one spends an eternity in fire, they are completely destroyed.)
Disagree. Hebrews teaches that faith in what Jesus did on the cross is what cleanses me from sin. You can't earn your salvation. Again, Hebrews and Romans teaches we are saved by Faith in Jesus, not anything we do. Your words contradict the Scriptures. I also believe in living holy and in discipleship, but I am saved by faith. That is scripture.

I thought we disagreed. ;)

Actually, as I mentioned before, Acts, 1 Peter, and even Mark support the position of Baptism for the forgiveness of sins. In the Gospels Jesus taught Repentance for the forgiveness of sins. At the time it was written, the Hebrews saw blood as life, not death. Thinking oneself saved by faith is a nil if one does not recall scripture warning, "Faith without works is dead." This goes back to blood meaning "Life of Christ" where we follow closely the life, the Way, he taught us to live.

It seems to me that some decide what they want to believe and then find a couple of scriptures to back that belief. Isn't it better to study all scripture, along with the culture of the time, so that we have a clear view of the totality?

The reason I am making an issue of this is because when a fragment of Christianity is over emphasized, non-Christians quickly see the holes in logic, and like the Rorschach Test they fill in as suits their purposes.
Yet, you appear to be doing the very thing you warn against, taking a few scriptures and building a doctrine of salvation by baptism. Good works follow saving faith. You are falling into a common error that many people fall into, the "faith without works is dead" misconception that James is speaking about salvation. He isn't. Tell me, If I am dying without knowing about Jesus and someone shares with me the gospel and I believe on the Lord and ask his forgiveness of sin, then I die a few seconds later. Am I saved?
Yes. I read in the paper about a Hell's Angel who was given a Catholic church burial after a gang slaying. So the reporter asked the priest, how can you give a murderer and overall evil guy a Catholic funeral? The priest replied "he may have repented a half-second before he died". No joke.
It seems to me that you believe in the concept of fairness; a universal code of decency so to speak.

You have let the cat out of the bag.
It's a story about a Hells Angel, so what did I let out of the bag?
That you believe it wasn't fair, Taz.
The Pope just said that there is no hell.

The Catholic Church teaches there is a hell (just not Dante's version of it). Unfortunately, the outlet publishing this story isn't all that credible, especially in the way it covers the Pope. Possibly, it could be Pope Francis personal belief there is no hell because he seemed to be focused on a couple of scripture passages.

The first mentions that the chaff is burned away and only what is good survives. The second is where Jesus mentions not to fear those who can only kill the body, but fear him who can destroy both body and soul in hell. The Pope's thinking seemed to be what others have said before him: While hell is eternal, once destroyed, the soul is gone forever. (i.e., no one spends an eternity in fire, they are completely destroyed.)
So god is going to roast me if I don't follow the church. Sheesh, next they'll want money. :biggrin:
I thought we disagreed. ;)

Actually, as I mentioned before, Acts, 1 Peter, and even Mark support the position of Baptism for the forgiveness of sins. In the Gospels Jesus taught Repentance for the forgiveness of sins. At the time it was written, the Hebrews saw blood as life, not death. Thinking oneself saved by faith is a nil if one does not recall scripture warning, "Faith without works is dead." This goes back to blood meaning "Life of Christ" where we follow closely the life, the Way, he taught us to live.

It seems to me that some decide what they want to believe and then find a couple of scriptures to back that belief. Isn't it better to study all scripture, along with the culture of the time, so that we have a clear view of the totality?

The reason I am making an issue of this is because when a fragment of Christianity is over emphasized, non-Christians quickly see the holes in logic, and like the Rorschach Test they fill in as suits their purposes.
Yet, you appear to be doing the very thing you warn against, taking a few scriptures and building a doctrine of salvation by baptism. Good works follow saving faith. You are falling into a common error that many people fall into, the "faith without works is dead" misconception that James is speaking about salvation. He isn't. Tell me, If I am dying without knowing about Jesus and someone shares with me the gospel and I believe on the Lord and ask his forgiveness of sin, then I die a few seconds later. Am I saved?
Yes. I read in the paper about a Hell's Angel who was given a Catholic church burial after a gang slaying. So the reporter asked the priest, how can you give a murderer and overall evil guy a Catholic funeral? The priest replied "he may have repented a half-second before he died". No joke.
It seems to me that you believe in the concept of fairness; a universal code of decency so to speak.

You have let the cat out of the bag.
It's a story about a Hells Angel, so what did I let out of the bag?
That you believe it wasn't fair, Taz.
No, my position would be that the whole thing is TOTALLY LUDICROUS. lol.

But just in case, I'll probably repent on my dying day too. :biggrin:
Yet, you appear to be doing the very thing you warn against, taking a few scriptures and building a doctrine of salvation by baptism. Good works follow saving faith. You are falling into a common error that many people fall into, the "faith without works is dead" misconception that James is speaking about salvation. He isn't. Tell me, If I am dying without knowing about Jesus and someone shares with me the gospel and I believe on the Lord and ask his forgiveness of sin, then I die a few seconds later. Am I saved?
Yes. I read in the paper about a Hell's Angel who was given a Catholic church burial after a gang slaying. So the reporter asked the priest, how can you give a murderer and overall evil guy a Catholic funeral? The priest replied "he may have repented a half-second before he died". No joke.
It seems to me that you believe in the concept of fairness; a universal code of decency so to speak.

You have let the cat out of the bag.
It's a story about a Hells Angel, so what did I let out of the bag?
That you believe it wasn't fair, Taz.
No, my position would be that the whole thing is TOTALLY LUDICROUS. lol.

But just in case, I'll probably repent on my dying day too. :biggrin:
And yet you believe in fairness; common decency. Where ever did you get such a foolish idea?
The Pope just said that there is no hell.

The Catholic Church teaches there is a hell (just not Dante's version of it). Unfortunately, the outlet publishing this story isn't all that credible, especially in the way it covers the Pope. Possibly, it could be Pope Francis personal belief there is no hell because he seemed to be focused on a couple of scripture passages.

The first mentions that the chaff is burned away and only what is good survives. The second is where Jesus mentions not to fear those who can only kill the body, but fear him who can destroy both body and soul in hell. The Pope's thinking seemed to be what others have said before him: While hell is eternal, once destroyed, the soul is gone forever. (i.e., no one spends an eternity in fire, they are completely destroyed.)
So god is going to roast me if I don't follow the church. Sheesh, next they'll want money. :biggrin:
No. God will give you exactly what you have always wanted. To be left alone.
Yes. I read in the paper about a Hell's Angel who was given a Catholic church burial after a gang slaying. So the reporter asked the priest, how can you give a murderer and overall evil guy a Catholic funeral? The priest replied "he may have repented a half-second before he died". No joke.
It seems to me that you believe in the concept of fairness; a universal code of decency so to speak.

You have let the cat out of the bag.
It's a story about a Hells Angel, so what did I let out of the bag?
That you believe it wasn't fair, Taz.
No, my position would be that the whole thing is TOTALLY LUDICROUS. lol.

But just in case, I'll probably repent on my dying day too. :biggrin:
And yet you believe in fairness; common decency. Where ever did you get such a foolish idea?
The nothing fair or decent in the bible, it's a book full of hate, killings and threats.
No. God will give you exactly what you have always wanted. To be left alone.
Never said that that's what I wanted. I said there's no proof of what you just said.
Salvation works from the inside out. Our Spirit is born again, not our flesh. We continue to sin, but if we are really saved and keep following Jesus, we will become more like him. It's a process.
So what happens to my soul if i don't follow jesus?

Were you made aware of him?
I’ve heard the bible stories, so what? What will happen to my soul?

If you ain't right, you're gonna burn in hell, 'nuff said?

No joke and true story.
The Pope just said that there is no hell.

Who is The Pope again?
It seems to me that you believe in the concept of fairness; a universal code of decency so to speak.

You have let the cat out of the bag.
It's a story about a Hells Angel, so what did I let out of the bag?
That you believe it wasn't fair, Taz.
No, my position would be that the whole thing is TOTALLY LUDICROUS. lol.

But just in case, I'll probably repent on my dying day too. :biggrin:
And yet you believe in fairness; common decency. Where ever did you get such a foolish idea?
The nothing fair or decent in the bible, it's a book full of hate, killings and threats.
No. It is a how to book. How to live life and how not to live life.

I can't help it if you read it to confirm your bias.
So what happens to my soul if i don't follow jesus?

Were you made aware of him?
I’ve heard the bible stories, so what? What will happen to my soul?

If you ain't right, you're gonna burn in hell, 'nuff said?

No joke and true story.
The Pope just said that there is no hell.

Who is The Pope again?
The short drunk guy with the pointy hat and long curly cane.
Were you made aware of him?
I’ve heard the bible stories, so what? What will happen to my soul?

If you ain't right, you're gonna burn in hell, 'nuff said?

No joke and true story.
The Pope just said that there is no hell.

Who is The Pope again?
The short drunk guy with the pointy hat and long curly cane.

He should be believed because why? (The current pope will burn in hell, I'd lay odds on it)
It's a story about a Hells Angel, so what did I let out of the bag?
That you believe it wasn't fair, Taz.
No, my position would be that the whole thing is TOTALLY LUDICROUS. lol.

But just in case, I'll probably repent on my dying day too. :biggrin:
And yet you believe in fairness; common decency. Where ever did you get such a foolish idea?
The nothing fair or decent in the bible, it's a book full of hate, killings and threats.
No. It is a how to book. How to live life and how not to live life.

I can't help it if you read it to confirm your bias.
You haven't helped anyone so far. You're still way too confused about your own beliefs.
I’ve heard the bible stories, so what? What will happen to my soul?

If you ain't right, you're gonna burn in hell, 'nuff said?

No joke and true story.
The Pope just said that there is no hell.

Who is The Pope again?
The short drunk guy with the pointy hat and long curly cane.

He should be believed because why? (The current pope will burn in hell, I'd lay odds on it)
Judge others as ye shall be judged.

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