What was a reason for God to sacrifice His Son?

All of Gods ways are justice( Deuteronomy 32:4)-- He showed all his justice scales-- an eye for an eye- perfect balance.

A sinless mortal( Adam) rebelled and sinned, losing a good standing for mortals with God. God hates sin.
A perfect mortal( Jesus) lived a sinless existence, yet paid in full the wages of sin= death. He did not owe that death-this is the ransom sacrifice he handed to his Father in heaven at his ascencion. Opening the door to all. Few find the path Jesus taught. Few believe Jesus over dogmas.
Can you tell me what you believe sin is or means?

Sin = anything in opposition to Gods will. Sin = worship to satan.
How do you know God’s will?

Its in the bible.
But some guys just made the whole thing up, like the flood. Noah couldn't have gotten kangaroos on his ark and back again, it would defy reality.

Noah had God on his side. When David as a young man confronted Goliath said--You come with Sword, Shield and Javelin, I come in the Name of YHWH(Jehovah), and killed Goliath.
It’s in the bible.
Can you show me where it's in the Bible?
You have to study the bible to find out. It’s in the stories about Jesus.
Show me where, TN.

Go sin no more is the bottom line. Like these sins found at 1Corinthians 6:9-11, Galations 5:19-21--along with the false god worship on earth and pagan practices off the table of demons= 99% on earth do these things daily. Because 99% of all religion is false including 99% of all religion claiming to be Christian.
The blind guides tell those who do those sins--you are saved or born again in the false Christian religions. And they believe those teachers over Gods written word. Not a wise path to walk.
Who says it's god's written word?

Much has proven true, Revelation has been occurring for over a century.
Can you show me where it's in the Bible?
You have to study the bible to find out. It’s in the stories about Jesus.
Show me where, TN.

Go sin no more is the bottom line. Like these sins found at 1Corinthians 6:9-11, Galations 5:19-21--along with the false god worship on earth and pagan practices off the table of demons= 99% on earth do these things daily. Because 99% of all religion is false including 99% of all religion claiming to be Christian.
The blind guides tell those who do those sins--you are saved or born again in the false Christian religions. And they believe those teachers over Gods written word. Not a wise path to walk.
Salvation works from the inside out. Our Spirit is born again, not our flesh. We continue to sin, but if we are really saved and keep following Jesus, we will become more like him. It's a process.
So what happens to my soul if i don't follow jesus?

The lake of fire= the 2nd death--death everlasting--not eternal suffering. Gods justice scales make that an impossible reality.
It’s in the bible.
Can you show me where it's in the Bible?
You have to study the bible to find out. It’s in the stories about Jesus.
Show me where, TN.

Go sin no more is the bottom line. Like these sins found at 1Corinthians 6:9-11, Galations 5:19-21--along with the false god worship on earth and pagan practices off the table of demons= 99% on earth do these things daily. Because 99% of all religion is false including 99% of all religion claiming to be Christian.
The blind guides tell those who do those sins--you are saved or born again in the false Christian religions. And they believe those teachers over Gods written word. Not a wise path to walk.

Um, may I ask what is God's written word?

The 66 books of the bible.
Can you tell me what you believe sin is or means?

Sin = anything in opposition to Gods will. Sin = worship to satan.
How do you know God’s will?

Its in the bible.
But some guys just made the whole thing up, like the flood. Noah couldn't have gotten kangaroos on his ark and back again, it would defy reality.

Noah had God on his side. When David as a young man confronted Goliath said--You come with Sword, Shield and Javelin, I come in the Name of YHWH(Jehovah), and killed Goliath.
So god poofed the roos over? Why not just not drown the animals?
Sin = anything in opposition to Gods will. Sin = worship to satan.
How do you know God’s will?

Its in the bible.
But some guys just made the whole thing up, like the flood. Noah couldn't have gotten kangaroos on his ark and back again, it would defy reality.

Noah had God on his side. When David as a young man confronted Goliath said--You come with Sword, Shield and Javelin, I come in the Name of YHWH(Jehovah), and killed Goliath.
So god poofed the roos over? Why not just not drown the animals?

You just assume that occurred. Don't forget God only rested creating. Who says he didn't create new species after the flood as well? They find new species today.
Can you show me where it's in the Bible?
You have to study the bible to find out. It’s in the stories about Jesus.
Show me where, TN.

Go sin no more is the bottom line. Like these sins found at 1Corinthians 6:9-11, Galations 5:19-21--along with the false god worship on earth and pagan practices off the table of demons= 99% on earth do these things daily. Because 99% of all religion is false including 99% of all religion claiming to be Christian.
The blind guides tell those who do those sins--you are saved or born again in the false Christian religions. And they believe those teachers over Gods written word. Not a wise path to walk.
Who says it's god's written word?

Much has proven true, Revelation has been occurring for over a century.
Like what? The flood hasn’t been proven to be true. And the Big Bang wasn’t the moment light appeared.
You have to study the bible to find out. It’s in the stories about Jesus.
Show me where, TN.

Go sin no more is the bottom line. Like these sins found at 1Corinthians 6:9-11, Galations 5:19-21--along with the false god worship on earth and pagan practices off the table of demons= 99% on earth do these things daily. Because 99% of all religion is false including 99% of all religion claiming to be Christian.
The blind guides tell those who do those sins--you are saved or born again in the false Christian religions. And they believe those teachers over Gods written word. Not a wise path to walk.
Salvation works from the inside out. Our Spirit is born again, not our flesh. We continue to sin, but if we are really saved and keep following Jesus, we will become more like him. It's a process.
So what happens to my soul if i don't follow jesus?

The lake of fire= the 2nd death--death everlasting--not eternal suffering. Gods justice scales make that an impossible reality.
So god is going to roast me for eternity? What a nice guy!
Can you show me where it's in the Bible?
You have to study the bible to find out. It’s in the stories about Jesus.
Show me where, TN.

Go sin no more is the bottom line. Like these sins found at 1Corinthians 6:9-11, Galations 5:19-21--along with the false god worship on earth and pagan practices off the table of demons= 99% on earth do these things daily. Because 99% of all religion is false including 99% of all religion claiming to be Christian.
The blind guides tell those who do those sins--you are saved or born again in the false Christian religions. And they believe those teachers over Gods written word. Not a wise path to walk.

Um, may I ask what is God's written word?

The 66 books of the bible.
So god wrote those?
It was the great and final sacrifice no longer did you have to sacrifice animals
How do you know God’s will?

Its in the bible.
But some guys just made the whole thing up, like the flood. Noah couldn't have gotten kangaroos on his ark and back again, it would defy reality.

Noah had God on his side. When David as a young man confronted Goliath said--You come with Sword, Shield and Javelin, I come in the Name of YHWH(Jehovah), and killed Goliath.
So god poofed the roos over? Why not just not drown the animals?

You just assume that occurred. Don't forget God only rested creating. Who says he didn't create new species after the flood as well? They find new species today.
So after the flood, god poofed some new animals into being all over the world.
As far as I am aware, according to Christian beliefs after Adam's fall all humanity became sinful and doomed to perdition. Then Son of God was sent by Father to save mankind and give eternal live for those believing in Him.

‌Why was all this needed? Why didnt God simply send a prophet with instructions how people can save themselves? Why did God have a need to make sacrifice for himself?

First disclaimer: I hope you're not looking for this to be a quick, glib, bumper-sticker synopsis of theology, because it doesn't really work that way.

Second disclaimer: I suspect the complete answer to this question involves knowledge about the universe and the nature of God that we're not privy to at this time.

Now, having said that, I think there is a lot of nuance to Christianity, issues and questions that theologians have debated for centuries, that you're pretty much glossing over or missing entirely. Let me give you my take on it. As CS Lewis said about his explanations, if it helps you, run with it. If not, feel free to discard it entirely.

As I see it, what Adam's fall really did was awaken mankind to the sinful side of his own nature, and the down side to free will, ie. the ability and desire to choose to disobey God, and thus move ourselves farther away from Him spiritually. The problem, of course, is the eventual, ultimate end of that scenario. Now, before you jump to conclusions as to what the end is, let me explain my take on THAT.

In "The Screwtape Letters", CS Lewis said that in the end, everything in the universe will either be claimed by God or by Satan, God on the "pedantic" grounds that He created it, or Satan on the more "dynamic" grounds of conquest. Now, admittedly, Lewis was speaking from the perspective of a demon for the purposes of the book's premise, so the viewpoint is a bit skewed by that, but the way I see it, when we die, our souls go to and become part of one side or the other. Think of it, if you will, as Buddhism without reincarnation, sort of a Nirvana and Anti-Nirvana.

Okay, now the choices that you make in life with that free will are going to move you closer to one side or the other. But it's not as simple as just "I did something wrong, I'm sorry, forgive me", because those choices leave a mark on your soul, they change who you are. And they create a . . . oh, a sort of magnetism that draws you toward more of the same kind of choices. The more you make decisions to behave as a good person, the more you BECOME a good person, and the easier it is for you to choose that path the next time a decision has to be made; likewise, the more you allow yourself to behave badly, the easier it becomes to make the wrong choice the next time.

It takes something kinda big and metaphysical to wipe away the marks on your soul made by the bad decisions you've made. Sometimes I think of it in the same light as making a New Year's resolution: you announce your decision to make a change (even if you're announcing it just to yourself) because it makes it more real, more solid, more committed. I'm pretty sure there's more to it in this case, but it's that general idea. Prior to Jesus' birth as a human, the Israelites signified that commitment to abandoning disobedience and cleansing away the dark stains on their souls by sacrificing an animal, sort of a smaller death to symbolize the larger death that would be the ultimate end of continuing the path of dark and disobedient choices.

Ultimately, though, this isn't how God wanted it to be, the relationship between us and Him hemmed in by the constant need for ritual and strained by the constant pulling of our darker nature away from Him. So Jesus agreed to come to Earth, live as a human, die as a human, and be resurrected as the deity He truly was, a sort of "one time pays for all" sacrifice to take the place of all those smaller, stopgap sacrifices, one Ultimate death for Him to replace all the ultimate deaths for us. Basically, the cumulative bad choices we have all made, or all will make, would have made us part of the dark, the Anti-Nirvana, the property of Satan, however you want to think of it. We doomed ourselves in eternity through our choices in life. Instead, Jesus took that doom, the consequences of our choices, the stains on our souls, onto Himself.

Fundamentalist Christian sects teach that when He died, he actually did go to Hell, just as we would absent the sacrifice to wipe away the marks on our souls. But because He was, in His spiritual essence, God and not a regular human, He was able to win Himself free and be resurrected and returned to Heaven. Go with it or don't, as you please. But then end result is that the consequences of our choices have now been paid forward for us.

That's TL;DR

"1 John 3:16 King James Version (KJV)
16 Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren."

This is the whole deal in a nutshell. Sorry for being so simplistic.
Bible Gateway passage: 1 John 3:16 - King James Version

Sorry, didn't get "TL; DR". :eusa_eh:

Do you "get" this?
Bible Gateway passage: 1 John 3:16 - King James Version

Yes, thank you, if I hadn't comprehended the quote, I'd have said so. Obviously.

If you don't want to bother explaining what "TL DR" means, just say so.
First disclaimer: I hope you're not looking for this to be a quick, glib, bumper-sticker synopsis of theology, because it doesn't really work that way.

Second disclaimer: I suspect the complete answer to this question involves knowledge about the universe and the nature of God that we're not privy to at this time.

Now, having said that, I think there is a lot of nuance to Christianity, issues and questions that theologians have debated for centuries, that you're pretty much glossing over or missing entirely. Let me give you my take on it. As CS Lewis said about his explanations, if it helps you, run with it. If not, feel free to discard it entirely.

As I see it, what Adam's fall really did was awaken mankind to the sinful side of his own nature, and the down side to free will, ie. the ability and desire to choose to disobey God, and thus move ourselves farther away from Him spiritually. The problem, of course, is the eventual, ultimate end of that scenario. Now, before you jump to conclusions as to what the end is, let me explain my take on THAT.

In "The Screwtape Letters", CS Lewis said that in the end, everything in the universe will either be claimed by God or by Satan, God on the "pedantic" grounds that He created it, or Satan on the more "dynamic" grounds of conquest. Now, admittedly, Lewis was speaking from the perspective of a demon for the purposes of the book's premise, so the viewpoint is a bit skewed by that, but the way I see it, when we die, our souls go to and become part of one side or the other. Think of it, if you will, as Buddhism without reincarnation, sort of a Nirvana and Anti-Nirvana.

Okay, now the choices that you make in life with that free will are going to move you closer to one side or the other. But it's not as simple as just "I did something wrong, I'm sorry, forgive me", because those choices leave a mark on your soul, they change who you are. And they create a . . . oh, a sort of magnetism that draws you toward more of the same kind of choices. The more you make decisions to behave as a good person, the more you BECOME a good person, and the easier it is for you to choose that path the next time a decision has to be made; likewise, the more you allow yourself to behave badly, the easier it becomes to make the wrong choice the next time.

It takes something kinda big and metaphysical to wipe away the marks on your soul made by the bad decisions you've made. Sometimes I think of it in the same light as making a New Year's resolution: you announce your decision to make a change (even if you're announcing it just to yourself) because it makes it more real, more solid, more committed. I'm pretty sure there's more to it in this case, but it's that general idea. Prior to Jesus' birth as a human, the Israelites signified that commitment to abandoning disobedience and cleansing away the dark stains on their souls by sacrificing an animal, sort of a smaller death to symbolize the larger death that would be the ultimate end of continuing the path of dark and disobedient choices.

Ultimately, though, this isn't how God wanted it to be, the relationship between us and Him hemmed in by the constant need for ritual and strained by the constant pulling of our darker nature away from Him. So Jesus agreed to come to Earth, live as a human, die as a human, and be resurrected as the deity He truly was, a sort of "one time pays for all" sacrifice to take the place of all those smaller, stopgap sacrifices, one Ultimate death for Him to replace all the ultimate deaths for us. Basically, the cumulative bad choices we have all made, or all will make, would have made us part of the dark, the Anti-Nirvana, the property of Satan, however you want to think of it. We doomed ourselves in eternity through our choices in life. Instead, Jesus took that doom, the consequences of our choices, the stains on our souls, onto Himself.

Fundamentalist Christian sects teach that when He died, he actually did go to Hell, just as we would absent the sacrifice to wipe away the marks on our souls. But because He was, in His spiritual essence, God and not a regular human, He was able to win Himself free and be resurrected and returned to Heaven. Go with it or don't, as you please. But then end result is that the consequences of our choices have now been paid forward for us.
Jesus is the only One who matters. It is through His sacrifice that we can have a right standing before God. Whenever God mentions our sins, Jesus says..."It's OK. I've got it covered."

I'm trying to explain this in a way that a non-believer can understand, without "insider" jargon and slogans, and without making jumps that assume understanding that probably isn't actually there.
A child can understand the Gospel of Christ. It's not that atheists don't believe. They don't WANT to believe. You can explain it 'til you're blue in the face. It won't do one bit of good.

Well, yes, because a child has a more simplistic view of the world, and is more willing to take things on faith. At some point, though, one becomes an adult and starts questioning and trying to understand on a more complex level. CS Lewis was a non-believer before he finally came to an understanding of Christianity that rang true for him.

It is not for me to decide that a non-believer isn't going to believe and merely blow off his questions with a glib slogan. It is CERTAINLY not for me to obstruct his potential understanding by making it seem like some sort of "insiders' club". If the question is asked honestly, then it is my job to answer as best I can, and leave the rest in God's hands.
I wasn't referring to your average unbeliever. I had those on the forum who constantly attack Christianity, while defending Islam, in mind. They have been told the truth, over and over again. Reprobate minds. All of them.

I wasn't talking to them. I was talking to the person asking the question.

Besides, you never know who ELSE might be listening and need the answer. Being glib and flip about Christianity is always risky that way.
Show me where, TN.

Go sin no more is the bottom line. Like these sins found at 1Corinthians 6:9-11, Galations 5:19-21--along with the false god worship on earth and pagan practices off the table of demons= 99% on earth do these things daily. Because 99% of all religion is false including 99% of all religion claiming to be Christian.
The blind guides tell those who do those sins--you are saved or born again in the false Christian religions. And they believe those teachers over Gods written word. Not a wise path to walk.
Salvation works from the inside out. Our Spirit is born again, not our flesh. We continue to sin, but if we are really saved and keep following Jesus, we will become more like him. It's a process.
So what happens to my soul if i don't follow jesus?

Were you made aware of him?
I’ve heard the bible stories, so what? What will happen to my soul?

Already told you. Ultimately, it will become part of whichever aspect of the universe your actions have suited it for.
Fairly interesting how BOTH sides devolved so quickly into talking past each other, very intentionally saying nothing useful or meaningful to each other.
Show me where, TN.

Go sin no more is the bottom line. Like these sins found at 1Corinthians 6:9-11, Galations 5:19-21--along with the false god worship on earth and pagan practices off the table of demons= 99% on earth do these things daily. Because 99% of all religion is false including 99% of all religion claiming to be Christian.
The blind guides tell those who do those sins--you are saved or born again in the false Christian religions. And they believe those teachers over Gods written word. Not a wise path to walk.
Salvation works from the inside out. Our Spirit is born again, not our flesh. We continue to sin, but if we are really saved and keep following Jesus, we will become more like him. It's a process.
So what happens to my soul if i don't follow jesus?

Were you made aware of him?
I’ve heard the bible stories, so what? What will happen to my soul?

If you ain't right, you're gonna burn in hell, 'nuff said?

No joke and true story.
Disagree. Hebrews teaches that faith in what Jesus did on the cross is what cleanses me from sin. You can't earn your salvation. Again, Hebrews and Romans teaches we are saved by Faith in Jesus, not anything we do. Your words contradict the Scriptures. I also believe in living holy and in discipleship, but I am saved by faith. That is scripture.

I thought we disagreed. ;)

Actually, as I mentioned before, Acts, 1 Peter, and even Mark support the position of Baptism for the forgiveness of sins. In the Gospels Jesus taught Repentance for the forgiveness of sins. At the time it was written, the Hebrews saw blood as life, not death. Thinking oneself saved by faith is a nil if one does not recall scripture warning, "Faith without works is dead." This goes back to blood meaning "Life of Christ" where we follow closely the life, the Way, he taught us to live.

It seems to me that some decide what they want to believe and then find a couple of scriptures to back that belief. Isn't it better to study all scripture, along with the culture of the time, so that we have a clear view of the totality?

The reason I am making an issue of this is because when a fragment of Christianity is over emphasized, non-Christians quickly see the holes in logic, and like the Rorschach Test they fill in as suits their purposes.
Yet, you appear to be doing the very thing you warn against, taking a few scriptures and building a doctrine of salvation by baptism. Good works follow saving faith. You are falling into a common error that many people fall into, the "faith without works is dead" misconception that James is speaking about salvation. He isn't. Tell me, If I am dying without knowing about Jesus and someone shares with me the gospel and I believe on the Lord and ask his forgiveness of sin, then I die a few seconds later. Am I saved?
Yes. I read in the paper about a Hell's Angel who was given a Catholic church burial after a gang slaying. So the reporter asked the priest, how can you give a murderer and overall evil guy a Catholic funeral? The priest replied "he may have repented a half-second before he died". No joke.
It seems to me that you believe in the concept of fairness; a universal code of decency so to speak.

You have let the cat out of the bag.
You contradict yourself. In the previous post you stated Muslims, Buddhists and even athiests are in God's hands. I don't see that in Scripture. Where do you see it?

No contradiction. Old Testament stories have accounts of non-Jews (Pagans, etc) being chosen to do God's will. Recall in those days there were not yet Muslims, Buddhists, etc, but if there were, they would have fallen under the Pagan heading as well.
Job wasn't a Jew.
You contradict yourself. In the previous post you stated Muslims, Buddhists and even athiests are in God's hands. I don't see that in Scripture. Where do you see it?

No contradiction. Old Testament stories have accounts of non-Jews (Pagans, etc) being chosen to do God's will. Recall in those days there were not yet Muslims, Buddhists, etc, but if there were, they would have fallen under the Pagan heading as well.

Today's "pagan" would be called secular gentiles under natural laws.
The Buddhists, secular humanists, Constitutionalists, ethicists
and even social psychologists who study natural laws of humanity
fall under the Secular fold.

Jesus said he also governs this separate fold of the one flock.
Both branches are still governed by common values of Truth and Justice for Peace in society.
That is one of the secular names for God Christ and the Holy spirit:
Truth, Justice and Peace that are supposed to unify all humanity by these common values we share as one.
Nope. Jesus was speaking of gentiles.

Yes BS Filter
In the days where Greeks were Gentiles, and they lived and taught secular ethics,
at first, the Church authority considered this "apostasy" as things "taught outside God."
But later Aquinas studied and reconciled the Greek Ethics with Christian teachings
and morals, and found these to be consistent and compatible. This reinforced the
concept of Natural Laws also coming from the same God!

Today, Catholic priests have studied Buddhism and found the teachings to be
ethically compatible, like a secular philosophy or teaching of natural spiritual laws.
My brother who agreed to join the Catholic church chose the Paulist order
and a Priest who has no problem "including" Buddhist teachings and culture
as compatible with Christianity. They are NOT the same, they are NOT a substitute.
No laws we teach are complete without the authority and spirit of Jesus Christ
which governs and fulfills ALL expressions of God's law in any culture or language.

I find the Constitutional laws to be a derivation of Natural Laws as given by God.
Since there is only ONE God, then these emanate from the same Source.
(if these are interpreted and followed by man's selfish interest and greed,
they lead to hell. Only the true universal spirit of Equal Justice Under Law
or Jesus as Lord of All can fulfill these laws so that they are truly fair and inclusive of all people. So Jesus fulfills these Natural Laws of the Gentiles as well. See Colossians 1:16
where the Lord has divine authority over all dominions or principalities, visible or invisible)

They are like different cultural languages for the laws.
God gave the laws to Moses to lay out for the Jewish and Christian and later
the Muslim who came from the Judaic Tribe as under the God of Abrahim.

God gave wisdom to Buddha who lay out the laws for spiritual development
of the MIND. And we are called to love God (including God's truth and WISDOM)
with all our heart MIND and soul.

So Buddhism helps teach how to let go of material attachment
that clouds our judgment so we can more fully receive embrace
and understand Universal Truth and Wisdom which exists by Nature,
which is another way of saying it comes from GOD or LIFE as the source of all.

And when our Founding Fathers prayed for God's providence and wisdom, God gave the vision written down in the Bill of Rights and Constitution which represent the Natural laws governing humanity.

BS Filter
About Buddhists, Muslims, Atheists and even Christians who aren't "saved"
if any person, of any tribe including Christianity,
then that part of us cannot receive God fully and enter into heaven.

That is why Jesus said it is better to cut out this part of us
that is corrupted. it is better to drop it, let go and forgive
rather than hold on to something that is a stumbling block,
which prevents us from forgiving the past, forgiving our neighbor,
forgiving some group, or some injustice or wrong we find unforgiveable.

God can only correct things, heal us and make things whole
if we agree to hand it over by FORGIVENESS.

So that's why when people without faith in Christ, reject and don't fully
receive, then we fall short.

If you look at all groups, all people, we all fall short in our faith
and in our failure to forgive one another as perfectly as Christ and God.
We are not that perfect, we are biased and will favor some over others by being human.

So that's why it's key to forgive and receive God's grace
to fill in this gap that otherwise divides us from our neighbors,
and divides groups from each other.

If you think religious groups are segregated,
look at the political parties. If you can imagine THEM forgiving
and including each other in solutions by working together,
that's how far away we are from heaven right now.

The Buddhists get along better with Christians
than the Liberals with Conservatives or Democrats with Republicans.

If you are concerned with neighbors living in the Kingdom of God
and not going "through hell" I'd be more worried about
our political parties than about religious groups that
try harder to understand each other.

It's the political groups teaching fear and unforgiveness
that are the most in danger of stumbling blocks!

Thank you for your concern and I hope you and I
can join in prayer that all groups receive the message
of Restorative Justice in Christ Jesus, which enables
us to forgive and correct all these things that otherwise divide us against our neighbors.

We all need Jesus or Justice to come and bring heavenly peace!

I pray that we all receive understanding of how to uplift
one another, resolve conflicts, and perfect our relations in Christ.

In Jesus name, let us pray, unite in Christ, and receive
God's perfect will and wisdom, truth love and grace,
that the Kingdom of God is established on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Last edited:
You contradict yourself. In the previous post you stated Muslims, Buddhists and even athiests are in God's hands. I don't see that in Scripture. Where do you see it?

No contradiction. Old Testament stories have accounts of non-Jews (Pagans, etc) being chosen to do God's will. Recall in those days there were not yet Muslims, Buddhists, etc, but if there were, they would have fallen under the Pagan heading as well.
So you believe there are muslims and Buddhists that will make it to heaven?

Dear BS Filter
the only way Muslims and Buddhists can fulfill their laws and teachings
is by forgiving, correcting and uniting in Christ Jesus or the spirit of Restorative Justice
which unites and fulfills all other tribes
where all these laws are equally fulfilled by the spirit of
Jesus and God, or Universal Justice and Truth.

All these paths are made one and whole in Christ Jesus.
That's why we need to receive and not reject each other
as neighbors in Christ. All our relations need to be made
perfect and whole by uniting in agreement in Christ to establish God's truth.

We may speak different languages for the laws, so when people
are speaking in "tongues" the Bible says let an interpreter interpret.

We can "translate" concepts and meanings that are universal,
back and forth between different people's languages and terms for these things,
including Atheists, so that we can still communicate and agree on TRUTH.

God's truth and love is like Water that can change shape and form to fit any vessel.
We cannot be so attached to the vessel used to pour God's truth and wisdom
that we miss the contents of the message which comes from God.

By resolving any conflicts in Christ, then we can be sure we
are aligning and reconciling with God's truth by Scriptural authority and process.

We do not dilute or corrupt the laws to accommodate others,
but the opposite. When we receive God's perfect wisdom and truth behind the laws,
then man's laws and understanding are made perfect to reconcile with God,
not the other way around.

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