What was accomplished by replacing Boehner with Ryan as Speaker?


Remember Ryan did not want the job unless he got the entire GOP to state they will do as he said which is something Boehner could not do. Ryan has the backbone to tell his own party when they need to Shut The Fuck Up which again Boehner was too weak to do.

So as you bitch about Ryan please remember Ryan understands you can pass all the fucking bills you want and send them to the Senate and get them passed there but once it reaches the President Desk and is veto, well the GOP does not have the veto override majority, so now you know and hope you will learn from this!

Why wast time on shit when you know it will be veto the moment it reached your opposition desk?

You are attempting to make sense to folks who are emotionally invested in nonsense.
"This is how ignorant and stupid some of you are, and you are comparing Clinton to Obama, and remember the government shutdown did not help the GOP when it happen under Newt"

That's pretty funny. As the left wing media at the time blamed Newt for the shutdown, Newt stood firmly, the Prez caved in, and the budget was passed, the first of four with


and the result of those was a BUDGET SURPLUS, a BOOMING ECONOMY, and 5% REAL unemployment in a market with real wage inflation

You prefer sissy Ryan selling the US out. I prefer Newt.

Continue your insult-fest below...

Newt's colony on the moon is gonna be great.

I mean, seriously, if Boehner had to go, and Ryan has done nothing differently that Boehner, why does Ryan have to stay??

The Ryan record so far:

1. No committee chairs replaced - Boehner was perfect at selecting them apparently
2. No spending cuts, just the same full folding over on the budget
3. No new ideas at all, no new initiatives, nothing
4. Fight hard to keep Muslim immigrants coming in
5. bail out those wonderful Democrats in charge of running socialist Puerto Rico into the ground
6. not allowing a single committee investigation or known FBI file out of committee - ie continue to cover everything up

Did I miss anything?

Not a damn thing happened.

Except, we swapped out one Pussy for another--both sniveling, Scared-Shitless-of-Obama & his Loon-Press.
We have the smallest government in 70 years. Smaller then reagans! 500,000 less gov workers then 2011.
-Least investment in infrastructure since
-Least % of r&d investment since the 1930' by the public sector.

What exactly have we gotten? The debt keeps going up but it sure isn't caused by government workers or investment into our country. You can't have a first world country without constant investment. Do you understand this? The wars and the rich cheating the system is why we're in such debt but you want more of this.

Somalia is what you want.
One of the reasons I am voting for Clinton is they're the last to hold power to balance the budget. They did so without cutting investment into our own country. Proving that something fucking stinks and that the loserterian solution of cutting across the board is retarded.
For those "confused," "Matthew" is a "climate scientist," which is why he is arguing that we have the "smallest government in 70 years," when, in fact, we are spending more now by any measure by far..

I mean, seriously, if Boehner had to go, and Ryan has done nothing differently that Boehner, why does Ryan have to stay??

The Ryan record so far:

1. No committee chairs replaced - Boehner was perfect at selecting them apparently
2. No spending cuts, just the same full folding over on the budget
3. No new ideas at all, no new initiatives, nothing
4. Fight hard to keep Muslim immigrants coming in
5. bail out those wonderful Democrats in charge of running socialist Puerto Rico into the ground
6. not allowing a single committee investigation or known FBI file out of committee - ie continue to cover everything up

Did I miss anything?

The littlest violin :eusa_boohoo:
What is stupid about noticing that it was a cruise missile that hit the Pentagon, not a 757?

"This is very good for Israel" Netanyahu's first public comment on 911

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