If God the Father is a perfect and upright being, then why couldn't He simply forgive us of our sins as we repent of them? Why was it necessary for him to send his Only Begotten Son into the world to atone for sin? Why couldn't he simply forgive us when we repent? What was all the suffering of Jesus for? Why did Jesus need to die?
I am interested in how others answer this question. What are your thoughts on this subject?
are forgiven, and,
Repentance for the forgiveness of sins were revolutionary ideas in Jesus day. Jews were expected to offer sacrifices for the forgiveness of sins--which put a great burden on the backs of the extremely poor and destitute who lived in Jesus' time. The Temple coffers depended on Temple sacrifice.
In Jesus' day, great teachers stayed put and the people came to them. Jesus broke that tradition as well and was what we would call today, an itinerant preacher. He went from place to place. The good news he preached that sins are forgiven/repentance for the forgiveness of sins was welcomed by the poor, but not so much by the wealthy who depended upon Temple sacrifice for their wealth.
Temple authorities insisted upon knowing by whose authority Jesus preached this message. They knew Jesus could not trace this back to Abraham, Moses, or one of the prophets. Jesus was not disturbed. He said this revelation was given by God Himself, who was his father. Jesus also had this habit of equating himself with God.
Big sticking point: There was no covenant with God where God ever said sins are forgiven/repentance for the forgiveness of sins. Covenants require a blood sacrifice. Temple authorities wanted him to cease and desist, something Jesus was not about to do. He knew he was preaching a very unpopular idea/truth that the rich and powerful would not welcome. He could see the handwriting on the wall--that this message would get him killed. Fine, this would be the blood covenant that proved his authority to announce the forgiveness of sins. Jesus gave up his life for the forgiveness of sins, for the ransom of many.
Many would have decided Jesus lost the battle, that prevailing thought on Temple sacrifice prevailed...except that he rose from the dead, and then a generation later, the Temple was destroyed.
The meaning of Testament is "Covenant". The Christian Bible came to be known as the Old Covenant/Testament and the New Covenant/Testament.