What was it obama said about muslims

You do know that when you're trying to demonise a full sixth of the world's population then you'll probably be able to come up with quite a few stories of individual cruely, disgusting behavior and all round shittiness. The implication that one man does something hideous so all 1.6 billion people who share his religion are somehow implicated is pretty tenuous.
Also quite lazy of you to sum it up that way.

Since 9/11, there have been over 27,000 individual heinous attacks on innocent people around the world in the name of Islam where some have died. These are non-military attacks. Care to read the details? List of Islamic Terror Attacks

This speaks of a diabolic nature of a religion that could foster that much hatred, intolerance and murder in a civilized world.

Since 9/11 and til the end of 2013 there were just of 406,000 gun deaths in the United States of America. In 2010 (last figures I could dig up) there were 1.6 billion muslims in the world and at the same time there were 309 million in the USA.

So even giving your number the headstart of 2013 til today we have 15 times as many attacks by a fifth as many people, to look at that more closely you can see that you are 75 times more likely to be attacked by an American with a gun than you are a Muslim in the name of Islam. Now those are very general figures but 75 times!!!! I think I'll take my chaces with my halal meat and calls to prayer at 5am.

What are you getting at? 2 million Sudanese Christians murdered in Sudan by Sudanes Muslims too over a few years. Shall I start adding in those elements?

So some irate husband murdered his wife or neighbor in the USA. Did he should out God is Great when he killed her? Stay on topic. All men are sinners, but some religions foster real evil. That tells me that religion is false and it is the bane of humanity and the fear of the entire world.

Now go defend it’s peaceful nature again.

I don't believe Islam is peaceful, nor do I believe it's warlike. It's a religion, religions don't put evil in men's hearts, they give him an excuse for the vile deeds they do.

A false religion? They're all false! God didn't make man, man made god to reliquish his responsibility. Bleating that a religion is to blame for the worlds woes is to fundimementally misunderstand the nature of man. You can bang on about Islam being evil all you want, we all know the final solution that you want, thankfully good men outnumber your kind.
Ok, I get it. You do not believe in God. That is a huge problem… if not for you personally, then at a minimum why you and I will not come close to agreeing on causes.

Because if God exists then so does the devil. Welcome to the source of evil.

Study Islam since its inception. It has always been violent, aggressive, intolerant of all others. Their conversions were all by the sword. That is not God.

For me personally --- and as an aside --- I will always be bewildered by atheism. What they have to believe in for it to be the truth is beyond any sensibilities. For example --- if we are to trace your family tree all the way back to its origin then some of your great, great, great… grandparents were like mice, and water beetles and even a pile of rocks. Talk about faith.
You do know that when you're trying to demonise a full sixth of the world's population then you'll probably be able to come up with quite a few stories of individual cruely, disgusting behavior and all round shittiness. The implication that one man does something hideous so all 1.6 billion people who share his religion are somehow implicated is pretty tenuous.
Also quite lazy of you to sum it up that way.

Since 9/11, there have been over 27,000 individual heinous attacks on innocent people around the world in the name of Islam where some have died. These are non-military attacks. Care to read the details? List of Islamic Terror Attacks

This speaks of a diabolic nature of a religion that could foster that much hatred, intolerance and murder in a civilized world.

Since 9/11 and til the end of 2013 there were just of 406,000 gun deaths in the United States of America. In 2010 (last figures I could dig up) there were 1.6 billion muslims in the world and at the same time there were 309 million in the USA.

So even giving your number the headstart of 2013 til today we have 15 times as many attacks by a fifth as many people, to look at that more closely you can see that you are 75 times more likely to be attacked by an American with a gun than you are a Muslim in the name of Islam. Now those are very general figures but 75 times!!!! I think I'll take my chaces with my halal meat and calls to prayer at 5am.

What are you getting at? 2 million Sudanese Christians murdered in Sudan by Sudanes Muslims too over a few years. Shall I start adding in those elements?

So some irate husband murdered his wife or neighbor in the USA. Did he should out God is Great when he killed her? Stay on topic. All men are sinners, but some religions foster real evil. That tells me that religion is false and it is the bane of humanity and the fear of the entire world.

Now go defend it’s peaceful nature again.

I don't believe Islam is peaceful, nor do I believe it's warlike. It's a religion, religions don't put evil in men's hearts, they give him an excuse for the vile deeds they do.

A false religion? They're all false! God didn't make man, man made god to reliquish his responsibility. Bleating that a religion is to blame for the worlds woes is to fundimementally misunderstand the nature of man. You can bang on about Islam being evil all you want, we all know the final solution that you want, thankfully good men outnumber your kind.
Ok, I get it. You do not believe in God. That is a huge problem… if not for you personally, then at a minimum why you and I will not come close to agreeing on causes.

Because if God exists then so does the devil. Welcome to the source of evil.

Study Islam since its inception. It has always been violent, aggressive, intolerant of all others. Their conversions were all by the sword. That is not God.

For me personally --- and as an aside --- I will always be bewildered by atheism. What they have to believe in for it to be the truth is beyond any sensibilities. For example --- if we are to trace your family tree all the way back to its origin then some of your great, great, great… grandparents were like mice, and water beetles and even a pile of rocks. Talk about faith.

If you don't understand the scientific fact of evolution that is your failing, it has nothing to do with religion. Many many christians believe in evolution, the Catholic church has accepted it and they're the original christians.

Islam hasn't always been violent, the middle east has always been violent. The religion is totally incidental to that. The reson the middle east has always been violent is that resources are scarce and so as tribes have grown they have always had to compete for them. On the other hand if you look at the lush green furtile land that Hinduism was spawned in you see that there has traditionally been plenty there and so nobody thinks Hindus are violent. It has ZERO to do with the religion's teachings and all to do with the men that believe in the religion.
If you don't understand the scientific fact of evolution that is your failing, it has nothing to do with religion. Many many christians believe in evolution, the Catholic church has accepted it and they're the original christians.
Well I will blame myself but allow me to be more clear about this. Personally, I really do not care if one believes in evolution and another believes in creationism. THAT is not the issue. The issue is this. A Christian believes in evolution but only because GOD was the Intelligent Designer. Evolution only occurred because God directed the process. An atheist believes life could have gone through a quadrillion ultra-fantastic transformations and hyper-complex improvements all without any designer, plan or rational will, all by chance!!! That is the definition of a fool, IMO. So let us not confuse the issue here. It has nothing to do with creationism. It has to do with intelligent design --- or no God and not intelligent design.

Islam hasn't always been violent, the middle east has always been violent. The religion is totally incidental to that. The reson the middle east has always been violent is that resources are scarce and so as tribes have grown they have always had to compete for them. On the other hand if you look at the lush green furtile land that Hinduism was spawned in you see that there has traditionally been plenty there and so nobody thinks Hindus are violent. It has ZERO to do with the religion's teachings and all to do with the men that believe in the religion.
Yes, I know, we already covered this. Until you find God (or I lose my mind) you and I will just have to agree to disagree.
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If you don't understand the scientific fact of evolution that is your failing, it has nothing to do with religion. Many many christians believe in evolution, the Catholic church has accepted it and they're the original christians.
Well I will blame myself but allow me to be more clear about this. Personally, I really do not care if one believes in evolution and another believes in creationism. THAT is not the issue. The issue is this. A Christian believes in evolution but only because GOD was the Intelligent Designer. Evolution only occurred because God directed the process. An atheist believes life could have gone through a quadrillion ultra-fantastic transformations and hyper-complex improvements all without any designer, plan or rational will, all by chance!!! That is the definition of a fool, IMO. So let us not confuse the issue here. It has nothing to do with creationism. It has to do with intelligent design or no God and not intelligent design.

Islam hasn't always been violent, the middle east has always been violent. The religion is totally incidental to that. The reson the middle east has always been violent is that resources are scarce and so as tribes have grown they have always had to compete for them. On the other hand if you look at the lush green furtile land that Hinduism was spawned in you see that there has traditionally been plenty there and so nobody thinks Hindus are violent. It has ZERO to do with the religion's teachings and all to do with the men that believe in the religion.
Yes, I know, we already covered this. Until you find God (or I lose my mind) you and I will just have to agree to disagree.
Physicists have been puzzled by the paradox of probablities. Meaning, if there is NO God, then they need to accept that everything happened by chance. Meaning, everything is an anthropic coincidence. Now, in order for that to be the end all and be all of everything we see, there needs to be probability factors.

Ever see the probablities of everything happening the way it has in order to have a life that has balance?

The probabilities grow so exponentially that physicists know that life could not have happened merely by chance. Hence, the reasons why an Isaac Newton and Einstein were deists, or at the very least believers in intelligent design.

The greatest evidence of God's existence is life itself. Ever hear the term "hiding in plain sight?"

Rather hard to believe with out any doubts.
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If you don't understand the scientific fact of evolution that is your failing, it has nothing to do with religion. Many many christians believe in evolution, the Catholic church has accepted it and they're the original christians.
Well I will blame myself but allow me to be more clear about this. Personally, I really do not care if one believes in evolution and another believes in creationism. THAT is not the issue. The issue is this. A Christian believes in evolution but only because GOD was the Intelligent Designer. Evolution only occurred because God directed the process. An atheist believes life could have gone through a quadrillion ultra-fantastic transformations and hyper-complex improvements all without any designer, plan or rational will, all by chance!!! That is the definition of a fool, IMO. So let us not confuse the issue here. It has nothing to do with creationism. It has to do with intelligent design or no God and not intelligent design.

Islam hasn't always been violent, the middle east has always been violent. The religion is totally incidental to that. The reson the middle east has always been violent is that resources are scarce and so as tribes have grown they have always had to compete for them. On the other hand if you look at the lush green furtile land that Hinduism was spawned in you see that there has traditionally been plenty there and so nobody thinks Hindus are violent. It has ZERO to do with the religion's teachings and all to do with the men that believe in the religion.
Yes, I know, we already covered this. Until you find God (or I lose my mind) you and I will just have to agree to disagree.
Physicists have been puzzled by the paradox of probablities. Meaning, if there is NO God, then they need to accept that everything happened by chance. Meaning, everything is an anthropic coincidence. Now, in order for that to be the end all and be all of everything we see, there needs to be probability factors.

Ever see the probablities of everything happening the way it has in order to have a life that has balance?

The probabilities grow so exponentially that physicists know that life could not have happened merely by chance. Hence, the reasons why an Isaac Newton and Einstein were deists, or at the very least believers in intelligent design.

The greatest evidence of God's existence is life itself. Ever hear the term "hiding in plain sight?"

Rather hard to believe with out any doubts.

The probabilities of which you speak rely on the assumption that life is something rare, as we have yet to investigate any other planet where life could exist they rely entirely on the same leap of faith that is required to believe that God got broody and so decided to have a kid and drop him 2,000 years ago in the middle east that we all know about because of a bunch of texts that were thrown together on the decree of a Roman emperor who decided that the people needed a new religion to keep them in order.

And Einstein and Newton (you missed Darwin off the list) conforming to societies norms is proof of nothing.

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