What Was Lost

I grew up in a town that harbored segregationists. ---
there were people AGHAST at the thought of black and white kids using the
same SWIMMING POOL .....

And did you agree with them?
Not only that... we are talking about muslims here, and where ever muslims go they don't assimilate. They wait until their numbers are strong enough and then they start imposing their ideology and sharia law. We know this because we see it happening where ever they are in large enough numbers. They don't assimilate to their new nations, they work to take them over. It's what muslims do.
A slight disagreement here. Like Irish or Italians who immigrated to the US, many will hang together for reasons of common language and culture, but they do assimilate. I work with many Muslims (it's easy to tell the women when they wear hijabs). Except for the visibly obvious, most speak and act like any other young, twentysomething American women. Obviously they are assimilating just as much as Catholic, Protestant and Jewish immigrants have done or are doing.
I grew up in a town that harbored segregationists. ---
there were people AGHAST at the thought of black and white kids using the
same SWIMMING POOL .....

And did you agree with them?

I was a child----therefore highly influenced by my parents who were-----
solid LIBERTARIANS. ---a child----naïve-----I thought that segregation was
something that blond haired Presbyterians did------but they also believed that
a bunny brought them jelly beans on easter morning. My closest little childhood
friend had remote german farmer type ancestry------I was aware of the Nazi influence
I grew up in a town that harbored segregationists. ---
there were people AGHAST at the thought of black and white kids using the
same SWIMMING POOL .....

And did you agree with them?

I was a child----therefore highly influenced by my parents who were-----
solid LIBERTARIANS. ---a child----naïve-----I thought that segregation was
something that blond haired Presbyterians did------but they also believed that
a bunny brought them jelly beans on easter morning. My closest little childhood
friend had remote german farmer type ancestry------I was aware of the Nazi influence

So, did you agree with them or not?
Bastard muslim countries took in a lot of wealth from oil boom. Force them to share it. Pay up now. Why should we pay for their nonsense? Take in those of same phony religion.

We already pay for mexico and other southern hell holes to dump sick and criminals sprinkled in with children. Enough already! $20T cost, they coming for your savings next crisis this govt can create.

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