What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

Of course federal revenues increased under Bush. The war in Iraq was outsourced where possible, and monies flowed from the government to the military industrial complex. Those companies paid taxes as did their workers. When the government goes on a spending spree, revenues rise accordingly and W went on the biggest spending spree in US history, all on borrowed money.

It's pretty easy to look prosperous when you go out shopping and pick up new furniture, a new car and some new outfits. But if it's all done on your American Express card, you're going to be in a world of hurt when the bill comes in. Bush and company left Washington with bags of cash before the bill came in.

But we all got those nifty $300 checks paid from the non-existent Clinton era surplus.

W went on the biggest spending spree in US history, all on borrowed money according to Dragon lady.
Of course federal revenues increased under Bush. The war in Iraq was outsourced where possible, and monies flowed from the government to the military industrial complex. Those companies paid taxes as did their workers. When the government goes on a spending spree, revenues rise accordingly and W went on the biggest spending spree in US history, all on borrowed money.

It's pretty easy to look prosperous when you go out shopping and pick up new furniture, a new car and some new outfits. But if it's all done on your American Express card, you're going to be in a world of hurt when the bill comes in. Bush and company left Washington with bags of cash before the bill came in.

But we all got those nifty $300 checks paid from the non-existent Clinton era surplus.

you mean your tax rate from BC to GWB has been only 300?
Mine is close to 8,000 from 01, with capital gains starting to add to that total
W went on the biggest spending spree in US history, all on borrowed money.

of course we can always count on pure ignorance from the very liberal DragonLady!!!

Bush budgets started below 2 trillion and slowly ended at around $3 trillion, while Obama started at 3.3 trillion and is heading up with
the biggest deficits in US history ($2.3trillion total in 8 years of Bush, 5.3 trillion total in just 4 years of Obama)

What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

Probably that Romney actually gave a phlying phuck about the 47% AFTER he shot his mouth off in Boca.
W went on the biggest spending spree in US history, all on borrowed money.

of course we can always count on pure ignorance from the very liberal DragonLady!!!

Bush budgets started below 2 trillion and slowly ended at around $3 trillion, while Obama started at 3.3 trillion and is heading up with
the biggest deficits in US history ($2.3trillion total in 8 years of Bush, 5.3 trillion total in just 4 years of Obama)

HA! Whatever gets you through the night, bub.


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W went on the biggest spending spree in US history, all on borrowed money.

of course we can always count on pure ignorance from the very liberal DragonLady!!!

Bush budgets started below 2 trillion and slowly ended at around $3 trillion, while Obama started at 3.3 trillion and is heading up with
the biggest deficits in US history ($2.3trillion total in 8 years of Bush, 5.3 trillion total in just 4 years of Obama)

HA! Whatever gets you through the night, bub.



Bush budgets started below 2 trillion and slowly ended at around $3 trillion, while Obama started at 3.3 trillion and is heading up with
the biggest deficits in US history ($2.3trillion total in 8 years of Bush, 5.3 trillion total in just 4 years of Obama)
W went on the biggest spending spree in US history, all on borrowed money.

of course we can always count on pure ignorance from the very liberal DragonLady!!!

Bush budgets started below 2 trillion and slowly ended at around $3 trillion, while Obama started at 3.3 trillion and is heading up with
the biggest deficits in US history ($2.3trillion total in 8 years of Bush, 5.3 trillion total in just 4 years of Obama)

HA! Whatever gets you through the night, bub.



That graph is incorrect
BHO added 500 billion to the 2009 budget
50% of tarp
failed stimulus
Omnibus bill
from the W Post

Bush Deficit vs. Obama Deficit in Pictures | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation

how one can go from 3 trillion to 3.8 trillion and seen as flat?
2012 was 3.5
I am incorrect with the 3.8
that is what he asked for
2012 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

also the spending from 07 to the present is 100% dems (congress)
GWB did not sign the 09 budget
BHO did

. In fact, President Bush was done after using about $270 billion of the $350 B that was authorized by Congress. But as a courtesy to the incoming president, Bush would request the second $350B from Congress if President-Elect Obama asked for it.
President-Elect Obama asked for it, and he got it. Tim Geithner, who could not do his own taxes and who, as a regulator, did nothing about the Libor scandal, would have all $700B to play with.

Read more: Articles: Why Blame Obama?
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Spin it all you want, but what it still adds up to is some pretty major butt-hurt.

Just thought I'd remind you wingnuts of that little fact.

Spin it all you want, but what it still adds up to is some pretty major butt-hurt.

Just thought I'd remind you wingnuts of that little fact.


That is 100% the problem
All the spin from the left
BHO added the failed stimulus
350 billion in tarp
and signed the 09 spending budget that added
First, Nutting writes, “In the 2009 fiscal year — the last of George W. Bush’s presidency — federal spending rose by 17.9% from $2.98 trillion to $3.52 trillion.” This is inaccurate for two reasons: first, as Nutting notes in a separate chart, Obama was responsible for $140 billion in stimulus spending in 2009. Therefore, insinuating that the 2009 deficit was garnered entirely under President Bush’s watch is misleading.

Second, and related, Nutting fails to place blame for a number of other spending items President Obama signed into law on the President, particularly those from the $410 billion H.R. 1105, the Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009. This Act, signed into law by President Obama on March 11, 2009, included the following:
1. Five billion dollars worth of earmarks added by Members of Congress.
2.A funding increase of $8.5 billion in the Labor-HHS-Education portion of the law, excluding emergency appropriations.
3.A $31 billion increase in nine bills funding various federal agencies over FY 2008, as totaled by the U.S. Conference of Mayor.

do not forget to add the 350 billion of tarp GWB "owns"

go get the numbers that prove this claimed failure of yours.

The budget deficit is down under Obama.

Employment is up under Obama.

The stock market is in historic territory.

your whole premiss is a lie
That President Obama wasn't born in America.
That he hates America.
That he is a socialist.
That there will be death panels.
That the American auto industry wasn't saved.
That the stimulus did not work.
Anything that Faux News says.....
go get the numbers that prove this claimed failure of yours.

The budget deficit is down under Obama.

Employment is up under Obama.

The stock market is in historic territory.

your whole premiss is a lie

the defict in 2008 was 450 billion
in 2009 it was 1.4 trillion, BHO owns 60%-70 of that debt
2008 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2009 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
no jobs (revenue) and he added 600 billion to the last GWB base-line
spent 2.9 trillion 08, 3.5 09
We are still 4 million jobs short of 2008 levels
Private Jobs Down 4.6 Million From January 2008; Federal Jobs Up 11.4%
The stock market has nothing to do with BHO, in fact mass layoffs are one of the reasons the market is up

Consider this: in February, there were 1,422 mass layoffs in the U.S. economy, involving 135,468 workers. Looking closely at the layoffs, 295 of them occurred in the manufacturing sector, sending 39,407 individuals back to look for jobs and seek unemployment insurance benefits. (Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, March 22, 2013.)
Jobs Market Growth? 1,422 Mass Layoffs Took Place February

you want try this again?
go get the numbers that prove this claimed failure of yours.

The budget deficit is down under Obama.

Employment is up under Obama.

The stock market is in historic territory.

your whole premiss is a lie

the defict in 2008 was 450 billion
in 2009 it was 1.4 trillion, BHO owns 60%-70 of that debt the 2009 budget is done in the previous year you fool
2008 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2009 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
no jobs (revenue) and he added 600 billion to the last GWB base-line
spent 2.9 trillion 08, 3.5 09
We are still 4 million jobs short of 2008 levels
Private Jobs Down 4.6 Million From January 2008; Federal Jobs Up 11.4%
The stock market has nothing to do with BHO, in fact mass layoffs are one of the reasons the market is upgee dont you know Bush was still president that year you clown

Consider this: in February, there were 1,422 mass layoffs in the U.S. economy, involving 135,468 workers. Looking closely at the layoffs, 295 of them occurred in the manufacturing sector, sending 39,407 individuals back to look for jobs and seek unemployment insurance benefits. (Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, March 22, 2013.)
Jobs Market Growth? 1,422 Mass Layoffs Took Place February

you want try this again?

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/John-Nyaradi/e/B003WUME1I]Amazon.com: John Nyaradi: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle[/ame]

is a fox guy

Nice try at deception

the only ones stupid enough to fall for that crap are you and other tea party fools
How To Prove Obama LOWERED The Deficit In Four Easy And Indisputable Steps

If the current laws that govern federal taxes and spending do not change, the budget deficit will shrink this year to $845 billion, or 5.3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), its smallest size since 2008

There has never been a budget that BHO has signed in 4 years
That link is a fabrication
He added 5-600 billion with his 50% of tarp, theOmnibus as well as failed stimulus
no budget sense
how can he be given credit for anything there

Unconventional Oil and Gas Production Supports More Than 1.7 Million U.S. Jobs Today; Will Support 3 Million by the End of the Decade, IHS Study Finds | IHS Online Pressroom
Those 1.7 million jobs BHO did nothing to create
That puts his numbers close to 6 million short of 08 levels
The GDP number?
we will see

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