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What Was The FBI Doing Running A Counter-Intelligence Operation Against The GOP Candidate/President?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Among the many pieces of evidence that has come to light revealing that the Obama administration's DOJ, CIA, NIA, and FBI were colluding and engaged in a conspiracy to control the outcome of the 2016 election by preventing Donald Trump from winning the election and by removing him from office if he did win was the overlooked, under-reported fact that the Federal Bureau of Investigation was involved in running a Counter-Intelligence Operation that involved helping Hillary Clinton and against Donald Trump.

FBI Agent Peter Strzok is THE premiere Counter-Intelligence operator in the entire FBI, if not in the United States government, his expertise having not only been utilized within the FBI but also in the CIA and NIA.

1st, Counter-Intelligence is all about affecting change or a desired outcome through lies, deception, controlling narrative / the news and spinning it or flat-out engaging in lies and fake news reporting. It is making the LIE believable / the 'truth'.

For example, or exampleS:
- Strzok altered the final FBI report on the Hillary investigation, removing the verbiage (derived right out of the very definition of the crime she committed) that would all but have assured she would be indicted and replaced it with different, non-illegal verbiage.

- Strzok authored the CIA's Intel Community Report based on the FALSE Russian-authored Dossier and passed it on to the NIA where Director Clapper presented it FALSELY to select members of the Intel Community as Legitimate Intel to get a specific response. Once they got that response - USING COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE - Strzok then authored the Intel Community Assessment which Brennan presented FALSELY to Congress as Legitimate Intel to con them into appointing a Special Counsel.

Recently released Stzok text messages show Strzok talking about a 'LEAK STRATEGY', confirming that there was collusion / conspiracy involving several different Intel and other agencies in leaking information to the press, and definitely not all TRUE information...again this is all part of Counter-Intelligence.

In the latest batch of Strzok text messages, Strzok not only implicates former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe (who the US IG recommended for Indictment for crimes although DOJ Depurty Director Feinstein refuses to indict McCabe on those charges) AND the Head of the FBI's Counter-Intelligence Division, BILL PRIESTAP:

"Strzok concurred. "I agree. I've been pushing and I'll reemphasize with Bill," believed to be Bill Priestap, the head of the FBI's counterintelligence division."

In a criminal investigation run by the FBI there is no need for involvement by the COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE DIVSION of the FBI or the best Counter-Intelligence agent in the US government, as they do not make a living FINDING OUT THE FACTS - they make a living 'MAKING UP THE FACTS', in 'DECEPTION', in 'LIES'....

...and all throughout this entire conspiracy against Trump we can see their handiwork. Not only that, but there is more than enough evidence that has been revealed to expose and confirm not only the conspiracy but the fact that the Obama administration was running its own Counter-Intelligence Operation against Trump while the Russians were running a Counter-Intelligence Operation on the US (that Obama knew about but did nothing about).

Strzok-Page texts calling to 'open' case in 'chargeable way' under fresh scrutiny

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In a counter-intelligence investigation Jeff Sessions does not have to recuse. Rosenstein has more conflicts, like signing bogus FISA warrants, than Sessions has. IMHO Trump needs to replace Sessions ASAP and get the DOJ on the right track and after the real criminals. This takes the Mueller away from Rosenstein's protection. Sessions claims he doesn't want the DOJ politicized, but some crimes need to be prosecuted even if its the opposition party.
In a counter-intelligence investigation Jeff Sessions does not have to recuse. Rosenstein has more conflicts, like signing bogus FISA warrants, than Sessions has. IMHO Trump needs to replace Sessions ASAP and get the DOJ on the right track and after the real criminals. This takes the Mueller away from Rosenstein's protection. Sessions claims he doesn't want the DOJ politicized, but some crimes need to be prosecuted even if its the opposition party.

If Sessions was going to recuse himself he had a duty to tell the President this so the President could pick someone else to be US AG. Either Sessions was a cowardly weasel who wanted the Job and refused to tell Trump he was going to recuse himself so he could keep the job or he is part of the Conspiracy, if only knowing about it and taking himself out of the situation not to be part of it or forced to do anything about it.

Politically, Trump can not afford to fire Sessions now without the Democrats creating a false firestorm of fake news about it being 'Obstruction'. I mean, look at Comey - As President Trump has the legal authority to fire anyone of his Cabinet members / to fire the Director of the FBI anytime he wants for whatever reason he wants, and the liberals spun the narrative into the act being suddenly illegal (Counter-Intelligence). Also, The Deputy Director of the DOJ not only authored the report detailing all the reasons the President SHOULD fire the Director of the FBI but also advised the President to fire the Director of the FBI. Once the President did so that same Deputy Director of the DOJ pushed for an Obstruction investigation and the appointment of Mueller as Special Counsel. Talk about a set-up and an illegal / false narrative claiming the President does not have the authority to exercise his legal powers!

He has to at least wait until the Mid-Term elections are over. If the Democrats take back the House and he has fired Sessions they will claim further BS 'Obstruction and use it as more fuel to light the 'Impeachment' fires. Then again, if the House votes to Impeach him and the Senate does not, a la Bill Clinton, he remains President and can then fire Sessions. (What would they do then, Impeach him AGAIN? :p )
In a counter-intelligence investigation Jeff Sessions does not have to recuse.

Yes he does. Jeff Sessions lied about having never discussed stuff with Russians and his reaction to Popadopolous proposal for Trump-Putin meeting.

In a counter-intelligence investigation Jeff Sessions does not have to recuse.

Yes he does. Jeff Sessions lied about having never discussed stuff with Russians and his reaction to Popadopolous proposal for Trump-Putin meeting.


Jeff Sessions stated clearly that when he was asked the EXTREMELY VAGUE question about having ever met with Russians he perceived the question to mean had he met with any Russians IN THE CAPACITY OF BEING A MEMBER OF TRUMP'S TEAM and factually answered 'NO'!

Of course as a Senator Sessions had met with Russians - what Senator has NOT?


Pelosi and Medvedev


Schumer and Putin

Claiming Sessions had to recuse himself for doing his job as a US Senator is / was stupid as hell. Sessions played right into the conspirators' hands.

If you want to talk about 'Conflicts of Interest':


Authored the reasons why Comey needed to be fired. Advised Trump to fire Comey. As soon as Trump did Rosenstein pushed for Obstruction and to get Mueller appointed Special Counsel

Comey's Mentor and pal for decades
Friends with a Russian Oligarch believed to be the one who authored the Dossier
Hid Russian crimes associated with the KGB Bank's efforts to acquire Uranium One

In a counter-intelligence investigation Jeff Sessions does not have to recuse.

Yes he does. Jeff Sessions lied about having never discussed stuff with Russians and his reaction to Popadopolous proposal for Trump-Putin meeting.


Compare how conflicted Sessions is, by talking to people unofficially, as part of the campaign, or Rosenstein is by signing bogus FISA warrants. Legal opinion exists that Sessions can un-recuse for a counter-intelligence investigation, as opposed to a criminal investigation. I don't know the rationale', but that legal opinion exists. Senators are notoriously incapable of management functions, like running large agencies (or the US government), they are essentially bullshit artists,
Don’t you wonder though? I mean…I do. I really wonder where the OP gets these fantasies from.

Speaking of COUNTER-Intelligence, I wonder, in the face of all this evidence, how you can muster the courage to push this weak-@$$ BS - fake info, fake narrative.

Again, The top Counter-Intelligence Operator in the US at the heart of every major event in this conspiracy:
- Hillary's BS exoneration

- Protecting Hillary aides Mills and Abedin from indictment for Lying to the FBI (according to the US IG) yet indicting Flynn for the same crime...especially when Comey testified under oath how his agents did not believe Flynn lied during his interview

- Working with both the CIA/Brennan and NIA/Clapper to author the ICR and ICA they illegally / deceptively used to acquire warrants from the FISA court and to get Mueller appointed


All of his texts exposing collusion, collaboration, and conspiracy between / involving the DOJ, CIA, NIA, and the FBI...to include the Counter-Intelligence division of the FBI....


All this evidence....from the US IG, from Testimony, and even from the Conspirators' own texts....and you bring that weak-ass $hit......'Uh-uh'.

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Compare how conflicted Sessions is, by talking to people unofficially, as part of the campaign, or Rosenstein is by signing bogus FISA warrants. Legal opinion exists that Sessions can un-recuse for a counter-intelligence investigation, as opposed to a criminal investigation. I don't know the rationale', but that legal opinion exists. Senators are notoriously incapable of management functions, like running large agencies (or the US government), they are essentially bullshit artists,

He's got to be looking at all this crap being exposed watching and discovering how his own DOJ - his own Deputy Director of the DOJ has / is violating laws (Obstruction - refusal to comply with Congressional Subpoenas) and is buried in conflicts of interest, watching how Oher / his DOJ was working with a foreign spy NAD MUELLER IN EALY 2016 (BEFORE MUELLER WAS APPOINTED)....

....and he has to be thinking 'WTF?! My DOJ is criminal as hell...the CIA, NIA, FBI...all criminal as hell....and I GOT PLAYED!"


....he has to be thanking the good Lord that he recused himself instead of taking an active part in the Conspiracy.
In a counter-intelligence investigation Jeff Sessions does not have to recuse.

Yes he does. Jeff Sessions lied about having never discussed stuff with Russians and his reaction to Popadopolous proposal for Trump-Putin meeting.


Compare how conflicted Sessions is, by talking to people unofficially, as part of the campaign, or Rosenstein is by signing bogus FISA warrants.

Lunatic nonsence. FISA warrant for Carter surveilance after he was with campaign was and still remain 100% legitimate, aproved by FISA judges.
Among the many pieces of evidence that has come to light revealing that the Obama administration's DOJ, CIA, NIA, and FBI were colluding and engaged in a conspiracy to control the outcome of the 2016 election by preventing Donald Trump from winning the election and by removing him from office if he did win was the overlooked, under-reported fact that the Federal Bureau of Investigation was involved in running a Counter-Intelligence Operation that involved helping Hillary Clinton and against Donald Trump.

FBI Agent Peter Strzok is THE premiere Counter-Intelligence operator in the entire FBI, if not in the United States government, his expertise having not only been utilized within the FBI but also in the CIA and NIA.

1st, Counter-Intelligence is all about affecting change or a desired outcome through lies, deception, controlling narrative / the news and spinning it or flat-out engaging in lies and fake news reporting. It is making the LIE believable / the 'truth'.

For example, or exampleS:
- Strzok altered the final FBI report on the Hillary investigation, removing the verbiage (derived right out of the very definition of the crime she committed) that would all but have assured she would be indicted and replaced it with different, non-illegal verbiage.

- Strzok authored the CIA's Intel Community Report based on the FALSE Russian-authored Dossier and passed it on to the NIA where Director Clapper presented it FALSELY to select members of the Intel Community as Legitimate Intel to get a specific response. Once they got that response - USING COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE - Strzok then authored the Intel Community Assessment which Brennan presented FALSELY to Congress as Legitimate Intel to con them into appointing a Special Counsel.

Recently released Stzok text messages show Strzok talking about a 'LEAK STRATEGY', confirming that there was collusion / conspiracy involving several different Intel and other agencies in leaking information to the press, and definitely not all TRUE information...again this is all part of Counter-Intelligence.

In the latest batch of Strzok text messages, Strzok not only implicates former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe (who the US IG recommended for Indictment for crimes although DOJ Depurty Director Feinstein refuses to indict McCabe on those charges) AND the Head of the FBI's Counter-Intelligence Division, BILL PRIESTAP:

"Strzok concurred. "I agree. I've been pushing and I'll reemphasize with Bill," believed to be Bill Priestap, the head of the FBI's counterintelligence division."

In a criminal investigation run by the FBI there is no need for involvement by the COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE DIVSION of the FBI or the best Counter-Intelligence agent in the US government, as they do not make a living FINDING OUT THE FACTS - they make a living 'MAKING UP THE FACTS', in 'DECEPTION', in 'LIES'....

...and all throughout this entire conspiracy against Trump we can see their handiwork. Not only that ,but there is more than enough evidence that has been revealed to expose and confirm not only the conspiracy but the fact that the Obama administration was running its own Counter-Intelligence Operation against Trump while the Russians were running a Counter-Intelligence Operation on the US (that Obama knew about but did nothing about).

Strzok-Page texts calling to 'open' case in 'chargeable way' under fresh scrutiny


More fantasies.

Strzok also knew of the investigation in Trump's campaign but did not leak it. There was a strong effort by the FBI to keep the investigation secret. He also recommended the re-opening of the Clinton investigation when new e-mails were discovered.

Also the fact is that the dossier was not fake. Comey did say that parts had been verified. The reason a special prosecutor was appointed was because Trump admitted he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation.

Maybe the reason that McCabe has not been charged is because there is no evidence. The IG said he found NO independent evidence that McCabe lied.

You have no idea what counter-intelligence is. It can include gathering information in regards to a attempt by a foreign power to attack this country.

There is no evidence of a conspiracy except in Never-Never land where you seem to live.
In a counter-intelligence investigation Jeff Sessions does not have to recuse. Rosenstein has more conflicts, like signing bogus FISA warrants, than Sessions has. IMHO Trump needs to replace Sessions ASAP and get the DOJ on the right track and after the real criminals. This takes the Mueller away from Rosenstein's protection. Sessions claims he doesn't want the DOJ politicized, but some crimes need to be prosecuted even if its the opposition party.

If Sessions was going to recuse himself he had a duty to tell the President this so the President could pick someone else to be US AG. Either Sessions was a cowardly weasel who wanted the Job and refused to tell Trump he was going to recuse himself so he could keep the job or he is part of the Conspiracy, if only knowing about it and taking himself out of the situation not to be part of it or forced to do anything about it.

Politically, Trump can not afford to fire Sessions now without the Democrats creating a false firestorm of fake news about it being 'Obstruction'. I mean, look at Comey - As President Trump has the legal authority to fire anyone of his Cabinet members / to fire the Director of the FBI anytime he wants for whatever reason he wants, and the liberals spun the narrative into the act being suddenly illegal (Counter-Intelligence). Also, The Deputy Director of the DOJ not only authored the report detailing all the reasons the President SHOULD fire the Director of the FBI but also advised the President to fire the Director of the FBI. Once the President did so that same Deputy Director of the DOJ pushed for an Obstruction investigation and the appointment of Mueller as Special Counsel. Talk about a set-up and an illegal / false narrative claiming the President does not have the authority to exercise his legal powers!

He has to at least wait until the Mid-Term elections are over. If the Democrats take back the House and he has fired Sessions they will claim further BS 'Obstruction and use it as more fuel to light the 'Impeachment' fires. Then again, if the House votes to Impeach him and the Senate does not, a la Bill Clinton, he remains President and can then fire Sessions. (What would they do then, Impeach him AGAIN? :p )

Session is gone after the midterms.
In a counter-intelligence investigation Jeff Sessions does not have to recuse.

Yes he does. Jeff Sessions lied about having never discussed stuff with Russians and his reaction to Popadopolous proposal for Trump-Putin meeting.


Jeff Sessions stated clearly that when he was asked the EXTREMELY VAGUE question about having ever met with Russians he perceived the question to mean had he met with any Russians IN THE CAPACITY OF BEING A MEMBER OF TRUMP'S TEAM and factually answered 'NO'!

Of course as a Senator Sessions had met with Russians - what Senator has NOT?

View attachment 216962

Pelosi and Medvedev

View attachment 216963

Schumer and Putin

Claiming Sessions had to recuse himself for doing his job as a US Senator is / was stupid as hell. Sessions played right into the conspirators' hands.

If you want to talk about 'Conflicts of Interest':


Authored the reasons why Comey needed to be fired. Advised Trump to fire Comey. As soon as Trump did Rosenstein pushed for Obstruction and to get Mueller appointed Special Counsel

Comey's Mentor and pal for decades
Friends with a Russian Oligarch believed to be the one who authored the Dossier
Hid Russian crimes associated with the KGB Bank's efforts to acquire Uranium One

Blah blah blah, point is he was part of the campaign and was a direct player in at least some of it's internal discussions about Russians and he damn well knew the campaign was communicating with them to setup a Trump-Putin meeting.

DOJ lawyers advised him that he MUST recuse himself and he adhered to that.
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There was not one single vote affected by Russia.

There may have been votes affected by CNN deliberately cheating and colluding by giving Hillary the debate questions before the debate....
Among the many pieces of evidence that has come to light revealing that the Obama administration's DOJ, CIA, NIA, and FBI were colluding and engaged in a conspiracy to control the outcome of the 2016 election by preventing Donald Trump from winning the election and by removing him from office if he did win was the overlooked, under-reported fact that the Federal Bureau of Investigation was involved in running a Counter-Intelligence Operation that involved helping Hillary Clinton and against Donald Trump.

FBI Agent Peter Strzok is THE premiere Counter-Intelligence operator in the entire FBI, if not in the United States government, his expertise having not only been utilized within the FBI but also in the CIA and NIA.

1st, Counter-Intelligence is all about affecting change or a desired outcome through lies, deception, controlling narrative / the news and spinning it or flat-out engaging in lies and fake news reporting. It is making the LIE believable / the 'truth'.

For example, or exampleS:
- Strzok altered the final FBI report on the Hillary investigation, removing the verbiage (derived right out of the very definition of the crime she committed) that would all but have assured she would be indicted and replaced it with different, non-illegal verbiage.

- Strzok authored the CIA's Intel Community Report based on the FALSE Russian-authored Dossier and passed it on to the NIA where Director Clapper presented it FALSELY to select members of the Intel Community as Legitimate Intel to get a specific response. Once they got that response - USING COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE - Strzok then authored the Intel Community Assessment which Brennan presented FALSELY to Congress as Legitimate Intel to con them into appointing a Special Counsel.

Recently released Stzok text messages show Strzok talking about a 'LEAK STRATEGY', confirming that there was collusion / conspiracy involving several different Intel and other agencies in leaking information to the press, and definitely not all TRUE information...again this is all part of Counter-Intelligence.

In the latest batch of Strzok text messages, Strzok not only implicates former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe (who the US IG recommended for Indictment for crimes although DOJ Depurty Director Feinstein refuses to indict McCabe on those charges) AND the Head of the FBI's Counter-Intelligence Division, BILL PRIESTAP:

"Strzok concurred. "I agree. I've been pushing and I'll reemphasize with Bill," believed to be Bill Priestap, the head of the FBI's counterintelligence division."

In a criminal investigation run by the FBI there is no need for involvement by the COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE DIVSION of the FBI or the best Counter-Intelligence agent in the US government, as they do not make a living FINDING OUT THE FACTS - they make a living 'MAKING UP THE FACTS', in 'DECEPTION', in 'LIES'....

...and all throughout this entire conspiracy against Trump we can see their handiwork. Not only that ,but there is more than enough evidence that has been revealed to expose and confirm not only the conspiracy but the fact that the Obama administration was running its own Counter-Intelligence Operation against Trump while the Russians were running a Counter-Intelligence Operation on the US (that Obama knew about but did nothing about).

Strzok-Page texts calling to 'open' case in 'chargeable way' under fresh scrutiny


More fantasies.

Strzok also knew of the investigation in Trump's campaign but did not leak it. There was a strong effort by the FBI to keep the investigation secret. He also recommended the re-opening of the Clinton investigation when new e-mails were discovered.

Also the fact is that the dossier was not fake. Comey did say that parts had been verified. The reason a special prosecutor was appointed was because Trump admitted he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation.

Maybe the reason that McCabe has not been charged is because there is no evidence. The IG said he found NO independent evidence that McCabe lied.

You have no idea what counter-intelligence is. It can include gathering information in regards to a attempt by a foreign power to attack this country.

There is no evidence of a conspiracy except in Never-Never land where you seem to live.

You're talking to a guy that created an entire thread on the premise that Mueller and Comey are trying to MURDER a man cited in the Papodopolous indictment.

These poor souls are just wallowing in desperate conspiracy batshit.
Had Bush, properly, had the FBI dig into the Kenyan's interactions, Soros would have ordered his mindless minions to riot and mayhem. There would be blood in the streets of America protesting this "Fascism"

Because it's Obama and the Left, they still labor under the delusion that they'll get away with it

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