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What Was The FBI Doing Running A Counter-Intelligence Operation Against The GOP Candidate/President?

911 Zionist Traitors

Dick Cheney
Donald RumsFELD
Ari FLEIscher
George Tenet
Sandy the Burglar
William Cohen

Half Of Americans Believe 9/11 Conspiracy Theories | HuffPost

and if it was a "conspiracy," there are only Jews involved....

What was DEBUNKED?

Like a child standing with closed fists demanding he is right, you demand to be proven wrong after telling tales and refusing to admit you are wrong...

I refuse to spoon-feed you snowflakes or play your 'stupid' game...but I will throw one out for MY amusement....just to see you scramble to come back with a defiant lie / deny / justify / spin SOP move:

"Mr. Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, confirmed last week that Cohen has never been to Prague in the Czech Republic. This is one of the main claims in the Steele dossier that was commissioned by oppo-research firm Fusion GPS, paid for by the Clinton campaign and used by the FBI in its Trump investigation.

The dossier claims Mr. Cohen traveled to Prague in August or September of 2016 to discuss with Kremlin officials how to make “cash payments” to hackers of the Clinton campaign. Mr. Davis now says that the Prague trip and all other allegations about Mr. Cohen in the dossier are “false.”

Mr. Cohen has long denied the Prague accusation and offered his passport as proof."

The Savior of all the butt-hurt sore-loser snowflakes, the 'political hit man' who would right the wrong of a lost election, Robert Mueller, based on the claim in the Trump Dossier that Cohen had traveled to Prague to meet with Kremlin officials, was going to take down Trump for his and his team's illegal collusion with Russians .... Mueller adamantly proclaimed he had evidence showing Cohen had made the trip to Prague....ahhhh, the smoking gun at last!

...except Mueller embarrassingly fell on his f*ing face in front of the whole world, quickly and professionally covered up by the mainstream media:

"Yet as recently as April the McClatchy news service reported that “two sources” said Mr. Mueller had evidence that Mr. Cohen had gone to Prague by traveling “through Germany.” That story was widely echoed in the media, yet few have reported Mr. Davis’s denials of last week."

The leftist media wanted to report Mueller's top detective work and his success in finding evidence of Trump's mythical illegal collusion.....but no one wanted to publish how he completely F*ED UP, falsely accusing Cohen of illegal activity...BASED ON THE DOSSIER. Checking someone's passport.....looking at their calendar, checking their schedule, confirming they were indeed out of the country....is NOT 'rocket science'. It is not actions requiring the mind of Sherlock Holmes or the spy skills of Tom Cruise in one of his 'Mission Impossible' movies. It requires a few clicks on the computer, a couple of phone calls......none of which Mueller and his crack hand-picked geniuses that make up his Special Counsel Team was capable of doing, evidently.

Mueller made a huge production of falsely accusing Cohen of criminal activity, of going to Prague, WITHOUT HAVING EVIDENCE! It turns out the f*ing genius had THE WRONG MICHAEL COHEN! No wonder the media did not play this up - it was HUMILIATING!

Way to go, 'Dick Tracy'! Bwuhahahaha.......

Cohen NEVER went to Prague, AS MUELLER FALSELY ACCUSED HIM OF DOING...but of course Mueller could not be bothered with small things like actual EVIDENCE and CONFIRMING things before publicly accusing someone of a crime. This is the man, after all, who once withheld evidence proving a man he was going after was innocent, and Mueller destroyed his life by sending him to jail for years anyway!

Falsifying evidence, withholding evidence, confirming facts / evidence before you publicly accuse someone of a crime.....no skin off Mueller's nose.

That's just one of the many many, many, debunking of the Russian-authored propaganda...but you go reight on pushing Russian propaganda and defending the Russians / Mueller's Russian pal who wrote it.


Opinion | A Dossier Debunking

Now, do your own homework, junior - educate yourself. No more spoon-feeding.
Same ol'...

Tell us who is the guy talking to Zbigniew below...

YogaEsoteric :: CIA Document Proves Osama bin Laden Was CIA Asset Tim Osman ::

When Osama Bin Laden was a CIA Agent named Tim Osman

So even "Osama" was/is Jewish...
Usama Bin Laden

Notice how the 'honest, trustworthy, etc...' CIA has been and continuous to be connected to some of the world's worst scumbags , creating some of the cream-of-the-crop of the world's dictators and terrorists?

Brennan has made the CIA proud....
What was DEBUNKED?

Like a child standing with closed fists demanding he is right, you demand to be proven wrong after telling tales and refusing to admit you are wrong...

I refuse to spoon-feed you snowflakes or play your 'stupid' game...but I will throw one out for MY amusement....just to see you scramble to come back with a defiant lie / deny / justify / spin SOP move:

"Mr. Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, confirmed last week that Cohen has never been to Prague in the Czech Republic. This is one of the main claims in the Steele dossier that was commissioned by oppo-research firm Fusion GPS, paid for by the Clinton campaign and used by the FBI in its Trump investigation.

The dossier claims Mr. Cohen traveled to Prague in August or September of 2016 to discuss with Kremlin officials how to make “cash payments” to hackers of the Clinton campaign. Mr. Davis now says that the Prague trip and all other allegations about Mr. Cohen in the dossier are “false.”

Mr. Cohen has long denied the Prague accusation and offered his passport as proof."

You may want to read something more recent reguarding that:

Special counsel has evidence Michael Cohen traveled to Prague: McClatchy | Reuters

Anything else dummy?
Lol - IG Report says pretty clearly that there was no evidence of any bias in reviewed FBI investigations.
Yes, the US IG exposed that 2 anti-Trumpers were texting back and forth about how they hated Trump, how they were determined to stop him from becoming President. Those texts exposed the 'secret society' and how they met to plot out their actions, exposed how there was a 'Leak STRATEGY' collaborated on and conducted by multiple Intel agencies (dude, THAT IS CONSPIRACY),

Methinks the US IG either missed something or was trying to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Let's say you and the IG are right.....then the alternatives to PERSONAL bias are:

It is clear the DOJ, CIA, NIA, and FBI did not want Trump to win.
The Democrats did not want Trump to win
The Washington Establishment GOP did not want Trump to win
.....Political Bias is a definite alternative.

Obama knew what the Russians were doing in 2014 and did nothing to stop them. In fact, Obama gave Putin whatever he wanted in 2014: US uranium, Crimea, TOP SECRET information 'so classified that if released it would cause grave damage to the US' national security' from Hillary's illegal server, and permission to continue to carry on with their interference, Counter-Intelligence Operation, and attempts to hack our power grid.

Obama and the DHS actually attempted to hack state election systems themselves in an attempt to seize control of all state elections. Think about that for a second: A President attempted an HISTORIC power grab, an attempt to take over all state elections right before the 2016 Presidential election, and he and the DHS attempted to hack state elections to prove it could be done. If he had successfully done so he would have proven his argument of hos it was in the 'best interest of the states' for he - Barak Obama - to control all state elections. (This is the same guy who lied about Hilary's server and whose administration kept Hillary out of jail and in the race. Had he taken over all of the state elections Hillary would have easily had that landslide victory all the Democrats were predicting! :p )
In a counter-intelligence investigation Jeff Sessions does not have to recuse.

Yes he does. Jeff Sessions lied about having never discussed stuff with Russians and his reaction to Popadopolous proposal for Trump-Putin meeting.


Compare how conflicted Sessions is, by talking to people unofficially, as part of the campaign, or Rosenstein is by signing bogus FISA warrants.

Lunatic nonsense. FISA warrant for Carter surveillance after he was with campaign was and still remain 100% legitimate, approved by FISA judges.

The FISA warrants were approved based on bogus evidence!! McCabe testified that they would not have been issued except for the Dossier, which was never verified. We'll see who goes to jail for misleading the FISA court.
What was DEBUNKED?

Like a child standing with closed fists demanding he is right, you demand to be proven wrong after telling tales and refusing to admit you are wrong...

I refuse to spoon-feed you snowflakes or play your 'stupid' game...but I will throw one out for MY amusement....just to see you scramble to come back with a defiant lie / deny / justify / spin SOP move:

"Mr. Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, confirmed last week that Cohen has never been to Prague in the Czech Republic. This is one of the main claims in the Steele dossier that was commissioned by oppo-research firm Fusion GPS, paid for by the Clinton campaign and used by the FBI in its Trump investigation.

The dossier claims Mr. Cohen traveled to Prague in August or September of 2016 to discuss with Kremlin officials how to make “cash payments” to hackers of the Clinton campaign. Mr. Davis now says that the Prague trip and all other allegations about Mr. Cohen in the dossier are “false.”

Mr. Cohen has long denied the Prague accusation and offered his passport as proof."

You may want to read something more recent reguarding that:

Special counsel has evidence Michael Cohen traveled to Prague: McClatchy | Reuters

Anything else dummy?


FBI releases documents showing payments to Trump dossier author Steele

Debunked anti-Trump dossier left out Hillary Clinton connection

The Trump Dossier Is Fake -- And Here Are The Reasons Why

"This story is utter nonsense, not worthy of a wacky conspiracy theory of an alien invasion."

"It was written not by an ex British intelligence officer but by a Russian trained in the KGB tradition. It is full of names, dates, meetings, quarrels, and events that are hearsay (one an overheard conversation). It is a collection of “this important person” said this to “another important person.” There is no record; no informant is identified by name or by more than a generic title. The report appears to fail the veracity test in the one instance of a purported meeting in which names, dates, and location are provided. Some of the stories are so bizarre (the Rosneft bribe) that they fail the laugh test. Yet, there appears to be a desire on the part of some media and Trump opponents on both sides of the aisle to picture the Orbis report as genuine but unverifiable."

We have reached a sad state of affairs where an anonymous report, full of bizarre statements, captures the attention of the world media because it casts a shadow over the legitimacy of a President-elect, who has not even taken the oath of office. For example, the Trump dossier is tonight’s
lead item on German state television and on BBC. False news has become America’s international export to the world media."

Again, the Trump Dossier was actually the SECOND such report handed over to the FBI BY HILLARY CLINTON OR HER SURROGATES. The second, reported by the FBI, was so laughable that they refused to take it. The Trump Dossier is not much better.

Snowflakes so consumed with hate, snowflakes who openly wept when the announcement Hillary lost was made, who scream and shout how they want to / intend to Impeach the democratically elected President, to overturn the election results they refuse to accept (making them, according to Hillary and as proven by their own actions, 'threats to our democracy'...are so desperate to oust the man who beat the felon, national security compromising criminal who could not even win her own party's nomination that they prove they will believe and cling to ANYTHING negative against the President.
Compare how conflicted Sessions is, by talking to people unofficially, as part of the campaign, or Rosenstein is by signing bogus FISA warrants. Legal opinion exists that Sessions can un-recuse for a counter-intelligence investigation, as opposed to a criminal investigation. I don't know the rationale', but that legal opinion exists. Senators are notoriously incapable of management functions, like running large agencies (or the US government), they are essentially bullshit artists,

He's got to be looking at all this crap being exposed watching and discovering how his own DOJ - his own Deputy Director of the DOJ has / is violating laws (Obstruction - refusal to comply with Congressional Subpoenas) and is buried in conflicts of interest, watching how Oher / his DOJ was working with a foreign spy NAD MUELLER IN EALY 2016 (BEFORE MUELLER WAS APPOINTED)....

....and he has to be thinking 'WTF?! My DOJ is criminal as hell...the CIA, NIA, FBI...all criminal as hell....and I GOT PLAYED!"


....he has to be thanking the good Lord that he recused himself instead of taking an active part in the Conspiracy.
maybe he is part of the conspiracy. ever think of that? why else has nothing happened? someone's got dirt on him.
Notice how the 'honest, trustworthy, etc...' CIA has been and continuous to be connected to some of the world's worst scumbags , creating some of the cream-of-the-crop of the world's dictators and terrorists?

I don't think you understand. Col Osman is/was Jewish. He wasn't Islamic. He really didn't do any terror either. He just stood up as "Osama" and took credit for that which the CIA/Mossad did. Right after 911, he denied doing it. After being reminded to take credit for it, then he said he did it...

It is unclear that "Al Qaeda" ever did anything. It was an orphanage. All the terror is done by the CIA/Mossad, all of it... including...


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