What we don't want from Democratic presidential hopefuls...read on


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015

1) black candidates....as good as you are, as bad as you are, this country is not willing nor capable of electing another black candidate this soon.....that's how we ended up with Trump. No matter how many people show up at your rallies or cheer you own, especially them white one's....we're gonna lose.

2) The middle of the road candidate....we don't want candidates who are more GOP than GOOD. That's why Hillary lost and that's how her husband turned into a conservative them 8 years he was in. You like thier views, than join thier party, we don't need you

3) If you want to be a saint, stay your ass home or join a church and stay there.

4) If you want to be a coward, stay your ass home, Politics is hell.

5) To ww, be a vice first....this country and its men and a whole lot of ww, ain't wit yall now....believe it.

6) I don't care what kind of past you have and we have got to get over this wanting perfect people in Washington. As long as you haven't molested a child, kicked a nigga when he was down on the ground or shoved an old woman, we good.

7) Don't try to be like Trump, but come with gloves off and ready to battle..do not be a wusssy

8) Don't be a fuckin sound bite robot repeating the same shit over and over at each rally like Bernie does.....be real, be authentic and tell it like it is. Warren is best at this; I just hate the bagage that comes with her, they're never gonna let it go.

9) AND DO NOT EVER EVER EVER TAKE THE BLACK VOTE FOR GRANTED....come to our communities, our neighborhoods our towns...and don't come with a fuckin rapper

and finally, pick a partner that is just a loud and brave as you are and fuck the TRump voters, come for us, those that will vote for you!!!!...take notes from Obama/Biden
You forgot to mention intelligence.
Anything resembling breathing capacity is capable of beating Trump, even a one eyed rodent from NY's sewer systems. Trump will be for all historical writings, the most ignorant, corrupt, stupid pathetic leader white mf's have rallied for since Hitler. He has about as much intelligence of a retarded sperm not born yet.
You forgot to mention intelligence.
Anything resembling breathing capacity is capable of beating Trump, even a one eyed rodent from NY's sewer systems. Trump will be for all historical writings, the most ignorant, corrupt, stupid pathetic leader white mf's have rallied for since Hitler. He has about as much intelligence of a retarded sperm not born yet.
. . . .as I was saying. . .
You forgot to mention intelligence.
Anything resembling breathing capacity is capable of beating Trump, even a one eyed rodent from NY's sewer systems. Trump will be for all historical writings, the most ignorant, corrupt, stupid pathetic leader white mf's have rallied for since Hitler. He has about as much intelligence of a retarded sperm not born yet.
Hitler Trump....more....Trump Hitler.... lol. Why don't you run for pres? Love to see that nightmare unfold.

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