What we "learn" from Trump's speeches

If one didn’t know the definition of the term “demagoguery”, just listening to Trump’s speeches would offer an adequate definition.

What do we learn from this clown’s speeches?

  1. Religion……….His book is second ONLY to the Bible

  2. Trade……..The Chinese cheat and our negotiators are “stupid”

  3. Immigration……Building a “beautiful wall” with Trump’s name on it is THE answer.

  4. ISIS………”Let’s go to Iraq and steal their oil”

  5. Jobs…………”I will be the best job-president that God has ever created”

  6. Infrastructure…I have built beautiful buildings all over the east coast”

  7. Campaign funding………”Yeah, yeah, I used to bribe politicians myself…but not any more…”

  8. Media’s influence……….”Networks love me……my antics are fun to watch and increase ratings.”

  9. Women’s Issues………..”I adore and worship women……just ask my previous wives.”

  10. Education…………..”I went to the best school for only smart people……and I’m very smart”
Now, good folks, THAT is quite the “winning platform,” for the presidency, don’t you think?

If Trump is so wildly popular among Republicans, why is it that thread after thread about him is started by Democrats?
Democrat strategy is to brand Trump and confine his support to the very right leaning Republican base. Hence all their talking points and probes are directed at separating Trump from independents and prevent his popularity from growing beyond a limited base. His numbers are rising as voters turn away from other Republicans candidates and join with him instead. He needs to attract folks from outside of that base of far right leaning Republicans and the remnants of the Tea Party and Christian Coalition. White people.

If you think his positions on illegal immigration are unpopular with independents, then prepare to be disillusioned come Nov 2016
It is not his positions on issues that are a problem. It is his inability to show workable solutions. His critics claim he is great at getting people excited about what everyone agrees are important issues that need solutions, but he does not provide the workable solutions. He provides unworkable solutions and arrogantly tells us to trust him because he is so smart.

What are the unworkable solutions?
All the issues he has volunteered as to how he will resolve issues. His solutions for defeating ISIS (such as the invasion of both Iraq and Syria and committing violations of international law) and the immigration issue are both unworkable because they both would require support from Congress, drastic changes in law (including a constitutional amendment or repel of the 14th Amendment).
If Trump is so wildly popular among Republicans, why is it that thread after thread about him is started by Democrats?
Democrat strategy is to brand Trump and confine his support to the very right leaning Republican base. Hence all their talking points and probes are directed at separating Trump from independents and prevent his popularity from growing beyond a limited base. His numbers are rising as voters turn away from other Republicans candidates and join with him instead. He needs to attract folks from outside of that base of far right leaning Republicans and the remnants of the Tea Party and Christian Coalition. White people.

If you think his positions on illegal immigration are unpopular with independents, then prepare to be disillusioned come Nov 2016
It is not his positions on issues that are a problem. It is his inability to show workable solutions. His critics claim he is great at getting people excited about what everyone agrees are important issues that need solutions, but he does not provide the workable solutions. He provides unworkable solutions and arrogantly tells us to trust him because he is so smart.

What are the unworkable solutions?
All the issues he has volunteered as to how he will resolve issues. His solutions for defeating ISIS (such as the invasion of both Iraq and Syria and committing violations of international law) and the immigration issue are both unworkable because they both would require support from Congress, drastic changes in law (including a constitutional amendment or repel of the 14th Amendment).

I don't think it would come to that. The 14th was never written for immigrants, it was written for children of former slaves. I think that debate may be won in Congress or perhaps the Supreme Court.

The current President didn't have any solutions either when he ran. All we got was Hope and Change! The ones that promise us change are liars as well since they too have a mountain of politics to battle trying to get their ideas across.

"We need to solve poverty:" Okay, how? We tried everything allowable. How do you solve poverty when you allow the poor to keep procreating thus making more poor people? "We need to address these gun crimes. Okay, how? By making it harder for good honest citizens to obtain firearms?

Trump isn't doing anything different than any other politician if you listen to them closely enough.
If one didn’t know the definition of the term “demagoguery”, just listening to Trump’s speeches would offer an adequate definition.

What do we learn from this clown’s speeches?

  1. Religion……….His book is second ONLY to the Bible

  2. Trade……..The Chinese cheat and our negotiators are “stupid”

  3. Immigration……Building a “beautiful wall” with Trump’s name on it is THE answer.

  4. ISIS………”Let’s go to Iraq and steal their oil”

  5. Jobs…………”I will be the best job-president that God has ever created”

  6. Infrastructure…I have built beautiful buildings all over the east coast”

  7. Campaign funding………”Yeah, yeah, I used to bribe politicians myself…but not any more…”

  8. Media’s influence……….”Networks love me……my antics are fun to watch and increase ratings.”

  9. Women’s Issues………..”I adore and worship women……just ask my previous wives.”

  10. Education…………..”I went to the best school for only smart people……and I’m very smart”
Now, good folks, THAT is quite the “winning platform,” for the presidency, don’t you think?

If Trump is so wildly popular among Republicans, why is it that thread after thread about him is started by Democrats?
Democrat strategy is to brand Trump and confine his support to the very right leaning Republican base. Hence all their talking points and probes are directed at separating Trump from independents and prevent his popularity from growing beyond a limited base. His numbers are rising as voters turn away from other Republicans candidates and join with him instead. He needs to attract folks from outside of that base of far right leaning Republicans and the remnants of the Tea Party and Christian Coalition. White people.

If you think his positions on illegal immigration are unpopular with independents, then prepare to be disillusioned come Nov 2016
It is not his positions on issues that are a problem. It is his inability to show workable solutions. His critics claim he is great at getting people excited about what everyone agrees are important issues that need solutions, but he does not provide the workable solutions. He provides unworkable solutions and arrogantly tells us to trust him because he is so smart.

You have to be joking. What "workable solutions" has Hillary or Bernie shown?

You just proved that all the lib attacks on Trump are based on nothing more than the fact that he is going to put a stop to their scheme to repopulate this country with Democrats imported from Mexico.
If one didn’t know the definition of the term “demagoguery”, just listening to Trump’s speeches would offer an adequate definition.

What do we learn from this clown’s speeches?

  1. Religion……….His book is second ONLY to the Bible

  2. Trade……..The Chinese cheat and our negotiators are “stupid”

  3. Immigration……Building a “beautiful wall” with Trump’s name on it is THE answer.

  4. ISIS………”Let’s go to Iraq and steal their oil”

  5. Jobs…………”I will be the best job-president that God has ever created”

  6. Infrastructure…I have built beautiful buildings all over the east coast”

  7. Campaign funding………”Yeah, yeah, I used to bribe politicians myself…but not any more…”

  8. Media’s influence……….”Networks love me……my antics are fun to watch and increase ratings.”

  9. Women’s Issues………..”I adore and worship women……just ask my previous wives.”

  10. Education…………..”I went to the best school for only smart people……and I’m very smart”
Now, good folks, THAT is quite the “winning platform,” for the presidency, don’t you think?

If Trump is so wildly popular among Republicans, why is it that thread after thread about him is started by Democrats?
Democrat strategy is to brand Trump and confine his support to the very right leaning Republican base. Hence all their talking points and probes are directed at separating Trump from independents and prevent his popularity from growing beyond a limited base. His numbers are rising as voters turn away from other Republicans candidates and join with him instead. He needs to attract folks from outside of that base of far right leaning Republicans and the remnants of the Tea Party and Christian Coalition. White people.

If you think his positions on illegal immigration are unpopular with independents, then prepare to be disillusioned come Nov 2016
It is not his positions on issues that are a problem. It is his inability to show workable solutions. His critics claim he is great at getting people excited about what everyone agrees are important issues that need solutions, but he does not provide the workable solutions. He provides unworkable solutions and arrogantly tells us to trust him because he is so smart.

What are the unworkable solutions?

The "unworkable solutions" are the ones that turds like camp will fight tooth and nail to prevent.
If Trump is so wildly popular among Republicans, why is it that thread after thread about him is started by Democrats?
Democrat strategy is to brand Trump and confine his support to the very right leaning Republican base. Hence all their talking points and probes are directed at separating Trump from independents and prevent his popularity from growing beyond a limited base. His numbers are rising as voters turn away from other Republicans candidates and join with him instead. He needs to attract folks from outside of that base of far right leaning Republicans and the remnants of the Tea Party and Christian Coalition. White people.

If you think his positions on illegal immigration are unpopular with independents, then prepare to be disillusioned come Nov 2016
It is not his positions on issues that are a problem. It is his inability to show workable solutions. His critics claim he is great at getting people excited about what everyone agrees are important issues that need solutions, but he does not provide the workable solutions. He provides unworkable solutions and arrogantly tells us to trust him because he is so smart.

What are the unworkable solutions?
All the issues he has volunteered as to how he will resolve issues. His solutions for defeating ISIS (such as the invasion of both Iraq and Syria and committing violations of international law) and the immigration issue are both unworkable because they both would require support from Congress, drastic changes in law (including a constitutional amendment or repel of the 14th Amendment).

Most of Trumps immigration policy doesn't require Congress to do a thing. He simply has to enforce existing law. Furthermore, if Congress remains in republican hands, how would that be a difficulty.
If Trump is so wildly popular among Republicans, why is it that thread after thread about him is started by Democrats?
Democrat strategy is to brand Trump and confine his support to the very right leaning Republican base. Hence all their talking points and probes are directed at separating Trump from independents and prevent his popularity from growing beyond a limited base. His numbers are rising as voters turn away from other Republicans candidates and join with him instead. He needs to attract folks from outside of that base of far right leaning Republicans and the remnants of the Tea Party and Christian Coalition. White people.

If you think his positions on illegal immigration are unpopular with independents, then prepare to be disillusioned come Nov 2016
It is not his positions on issues that are a problem. It is his inability to show workable solutions. His critics claim he is great at getting people excited about what everyone agrees are important issues that need solutions, but he does not provide the workable solutions. He provides unworkable solutions and arrogantly tells us to trust him because he is so smart.

What are the unworkable solutions?

The "unworkable solutions" are the ones that turds like camp will fight tooth and nail to prevent.

I don't think he even knows them. :)
If Trump is so wildly popular among Republicans, why is it that thread after thread about him is started by Democrats?
Democrat strategy is to brand Trump and confine his support to the very right leaning Republican base. Hence all their talking points and probes are directed at separating Trump from independents and prevent his popularity from growing beyond a limited base. His numbers are rising as voters turn away from other Republicans candidates and join with him instead. He needs to attract folks from outside of that base of far right leaning Republicans and the remnants of the Tea Party and Christian Coalition. White people.

If you think his positions on illegal immigration are unpopular with independents, then prepare to be disillusioned come Nov 2016
It is not his positions on issues that are a problem. It is his inability to show workable solutions. His critics claim he is great at getting people excited about what everyone agrees are important issues that need solutions, but he does not provide the workable solutions. He provides unworkable solutions and arrogantly tells us to trust him because he is so smart.

What are the unworkable solutions?

The "unworkable solutions" are the ones that turds like camp will fight tooth and nail to prevent.
The solutions Trump offers will not need much of a fight, if any. The Presidency does not have the power or authority to implement his ideas. Period. He can not do the things he is promising you suckers he will do.
Democrat strategy is to brand Trump and confine his support to the very right leaning Republican base. Hence all their talking points and probes are directed at separating Trump from independents and prevent his popularity from growing beyond a limited base. His numbers are rising as voters turn away from other Republicans candidates and join with him instead. He needs to attract folks from outside of that base of far right leaning Republicans and the remnants of the Tea Party and Christian Coalition. White people.

If you think his positions on illegal immigration are unpopular with independents, then prepare to be disillusioned come Nov 2016
It is not his positions on issues that are a problem. It is his inability to show workable solutions. His critics claim he is great at getting people excited about what everyone agrees are important issues that need solutions, but he does not provide the workable solutions. He provides unworkable solutions and arrogantly tells us to trust him because he is so smart.

What are the unworkable solutions?

The "unworkable solutions" are the ones that turds like camp will fight tooth and nail to prevent.
The solutions Trump offers will not need much of a fight, if any. The Presidency does not have the power of authority to implement his ideas. Period. He can not do the things he is promising you suckers he will do.

The President has the authority to enforce the existing laws and not ignore some of them like Obama is doing.
only 2 candidates speak from their heart!!!!
One is Trump - a dope!!!
Other is Bernie - and he makes sense!!!!

anyone who makes <$100,000 and does not support Bernie, is voting for the 0.1% status quo!!!! which is against you and your children's self interest. Hard to blame people when they are brainwashed by Fox which is controlled by a self interested billionaire!!!! Go ahead - keep America and your kids backward for a generation while the rest of the world passes us out! if it wasn't for the FED and Obama we'd be in same dire straits as Europe!!!! The GOP lengthened the recession with their opposition to investing in the US!!! Kick em out and get this country moving again!!!!!

fishhardnj yahoo

Trump is the only one who is against importing a million Third World unskilled and uneducated workers a year.

Does the US really need more uneducated and unskilled workers?

Your post is nothing but leftie talking points. Do you ever question what you are told?

We don't even need more educated workers. We have plenty of college graduates looking for a job.
Democrat strategy is to brand Trump and confine his support to the very right leaning Republican base. Hence all their talking points and probes are directed at separating Trump from independents and prevent his popularity from growing beyond a limited base. His numbers are rising as voters turn away from other Republicans candidates and join with him instead. He needs to attract folks from outside of that base of far right leaning Republicans and the remnants of the Tea Party and Christian Coalition. White people.

If you think his positions on illegal immigration are unpopular with independents, then prepare to be disillusioned come Nov 2016
It is not his positions on issues that are a problem. It is his inability to show workable solutions. His critics claim he is great at getting people excited about what everyone agrees are important issues that need solutions, but he does not provide the workable solutions. He provides unworkable solutions and arrogantly tells us to trust him because he is so smart.

What are the unworkable solutions?

The "unworkable solutions" are the ones that turds like camp will fight tooth and nail to prevent.

I don't think he even knows them. :)
I know enough that the idea of bombing oil wells and surrounding them with "rings of US troops" and stealing the oil is unworkable for a long list of reasons. I know enough to realize the huge cost of rounding up undocumented immigrants and giving them all legal hearings for importation will not be funded by Congress.
Most Americans know our government is broke and out of control and we are screwing up big time. Trump seems to offer an alternative to that.

If the other Republican candidates had any balls they could out Trump Trump.

Instead they play the game of not trying to offend anybody and because of that they all look weak compared to Mr Obnoxious Loudmouth New Yorker.

Trump has tapped into the frustration Conservatives have with RINOs and that is why he is leading in the polls.

Ironically Trump may be a RINO himself but nobody knows for sure because Trump is setting the tone for the debate.
The government is neither 'broken' nor 'out of control,' that's the errant perception of those on the extreme right.

Indeed, Americans correctly understand that the problem is in fact the extreme right, partisan Congressional republicans who refuse to pursue sound, responsible governance and refuse to compromise with the president and Congressional democrats.

The problem is Congressional republicans who seek to 'shut down' the government if they don't get their way, lurching from one fiscal showdown to another, budgeting always on the brink of fiscal disaster, resulting in the credit rating downgrade, sequesters, and legislation in no way beneficial to the American people.

Trump represents more of the same from the right: petulant inaction, foot-dragging, and partisan temper-tantrums.

The last thing America needs is what Trump and his supporters advocate; what America needs is for sane, responsible republicans to take back their party – take it back from the social right, Christian fundamentalists, and inane extremists hostile to sound, responsible governance.

government is indeed out of control.....our national debt proves it......and perhaps the stock market is finally catching on to the un-sustainability of some of this.

The right is in some way being hypocritical when they aren't willing to cut military spending to lower the debt....but give them some points for trying in other ways to lower the debt.

Debt is not a problem - UK has been in debt since 1540....its how economies expand...borrow at low rates and invest in the future...US needs better infrastructure, transport, energy grid etc if want to keep up with developed world! It was a sin not to invest more in 2008-2014 at low rates and create jobs when we needed them. Stupid Congress nixes everything!!! THey just wany Obama to fail - couldn't care less about the US population - they know Fox can brainwash em into thinking they are on theri side...

That's liberal statist horseshit. Government debt doesn't help anything expand except the government.
If you think his positions on illegal immigration are unpopular with independents, then prepare to be disillusioned come Nov 2016
It is not his positions on issues that are a problem. It is his inability to show workable solutions. His critics claim he is great at getting people excited about what everyone agrees are important issues that need solutions, but he does not provide the workable solutions. He provides unworkable solutions and arrogantly tells us to trust him because he is so smart.

What are the unworkable solutions?

The "unworkable solutions" are the ones that turds like camp will fight tooth and nail to prevent.

I don't think he even knows them. :)
I know enough that the idea of bombing oil wells and surrounding them with "rings of US troops" and stealing the oil is unworkable for a long list of reasons. I know enough to realize the huge cost of rounding up undocumented immigrants and giving them all legal hearings for importation will not be funded by Congress.

The only thing that would make it "unworkable" is the constant opposition of turds like you who will do everything possible to undermine U.S. military operations.
If Trump is so wildly popular among Republicans, why is it that thread after thread about him is started by Democrats?
Democrat strategy is to brand Trump and confine his support to the very right leaning Republican base. Hence all their talking points and probes are directed at separating Trump from independents and prevent his popularity from growing beyond a limited base. His numbers are rising as voters turn away from other Republicans candidates and join with him instead. He needs to attract folks from outside of that base of far right leaning Republicans and the remnants of the Tea Party and Christian Coalition. White people.

If you think his positions on illegal immigration are unpopular with independents, then prepare to be disillusioned come Nov 2016
It is not his positions on issues that are a problem. It is his inability to show workable solutions. His critics claim he is great at getting people excited about what everyone agrees are important issues that need solutions, but he does not provide the workable solutions. He provides unworkable solutions and arrogantly tells us to trust him because he is so smart.

What are the unworkable solutions?
All the issues he has volunteered as to how he will resolve issues. His solutions for defeating ISIS (such as the invasion of both Iraq and Syria and committing violations of international law) and the immigration issue are both unworkable because they both would require support from Congress, drastic changes in law (including a constitutional amendment or repel of the 14th Amendment).

Most of what he wants can be done under existing laws.
You are picking on one or two issues that may or may not be done. Just like any other Candidate.
Immigration Reform
Democrat strategy is to brand Trump and confine his support to the very right leaning Republican base. Hence all their talking points and probes are directed at separating Trump from independents and prevent his popularity from growing beyond a limited base. His numbers are rising as voters turn away from other Republicans candidates and join with him instead. He needs to attract folks from outside of that base of far right leaning Republicans and the remnants of the Tea Party and Christian Coalition. White people.

If you think his positions on illegal immigration are unpopular with independents, then prepare to be disillusioned come Nov 2016
It is not his positions on issues that are a problem. It is his inability to show workable solutions. His critics claim he is great at getting people excited about what everyone agrees are important issues that need solutions, but he does not provide the workable solutions. He provides unworkable solutions and arrogantly tells us to trust him because he is so smart.

What are the unworkable solutions?
All the issues he has volunteered as to how he will resolve issues. His solutions for defeating ISIS (such as the invasion of both Iraq and Syria and committing violations of international law) and the immigration issue are both unworkable because they both would require support from Congress, drastic changes in law (including a constitutional amendment or repel of the 14th Amendment).

Most of what he wants can be done under existing laws.
You are picking on one or two issues that may or may not be done. Just like any other Candidate.
Immigration Reform
Deportation of the 12 to perhaps over 20 million undocumented immigrants will all require judicial deportation hearings. The courts and prosecuting entities do not have the capability to perform that function in a timely fashion.
The only law that could be enforced that would be feasible budget wise is the enforcement of labor hiring laws and increased penalties required by legislative action to put employers in prison and fine them into bankruptcy for illegal hiring.
For those of us who follow international politics, as well as our own, note that Trump has been described as our home-grown version of the Italian politician, Berlusconi; however, I would just add that Trump is Berlusconi on steroids.

Question: How many of those counties have "birthright citizenship" like we do, right now?
I could care less about other countries laws .... we aren't talking about other countries laws ... we are talking about our countries laws ... we have a constitution ... our constitution states it .... now are you trying to tell us you don't want to follow our constitution because on one law??? now you want to compare us to other countries and their laws ???? we are a country of immigrants you moron

ROFL! When did Obama supporters become so concerned about following the laws or the Constitution? Was that before or after Obama granted his illegal amnesty?
If you think his positions on illegal immigration are unpopular with independents, then prepare to be disillusioned come Nov 2016
It is not his positions on issues that are a problem. It is his inability to show workable solutions. His critics claim he is great at getting people excited about what everyone agrees are important issues that need solutions, but he does not provide the workable solutions. He provides unworkable solutions and arrogantly tells us to trust him because he is so smart.

What are the unworkable solutions?
All the issues he has volunteered as to how he will resolve issues. His solutions for defeating ISIS (such as the invasion of both Iraq and Syria and committing violations of international law) and the immigration issue are both unworkable because they both would require support from Congress, drastic changes in law (including a constitutional amendment or repel of the 14th Amendment).

Most of what he wants can be done under existing laws.
You are picking on one or two issues that may or may not be done. Just like any other Candidate.
Immigration Reform
Deportation of the 12 to perhaps over 20 million undocumented immigrants will all require judicial deportation hearings. The courts and prosecuting entities do not have the capability to perform that function in a timely fashion.
The only law that could be enforced that would be feasible budget wise is the enforcement of labor hiring laws and increased penalties required by legislative action to put employers in prison and fine them into bankruptcy for illegal hiring.

After we deport about a million of them, the rest will probably leave of their own accord.

No one is listening to the "it can't be done" crowd any more.
It is not his positions on issues that are a problem. It is his inability to show workable solutions. His critics claim he is great at getting people excited about what everyone agrees are important issues that need solutions, but he does not provide the workable solutions. He provides unworkable solutions and arrogantly tells us to trust him because he is so smart.

What are the unworkable solutions?
All the issues he has volunteered as to how he will resolve issues. His solutions for defeating ISIS (such as the invasion of both Iraq and Syria and committing violations of international law) and the immigration issue are both unworkable because they both would require support from Congress, drastic changes in law (including a constitutional amendment or repel of the 14th Amendment).

Most of what he wants can be done under existing laws.
You are picking on one or two issues that may or may not be done. Just like any other Candidate.
Immigration Reform
Deportation of the 12 to perhaps over 20 million undocumented immigrants will all require judicial deportation hearings. The courts and prosecuting entities do not have the capability to perform that function in a timely fashion.
The only law that could be enforced that would be feasible budget wise is the enforcement of labor hiring laws and increased penalties required by legislative action to put employers in prison and fine them into bankruptcy for illegal hiring.

After we deport about a million of them, the rest will probably leave of their own accord.

No one is listening to the "it can't be done" crowd any more.
No one is leaving, at least in large numbers. To do so you'd have to start by figuring out who the hell is supposed to be here in the first place.
Democrat strategy is to brand Trump and confine his support to the very right leaning Republican base. Hence all their talking points and probes are directed at separating Trump from independents and prevent his popularity from growing beyond a limited base. His numbers are rising as voters turn away from other Republicans candidates and join with him instead. He needs to attract folks from outside of that base of far right leaning Republicans and the remnants of the Tea Party and Christian Coalition. White people.

If you think his positions on illegal immigration are unpopular with independents, then prepare to be disillusioned come Nov 2016
It is not his positions on issues that are a problem. It is his inability to show workable solutions. His critics claim he is great at getting people excited about what everyone agrees are important issues that need solutions, but he does not provide the workable solutions. He provides unworkable solutions and arrogantly tells us to trust him because he is so smart.

What are the unworkable solutions?

The "unworkable solutions" are the ones that turds like camp will fight tooth and nail to prevent.
The solutions Trump offers will not need much of a fight, if any. The Presidency does not have the power or authority to implement his ideas. Period. He can not do the things he is promising you suckers he will do.

Sure he he has the power. He can start deporting illegals the day he takes the oath of office. The funds to build 700 miles of the wall have already been appropriated. All Trump has to do is spend it. As for getting the money for the rest of the wall, do you really think Democrats are going to oppose it when Americans have made it quite plain how they feel about illegal immigration? Going down that road is electoral suicide.

Do you actually believe the majority of Americans don't want to do anything about illegal immigration?

As always, you're just making one excuse after the other for doing nothing.
If you think his positions on illegal immigration are unpopular with independents, then prepare to be disillusioned come Nov 2016
It is not his positions on issues that are a problem. It is his inability to show workable solutions. His critics claim he is great at getting people excited about what everyone agrees are important issues that need solutions, but he does not provide the workable solutions. He provides unworkable solutions and arrogantly tells us to trust him because he is so smart.

What are the unworkable solutions?

The "unworkable solutions" are the ones that turds like camp will fight tooth and nail to prevent.
The solutions Trump offers will not need much of a fight, if any. The Presidency does not have the power or authority to implement his ideas. Period. He can not do the things he is promising you suckers he will do.

Sure he he has the power. He can start deporting illegals the day he takes the oath of office. The funds to build 700 miles of the wall have already been appropriated. All Trump has to do is spend it. As for getting the money for the rest of the wall, do you really think Democrats are going to oppose it when Americans have made it quite plain how they feel about illegal immigration? Going down that road is electoral suicide.

Do you actually believe the majority of Americans don't want to do anything about illegal immigration?

As always, you're just making one excuse after the other for doing nothing.
The wall is already 700 miles. It's the other 1,250 that's kind of a problem.
What are the unworkable solutions?
All the issues he has volunteered as to how he will resolve issues. His solutions for defeating ISIS (such as the invasion of both Iraq and Syria and committing violations of international law) and the immigration issue are both unworkable because they both would require support from Congress, drastic changes in law (including a constitutional amendment or repel of the 14th Amendment).

Most of what he wants can be done under existing laws.
You are picking on one or two issues that may or may not be done. Just like any other Candidate.
Immigration Reform
Deportation of the 12 to perhaps over 20 million undocumented immigrants will all require judicial deportation hearings. The courts and prosecuting entities do not have the capability to perform that function in a timely fashion.
The only law that could be enforced that would be feasible budget wise is the enforcement of labor hiring laws and increased penalties required by legislative action to put employers in prison and fine them into bankruptcy for illegal hiring.

After we deport about a million of them, the rest will probably leave of their own accord.

No one is listening to the "it can't be done" crowd any more.
No one is leaving, at least in large numbers. To do so you'd have to start by figuring out who the hell is supposed to be here in the first place.

That is easy to do. You know, it's strange that libturds think the NSA can sift through billions of phone calls to find a few terrorists, but the government can't even do a simple thing like determine whether people are here legally?

You're kidding, right?

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