What we learned from Issue 1 in Ohio


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
As expected, issue 1 did not pass in Ohio, paving the way for unlimited and unfettered abortion, even without parental notification this fall. It has been the dream of every blood thirsty and Godless Leftists since Roe vs. Wade limited abortions based upon viability and the troublesome parental notifications.

What as the GOP learned from this?

Nothing, because they are essentially a paper tiger that never learns anything, because they are not a real opposition party.

But what if there was an opposition party? What would they do?

If an opposition party actually existed, they would IMMEDIATELY offer another Constitutional amendment to amend the one that will pass in November, by imposing abortion restrictions based on the age of development of the unborn child, as well as institute parental notification.

And how will the Left react? They will say there is no need to pass such an amendment because there are already restrictions based on the amendment they will pass in November. But as I've said repeatedly, that is a lie. The legal wording allows abortion up to birth, bottom line.

So what harm then will it do to pass another amendment if the Left insists these protections already exist?

Also, there needs to be parental notification.

Polls show the GOP would win both amendments, and rather easily, that is, if there was a true opposition party.

But the GOP should not stop there as they should gauge public support for a myriad of Constitutional amendments that might favor them, such as amendments on illegal immigration. I would love to see a vote on sanctuary cities in every state of the union!!

That is, if there was a true opposition party to the DNC, which there sadly is not.

No, the GOP can't even find it within themselves to impeach an open corrupt President.

The GOP is dead.
I think we should have a straight up vote on drug dealers in Ohio

50/50 vote on the death penalty for those causing 200 deaths a day in Ohio.

What say you voters?
I think we should have a straight up vote on drug dealers in Ohio

50/50 vote on the death penalty for those causing 200 deaths a day in Ohio.

What say you voters?

Populism cuts both ways, and being able to amend a Constitution with a simple 50% vote is populism.
But I thought the Left hated Trumpian populism? They regarded it as the ultimate danger.

Go figure.

They just need abortion to the final second of pregnancy to be the law of the land, and they don't care how they get it.
I dont get why the left is tweaking over the DOBBS decision.

Now they are killing babies up until birth. They should be thrilled.
It's pretty simple. Make a personhood from conception amendment since it's so easy to amend the Ohio Constitution.

Put it in a presidential election year, Ohio isn't even a swing state anymore, it's a red state.
I dont get why the left is tweaking over the DOBBS decision.

Now they are killing babies up until birth. They should be thrilled.
Again, Roe vs. Wade provided some restrictions.

This is why I think perhaps the Left secretly wanted it gone.

After all, if anyone put to a vote to abort viable infants and not notify parents, it would fail miserably

This way they sneak everything in state constitutions with lawyer wording to confuse people.

Also, the overturning of Roe vs. Wade was a much needed boost for the base of the Left that had become disillusioned with the Biden circus.
It's pretty simple. Make a personhood from conception amendment since it's so easy to amend the Ohio Constitution.

Put it in a presidential election year, Ohio isn't even a swing state anymore, it's a red state.
It would be worth a try.

But sadly, the people may be red, but they have no party to represent them.

This is the big lie about democracy in the US.
Again, Roe vs. Wade provided some restrictions.

This is why I think perhaps the Left secretly wanted it gone.

After all, if anyone put to a vote to abort viable infants and not notify parents, it would fail miserably

This way they sneak everything in state constitutions with lawyer wording to confuse people.

Also, the overturning of Roe vs. Wade was a much needed boost for the base of the Left that had become disillusioned with the Biden circus.

Roe had to be overturned as terrible interpretation of the Constitution. Some pains due to it were to be expected.

It was right up there with Dred Scott, Plessey, and Chevron.
As expected, issue 1 did not pass in Ohio, paving the way for unlimited and unfettered abortion, even without parental notification this fall. It has been the dream of every blood thirsty and Godless Leftists since Roe vs. Wade limited abortions based upon viability and the troublesome parental notifications.

What as the GOP learned from this?

Nothing, because they are essentially a paper tiger that never learns anything, because they are not a real opposition party.

But what if there was an opposition party? What would they do?

If an opposition party actually existed, they would IMMEDIATELY offer another Constitutional amendment to amend the one that will pass in November, by imposing abortion restrictions based on the age of development of the unborn child, as well as institute parental notification.

And how will the Left react? They will say there is no need to pass such an amendment because there are already restrictions based on the amendment they will pass in November. But as I've said repeatedly, that is a lie. The legal wording allows abortion up to birth, bottom line.

So what harm then will it do to pass another amendment if the Left insists these protections already exist?

Also, there needs to be parental notification.

Polls show the GOP would win both amendments, and rather easily, that is, if there was a true opposition party.

But the GOP should not stop there as they should gauge public support for a myriad of Constitutional amendments that might favor them, such as amendments on illegal immigration. I would love to see a vote on sanctuary cities in every state of the union!!

That is, if there was a true opposition party to the DNC, which there sadly is not.

No, the GOP can't even find it within themselves to impeach an open corrupt President.

The GOP is dead.
Seems to work that way when the majority of citizens oppose all that MAGA bullshit. Want more voters on your side? Quit being a childish dick.
Seems to work that way when the majority of citizens oppose all that MAGA bullshit. Want more voters on your side? Quit being a childish dick.

Don't worry, the GOP is on your side.
OP, I told you the other day that when the public has a say they are going to go with the utility of abortion by a wide margin. I predicted 60% and I think it came in at 58. something %.

By and by it will be approved by even a wider margin.
As expected, issue 1 did not pass in Ohio, paving the way for unlimited and unfettered abortion, even without parental notification this fall. It has been the dream of every blood thirsty and Godless Leftists since Roe vs. Wade limited abortions based upon viability and the troublesome parental notifications.

What as the GOP learned from this?

Nothing, because they are essentially a paper tiger that never learns anything, because they are not a real opposition party.

But what if there was an opposition party? What would they do?

If an opposition party actually existed, they would IMMEDIATELY offer another Constitutional amendment to amend the one that will pass in November, by imposing abortion restrictions based on the age of development of the unborn child, as well as institute parental notification.

And how will the Left react? They will say there is no need to pass such an amendment because there are already restrictions based on the amendment they will pass in November. But as I've said repeatedly, that is a lie. The legal wording allows abortion up to birth, bottom line.

So what harm then will it do to pass another amendment if the Left insists these protections already exist?

Also, there needs to be parental notification.

Polls show the GOP would win both amendments, and rather easily, that is, if there was a true opposition party.

But the GOP should not stop there as they should gauge public support for a myriad of Constitutional amendments that might favor them, such as amendments on illegal immigration. I would love to see a vote on sanctuary cities in every state of the union!!

That is, if there was a true opposition party to the DNC, which there sadly is not.

No, the GOP can't even find it within themselves to impeach an open corrupt President.

The GOP is dead.
This proves my oft-said contention that the framers made a mistake by not declaring us a Christian nation officially, because in not doing so, the default is atheism. We are going the way of the USSR right now.
It really doesn't matter what happens. The MSM is still going to paint the issue as a tremendous victory for the self-proclaimed, sensitive Democrat party. Personally, I'm more concerned with how the murdered baby felt when they were killing it. I wonder about the guilt many people feel after killing their baby as well.
It really doesn't matter what happens. The MSM is still going to paint the issue as a tremendous victory for the self-proclaimed, sensitive Democrat party. Personally, I'm more concerned with how the murdered baby felt when they were killing it. I wonder about the guilt many people feel after killing their baby as well.
What is interesting is why didnt the Dems codify Roe V Wade when they had the house?

They never did anything, and then they cried about Dobbs.
Because they knew that it could be turned to their advantage politically if RvW was set aside......That's why the mid-terms saw no red wave.

I prefer to see the issue put to bed once and for all and take it away from the leftists.....The holy-rollers not withstanding.
This proves my oft-said contention that the framers made a mistake by not declaring us a Christian nation officially, because in not doing so, the default is atheism. We are going the way of the USSR right now.
Probably not.

After all, the Founding Fathers came from England where the state was the church. The obvious abuses that followed soured them on the whole idea. I mean, today, Prince Charles is head of the Christian church in England. Just try to fathom that for a second, Prince Charles


The state tries to subvert and take over all aspects of human endeavor and ruin it for their own selfish power grabs.

But that is human nature, and the Founders knew that, just like Ben Franklin knew. This is what he said about the Constitution.

In these sentiments, Sir, I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such; because I think a general Government necessary for us, and there is no form of Government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered, and believe farther that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic Government, being incapable of any other.

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