What we learned from Issue 1 in Ohio

Probably not.

After all, the Founding Fathers came from England where the state was the church. The obvious abuses that followed soured them on the whole idea. I mean, today, Prince Charles is head of the Christian church in England. Just try to fathom that for a second, Prince Charles


The state tries to subvert and take over all aspects of human endeavor and ruin it for their own selfish power grabs.

But that is human nature, and the Founders knew that, just like Ben Franklin knew. This is what he said about the Constitution.

In these sentiments, Sir, I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such; because I think a general Government necessary for us, and there is no form of Government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered, and believe farther that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic Government, being incapable of any other.

The problem is that the new left's views and positions are more religious than our current religions, excepting radical Islam.
The problem is that the new left's views and positions are more religious than our current religions, excepting radical Islam.
They will continue to increase that unless stopped.

Human beings only know power and force.
Populism cuts both ways, and being able to amend a Constitution with a simple 50% vote is populism.
They wanted to make it 60%. With less than 60% of the vote in Ohio we passed sorely needed constitutional amendments such as term limits.
This proves my oft-said contention that the framers made a mistake by not declaring us a Christian nation officially, because in not doing so, the default is atheism. We are going the way of the USSR right now.
If the Framers said the US was a Christian nation, you would have self-professed Catholics like Biden and Pelosi telling us that Jesus loves abortion and gay marriage, etc.

Is that what you want?
I would guess because it revoked a constitutional right that has been in place for over 50 years.

That was falsely created 50 years ago by justices who thought it would settle the issue.

They were wrong. They got heady because things like Loving and Brown were accepted, and thought they could get abortion off the table as well.
As expected, issue 1 did not pass in Ohio, paving the way for unlimited and unfettered abortion, even without parental notification this fall. It has been the dream of every blood thirsty and Godless Leftists since Roe vs. Wade limited abortions based upon viability and the troublesome parental notifications.

What as the GOP learned from this?

Nothing, because they are essentially a paper tiger that never learns anything, because they are not a real opposition party.

But what if there was an opposition party? What would they do?

If an opposition party actually existed, they would IMMEDIATELY offer another Constitutional amendment to amend the one that will pass in November, by imposing abortion restrictions based on the age of development of the unborn child, as well as institute parental notification.

And how will the Left react? They will say there is no need to pass such an amendment because there are already restrictions based on the amendment they will pass in November. But as I've said repeatedly, that is a lie. The legal wording allows abortion up to birth, bottom line.

So what harm then will it do to pass another amendment if the Left insists these protections already exist?

Also, there needs to be parental notification.

Polls show the GOP would win both amendments, and rather easily, that is, if there was a true opposition party.

But the GOP should not stop there as they should gauge public support for a myriad of Constitutional amendments that might favor them, such as amendments on illegal immigration. I would love to see a vote on sanctuary cities in every state of the union!!

That is, if there was a true opposition party to the DNC, which there sadly is not.

No, the GOP can't even find it within themselves to impeach an open corrupt President.

The GOP is dead.
I think the GOP would have a winning issue if they showed Americans that Democrats favor abortion up to 9 months but they don't press the issue. Instead, they want to arrest people for going out of state to seek abortions.
I think the GOP would have a winning issue if they showed Americans that Democrats favor abortion up to 9 months but they don't press the issue. Instead, they want to arrest people for going out of state to seek abortions.

The GOP are just closet democrats.
This proves my oft-said contention that the framers made a mistake by not declaring us a Christian nation officially, because in not doing so, the default is atheism. We are going the way of the USSR right now.
'In 528 writings published during the formative years of the American Constitution (1787-88), there were thirty-three citations to the bible, or about one in every sixteen publications. Lutz concluded that when looking for biblical influence in the framing of our founding document, "the Bible's prominence disappears, which is not surprising since the debate centered upon specific institutions about which the Bible has little to say."

But there is something even more striking. When Lutz separated the Federalists (those arguing (for [italics]) the Constitution and a central, federal government) from anti-Federalists (those arguing (against [it.]) the Constitution), he discovered that the Federalists (never [italics]) cited the bible -- not once. Put simply, those who argued for and supported the Constitution were not influenced by the bible.'
(Seidel, The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism is Un-American, p.116)
I think we should have a straight up vote on drug dealers in Ohio

50/50 vote on the death penalty for those causing 200 deaths a day in Ohio.

What say you voters?
By default, that would include the theologians in Ohio.
That was falsely created 50 years ago by justices who thought it would settle the issue.

They were wrong. They got heady because things like Loving and Brown were accepted, and thought they could get abortion off the table as well.
Whether you think it was falsely created is irrelevant to 50 plus years of a constitutional right being revoked.

I doubt their has ever been a SCOTUS decision that at least some didn't think it was "falsely created".

That is an empty response.
If the Framers said the US was a Christian nation, you would have self-professed Catholics like Biden and Pelosi telling us that Jesus loves abortion and gay marriage, etc.

Is that what you want?
The US should be a Catholic nation and have no law violate the official teachings of the Catholic Church. Non-Catholics wouldn't like it, but we would be a far better society.

Pelosi and Biden aren't Catholics.
The US should be a Catholic nation and have no law violate the official teachings of the Catholic Church. Non-Catholics wouldn't like it, but we would be a far better society.

Pelosi and Biden aren't Catholics.
Like all men and women who went to Catholic schools they were not taught hate. However, they have their own ways of beliefs. And like us all they have their own ways of seductions. Individualism shows our weaknesses. It all depends on how far we go. Pelosi and Joe are a disgrace.
Whether you think it was falsely created is irrelevant to 50 plus years of a constitutional right being revoked.

I doubt their has ever been a SCOTUS decision that at least some didn't think it was "falsely created".

That is an empty response.

So the 50 or so years Plessey was in effect should have stopped the SC from overturning it via Brown?
As expected, issue 1 did not pass in Ohio, paving the way for unlimited and unfettered abortion, even without parental notification this fall. It has been the dream of every blood thirsty and Godless Leftists since Roe vs. Wade limited abortions based upon viability and the troublesome parental notifications.

What as the GOP learned from this?

Nothing, because they are essentially a paper tiger that never learns anything, because they are not a real opposition party.

But what if there was an opposition party? What would they do?

If an opposition party actually existed, they would IMMEDIATELY offer another Constitutional amendment to amend the one that will pass in November, by imposing abortion restrictions based on the age of development of the unborn child, as well as institute parental notification.

And how will the Left react? They will say there is no need to pass such an amendment because there are already restrictions based on the amendment they will pass in November. But as I've said repeatedly, that is a lie. The legal wording allows abortion up to birth, bottom line.

So what harm then will it do to pass another amendment if the Left insists these protections already exist?

Also, there needs to be parental notification.

Polls show the GOP would win both amendments, and rather easily, that is, if there was a true opposition party.

But the GOP should not stop there as they should gauge public support for a myriad of Constitutional amendments that might favor them, such as amendments on illegal immigration. I would love to see a vote on sanctuary cities in every state of the union!!

That is, if there was a true opposition party to the DNC, which there sadly is not.

No, the GOP can't even find it within themselves to impeach an open corrupt President.

The GOP is dead.
I feel your pain.


Here's a hint to all of MAGADUMIA...

Governing involves compromise.
When you squeeze to tightly you can hold onto almost nothing.
It is the open hand that carries the largest reward.

Most Americans want some restrictions on Abortions.
Most Americans want abortion legal.

You are where you are because you refuse to meet anywhere near the middle.
Even in the reddest of red states that position will drive you from office. (See KS, OH)

But you just keep on keepin on.
Eventually, and sooner than you think, the GOP will join the Whigs in American history.

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