What will happen after Donald Trump is 100% Exonerated again?

Will Trump be indicted for the crimes he is accused of?

  • Yes.

  • No.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Not really. Those in the GOP establishment like Romney, Kasich, the Bush Family, etc., are cool with 2nd place finishes. They have set a bar they figure they can reach.
The win at any cost attitude is quite harmful to the country.

It served the Democrats pretty well, no?

Where have you been? The Dems have been getting their asses kicked from one end of the country to the other since 2000. Except for getting Obama, Dems have won NOTHING, up until 2018, when the whole nation stood up and said "We did NOT vote for Trump so fuck him!!!", and the voters have been on a mission to get rid of him since the day he was inaugurated.

Republicans picked up Senate seats, you blithering idiot.
I wouldn’t look too into that. The map was very favorable to them with few seats they had to defend.

You guys got “schlonged” in the House which is more indicative of the state of the country.
The House losses were just above avg. Barry got schlonged in his first midterm.

Yes, because of the Tea Party Movement. But he didn't lose as badly as Trump did in 2018. Trump had the biggest mid-Term loss in American history.

Trump has never won an election. He lost the popular vote in 2016, the mid-Terms in 2018, and the general in 2020.

Although Trump wasn't on the ballot in 2018, he did tell the American people to treat that election as a referendum on his work so far, and they resoundingly rejected him. Voters gave the House and 7 governorships to the Democrats.

Now that Trump has all but succeeding in dividing the Republican Party in two - the Sedition Caucus, and the Sane Caucus, he has all but guaranteed a Democratic House and Senate for the foreseeable future.
Trump had the biggest mid-Term loss in American history.

Why do you think you can get away with such blatant lies? Are you really that stupid, or just incapable of not posting lies?


Trump lost 41 Seats in the House.
Trump gained 1 seat in the Senate.


Barry lost 63 seats in the House
Barry lost 7 seats in the Senate.

Why do you call others liars, when it is you who is twisting things.

It's not ME who calls it the biggest mid-Term lost in American history - it's every mainstream publication I googled.

The seat count is irrelevant and paints a completely false picture of the extent of Trump's mid-Term losses. After the 2010 elections, with the Republicans firmly in control of the majority of the State House, Red States used the 2010 Census to thoroughly gerrymander every state they had control over, to such an extent that is was almost statistically impossible to flip the House, regardless of what voters wanted.

By 2018, Democrats needed 57% of the popular vote, to flip the House. Trump's loss in the popular vote was the largest in US History, and it was historic, because of the statistical impossibility of Dems flipping the House.

One of the projects that Obama and Holder have been working on since leaving office is reversing the gerrymandering, but it's a slow process. You need 100,000 verifiable voter signatures on a petition, to go to the court to request a judicial review. Then the map has to be redrawn georgraphically, following which, the redrawn map has to go through an approval process.

So when you try to compare 2010 to 2018, the number of seats changing hands would be substantially diminished by the number of "safe" Republican districts that had been created since the 2010 Census.

Do you want to try your next piece of bullshit, FuckBoi?
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Hitlery is still crying about the election, Dummy.
Cool. Let me know when she has her supporters storm the Capitol.
View attachment 456242

Your meme is a lie. The top photo was taken late at night. Your bottom photo was taken during daylight hours, and it shows Democrats asking for peaceful protest, demonstrating peaceful protest. Not saying one word.

So while Democrats were praying for peace and justice, violent elements, not associated with or part of the BLM protests, were doing the opposite of what Democrats asked for.

How long are you going to continue to try to sell your lies, FuckBoi, because you're a really poor salesman?

Will Biden sick his DOJ on him, or will Biden let Trump skate on sedition and insurrection?
He'd be dumb if he did. The best thing that could happen to the Democrats nationally is for the blob to hang around. His exoneration by the Senate is a key element in his feeling emboldened to do so.

I'm really looking forward to all the donors fleeing every Republican who votes for acquital, just like they've cut off funding to anyone who voted against certification of the election. The Sane Republicans will form a new party because the old one has just committed suicide by Trump. The Sane (but clearly stupid, Republicans) will be in competition for voters with the MAGA Patriot Party.

They could cut the MAGA Patriots off at the knees by impeaching their leader, but they're not bright enough to do that. They really would be better off to vote to impeach Trump, and then abandon the wreckage of the Republican Party to Trump, and start fresh, with new leadership. One that exclude's Trump's enablers.

The likelihood of a 3rd party getting enough traction to be on the ballot in many states is very small. The "safe" play--I use quotes because it's fraught as well--is to try to appease the blob's base and ensnare them in the devil's bargain of "Do you really want to live under President Harris?" I don't recall the guy who ran against Lindsay Graham but it would be good seed money for Sasse '24.... I think 20M of the blob's 70+M stay home if Sasse is the nominee. Maybe 5-10M if it's Cruz.

There's also the cynical and harsh reality that many of Trump's older voters will be dead four years from now. Republicans are doing nothing to appeal to younger voters, other than the crazies. And they still don't have a platform. How can any sane reasonable person keep voting for economic calamity, every time you get a Republican in the White House?
Not really. Those in the GOP establishment like Romney, Kasich, the Bush Family, etc., are cool with 2nd place finishes. They have set a bar they figure they can reach.
The win at any cost attitude is quite harmful to the country.

It served the Democrats pretty well, no?

Where have you been? The Dems have been getting their asses kicked from one end of the country to the other since 2000. Except for getting Obama, Dems have won NOTHING, up until 2018, when the whole nation stood up and said "We did NOT vote for Trump so fuck him!!!", and the voters have been on a mission to get rid of him since the day he was inaugurated.

Republicans picked up Senate seats, you blithering idiot.
I wouldn’t look too into that. The map was very favorable to them with few seats they had to defend.

You guys got “schlonged” in the House which is more indicative of the state of the country.
The House losses were just above avg. Barry got schlonged in his first midterm.

Yes, because of the Tea Party Movement. But he didn't lose as badly as Trump did in 2018. Trump had the biggest mid-Term loss in American history.

Trump has never won an election. He lost the popular vote in 2016, the mid-Terms in 2018, and the general in 2020.

Although Trump wasn't on the ballot in 2018, he did tell the American people to treat that election as a referendum on his work so far, and they resoundingly rejected him. Voters gave the House and 7 governorships to the Democrats.

Now that Trump has all but succeeding in dividing the Republican Party in two - the Sedition Caucus, and the Sane Caucus, he has all but guaranteed a Democratic House and Senate for the foreseeable future.
Trump had the biggest mid-Term loss in American history.

Why do you think you can get away with such blatant lies? Are you really that stupid, or just incapable of not posting lies?


Trump lost 41 Seats in the House.
Trump gained 1 seat in the Senate.


Barry lost 63 seats in the House
Barry lost 7 seats in the Senate.

Why do you call others liars, when it is you who is twisting things.

It's not ME who calls it the biggest mid-Term lost in American history - it's every mainstream publication I googled.

The seat count is irrelevant and paints a completely false picture of the extent of Trump's mid-Term losses. After the 2010 elections, with the Republicans firmly in control of the majority of the State House, Red States used the 2010 Census to thoroughly gerrymander every state they had control over, to such an extent that is was almost statistically impossible to flip the House, regardless of what voters wanted.

By 2018, Democrats needed 57% of the popular vote, to flip the House. Trump's loss in the popular vote was the largest in US History, and it was historic, because of the statistical impossibility of Dems flipping the House.

One of the projects that Obama and Holder have been working on since leaving office is reversing the gerrymandering, but it's a slow process. You need 100,000 verifiable voter signatures on a petition, to go to the court to request a judicial review. Then the map has to be redrawn georgraphically, following which, the redrawn map has to go through an approval process.

So when you try to compare 2010 to 2018, the number of seats changing hands would be substantially diminished by the number of "safe" Republican districts that had been created since the 2010 Census.

Do you want to try your next piece of bullshit, FuckBoi?
The seat count is irrelevant

That's how wins and losses are calculated, Dumbass. I gave you the numbers. You bring spin from Axios.

You are a moron.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Will Biden sick his DOJ on him, or will Biden let Trump skate on sedition and insurrection?
He'd be dumb if he did. The best thing that could happen to the Democrats nationally is for the blob to hang around. His exoneration by the Senate is a key element in his feeling emboldened to do so.

I'm really looking forward to all the donors fleeing every Republican who votes for acquital, just like they've cut off funding to anyone who voted against certification of the election. The Sane Republicans will form a new party because the old one has just committed suicide by Trump. The Sane (but clearly stupid, Republicans) will be in competition for voters with the MAGA Patriot Party.

They could cut the MAGA Patriots off at the knees by impeaching their leader, but they're not bright enough to do that. They really would be better off to vote to impeach Trump, and then abandon the wreckage of the Republican Party to Trump, and start fresh, with new leadership. One that exclude's Trump's enablers.

The likelihood of a 3rd party getting enough traction to be on the ballot in many states is very small. The "safe" play--I use quotes because it's fraught as well--is to try to appease the blob's base and ensnare them in the devil's bargain of "Do you really want to live under President Harris?" I don't recall the guy who ran against Lindsay Graham but it would be good seed money for Sasse '24.... I think 20M of the blob's 70+M stay home if Sasse is the nominee. Maybe 5-10M if it's Cruz.

There's also the cynical and harsh reality that many of Trump's older voters will be dead four years from now. Republicans are doing nothing to appeal to younger voters, other than the crazies. And they still don't have a platform. How can any sane reasonable person keep voting for economic calamity, every time you get a Republican in the White House?

They have some issues....so do the Democrats. One problem the Democrats don't have is that they will have only one candidate for President in August 2024.
Then Biden and the democrats need to stop the witch-hunt in return. Stop making a point of reversing every single order Trump made in some childish attempt to eradicate him from American history.

So, you don't want Biden to do what Trump did to Obama? Seems hypocritical.

Divisions can't continue.

But they will. Hand wringing changes nothing.

Herr Himmler, what if Trump did to Xi's man what Obama did to him?

What if he had the KGB spy in him and worked with the Kremlin to defame in in the press? What if he had the KGB lie to the courts and started a witch hunt against Xi's man?

What if you simply just shut the fuck up? Your retarded conspiracy theories are not necessary, you Cult45 twat.
Thank you.

The witch hunting lib loons will declare Trump deceased. When no funeral home will handle the burial they will declare and appoint themselves undertakers.
Will Biden sick his DOJ on him, or will Biden let Trump skate on sedition and insurrection?

He has multiple state criminal, and civil indictments headed his way. And there won't be any complicit Senators there to cast a vote on any of those.
Will Biden sick his DOJ on him, or will Biden let Trump skate on sedition and insurrection?

He has multiple state criminal, and civil indictments headed his way. And there won't be any complicit Senators there to cast a vote on any of those.
Can’t let go. Wedded to bad feelings rather than happy about victory, Very very emotionally ill in your pursuits
Will Biden sick his DOJ on him, or will Biden let Trump skate on sedition and insurrection?
He'd be dumb if he did. The best thing that could happen to the Democrats nationally is for the blob to hang around. His exoneration by the Senate is a key element in his feeling emboldened to do so.

I'm really looking forward to all the donors fleeing every Republican who votes for acquital, just like they've cut off funding to anyone who voted against certification of the election. The Sane Republicans will form a new party because the old one has just committed suicide by Trump. The Sane (but clearly stupid, Republicans) will be in competition for voters with the MAGA Patriot Party.

They could cut the MAGA Patriots off at the knees by impeaching their leader, but they're not bright enough to do that. They really would be better off to vote to impeach Trump, and then abandon the wreckage of the Republican Party to Trump, and start fresh, with new leadership. One that exclude's Trump's enablers.
Why don't you on the left just be honest and admit what it is you are really after. You don't want trump gone, you want the entire republican party gone, trump is just your current target. This is why the left is trying to turn everything into racism and hate speech. You want to make it so that anyone who opposes you is afraid to speak.

Cancel culture is your mechanism to spread fear across the country. If you say something we don't like? Fired! If you vote the way we don't like? Defunded, censured, and removed!

You on the left accuse the right of being terrorist....you on the left are causing terrorism all over the place.
Will Biden sick his DOJ on him, or will Biden let Trump skate on sedition and insurrection?

He has multiple state criminal, and civil indictments headed his way. And there won't be any complicit Senators there to cast a vote on any of those.
Sure he does.

You clowns told us he would be cuffed as he walked out of the white house.

He is playing golf in Florida.
Hitlery is still crying about the election, Dummy.
Cool. Let me know when she has her supporters storm the Capitol.
View attachment 456242
Cool. And which of those riots was trying to get Clinton elected?
Did I make that claim, Stupid? Nope.


I love how you weasel word your posts and then try to run away from them, FuckBoi. It shows your simply, basic dishonesty. I guess that calling peopole liars and asking for links you're never going to read wasn't working too well for you. We're on to the new game as well.
Hitlery is still crying about the election, Dummy.
Cool. Let me know when she has her supporters storm the Capitol.
View attachment 456242
Cool. And which of those riots was trying to get Clinton elected?
Did I make that claim, Stupid? Nope.


I love how you weasel word your posts and then try to run away from them, FuckBoi. It shows your simply, basic dishonesty. I guess that calling peopole liars and asking for links you're never going to read wasn't working too well for you. We're on to the new game as well.
Show me where I made that claim, Assface.

You can't?

Then STFU.
Will Biden sick his DOJ on him, or will Biden let Trump skate on sedition and insurrection?
There was no sedition and this was not an insurrection. the democlowns need to get their heads, as they say in the US Army, out of their a-ses.

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