What will happen after Donald Trump is 100% Exonerated again?

Will Trump be indicted for the crimes he is accused of?

  • Yes.

  • No.

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Of course he will be acquitted. Over 40% of the senate voted that they didnt even have the authority to try a private citizen.
And then they ignored the trial and the evidence. Get rid of them. Bring the new party in.

Oh, the "evidence.."

View attachment 455930

Yeah, that's damned convincing, sploogy..
They were not allowed to present the evidence.
Because the evidence wasn’t and was without merit.
Two words: Hitlery Clinton.

She is still chiming in to divide the country.
Clinton conceded to Trump the day after the election.

Trump spent two months lying to his supporters and it turned into a riot that got people killed.
Democrats need to keep Trump relevant and top of mind to cover for Biden’s shortcomings. My prediction is Trump will be the most talked about and relevant, former President well into a successor’s term.
Which party didnt get their way the past 4 years?
Trump supporters are living in an alternate reality. We can't be a whole country until that changes.
There are two views here. Your view that the Constitution is being followed and the other view where it has been usurped. There is no independent thought that results in legislation in the Congress. People get elected and follow the line of the party. And the agendas are so profoundly evident that this nation is being forced to move further and further left. It is you that live in the alternate reality. It is city/suburban versus semi rural/rural. And it is you who force the semi rural/rural to pay for the city/suburban in reality.
There are two views here. Your view that the Constitution is being followed and the other view where it has been usurped. There is no independent thought that results in legislation in the Congress. People get elected and follow the line of the party. And the agendas are so profoundly evident that this nation is being forced to move further and further left. It is you that live in the alternate reality. It is city/suburban versus semi rural/rural. And it is you who force the semi rural/rural to pay for the city/suburban in reality.
I grew up in rural and moved to the city. I know both. This conflict is imaginary, product of an attempt to divide the country into tribes for political purposes and power.

Trump has warped his supporters so much that they live in an alternate reality where the election was stolen by Dominion machines, that China is coming to kill them, that Joe Biden is the reincarnation of Karl Marx, that Antifa is going to march down their street to murder Trump supporters. Fear is his tool and he wields it well.
Trump can run again w/o Mike Pence in 2024.

Trump has warped his supporters so much that they live in an alternate reality where the election was stolen by Dominion machines, that China is coming to kill them, that Joe Biden is the reincarnation of Karl Marx, that Antifa is going to march down their street to murder Trump supporters. Fear is his tool and he wields it well.

We'll see if Dominion voting machines are ever used again.
Democrats need to keep Trump relevant and top of mind to cover for Biden’s shortcomings. My prediction is Trump will be the most talked about and relevant, former President well into a successor’s term.
Ya no.
To answer your question in the title - everyone then moves on (hopefully).

Draw a line under it all - both Trump and Biden.

If I was Trump, I'd hold court just now because Biden is a total lunatic as is the Democrat movement.

They'll eat themselves inside-out before long and the other half of America will waken up, then he (Trump) will be vindicated but he could do himself a favour and be dignified in the meantime and accept his proof of rigged elections is either not withstanding scrutiny or accept that he's not presented it (and that's on him).

Then Biden and the democrats need to stop the witch-hunt in return. Stop making a point of reversing every single order Trump made in some childish attempt to eradicate him from American history.

Divisions can't continue.

Biden has no choice but to reverse all of trumps illegal unconstitutional and criminal executive orders.

There will be no locking up of refugees on the border. No Muslim bans. And no border wall. Multi billion dollar boondoggles paid for on a credit card.

Falsifying American history so it’s not to make the country look bad to your children, is over.

The USA is going to run according to democratic values, not authoritarian dictatorship.

Trumps policies have resulted in massive increases in mass shootings, murders, hate crimes, and right wing terrorism.

His economic policies crash the economy. 8 million people have fallen into poverty as a result. 5 million have lost their health insurance. 200,000 businesses have closed.

Why would anyone continue the policies that have led to this?
Biden has no choice but to reverse all of trumps illegal unconstitutional and criminal executive orders.

Which EO that Veggie Joe reversed was "illegal, unconstitutional, and criminal"?

Dragonlady put up or STFU.
Not really. Those in the GOP establishment like Romney, Kasich, the Bush Family, etc., are cool with 2nd place finishes. They have set a bar they figure they can reach.
The win at any cost attitude is quite harmful to the country.

It served the Democrats pretty well, no?

Where have you been? The Dems have been getting their asses kicked from one end of the country to the other since 2000. Except for getting Obama, Dems have won NOTHING, up until 2018, when the whole nation stood up and said "We did NOT vote for Trump so fuck him!!!", and the voters have been on a mission to get rid of him since the day he was inaugurated.

Republicans picked up Senate seats, you blithering idiot.
He will be acquited on all that.

Such will cause the TDS morons to take the next step and try to prosecute him as a civilian for nonsense.
I'm curious if that is possible, because of this:

but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

If trump is not convicted, then he would not be able to be sued again in civil court. Wouldn't that trigger the double jeopardy clause?
He will be acquited on all that.

Such will cause the TDS morons to take the next step and try to prosecute him as a civilian for nonsense.
I'm curious if that is possible, because of this:

but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

If trump is not convicted, then he would not be able to be sued again in civil court. Wouldn't that trigger the double jeopardy clause?

You are misconstruing the meaning of this paragraph completely. There can only be two punishments for impeachment regardless of whether criminal activity was involved. The first punishment is removal from office and the second is a prohibition against seeking election for any public office.These are the only punishments the Senate can impose.

The clause you quoted is, in essence, a “notwithstanding” clause. Which means that regardless of whether he has been convicted and removed from office and barred from all from running for office in future, he can still be arrested on criminal charges tried convicted and jailed for any crimes for which he was impeached.

An impeachment is not a criminal trial and therefore the “double jeopardy rule” doesn’t apply.
Well, it says "the party convicted...", that leads me to think its a conditional statement. Conditional in that, if the impeached party is convicted, they are then also subject to criminal charged, but if not convicted, then the rest doesn't apply.

As far as the double jealousy clause, I don't believe there is a requirement that it has to be a criminal trial. The 5th ammendment doesn't make that distinction. It just says no personal shall be subject twice to the same offense.

It just doesn't make sense to allow both, because it could very easily be a prosecution of personal vendetta. If the impeached is not found guilty in the senate trial, we'll then we can just keep on suing him until we get the outcome we desire. I don't think the justice system was intended to be used that way, and likely why they put that in the 5th ammendment.

Also, I don't think a criminal trial is possible for trump as it would be impossible to select a jury that isn't biased, since EVERYONE knows about this case.

In Trump's first impeachment, the Republican Senator's said that they believed Trump guilty, but they thought it wrong to take that decision away from the American voters and that they should be allowed to decide his fate. In reality, they didn't want to be primaried and they were scared of Trump. And he could be charged criminally once he's out of office.
In Trump's first impeachment, the Republican Senator's said that they believed Trump guilty,

Give us a link. Your lies are too easy to expose, you lying sack of dogshit. BTW, Romney doesn't count as "The Republican Senators".
Biden has said he won't do it, but the State of Georgia is already preparing charges for election interference because of his phone call, and attacks on state officials. Michigan is looking at doing the same.

The State of New York is pursuing tax fraud charges against the whole Trump Family, and bank/insurance fraud against the Trump Corporation.

There's also Mary Trump's fraud case against her uncle, and two slander cases against Dumb Donald brought by women he sexually assaulted, and then called "liars" when they confirmed that he attacked them.

No, actually they are not.

You got smacked down on that lie yesterday, but here you are today telling the same damned lie.

NOT one of you Nazis has so much as a HINT of integrity, not a shred or smattering.

Actually, they are:

Read before you post;


While the letter does not mention Mr. Trump by name, it is related to his efforts to change the outcome of Georgia’s election, according to a state official with knowledge of the matter. A copy of the letter was obtained by The New York Times.

Of particular note in Ms. Willis’s letter was the wider scope of the investigation. Potential violations of state law include “the solicitation of election fraud, the making of false statements to state and local governmental bodies, conspiracy, racketeering, violation of oath of office and any involvement in violence or threats related to the election’s administration,” the letter states.


Not only are they not "preparing charges" as you lied - they don't even mention Trump in their fishing expedition of an "investigation."

Again, you were corrected on this lie yesterday, yet here you are lying again.

The article didn't mention Trump at all? His name is in the fucking headline, you dolt!

Once again you're trying to twist things to say what YOU want them to say. Calling everyone a communist chinese or a nazi just makes you read like an unhinged lunatic.

Trump is twice impeached for his crimes. Criminal charges are coming. Suck on it you crazed loon.
Trump will be twice 100% EXONERATED of the Dimwinger's Shampeachments, Dummy.
Not really. Those in the GOP establishment like Romney, Kasich, the Bush Family, etc., are cool with 2nd place finishes. They have set a bar they figure they can reach.
The win at any cost attitude is quite harmful to the country.

It served the Democrats pretty well, no?

Where have you been? The Dems have been getting their asses kicked from one end of the country to the other since 2000. Except for getting Obama, Dems have won NOTHING, up until 2018, when the whole nation stood up and said "We did NOT vote for Trump so fuck him!!!", and the voters have been on a mission to get rid of him since the day he was inaugurated.

Republicans picked up Senate seats, you blithering idiot.
I wouldn’t look too into that. The map was very favorable to them with few seats they had to defend.

You guys got “schlonged” in the House which is more indicative of the state of the country.
Biden has no choice but to reverse all of trumps illegal unconstitutional and criminal executive orders.

None of Trump's EO's were criminal or unconstitutional.

Why must you Nazis lie so much?

There will be no locking up of refugees on the border. No Muslim bans. And no border wall. Multi billion dollar boondoggles paid for on a credit card.

Fucking Biden and the little cocksucker built the cages.

Why must you Nazis lie so much?

Falsifying American history so it’s not to make the country look bad to your children, is over.

You mean like the 1619 project?

Why must you Nazis lie so much?

The USA is going to run according to democratic values, not authoritarian dictatorship.

Only if we stop you fucking Nazis.

Trumps policies have resulted in massive increases in mass shootings, murders, hate crimes, and right wing terrorism.

Fucking liar.

His economic policies crash the economy. 8 million people have fallen into poverty as a result. 5 million have lost their health insurance. 200,000 businesses have closed.

Why would anyone continue the policies that have led to this?

Fucking liar.
Dragonlady has never backed up any claim she has made on this board. The just flings bullshit and thinks people believe it.
It's quite simple Trump will be exonerated, even though every Republican senator knows he's guilty but afraid he'll put someone up against him or her in a Primary if their running in 2022 or 2024. The jokes going to be on them by 2024 Trump will be irrelevant and it wouldn't surprise me out of his stupidity comes a reconstituted new conservative party. Trump has put a nail in the coffin of his Republican party
He was never going to be convicted, since the GQP senators know it would be political suicide, if not LITERAL suicide.

But now the country knows that Trump left Pence and the Congress to die, and didn't do a thing for hours. Pointing that out will be useful in the future.
You act as if Trump is a Clinton.
Not really. Those in the GOP establishment like Romney, Kasich, the Bush Family, etc., are cool with 2nd place finishes. They have set a bar they figure they can reach.
The win at any cost attitude is quite harmful to the country.

It served the Democrats pretty well, no?

Where have you been? The Dems have been getting their asses kicked from one end of the country to the other since 2000. Except for getting Obama, Dems have won NOTHING, up until 2018, when the whole nation stood up and said "We did NOT vote for Trump so fuck him!!!", and the voters have been on a mission to get rid of him since the day he was inaugurated.

Republicans picked up Senate seats, you blithering idiot.
I wouldn’t look too into that. The map was very favorable to them with few seats they had to defend.

You guys got “schlonged” in the House which is more indicative of the state of the country.
The House losses were just above avg. Barry got schlonged in his first midterm.
Not really. Those in the GOP establishment like Romney, Kasich, the Bush Family, etc., are cool with 2nd place finishes. They have set a bar they figure they can reach.
The win at any cost attitude is quite harmful to the country.

It served the Democrats pretty well, no?

Where have you been? The Dems have been getting their asses kicked from one end of the country to the other since 2000. Except for getting Obama, Dems have won NOTHING, up until 2018, when the whole nation stood up and said "We did NOT vote for Trump so fuck him!!!", and the voters have been on a mission to get rid of him since the day he was inaugurated.

Republicans picked up Senate seats, you blithering idiot.
I wouldn’t look too into that. The map was very favorable to them with few seats they had to defend.

You guys got “schlonged” in the House which is more indicative of the state of the country.

The Schlonging of the GOP in Pennsylvania in 2018 was due to the gerrymandering performed by the Far Left State Supreme Court.

Not any will of the voters here.

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