What Will Happen if Democrats Take Congress in Midterms?

If you want to vote for a different President in 2020 - that is your right and I respect it. But seriously, voting for Democrats for the Senate or House in 2018 is a serious mistake by any voter.

If the Dems take the House and Senate this November all the American public will get for two years is attempted impeachment hearings against Trump... and we do NOT need two years of useless impeachment hearings just to accomplish what could be done in one election in 2020 anyway.

Here is the nitty-gritty, even if Trump is impeached in the House, that does not remove him from office - it only starts the hearings procedure. To remove him from office requires a supermajority (2/3 of voters present) of votes in the Senate, and even if the democrats sweep the 2018 midterms Trump will never be removed; because 2/3 of the 2018 Senate will never vote to remove Trump from office. That means impeachment now is nothing but a huge waste of time and your taxpayer dollars.

But would that stop the Dems from trying? No. Want to know more? Read the Constitution.

Impeachment: "The United States Constitution provides that the House of Representatives "shall have the sole Power of Impeachment" (Article I, section 2) and that "the Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments .... [but] no person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present" (Article I, section 3).
Funny, after sampling a small portion of the President's rally in WV Friday night, I walked away saying for the first time, Impeach. He's got to be stopped, Paul. He is stoking the flames of partisan war and making things ten times worse, pulling along lots of people who don't know any better. The thunderous boos in the audience about the "Evil Dems" and all the crimes they are committing was absolutely frightening to me. What is he doing? Why?
Whatever the reason, he needs to be stopped. Look at Lindsay Graham, for God's sake, aping him in hopes of taking over for Jeff Sessions some say. And Kavanaugh's behavior at the hearing? All Trump tactics, some say.
It's revolting. If it were Dems doing it, I'd be saying EXACTLY the same thing.
Civil War is now all but inevitable. Dems are evil. For years I've given them the benefit of doubt...but that's done now. I hate you.
Madonna, Kathy Griffin, Robert DeNiro and Sean Penn all insinuating they would ASSASSINATE Trump
Hollywood folks are hollywood folks, and individuals I remind you. TRUMP, our PRESIDENT, the leader of our nation and a pretty large cult following, is saying about the Democrats:

When you see the anger, when you see people that are angry and mean and nasty and untruthful, when you look at releases and leaks and then they say, oh I didn't do it...The entire nation has witnessed the shameless conduct of the Democrat Party they're willing to throw away every standard of decency, justice, fairness and due process to get their way...The Democrat Party is radical socialism, Venezuela and open borders. ....It's the party of crime, what is and to pay for their socialism, which is going to destroy our country.
Transcript - FirstDraft - Speech: Donald Trump Holds a Political Rally in Wheeling, WV - September 29, 2018 | Factbase

That's just part of it.
Obama NEVER did this. I'm sure he attacked Republicans on their policy, but never ever like this.
Close to half the voters in this country are Dems. You can't damn the whole party like this. It's outrageous.
Under Obama organizations got rectal exams by gov't agencies for wanting 501c status...........Not just by the IRS, but by the FBI, ATF, OSHA, and others.........they cost these people a lot of money in these attacks...........fines..............audits...................all because they didn't believe in what the left believed in....................

So please don't tell me about how innocent Obama is..........that Horse Hockey............not to mention the dirty FBI investigation funded by the left............

We are a divided nation.........period..........probably hasn't been this bad since the civil war..............but it is reality.
I was speaking specifically about Trump's tactics of dividing us further, intentionally, in order to maintain control.
Fueling the hate. Encouraging his followers to call anyone who disagrees with them evil. What in hell is wrong with everyone that they can't see that? This is not about Obama; someone said Obama did the exact same thing. He DID NOT.
Trump hits back............it's always what he does...........and to me it's about time someone fired back on the leftist standard attack methods...........

You don't see us rioting at rallies to try and silence the left.........forcing riot police on to the scene.............You don't need tear gas......and a lot of people don't get sent to jail..............

Let's look at the tactics in the hearings..........70 were arrested trying to disrupt the hearings........yet when under Obama only a couple got arrested both times and they were anti abortion types.

Fueling the Hate..............the left has a lot of nerve on that subject...........we are tired of the BS..........and you know it.........
I guess I wasn't clear enough. I was referring to what the President is doing. He cannot keep playing this game. Impeach.

No, let's not.
Well, some posters have noted it will take two years to impeach him, anyway....I don't know. Maybe I'll just send him an email asking him to be more circumspect.
If you want to vote for a different President in 2020 - that is your right and I respect it. But seriously, voting for Democrats for the Senate or House in 2018 is a serious mistake by any voter.

If the Dems take the House and Senate this November all the American public will get for two years is attempted impeachment hearings against Trump... and we do NOT need two years of useless impeachment hearings just to accomplish what could be done in one election in 2020 anyway.

Here is the nitty-gritty, even if Trump is impeached in the House, that does not remove him from office - it only starts the hearings procedure. To remove him from office requires a supermajority (2/3 of voters present) of votes in the Senate, and even if the democrats sweep the 2018 midterms Trump will never be removed; because 2/3 of the 2018 Senate will never vote to remove Trump from office. That means impeachment now is nothing but a huge waste of time and your taxpayer dollars.

But would that stop the Dems from trying? No. Want to know more? Read the Constitution.

Impeachment: "The United States Constitution provides that the House of Representatives "shall have the sole Power of Impeachment" (Article I, section 2) and that "the Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments .... [but] no person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present" (Article I, section 3).
Funny, after sampling a small portion of the President's rally in WV Friday night, I walked away saying for the first time, Impeach. He's got to be stopped, Paul. He is stoking the flames of partisan war and making things ten times worse, pulling along lots of people who don't know any better. The thunderous boos in the audience about the "Evil Dems" and all the crimes they are committing was absolutely frightening to me. What is he doing? Why?
Whatever the reason, he needs to be stopped. Look at Lindsay Graham, for God's sake, aping him in hopes of taking over for Jeff Sessions some say. And Kavanaugh's behavior at the hearing? All Trump tactics, some say.
It's revolting. If it were Dems doing it, I'd be saying EXACTLY the same thing.
Civil War is now all but inevitable. Dems are evil. For years I've given them the benefit of doubt...but that's done now. I hate you.
I'm not a Dem.
And besides that, OUCH! You better be joshing.
That ship has sailed. Republicans are angry as hornets over Kavanaugh's treatment by piece of shit liberals.

Republicans are pissed because he got caught.
BS..........the tactics used and the time line show me a political hit job.........they knew about this in July and don't sell me that snake oil that they didn't disclose it to protect Ford..............this was planned..........timed to delay this and effect the elections...........Leaked......your side is famous for it.

It's not over yet........the stall tactics will continue.........the FBI will do a quick report........the left will demand hearings on the report.......delays to study it........then after that.............Ford will then file a complaint to Maryland and muddy it up some more............right into the election cycle.......

This is a timed hit............period......and the Dems have done this before.

Should have came out in July..............and investigated at that time .............but that would have not played into the election..........and given more time for a replacement replacement if needed..................

You're writing of a "political hit job" like Bill Clinton?

Or possibly Hillary Clinton and e-mails.
You mean the emails she destroyed after a judge ordered them to be submitted..............the ones bleach bitted...........Or putting classified data on a non gov't authorized server............

FBI wrote her get out of jail free card before she even testified..............anyone else would have been thrown under the jail and you know it..........

A lot of her FBI goons lost their jobs didn't they...............poor things........but they get rewarded for being there for her at places like lockhead martin........making 6 million year.........oh the horror.
I'm starting to believe that the liberals WANT to take down this country any way possible.
Then they can move on to becoming a globalized nation that Soros is seeking.

I think you have it backwards -- Soros is seeking a globalized nation and so he wants liberals to take down this country in any way possible. Let's keep our conspiracy theories as plausible as we can make them.
If you want to vote for a different President in 2020 - that is your right and I respect it. But seriously, voting for Democrats for the Senate or House in 2018 is a serious mistake by any voter.

If the Dems take the House and Senate this November all the American public will get for two years is attempted impeachment hearings against Trump... and we do NOT need two years of useless impeachment hearings just to accomplish what could be done in one election in 2020 anyway.

Here is the nitty-gritty, even if Trump is impeached in the House, that does not remove him from office - it only starts the hearings procedure. To remove him from office requires a supermajority (2/3 of voters present) of votes in the Senate, and even if the democrats sweep the 2018 midterms Trump will never be removed; because 2/3 of the 2018 Senate will never vote to remove Trump from office. That means impeachment now is nothing but a huge waste of time and your taxpayer dollars.

But would that stop the Dems from trying? No. Want to know more? Read the Constitution.

Impeachment: "The United States Constitution provides that the House of Representatives "shall have the sole Power of Impeachment" (Article I, section 2) and that "the Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments .... [but] no person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present" (Article I, section 3).
I say get rid of him now before later. He is a disgusting pig.....every day he stays, he sinks this country in hate, divide, bigotry and chaos.
If you want to vote for a different President in 2020 - that is your right and I respect it. But seriously, voting for Democrats for the Senate or House in 2018 is a serious mistake by any voter.

If the Dems take the House and Senate this November all the American public will get for two years is attempted impeachment hearings against Trump... and we do NOT need two years of useless impeachment hearings just to accomplish what could be done in one election in 2020 anyway.

Here is the nitty-gritty, even if Trump is impeached in the House, that does not remove him from office - it only starts the hearings procedure. To remove him from office requires a supermajority (2/3 of voters present) of votes in the Senate, and even if the democrats sweep the 2018 midterms Trump will never be removed; because 2/3 of the 2018 Senate will never vote to remove Trump from office. That means impeachment now is nothing but a huge waste of time and your taxpayer dollars.

But would that stop the Dems from trying? No. Want to know more? Read the Constitution.

Impeachment: "The United States Constitution provides that the House of Representatives "shall have the sole Power of Impeachment" (Article I, section 2) and that "the Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments .... [but] no person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present" (Article I, section 3).
Funny, after sampling a small portion of the President's rally in WV Friday night, I walked away saying for the first time, Impeach. He's got to be stopped, Paul. He is stoking the flames of partisan war and making things ten times worse, pulling along lots of people who don't know any better. The thunderous boos in the audience about the "Evil Dems" and all the crimes they are committing was absolutely frightening to me. What is he doing? Why?
Whatever the reason, he needs to be stopped. Look at Lindsay Graham, for God's sake, aping him in hopes of taking over for Jeff Sessions some say. And Kavanaugh's behavior at the hearing? All Trump tactics, some say.
It's revolting. If it were Dems doing it, I'd be saying EXACTLY the same thing.
Civil War is now all but inevitable. Dems are evil. For years I've given them the benefit of doubt...but that's done now. I hate you.
I'm not a Dem.
And besides that, OUCH! You better be joshing.

Not you. Liberal Democrats.

This Kavanaugh ambush was the absolutely last straw.
If you want to vote for a different President in 2020 - that is your right and I respect it. But seriously, voting for Democrats for the Senate or House in 2018 is a serious mistake by any voter.

If the Dems take the House and Senate this November all the American public will get for two years is attempted impeachment hearings against Trump... and we do NOT need two years of useless impeachment hearings just to accomplish what could be done in one election in 2020 anyway.

Here is the nitty-gritty, even if Trump is impeached in the House, that does not remove him from office - it only starts the hearings procedure. To remove him from office requires a supermajority (2/3 of voters present) of votes in the Senate, and even if the democrats sweep the 2018 midterms Trump will never be removed; because 2/3 of the 2018 Senate will never vote to remove Trump from office. That means impeachment now is nothing but a huge waste of time and your taxpayer dollars.

But would that stop the Dems from trying? No. Want to know more? Read the Constitution.

Impeachment: "The United States Constitution provides that the House of Representatives "shall have the sole Power of Impeachment" (Article I, section 2) and that "the Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments .... [but] no person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present" (Article I, section 3).
Funny, after sampling a small portion of the President's rally in WV Friday night, I walked away saying for the first time, Impeach. He's got to be stopped, Paul. He is stoking the flames of partisan war and making things ten times worse, pulling along lots of people who don't know any better. The thunderous boos in the audience about the "Evil Dems" and all the crimes they are committing was absolutely frightening to me. What is he doing? Why?
Whatever the reason, he needs to be stopped. Look at Lindsay Graham, for God's sake, aping him in hopes of taking over for Jeff Sessions some say. And Kavanaugh's behavior at the hearing? All Trump tactics, some say.
It's revolting. If it were Dems doing it, I'd be saying EXACTLY the same thing.

Trump is just following Obamas lead.

That ship has sailed. Republicans are angry as hornets over Kavanaugh's treatment by piece of shit liberals.

Republicans are pissed because he got caught.
BS..........the tactics used and the time line show me a political hit job.........they knew about this in July and don't sell me that snake oil that they didn't disclose it to protect Ford..............this was planned..........timed to delay this and effect the elections...........Leaked......your side is famous for it.

It's not over yet........the stall tactics will continue.........the FBI will do a quick report........the left will demand hearings on the report.......delays to study it........then after that.............Ford will then file a complaint to Maryland and muddy it up some more............right into the election cycle.......

This is a timed hit............period......and the Dems have done this before.

Should have came out in July..............and investigated at that time .............but that would have not played into the election..........and given more time for a replacement replacement if needed..................

You're writing of a "political hit job" like Bill Clinton?

Or possibly Hillary Clinton and e-mails.
You mean the emails she destroyed after a judge ordered them to be submitted..............the ones bleach bitted...........Or putting classified data on a non gov't authorized server............

FBI wrote her get out of jail free card before she even testified..............anyone else would have been thrown under the jail and you know it..........

A lot of her FBI goons lost their jobs didn't they...............poor things........but they get rewarded for being there for her at places like lockhead martin........making 6 million year.........oh the horror.

Give it up. Rice and Powell did the same thing. All had the blessing of the State Department. Just another good for Republicans/bad for Democrats.

What you really need to concentrate your efforts on is crappy pay for American Workers.
Show me one video of Obama stirring up a stadium full of people by telling them the Republicans should all be voted out. Every. Single. One.
I remember Obama stirring up his fawning hoard of worshippers with this little gem.

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun." .... :cool:
And there was "clinging to their guns & religion" - anything else in the Bill of Rights you want to do away with, Mr. Obama?

Oh - and as far as having a confirmed Kavanaugh - that's if we get him confirmed. Right now the goal of the left is to delay until the midterms and win the Senate so they can easily stop ANY trump nominee until 2020.

Obama always played to his base: "women's rights" (what we call killing babies in utero) , "dreamer immigrants" (what we call illegal aliens), "Black Lives Matter" (what we call African Americans ignoring the fact that most black crime by far is black on black), "Climate Change" (what we call the carbon credits or "Al Gore's Scheme to Make Tons of Money), or "Voter's Rights" (or what we call "registering illegal aliens to vote like real citizens").
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Excuse me, you DO the same thing. Here. On this forum.

We're not supposed to notice?
Do I? I really try to be careful about that, for the most part, so I'm sorry I messed up.

There is a mother on this forum with two grown children: a son and a daughter. Her daughter hates her for her Christian upbringing, won't have anything to do with her but yell F bombs in her face and run her down on Facebook. Her son is not much better. Her husband is gone. Now she has no spouse and two estranged children.

Your answer to this was basically oh well, things hurt when there's a new world order.

It's sickening. It's raging, black-heartedly evil. THAT Is your ideology, maybe not you, but this ideology you have bought into makes you think like this. Make no mistake about that.
That is nowhere close to what I said. Never put words in my mouth like that, Sue.

Here is exactly what you said:

Hey Feminists: 1860 called, it has fainting couches to sell you
I said, Yes, you can't build a new Order without tearing down the old. What happened in your family is sad and I'm sorry for your pain. It isn't feminism to blame, though.
How you proceeded to figure that was "raging, black-heartedly evil" is beyond me.
I never know what to do with people like you. If I put you on ignore, I won't have to listen to your personal insults and fabrications, but if I put you on ignore, God knows what garbage you will say on this board. No one else will defend me, so I guess I have to.
It's sad alright that any of us have to do this.
Try to be accurate in what you are accusing people of, Sue.

I will try to be more accurate and I did go back and read that you were sorry for her pain, so I apologize to you that I didn't catch that the first time around.


It is still nebulous what you mean by "New World Order". To my mind a "new world order" should NEVER include a daughter screaming F bombs at her mother and publicly vilifying her, unless she was blatantly and obviously vicious, underhanded and toxic. And even then it's not the best way to handle things with your mother.
I was speaking specifically about Trump's tactics of dividing us further, intentionally, in order to maintain control.
Fueling the hate. Encouraging his followers to call anyone who disagrees with them evil. What in hell is wrong with everyone that they can't see that? This is not about Obama; someone said Obama did the exact same thing. He DID NOT.

Project much, Nazi?
Do I? I really try to be careful about that, for the most part, so I'm sorry I messed up.

There is a mother on this forum with two grown children: a son and a daughter. Her daughter hates her for her Christian upbringing, won't have anything to do with her but yell F bombs in her face and run her down on Facebook. Her son is not much better. Her husband is gone. Now she has no spouse and two estranged children.

Your answer to this was basically oh well, things hurt when there's a new world order.

It's sickening. It's raging, black-heartedly evil. THAT Is your ideology, maybe not you, but this ideology you have bought into makes you think like this. Make no mistake about that.
That is nowhere close to what I said. Never put words in my mouth like that, Sue.

Here is exactly what you said:

Hey Feminists: 1860 called, it has fainting couches to sell you
I said, Yes, you can't build a new Order without tearing down the old. What happened in your family is sad and I'm sorry for your pain. It isn't feminism to blame, though.
How you proceeded to figure that was "raging, black-heartedly evil" is beyond me.
I never know what to do with people like you. If I put you on ignore, I won't have to listen to your personal insults and fabrications, but if I put you on ignore, God knows what garbage you will say on this board. No one else will defend me, so I guess I have to.
It's sad alright that any of us have to do this.
Try to be accurate in what you are accusing people of, Sue.

I will try to be more accurate and I did go back and read that you were sorry for her pain, so I apologize to you that I didn't catch that the first time around.


It is still nebulous what you mean by "New World Order". To my mind a "new world order" should NEVER include a daughter screaming F bombs at her mother and publicly vilifying her, unless she was blatantly and obviously vicious, underhanded and toxic. And even then it's not the best way to handle things with your mother.
Thank you.
I never said "New World Order." I didn't mean "New World Order," either. I just meant that as women take on different roles and the relationships between men and women change, become more fair, the old ways will be replaced by new ways. A new Order.
Feminists I've read and spoken to have never encouraged getting into huge bitter fights with their mothers. If anything, feminists encourage women to support and understand each other, even if they can't agree. I have no idea what was going on in B's world when that fight happened, but I can't see how feminism could have caused such a serious rift between a mother and daughter. My goodness, it's only politics.
Poor B. I just gave her donuts a few days ago. I certainly didn't mean to be rude.
We have 2018 to get thru first, including the Mueller report, then the GOP prosecution of crimes against the Trump campaign.
If the dems take over congress in 2019 what will happen is a lot of nothing. The dem congress may vote to impeach Trump, but that won't matter. Trump will be Trump, with his list of "promises kept" and his list of "democrat dangers", the MSM will be even more anti-Trump than usual, the polls will show Trump losing to everyone, and then in 2020 we'll see how it all turns out, probably like 2016.
Show me one video of Obama stirring up a stadium full of people by telling them the Republicans should all be voted out. Every. Single. One.
I remember Obama stirring up his fawning hoard of worshippers with this little gem.

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun." .... :cool:
That all you got? A comment from 2008 on the campaign trail in reference to Republican attacks? Wow. Try using the whole quote next time.

Mobster wisdom tells us never to bring a knife to a gun fight. But what does political wisdom say about bringing a gun to a knife fight?

That’s exactly what Barack Obama said he would do to counter Republican attacks “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said at a Philadelphia fundraise. “Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

Obama made the comment in the context of warning donors that the general election campaign against McCain could get ugly. “They’re going to try to scare people. They’re going to try to say that ‘that Obama is a scary guy,’” he said. A supporter yelled out a deep accented “Don’t give in!”

“I won’t, but that sounded pretty scary. You’re a tough guy,” Obama said.

If you want to vote for a different President in 2020 - that is your right and I respect it. But seriously, voting for Democrats for the Senate or House in 2018 is a serious mistake by any voter.

If the Dems take the House and Senate this November all the American public will get for two years is attempted impeachment hearings against Trump... and we do NOT need two years of useless impeachment hearings just to accomplish what could be done in one election in 2020 anyway.

Here is the nitty-gritty, even if Trump is impeached in the House, that does not remove him from office - it only starts the hearings procedure. To remove him from office requires a supermajority (2/3 of voters present) of votes in the Senate, and even if the democrats sweep the 2018 midterms Trump will never be removed; because 2/3 of the 2018 Senate will never vote to remove Trump from office. That means impeachment now is nothing but a huge waste of time and your taxpayer dollars.

But would that stop the Dems from trying? No. Want to know more? Read the Constitution.

Impeachment: "The United States Constitution provides that the House of Representatives "shall have the sole Power of Impeachment" (Article I, section 2) and that "the Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments .... [but] no person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present" (Article I, section 3).

Won't happen. They will have two solid years until 2020 to make life a living hell for the Trump family on national TV interrogating them one by one in front the same committees the Republicans have abused for the last 8 years.

This is must see TV i'm looking forward to next year.

Turn Ivanka and Melania into hardcore right wingers like you idiots did to Kavanaugh and his family.

Like you idiots are doing to all the moderates and pathetic Bushies.

Make it so Republicans turn California and New York and Illinois into radical Republican states in 2020.
There is a mother on this forum with two grown children: a son and a daughter. Her daughter hates her for her Christian upbringing, won't have anything to do with her but yell F bombs in her face and run her down on Facebook. Her son is not much better. Her husband is gone. Now she has no spouse and two estranged children.

Your answer to this was basically oh well, things hurt when there's a new world order.

It's sickening. It's raging, black-heartedly evil. THAT Is your ideology, maybe not you, but this ideology you have bought into makes you think like this. Make no mistake about that.
That is nowhere close to what I said. Never put words in my mouth like that, Sue.

Here is exactly what you said:

Hey Feminists: 1860 called, it has fainting couches to sell you
I said, Yes, you can't build a new Order without tearing down the old. What happened in your family is sad and I'm sorry for your pain. It isn't feminism to blame, though.
How you proceeded to figure that was "raging, black-heartedly evil" is beyond me.
I never know what to do with people like you. If I put you on ignore, I won't have to listen to your personal insults and fabrications, but if I put you on ignore, God knows what garbage you will say on this board. No one else will defend me, so I guess I have to.
It's sad alright that any of us have to do this.
Try to be accurate in what you are accusing people of, Sue.

I will try to be more accurate and I did go back and read that you were sorry for her pain, so I apologize to you that I didn't catch that the first time around.


It is still nebulous what you mean by "New World Order". To my mind a "new world order" should NEVER include a daughter screaming F bombs at her mother and publicly vilifying her, unless she was blatantly and obviously vicious, underhanded and toxic. And even then it's not the best way to handle things with your mother.
Thank you.
I never said "New World Order." I didn't mean "New World Order," either. I just meant that as women take on different roles and the relationships between men and women change, become more fair, the old ways will be replaced by new ways. A new Order.
Feminists I've read and spoken to have never encouraged getting into huge bitter fights with their mothers. If anything, feminists encourage women to support and understand each other, even if they can't agree. I have no idea what was going on in B's world when that fight happened, but I can't see how feminism could have caused such a serious rift between a mother and daughter. My goodness, it's only politics.
Poor B. I just gave her donuts a few days ago. I certainly didn't mean to be rude.

Okay then, I'm sorry I misunderstood. It is NEVER acceptable in my eyes to destroy family relationships because of politics UNLESS those politics caused serious personal harm to you, and I'm talking about abuse. I'm not talking about "my Christian parents wouldn't let me date 'til I was 18" or "My Christian parents oppose homosexual marriage". That is not abuse.

You have to realize, however, and I hope you do, that there are way too many Leftists who truly do hate and neglect their own parents for specious reasons like these. Meanwhile, the number of Christians who hate their gay children is way overrated and exploited for more hate.

There we are, Old Lady, the lines are drawn. There's no sense crying about the spilled milk when the milk is already well down the drain and into the sewer.

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