What will happen to Trump following the JAN 6 Show?

What will happen to Trump following the JAN 6 Show?

  • Nothing, another false flag sponsored by Democrats

    Votes: 14 87.5%
  • Slap on a wrist for political appearances

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • He'll go to jail and/or never be able to run for POTUS again

    Votes: 1 6.3%

  • Total voters
LOL. Levin's "grasp" of The Constitution is laughable.

Hey Jerky-- -- thanks for confirming with your attack upon Levin that the guy was so SPOT ON in his analysis that all you can do is attack HIM. For if Levin were really wrong, you'd be attacking some of his many points! But I bet a FLAKE like you didn't watch 5 seconds of the video, did ya?

Hey Mr. Constitutional Scholar: let's here your erudite rebuttals to what Levin said! Since he is "laughable," that ought to be really easy for you!
Nothing. Then, either the DOJ will do something, or they won't. Lawsuits will fly over his phony "Official Election Defense Fund" grift, or they won't.
Thanks for that awesome analysis, MacCheese! They will either do someone or not! They will either turn east or west! Great analysis, Genius!

The value here is that the facts are now at least a part of the public record.
What facts? The unchallenged one-sided, baseless claims of a partisan committee made illegally without constitutional authority? Not only is no one watching the hearings, MacDoodle, but the only "public record" they've gone into is the Left's.

The terrible condition this country is in continues as is.
All thanks to your fearless McRusset Potatohead.

Hey Jerky-- -- thanks for confirming with your attack upon Levin that the guy was so SPOT ON in his analysis that all you can do is attack HIM. For if Levin were really wrong, you'd be attacking some of his many points! But I bet a FLAKE like you didn't watch 5 seconds of the video, did ya?

Hey Mr. Constitutional Scholar: let's here your erudite rebuttals to what Levin said! Since he is "laughable," that ought to be really easy for you!
I actually did watch it. Problem is, Levin always sings the same song.

Look bottom line is, anyone who suggests that a committee who makes a Senator out to be the pussy that he is, is engaging in unconstitutional activity....is a Constitutional lightweight....and an alt-right hack. :)

Thanks for playing!
Problem is, Levin always sings the same song.
Maybe because he is right. Noted that you make no SPECIFIC allegations about any particular thing Levin said!

Look bottom line is, anyone who suggests that a committee who makes a Senator out to be the pussy that he is, is engaging in unconstitutional activity....is a Constitutional lightweight....and an alt-right hack.
Too bad Levin did none of those things. All he said was that no where in the Constitution does congress have the legal authority to engage in criminal investigations of private citizens!

Thanks for playing!
Thanks for being a transparent simp.
Maybe because he is right. Noted that you make no SPECIFIC allegations about any particular thing Levin said!

Too bad Levin did none of those things. All he said was that no where in the Constitution does congress have the legal authority to engage in criminal investigations of private citizens!

Thanks for being a transparent simp.
Yes Freaky, Levin DID imply those things. He is a lightweight, alt-right hack who has a very weak grasp of the Constitution.


What will happen to Trump following the JAN 6 Show?


1. the DoJ accumulates enough hard evidence to indict him, and...

2. the DoJ can find the ball$ to actually indict (courtesy of a grand jury), then...

3. Rump will be convicted of multiple felonies - handed a long sentence, very heavy fines, and loss of pension and Secret Service protection, then...

4. He will "don" an "orange" jump suit (deliciously and wonderfully and ironically fitting) and serve one (1) day in a Federal detention center, then...

5. Sleepy Old Uncle Joe will commute his sentence on conditional parole to last for a period of four (4) years ( commutation, not pardon ), then...

6. if Rump is still alive by then - if the fat baboon doesn't keel over from a heart attack first - he goes home and fades into history


Convicted felons are barred from office.

Teflon Don's no-stick coating is fast wearing off... :laugh:
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What will happen to Trump following the JAN 6 Show?
He will spend the rest of his days golfing with occasional appearances on Fox & Friends by phone to whine about one thing or another.

Then he will die and his obituary will mention his two impeachments and attempted coup.

When the next Republican wins the White House, he will pardon Trump.
Put the post in the category of "when did you stop beating your wife". You can't prove a negative. In the mean time the U.S. is plagued with crisis after crisis while the Old Dude takes a break pretending to have Covid and lefties worry about Trump.
Yes Freaky, Levin DID imply those things. He is a lightweight, alt-right hack who has a very weak grasp of the Constitution.

Jack, you still here? I would have thought you off to clown school by now or in the backroom on your cot sleeping off another drunk.

All Levin said was the obvious: Congress has NO authority to conduct criminal investigations of any kind much less on private citizens, especially people who obviously had no direct connection to nor were even present at the capitol that day.
Jack, you still here? I would have thought you off to clown school by now or in the backroom on your cot sleeping off another drunk.

All Levin said was the obvious: Congress has NO authority to conduct criminal investigations of any kind much less on private citizens, especially people who obviously had no direct connection to nor were even present at the capitol that day.
I like smacking you around the boards. You are an absolute simpleton in your posting skills.

Congress most CERTAINLY has the authority to conduct hearings. These are NOT criminal investigations. They are public hearings. The DOJ will decide if charges will be filed. At which time, these just and righteous private citizens will have their recourse.
Levin is an alt-right hack who's outraged that the ideology he supports is finally being called out on the carpet to answer for it's misdeeds. So far, from what I've seen, EVERYONE named in the January 6th committee's hearings were directly involved with or had knowledge before or after the fact of what went on that day.

Sorry. But thanks for playing. :)
I like smacking you around the boards.
Jack, what are you on? I'd like to know what makes you so delusional.

Congress most CERTAINLY has the authority to conduct hearings. These are NOT criminal investigations. They are public hearings.
Where is that power? SHOW ME. Link me to a copy of it. No more empty talk. Cheney is investigating A CRIME (by her own opinion). They have accused TRump of an ATTEMPTED COUP AND INSURRECTION against the US government. Where is that authority given congress to investigate and publicly SMEAR private citizens with tenuous connections at best to what they are investigating?!

The DOJ will decide if charges will be filed. At which time, these just and righteous private citizens will have their recourse.
What recourse will they have against having their names already smeared on national television, having their homes broken into? Especially if the DOJ declines to try to prosecute saying there was no criminal case there? Congress could have investigated, or turned over all their findings to the DOJ and let THEM investigate, but no, even while they admit they are still looking for and trying to gather evidence, they took this to the networks to air on TV as a shitshow designed to INFLUENCE AN ELECTION, HARM THE GOP, and KILL TRUMP'S CHANCES AT REELECTION.

Levin is an alt-right hack who's outraged that the ideology he supports is finally being called out on the carpet to answer for it's misdeeds.
I think not, but thanks for the lugubrious theater.

So far, from what I've seen, EVERYONE named in the January 6th committee's hearings were directly involved with or had knowledge before or after the fact of what went on that day.
IDIOT, unless you were in a cave the past two years, I could say the same thing about YOU, or me, or anyone else who saw the protest that day. Simp.

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