What will happen when Texas flips Democrat?

Sorry buddy, but I'm lily white, and I assure you I'm not working against myself. Why don't you take your racist crap to a teabagger rally or perhaps a John Birch meeting. The rest of the country has evaluated your racist ideals, and found them to be disgusting.

Says the guy who belongs to a party with a lock on 96% of the black vote and 70% of the Hispanic vote but only 39% of the white vote and only 35% of the white male vote.

Why do you guys so turn off white males so that only losers white males stick with the party that is actively trying to harm them? Why is it racist for whites to find the race-neutrality of the Republicans better to their liking than the active racism of the Democrats which so appeals to blacks and Hispanics?

96% black support of Democrats = non-racism; 61% white support of Republicans = racism.

A better question for you to ask yourself is why do you only appeal to a single demographic when the country has so much diversity. It's not a matter of "If they have rights and representation, I don't"

That's not a better question, that's called a diversionary question meant to move the debate forward and allow you to escape dealing with the question asked of you.

Why the appeal only to whites? Whites find the anti-racist and race-neutral positions of the Republicans to be most appealing because whites are the least race-focused demographic in America. The Republicans don't advocate any white-only policies like Democrats do for minorities.

When one friend is continually punching you in the face you tend to, over time, really appreciate the friend who never punches you in the face. Understand?

The fact that Republicans favor anti-racism and race neutrality in their policies and this principally appeals to white voters doesn't say anything bad about Republicans or whites, it does though say something bad about minorities who don't find anti-racist and race-neutral policies appealing.

There is no reason for Republicans to be the party of whites, it's race-neutral and anti-racist policies should have cross-racial appeal, unlike the Democrat's policies towards Affirmative Action, Minority Small Business preferences, hiring quotas, etc but it seems that a lot of minorities like being bought off by Democrats due to their race.

We all deserve an equal shot. In the past, there were enough whites till you didn't have to care about anybody else. It's not that way any more. Change or die is what your party should be thinking about.

You fundamentally misunderstand the issues. Republicans are all for an equal opportunity society and they're ok with unequal outcomes which result from an equal opportunity society. Democrats don't want an equal opportunity society if it means that blacks and Hispanics are at the bottom - Democrats want an engineered equal outcome society and they don't seem to care how many freedoms and human rights they have to trample in order to create that equal outcome society.

You're right, in the past when America was a white nation, Republicans and Democrats split the white vote, but once Democrats decided to incorporate racism into their platform and policies in order to better win the minority vote, they signaled to whites that the Democrats are out to hurt them, and so whites react by, year after year after year, leaving the Democrats. Every election cycle sees the Democrats with a lower share of the white vote (2008 the single exception in decades) and that trend will continue on auto-pilot.

Change or die is what your party should be thinking about. As you guys continually shed white supporters how much power do you think Democrats will have when they are the party with only 5% white support? Do you really believe that whites, even in the minority, are going to permit themselves to be tax-farmed by Democrats, stripped of wealth which Democrats then dole out to their minority supporters? It's not going to happen. Democrats will become a marginalized party of the masses.

I disagree.
I think democrooks want an equal outcome society where no one really gets ahead unless they're "in the club". I don't believe for a second that the elites of the party really want minorities to succeed at all. They need that victricrat mentality to keep that base under control.
Sure they'll throw a few bones to a few minority members, bring them into the house so to speak, but you'll notice they NEVER have any opposition to even the most ludicrous leftist ideas.
Ever hear of a prominent minority democrook oppose abortion or gay marriage? Blacks were the deciding force in CA's Marriage Amendment, but there wasn't one black politician out there celebrating was there?
I'm also encouraged by many of the signs I'm seeing of minority members coming to terms with the reality that their plight is worse now, than it was before the 1960's. Indeed there was oppression back then, almost exclusively thanks to the democrook party and it's thugs. They had to contend with white racists murdering them by the dozens every year.
Now they're being murdered by the hundreds by young black people who have been indoctrinated by liberal democrook teachers to reject religion, reject morality. They're being manipulated by liberal entertainers that looking, acting, and talking like a thug is cool. Their grandparents didn't call each other sellouts or revile each other for acting white when they achieved educational standards.

I know you really believe all that silly stuff buddy. I know you aren't just saying it because you like sounding dumb. Sadly, you believe all the crap you keep hearing in that fox bubble, and as long as you stay there, you will never be exposed to the truth. I'll pray for you.
What in the hell are you smoking? Please stop I am shocked to an obama supporter could get more stupid than just being an obama supporter.
Electorally the triad of CA, TX, and NY will be impossible to beat. How the GOP responds would be likely a mix of the daily outrage and calls for succession.
I love the idea of red states seceding.

The only drawback I can think of would be the unfortunate liberals and moderates left behind in red states after such an event.

Of course it would never happen, and even if it did, the red states would not like what they'd get...the grass is always greener

We'd happily boot them out.

I think dividing the nation in half would be a great experiment. We'd put the Conservative, working class, pro-life, normal folks on one side along with our free market policies and give the other half to the freeloading, liberal, gay marriage, pro-death, Welfare state along with their Socialist, "money-grows-on-trees" mentality and see which side succeeds and which side fails. We'd kick your asses!!
Great, I'm thrilled to hear that republicans now favor anti-racism and race neutrality in their policies. I look forward to hearing about all the sweeping policy changes they are making, because up until you just informed me, the right wing has been as racist as you can get. Great news about your changes. I'll go turn the TV on right now. Something that big has got to be on all the networks.

What do you mean by "now" favor? Republicans didn't have white-only policies, that was Democrats and then Democrats migrated over to black and Hispanic and Asian favoritism.

If a party doesn't have a policy then it doesn't need to make sweeping changes in response to a policy it never had. You're delusional.

How can the right-wing be racist when it doesn't have any race-favoritism policies? How can the left-wing be anti-racist when it's overflowing with race-based policies?
Says the guy who belongs to a party with a lock on 96% of the black vote and 70% of the Hispanic vote but only 39% of the white vote and only 35% of the white male vote.

Why do you guys so turn off white males so that only losers white males stick with the party that is actively trying to harm them? Why is it racist for whites to find the race-neutrality of the Republicans better to their liking than the active racism of the Democrats which so appeals to blacks and Hispanics?

96% black support of Democrats = non-racism; 61% white support of Republicans = racism.

A better question for you to ask yourself is why do you only appeal to a single demographic when the country has so much diversity. It's not a matter of "If they have rights and representation, I don't"

That's not a better question, that's called a diversionary question meant to move the debate forward and allow you to escape dealing with the question asked of you.

Why the appeal only to whites? Whites find the anti-racist and race-neutral positions of the Republicans to be most appealing because whites are the least race-focused demographic in America. The Republicans don't advocate any white-only policies like Democrats do for minorities.

When one friend is continually punching you in the face you tend to, over time, really appreciate the friend who never punches you in the face. Understand?

The fact that Republicans favor anti-racism and race neutrality in their policies and this principally appeals to white voters doesn't say anything bad about Republicans or whites, it does though say something bad about minorities who don't find anti-racist and race-neutral policies appealing.

There is no reason for Republicans to be the party of whites, it's race-neutral and anti-racist policies should have cross-racial appeal, unlike the Democrat's policies towards Affirmative Action, Minority Small Business preferences, hiring quotas, etc but it seems that a lot of minorities like being bought off by Democrats due to their race.

We all deserve an equal shot. In the past, there were enough whites till you didn't have to care about anybody else. It's not that way any more. Change or die is what your party should be thinking about.

You fundamentally misunderstand the issues. Republicans are all for an equal opportunity society and they're ok with unequal outcomes which result from an equal opportunity society. Democrats don't want an equal opportunity society if it means that blacks and Hispanics are at the bottom - Democrats want an engineered equal outcome society and they don't seem to care how many freedoms and human rights they have to trample in order to create that equal outcome society.

You're right, in the past when America was a white nation, Republicans and Democrats split the white vote, but once Democrats decided to incorporate racism into their platform and policies in order to better win the minority vote, they signaled to whites that the Democrats are out to hurt them, and so whites react by, year after year after year, leaving the Democrats. Every election cycle sees the Democrats with a lower share of the white vote (2008 the single exception in decades) and that trend will continue on auto-pilot.

Change or die is what your party should be thinking about. As you guys continually shed white supporters how much power do you think Democrats will have when they are the party with only 5% white support? Do you really believe that whites, even in the minority, are going to permit themselves to be tax-farmed by Democrats, stripped of wealth which Democrats then dole out to their minority supporters? It's not going to happen. Democrats will become a marginalized party of the masses.

I disagree.
I think democrooks want an equal outcome society where no one really gets ahead unless they're "in the club". I don't believe for a second that the elites of the party really want minorities to succeed at all. They need that victricrat mentality to keep that base under control.
Sure they'll throw a few bones to a few minority members, bring them into the house so to speak, but you'll notice they NEVER have any opposition to even the most ludicrous leftist ideas.
Ever hear of a prominent minority democrook oppose abortion or gay marriage? Blacks were the deciding force in CA's Marriage Amendment, but there wasn't one black politician out there celebrating was there?
I'm also encouraged by many of the signs I'm seeing of minority members coming to terms with the reality that their plight is worse now, than it was before the 1960's. Indeed there was oppression back then, almost exclusively thanks to the democrook party and it's thugs. They had to contend with white racists murdering them by the dozens every year.
Now they're being murdered by the hundreds by young black people who have been indoctrinated by liberal democrook teachers to reject religion, reject morality. They're being manipulated by liberal entertainers that looking, acting, and talking like a thug is cool. Their grandparents didn't call each other sellouts or revile each other for acting white when they achieved educational standards.

I know you really believe all that silly stuff buddy. I know you aren't just saying it because you like sounding dumb. Sadly, you believe all the crap you keep hearing in that fox bubble, and as long as you stay there, you will never be exposed to the truth. I'll pray for you.
What in the hell are you smoking? Please stop I am shocked to an obama supporter could get more stupid than just being an obama supporter.

Well thank you for your comment reb. I will give it all the consideration it deserves. My girl is prettier than yours too.

Great, I'm thrilled to hear that republicans now favor anti-racism and race neutrality in their policies. I look forward to hearing about all the sweeping policy changes they are making, because up until you just informed me, the right wing has been as racist as you can get. Great news about your changes. I'll go turn the TV on right now. Something that big has got to be on all the networks.

What do you mean by "now" favor? Republicans didn't have white-only policies, that was Democrats and then Democrats migrated over to black and Hispanic and Asian favoritism.

If a party doesn't have a policy then it doesn't need to make sweeping changes in response to a policy it never had. You're delusional.

How can the right-wing be racist when it doesn't have any race-favoritism policies? How can the left-wing be anti-racist when it's overflowing with race-based policies?

You say the right wing isn't racist? Sounds like you are trying some kind of Jedi mind trick..."These republicans are not the racist you are looking for".....It won't work no matter how hard you believe in the force.
Great, I'm thrilled to hear that republicans now favor anti-racism and race neutrality in their policies. I look forward to hearing about all the sweeping policy changes they are making, because up until you just informed me, the right wing has been as racist as you can get. Great news about your changes. I'll go turn the TV on right now. Something that big has got to be on all the networks.

What do you mean by "now" favor? Republicans didn't have white-only policies, that was Democrats and then Democrats migrated over to black and Hispanic and Asian favoritism.

If a party doesn't have a policy then it doesn't need to make sweeping changes in response to a policy it never had. You're delusional.

How can the right-wing be racist when it doesn't have any race-favoritism policies? How can the left-wing be anti-racist when it's overflowing with race-based policies?

You say the right wing isn't racist? Sounds like you are trying some kind of Jedi mind trick..."These republicans are not the racist you are looking for".....It won't work no matter how hard you believe in the force.

Educate me, give me one example of a Republican policy which applies only to whites.
A better question for you to ask yourself is why do you only appeal to a single demographic when the country has so much diversity. It's not a matter of "If they have rights and representation, I don't"

That's not a better question, that's called a diversionary question meant to move the debate forward and allow you to escape dealing with the question asked of you.

Why the appeal only to whites? Whites find the anti-racist and race-neutral positions of the Republicans to be most appealing because whites are the least race-focused demographic in America. The Republicans don't advocate any white-only policies like Democrats do for minorities.

When one friend is continually punching you in the face you tend to, over time, really appreciate the friend who never punches you in the face. Understand?

The fact that Republicans favor anti-racism and race neutrality in their policies and this principally appeals to white voters doesn't say anything bad about Republicans or whites, it does though say something bad about minorities who don't find anti-racist and race-neutral policies appealing.

There is no reason for Republicans to be the party of whites, it's race-neutral and anti-racist policies should have cross-racial appeal, unlike the Democrat's policies towards Affirmative Action, Minority Small Business preferences, hiring quotas, etc but it seems that a lot of minorities like being bought off by Democrats due to their race.

We all deserve an equal shot. In the past, there were enough whites till you didn't have to care about anybody else. It's not that way any more. Change or die is what your party should be thinking about.

You fundamentally misunderstand the issues. Republicans are all for an equal opportunity society and they're ok with unequal outcomes which result from an equal opportunity society. Democrats don't want an equal opportunity society if it means that blacks and Hispanics are at the bottom - Democrats want an engineered equal outcome society and they don't seem to care how many freedoms and human rights they have to trample in order to create that equal outcome society.

You're right, in the past when America was a white nation, Republicans and Democrats split the white vote, but once Democrats decided to incorporate racism into their platform and policies in order to better win the minority vote, they signaled to whites that the Democrats are out to hurt them, and so whites react by, year after year after year, leaving the Democrats. Every election cycle sees the Democrats with a lower share of the white vote (2008 the single exception in decades) and that trend will continue on auto-pilot.

Change or die is what your party should be thinking about. As you guys continually shed white supporters how much power do you think Democrats will have when they are the party with only 5% white support? Do you really believe that whites, even in the minority, are going to permit themselves to be tax-farmed by Democrats, stripped of wealth which Democrats then dole out to their minority supporters? It's not going to happen. Democrats will become a marginalized party of the masses.

I disagree.
I think democrooks want an equal outcome society where no one really gets ahead unless they're "in the club". I don't believe for a second that the elites of the party really want minorities to succeed at all. They need that victricrat mentality to keep that base under control.
Sure they'll throw a few bones to a few minority members, bring them into the house so to speak, but you'll notice they NEVER have any opposition to even the most ludicrous leftist ideas.
Ever hear of a prominent minority democrook oppose abortion or gay marriage? Blacks were the deciding force in CA's Marriage Amendment, but there wasn't one black politician out there celebrating was there?
I'm also encouraged by many of the signs I'm seeing of minority members coming to terms with the reality that their plight is worse now, than it was before the 1960's. Indeed there was oppression back then, almost exclusively thanks to the democrook party and it's thugs. They had to contend with white racists murdering them by the dozens every year.
Now they're being murdered by the hundreds by young black people who have been indoctrinated by liberal democrook teachers to reject religion, reject morality. They're being manipulated by liberal entertainers that looking, acting, and talking like a thug is cool. Their grandparents didn't call each other sellouts or revile each other for acting white when they achieved educational standards.

I know you really believe all that silly stuff buddy. I know you aren't just saying it because you like sounding dumb. Sadly, you believe all the crap you keep hearing in that fox bubble, and as long as you stay there, you will never be exposed to the truth. I'll pray for you.
What in the hell are you smoking? Please stop I am shocked to an obama supporter could get more stupid than just being an obama supporter.

Well thank you for your comment reb. I will give it all the consideration it deserves. My girl is prettier than yours too.

View attachment 33596
what are you smoking dumb ass?
Great, I'm thrilled to hear that republicans now favor anti-racism and race neutrality in their policies. I look forward to hearing about all the sweeping policy changes they are making, because up until you just informed me, the right wing has been as racist as you can get. Great news about your changes. I'll go turn the TV on right now. Something that big has got to be on all the networks.

What do you mean by "now" favor? Republicans didn't have white-only policies, that was Democrats and then Democrats migrated over to black and Hispanic and Asian favoritism.

If a party doesn't have a policy then it doesn't need to make sweeping changes in response to a policy it never had. You're delusional.

How can the right-wing be racist when it doesn't have any race-favoritism policies? How can the left-wing be anti-racist when it's overflowing with race-based policies?

You say the right wing isn't racist? Sounds like you are trying some kind of Jedi mind trick..."These republicans are not the racist you are looking for".....It won't work no matter how hard you believe in the force.

Educate me, give me one example of a Republican policy which applies only to whites.

You don't think it's racist to cut programs that hurt mostly minorities just so you can give more giveaways to the rich? I guess that's what makes you a republican.
Electorally the triad of CA, TX, and NY will be impossible to beat. How the GOP responds would be likely a mix of the daily outrage and calls for succession.
I love the idea of red states seceding.

The only drawback I can think of would be the unfortunate liberals and moderates left behind in red states after such an event.

Of course it would never happen, and even if it did, the red states would not like what they'd get...the grass is always greener

We'd happily boot them out.

I think dividing the nation in half would be a great experiment. We'd put the Conservative, working class, pro-life, normal folks on one side along with our free market policies and give the other half to the freeloading, liberal, gay marriage, pro-death, Welfare state along with their Socialist, "money-grows-on-trees" mentality and see which side succeeds and which side fails. We'd kick your asses!!
You wish.

The olde south thought that very same thing, and we kicked their asses. We could easilly do it again.

But this time, you have no cotton to plunder, and we'll just let you go
Well, time to bring some real food for thought into this "debate".

Statistikhengst s ELECTORAL POLITICS - 2013 and beyond NEBRASKA UPDATE 2

(I posted that in March, 2011 and it refers to a predecessor posting from 2009)

Now, if you are curious and want to know what Nebraska has to do with Texas and blueness, then read.

The adults in the room will read. Most Righties will froth at the mouth.

Carry on.

You don't think it's racist to cut programs that hurt mostly minorities just so you can give more giveaways to the rich? I guess that's what makes you a republican.

Letting people keep THEIR OWN MONEY is not a give-away. As I noted above, whites are fleeing the Democrats because they see that the Democrats think of them as money crops to be picked for the benefit of minorities. Look at your complaint, it focuses on the fact that whites don't want their taxes going to support minorities. Yeah, they don't. That doesn't make whites or Republicans racists though, racism is the core the Democratic platform. If you're black then you get Affirmative Action, but if you're white then there is no lowered and favored status for you.
The only remaining white demographic which supports Democrats are the white women who've married the government - single white, college educated women:

For the third consecutive election, congressional Democrats are facing the prospect of a decisive rejection by most white voters, including not only white men but also white women who are either married or lack a college degree. But in surveys of both individual Senate races and national preferences on the generic congressional ballot, Democrats are showing stubborn strength with college-educated and single white women.
It's likely that most of these women are career bureaucrats, depending on big government employment for their livelihood and they've grown accustomed to free birth control pills and abortion, because on the issues they actually support the Republicans:

Yet in a measure of the party's vulnerability, even that advantage rests on an unsteady foundation: National Pew Research Center and ABC/Washington Post polls conducted in October found that college-educated white women, though strongly preferring Democrats on issues relating to women's health, actually trust Republicans more on both managing the economy and safeguarding the nation's security.

And look at minority voters. We have a stuttering clusterfuck of a miserable failure in the White House turned to lead every piece of gold he touches and what is the response of minority voters? MOAR they yell:

This year, Democrats continue to post big advantages among minority voters in both the national polling (where the Pew and ABC/Washington Post surveys each show them leading Republicans in the generic congressional ballot by just over 4-to-1) and the state surveys (where African-Americans are providing the party lopsided margins in Arkansas and North Carolina.)
Political parties are simply becoming an extension of racial identity. Whites are the last to clue into this phenomenon, and white single ladies appear to be the most clueless, or perhaps the most self-interested, in that they vote based on what the government gives them rather than on political principle.

Check out how even Republican strategists have internalized the media's portrayal of what's going on:

"College-educated white women are Republicans' biggest hurdle in terms of white voters," says a top GOP strategist
Democrats have lost ALL other white demographics, but it's the Republicans who have the hurdle to cross with white, single women. Oh brother.

But in the latest national polling, and with only the most rare exceptions in the state polling, Democrats are trailing among the other three groups of whites—often by crushing margins.

White men without a college education, continuing their modern pattern, are stampeding toward the GOP again this year. They prefer Republicans by 20 points in the latest Pew generic test and 32 points in the ABC/WP measure, gaps that could widen further as the final undecided voters sort out. (These men backed the GOP by 31 points in both the 2010 congressional and 2012 presidential race, according to exit polls.) In the Senate races, the NBC/Marist Polls show these blue-collar men preferring the Republican nominee by 8 percentage points in Iowa (Joni Ernst), 13 points in Kansas (Sen. Pat Roberts), 18 points in Colorado (Rep. Cory Gardner), 35 points in Arkansas (Rep. Tom Cotton), and 39 points in North Carolina (state Rep. Thom Tillis); the UNH survey shows them backing former Sen. Scott Brown over Shaheen by 21 points in New Hampshire.

Democrats don't score better among white men with at least a four-year degree. They trail in the generic congressional ballot among them by 16 points in the Pew survey and 20 points in the ABC/Washington Post poll. (By comparison, these men preferred Republicans by 27 points in the 2010 congressional race and 21 points in the 2012 presidential contest, exit polls found.) While Orman leads among them by a statistically insignificant 45 percent to 44 percent in the NBC/Marist Poll, and the UNH survey shows Shaheen trailing with them only by 2 percentage points, the other Democrats face daunting deficits in this week's NBC/Marist Polls: these men prefer the Republican by 18 percentage points in Arkansas and Colorado, 21 points in Iowa, and 24 points in North Carolina.
Even with "Waitress Moms" the Democrats have a problem:

The results also suggest the limits of the Democratic efforts to frame conservative GOP social positions as a "war on women." That argument continues to show modest progress at best among white women without a college education. These economically pressed voters sometimes described as waitress moms prefer Republicans by 19 points in the ABC/Washington Post generic ballot and 14 points in the Pew survey. (If Democrats can maintain that deficit, that would actually represent an improvement on 2010, when the exit poll showed these blue-collar white women preferring Republican congressional candidates by 28 points and 2012, when they backed Romney over Obama by 20 points.)
Finally a Democrat is held to answer for why Democrats are alienating working white women:

While Braley runs essentially even with these blue-collar women in the NBC/Marist survey, and slightly leads among them in the latest Quinnipiac Poll, the new NBC/Marist polls show that they prefer the Republican Senate nominee by 5 points in Kansas, 6 points in Arkansas, 19 points in Colorado, and 30 points in North Carolina; the UNH poll shows Brown leading with them by 25 points. "Honestly, it's not clear how much progress we are making with non-college white women," says one top Democratic pollster. "And when I say it's not clear, I mean its clear [we're not]."
When white women marry men, instead of the government, then they tend to support Republicans because they want the resources they and their husbands earn to benefit their family rather than having Democrats disburse those benefits to their minority client voters:

Similar divisions among white women are evident when they are viewed by marital status. In the latest NBC/Marist surveys, Udall, Braley, Orman, and Pryor all hold double-digit advantages among single white women; only Hagan trails among them. But except for Orman, who runs essentially even, those other four candidates all trail among married white women, with deficits ranging from 5 points for Udall to fully 22 points for Hagan. (In all five races, Republicans lead among married men, usually by gaping margins.
A key finding on why white single women prefer Democrats - they like to employ cheap Hispanic housekeepers and nannies which frees them up to be career woman. These women depend on a servent class being cheap and easily accessible, hence their support for lax Democratic immigration plans:

In that survey, college-educated white women preferred Democrats on immigration, but tilted narrowly toward the GOP on the economy (46 percent to 39 percent) and decisively on the threat of terrorism (45 percent to 26 percent). In the Pew survey, college-educated white women, like their counterparts without a college degree, placed more trust in Republicans on all three issues.
Electorally the triad of CA, TX, and NY will be impossible to beat. How the GOP responds would be likely a mix of the daily outrage and calls for succession.
I love the idea of red states seceding.

The only drawback I can think of would be the unfortunate liberals and moderates left behind in red states after such an event.

Of course it would never happen, and even if it did, the red states would not like what they'd get...the grass is always greener

We'd happily boot them out.

I think dividing the nation in half would be a great experiment. We'd put the Conservative, working class, pro-life, normal folks on one side along with our free market policies and give the other half to the freeloading, liberal, gay marriage, pro-death, Welfare state along with their Socialist, "money-grows-on-trees" mentality and see which side succeeds and which side fails. We'd kick your asses!!
You wish.

The olde south thought that very same thing, and we kicked their asses. We could easilly do it again.

But this time, you have no cotton to plunder, and we'll just let you go
You didn't do a damn thing you would never be able to do what those men did for the north that's why the south would kick your ass today.
To many jersey shores bitches in the north.
Electorally the triad of CA, TX, and NY will be impossible to beat. How the GOP responds would be likely a mix of the daily outrage and calls for succession.
I love the idea of red states seceding.

The only drawback I can think of would be the unfortunate liberals and moderates left behind in red states after such an event.

Of course it would never happen, and even if it did, the red states would not like what they'd get...the grass is always greener

We'd happily boot them out.

I think dividing the nation in half would be a great experiment. We'd put the Conservative, working class, pro-life, normal folks on one side along with our free market policies and give the other half to the freeloading, liberal, gay marriage, pro-death, Welfare state along with their Socialist, "money-grows-on-trees" mentality and see which side succeeds and which side fails. We'd kick your asses!!
You wish.

The olde south thought that very same thing, and we kicked their asses. We could easilly do it again.

But this time, you have no cotton to plunder, and we'll just let you go

Actually, more Yankees died in the War For States' Rights than Rebs:

When one totals the Americans that died in the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Mexican American War, Spanish American War, World War One, World War Two, Korean War, and Vietnam War, it is less than the total American Civil War casualties.

Union Casualty (Fatality) Estimates:

Battle Deaths: 110,070
Disease, etc.: 250,152
Total Deaths: 360,222

Confederate Estimated Losses (Fatalities):

Battle Deaths: 94,000
Disease, etc.: 164,000
Total Deaths: 258,000
American Civil War Casualties Fatalities Statistics

The North lost 16,000 more soldiers to battle than the South yet the North had a MUCH bigger army.

More importantly to remember is the fact that the vast majority of men on both sides of that battle would be ultra Conservative by today's standards.
Sorry buddy, but I'm lily white, and I assure you I'm not working against myself. Why don't you take your racist crap to a teabagger rally or perhaps a John Birch meeting. The rest of the country has evaluated your racist ideals, and found them to be disgusting.

Says the guy who belongs to a party with a lock on 96% of the black vote and 70% of the Hispanic vote but only 39% of the white vote and only 35% of the white male vote.

Why do you guys so turn off white males so that only losers white males stick with the party that is actively trying to harm them? Why is it racist for whites to find the race-neutrality of the Republicans better to their liking than the active racism of the Democrats which so appeals to blacks and Hispanics?

96% black support of Democrats = non-racism; 61% white support of Republicans = racism.

A better question for you to ask yourself is why do you only appeal to a single demographic when the country has so much diversity. It's not a matter of "If they have rights and representation, I don't"

That's not a better question, that's called a diversionary question meant to move the debate forward and allow you to escape dealing with the question asked of you.

Why the appeal only to whites? Whites find the anti-racist and race-neutral positions of the Republicans to be most appealing because whites are the least race-focused demographic in America. The Republicans don't advocate any white-only policies like Democrats do for minorities.

When one friend is continually punching you in the face you tend to, over time, really appreciate the friend who never punches you in the face. Understand?

The fact that Republicans favor anti-racism and race neutrality in their policies and this principally appeals to white voters doesn't say anything bad about Republicans or whites, it does though say something bad about minorities who don't find anti-racist and race-neutral policies appealing.

There is no reason for Republicans to be the party of whites, it's race-neutral and anti-racist policies should have cross-racial appeal, unlike the Democrat's policies towards Affirmative Action, Minority Small Business preferences, hiring quotas, etc but it seems that a lot of minorities like being bought off by Democrats due to their race.

We all deserve an equal shot. In the past, there were enough whites till you didn't have to care about anybody else. It's not that way any more. Change or die is what your party should be thinking about.

You fundamentally misunderstand the issues. Republicans are all for an equal opportunity society and they're ok with unequal outcomes which result from an equal opportunity society. Democrats don't want an equal opportunity society if it means that blacks and Hispanics are at the bottom - Democrats want an engineered equal outcome society and they don't seem to care how many freedoms and human rights they have to trample in order to create that equal outcome society.

You're right, in the past when America was a white nation, Republicans and Democrats split the white vote, but once Democrats decided to incorporate racism into their platform and policies in order to better win the minority vote, they signaled to whites that the Democrats are out to hurt them, and so whites react by, year after year after year, leaving the Democrats. Every election cycle sees the Democrats with a lower share of the white vote (2008 the single exception in decades) and that trend will continue on auto-pilot.

Change or die is what your party should be thinking about. As you guys continually shed white supporters how much power do you think Democrats will have when they are the party with only 5% white support? Do you really believe that whites, even in the minority, are going to permit themselves to be tax-farmed by Democrats, stripped of wealth which Democrats then dole out to their minority supporters? It's not going to happen. Democrats will become a marginalized party of the masses.

I disagree.
I think democrooks want an equal outcome society where no one really gets ahead unless they're "in the club". I don't believe for a second that the elites of the party really want minorities to succeed at all. They need that victricrat mentality to keep that base under control.
Sure they'll throw a few bones to a few minority members, bring them into the house so to speak, but you'll notice they NEVER have any opposition to even the most ludicrous leftist ideas.
Ever hear of a prominent minority democrook oppose abortion or gay marriage? Blacks were the deciding force in CA's Marriage Amendment, but there wasn't one black politician out there celebrating was there?
I'm also encouraged by many of the signs I'm seeing of minority members coming to terms with the reality that their plight is worse now, than it was before the 1960's. Indeed there was oppression back then, almost exclusively thanks to the democrook party and it's thugs. They had to contend with white racists murdering them by the dozens every year.
Now they're being murdered by the hundreds by young black people who have been indoctrinated by liberal democrook teachers to reject religion, reject morality. They're being manipulated by liberal entertainers that looking, acting, and talking like a thug is cool. Their grandparents didn't call each other sellouts or revile each other for acting white when they achieved educational standards.

I know you really believe all that silly stuff buddy. I know you aren't just saying it because you like sounding dumb. Sadly, you believe all the crap you keep hearing in that fox bubble, and as long as you stay there, you will never be exposed to the truth. I'll pray for you.

If you truly prayed on a regular basis you might have stumbled upon the Holy Spirit once or twice. Obviously you haven't, or you wouldn't be repeating lies. The truth would have become known to you.
Great, I'm thrilled to hear that republicans now favor anti-racism and race neutrality in their policies. I look forward to hearing about all the sweeping policy changes they are making, because up until you just informed me, the right wing has been as racist as you can get. Great news about your changes. I'll go turn the TV on right now. Something that big has got to be on all the networks.

What do you mean by "now" favor? Republicans didn't have white-only policies, that was Democrats and then Democrats migrated over to black and Hispanic and Asian favoritism.

If a party doesn't have a policy then it doesn't need to make sweeping changes in response to a policy it never had. You're delusional.

How can the right-wing be racist when it doesn't have any race-favoritism policies? How can the left-wing be anti-racist when it's overflowing with race-based policies?

You say the right wing isn't racist? Sounds like you are trying some kind of Jedi mind trick..."These republicans are not the racist you are looking for".....It won't work no matter how hard you believe in the force.

Obviously you have been completely indoctrinated into believing that.

Only reason you do is because either you want it to be true or you're too thick to know you've been manipulated.
Great, I'm thrilled to hear that republicans now favor anti-racism and race neutrality in their policies. I look forward to hearing about all the sweeping policy changes they are making, because up until you just informed me, the right wing has been as racist as you can get. Great news about your changes. I'll go turn the TV on right now. Something that big has got to be on all the networks.

What do you mean by "now" favor? Republicans didn't have white-only policies, that was Democrats and then Democrats migrated over to black and Hispanic and Asian favoritism.

If a party doesn't have a policy then it doesn't need to make sweeping changes in response to a policy it never had. You're delusional.

How can the right-wing be racist when it doesn't have any race-favoritism policies? How can the left-wing be anti-racist when it's overflowing with race-based policies?

You say the right wing isn't racist? Sounds like you are trying some kind of Jedi mind trick..."These republicans are not the racist you are looking for".....It won't work no matter how hard you believe in the force.

Educate me, give me one example of a Republican policy which applies only to whites.

You don't think it's racist to cut programs that hurt mostly minorities just so you can give more giveaways to the rich? I guess that's what makes you a republican.

Please feel free to supply us with a list of programs that were cut to help the rich and screw minorities and maybe we can do the research you neglected to do, thus setting you straight on the actual causes.

Great, I'm thrilled to hear that republicans now favor anti-racism and race neutrality in their policies. I look forward to hearing about all the sweeping policy changes they are making, because up until you just informed me, the right wing has been as racist as you can get. Great news about your changes. I'll go turn the TV on right now. Something that big has got to be on all the networks.

What do you mean by "now" favor? Republicans didn't have white-only policies, that was Democrats and then Democrats migrated over to black and Hispanic and Asian favoritism.

If a party doesn't have a policy then it doesn't need to make sweeping changes in response to a policy it never had. You're delusional.

How can the right-wing be racist when it doesn't have any race-favoritism policies? How can the left-wing be anti-racist when it's overflowing with race-based policies?

You say the right wing isn't racist? Sounds like you are trying some kind of Jedi mind trick..."These republicans are not the racist you are looking for".....It won't work no matter how hard you believe in the force.

Educate me, give me one example of a Republican policy which applies only to whites.

You don't think it's racist to cut programs that hurt mostly minorities just so you can give more giveaways to the rich? I guess that's what makes you a republican.

Please feel free to supply us with a list of programs that were cut to help the rich and screw minorities and maybe we can do the research you neglected to do, thus setting you straight on the actual causes.

I'd like to see a list of any actual cuts anywhere.
They need to fix the voting machines so that doesn't happen. Across the country, there are reports of the voting machine switching the votes from Republicans to Democrats.

If Dems ever took over Texas, it would go from a good economy that it is now to a hell hole like Detroit or a waste land like California.
If you had a clue how detroit went down the drain then you would change your party to democrat ... Detroit went down the tubes because of out sourcing .... repub-lie-cans outsourcing their jobs ... not because they weren't making a profit, these greedy bastards wanted to make more profit .... so they had their bough and paid for repub-lie-cans start passing laws that would actually pay them to move out of country ...

the problem repub-lie-can voters have in Texas is they have pissed off the mexican voter and they are coming in droves to make sure they have their voter ID ... its gotten so bad their with them signing up that the state voters Id office have been running out of voter ID's material ... right now they are saying that 50% of the voter in Texax will be the Mexicans voter ... they said 86% of that 50% who are signing up are democrats good luck with keeping your republicans in office their ....
Great, I'm thrilled to hear that republicans now favor anti-racism and race neutrality in their policies. I look forward to hearing about all the sweeping policy changes they are making, because up until you just informed me, the right wing has been as racist as you can get. Great news about your changes. I'll go turn the TV on right now. Something that big has got to be on all the networks.

What do you mean by "now" favor? Republicans didn't have white-only policies, that was Democrats and then Democrats migrated over to black and Hispanic and Asian favoritism.

If a party doesn't have a policy then it doesn't need to make sweeping changes in response to a policy it never had. You're delusional.

How can the right-wing be racist when it doesn't have any race-favoritism policies? How can the left-wing be anti-racist when it's overflowing with race-based policies?

You say the right wing isn't racist? Sounds like you are trying some kind of Jedi mind trick..."These republicans are not the racist you are looking for".....It won't work no matter how hard you believe in the force.

Educate me, give me one example of a Republican policy which applies only to whites.

You don't think it's racist to cut programs that hurt mostly minorities just so you can give more giveaways to the rich? I guess that's what makes you a republican.

Please feel free to supply us with a list of programs that were cut to help the rich and screw minorities and maybe we can do the research you neglected to do, thus setting you straight on the actual causes.

you know mudpacker you do say the stupidest shit

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