What will happen when Texas flips Democrat?


That's not a better question, that's called a diversionary question meant to move the debate forward and allow you to escape dealing with the question asked of you.

Why the appeal only to whites? Whites find the anti-racist and race-neutral positions of the Republicans to be most appealing because whites are the least race-focused demographic in America. The Republicans don't advocate any white-only policies like Democrats do for minorities.

When one friend is continually punching you in the face you tend to, over time, really appreciate the friend who never punches you in the face. Understand?

The fact that Republicans favor anti-racism and race neutrality in their policies and this principally appeals to white voters doesn't say anything bad about Republicans or whites, it does though say something bad about minorities who don't find anti-racist and race-neutral policies appealing.

There is no reason for Republicans to be the party of whites, it's race-neutral and anti-racist policies should have cross-racial appeal, unlike the Democrat's policies towards Affirmative Action, Minority Small Business preferences, hiring quotas, etc but it seems that a lot of minorities like being bought off by Democrats due to their race.

You fundamentally misunderstand the issues. Republicans are all for an equal opportunity society and they're ok with unequal outcomes which result from an equal opportunity society. Democrats don't want an equal opportunity society if it means that blacks and Hispanics are at the bottom - Democrats want an engineered equal outcome society and they don't seem to care how many freedoms and human rights they have to trample in order to create that equal outcome society.

You're right, in the past when America was a white nation, Republicans and Democrats split the white vote, but once Democrats decided to incorporate racism into their platform and policies in order to better win the minority vote, they signaled to whites that the Democrats are out to hurt them, and so whites react by, year after year after year, leaving the Democrats. Every election cycle sees the Democrats with a lower share of the white vote (2008 the single exception in decades) and that trend will continue on auto-pilot.

Change or die is what your party should be thinking about. As you guys continually shed white supporters how much power do you think Democrats will have when they are the party with only 5% white support? Do you really believe that whites, even in the minority, are going to permit themselves to be tax-farmed by Democrats, stripped of wealth which Democrats then dole out to their minority supporters? It's not going to happen. Democrats will become a marginalized party of the masses.

I disagree.
I think democrooks want an equal outcome society where no one really gets ahead unless they're "in the club". I don't believe for a second that the elites of the party really want minorities to succeed at all. They need that victricrat mentality to keep that base under control.
Sure they'll throw a few bones to a few minority members, bring them into the house so to speak, but you'll notice they NEVER have any opposition to even the most ludicrous leftist ideas.
Ever hear of a prominent minority democrook oppose abortion or gay marriage? Blacks were the deciding force in CA's Marriage Amendment, but there wasn't one black politician out there celebrating was there?
I'm also encouraged by many of the signs I'm seeing of minority members coming to terms with the reality that their plight is worse now, than it was before the 1960's. Indeed there was oppression back then, almost exclusively thanks to the democrook party and it's thugs. They had to contend with white racists murdering them by the dozens every year.
Now they're being murdered by the hundreds by young black people who have been indoctrinated by liberal democrook teachers to reject religion, reject morality. They're being manipulated by liberal entertainers that looking, acting, and talking like a thug is cool. Their grandparents didn't call each other sellouts or revile each other for acting white when they achieved educational standards.

I know you really believe all that silly stuff buddy. I know you aren't just saying it because you like sounding dumb. Sadly, you believe all the crap you keep hearing in that fox bubble, and as long as you stay there, you will never be exposed to the truth. I'll pray for you.

If you truly prayed on a regular basis you might have stumbled upon the Holy Spirit once or twice. Obviously you haven't, or you wouldn't be repeating lies. The truth would have become known to you.

That's the difference between sand people and religious nuts. Sane people research what they need to know. Religious nuts wait for the voices in their heads to tell them.

The insane hear voices.

Spiritual folk tend to be able to discern the difference between right and wrong.

Something seems to tell them that. Just a hunch mind you.

That's a big difference. Most people know that something as conscience, a sense of right, personal morals, or something along those lines. Being human, we know that our beliefs could be wrong, but are the best we have for now. Religious nuts think it is an infallible voice in their head, or in the sky or somewhere else that can not possibly be wrong. Great evil has been and continues to be done because of their belief that that magic voice couldn't possibly be wrong.
You don't think it's racist to cut programs that hurt mostly minorities just so you can give more giveaways to the rich? I guess that's what makes you a republican.

Letting people keep THEIR OWN MONEY is not a give-away. As I noted above, whites are fleeing the Democrats because they see that the Democrats think of them as money crops to be picked for the benefit of minorities. Look at your complaint, it focuses on the fact that whites don't want their taxes going to support minorities. Yeah, they don't. That doesn't make whites or Republicans racists though, racism is the core the Democratic platform. If you're black then you get Affirmative Action, but if you're white then there is no lowered and favored status for you.

Bulldog is a raving imbecile.

Just to expand on your point a little and demonstrate to all the libtard imbeciles in hopes that it just might compromise their programming:

Affirmative Action is deleterious to minorities in our current society because it perpetuates theidea that minorities can not prosper in our society. How are minorities supposed to feel equal or welcome in this country while democrooks insist that the only reason any of them are employed is because of federal force?

Also, these bed wetters love to say insipid shit like " cutting benefits cut will hurt mostly minorities". Clearly they're not aware that %40 of welfare spending goes to whites alone. Furthermore keeping people dependent on government shouldn't be a goal unless you're a criminally insane sociopath or a complete blithering idiot.

Guess which one most of the libs on this forum are.
That's the difference between sand people and religious nuts. Sane people research what they need to know. Religious nuts wait for the voices in their heads to tell them.

Bulldog, are you a BullDyke?

Enquiring minds want to know...

Oh MY...You really zinged me there. Of all the things you could have posted, You chose that. With such precise and effective debating skills as that, you are obviously unbeatable, and the rest of us are in awe of your great power. I'm not sure I can carry on now that you have done such a thorough job of destroying me, but I guess I have to try. You must be the coolest one In your whole junior high.
To the OP's question, Hell will freeze over, so hold your breath for it to happen .........................

Like I said, I'll need an anti-aircraft gun for hog hunting.

Great, I'm thrilled to hear that republicans now favor anti-racism and race neutrality in their policies. I look forward to hearing about all the sweeping policy changes they are making, because up until you just informed me, the right wing has been as racist as you can get. Great news about your changes. I'll go turn the TV on right now. Something that big has got to be on all the networks.

What do you mean by "now" favor? Republicans didn't have white-only policies, that was Democrats and then Democrats migrated over to black and Hispanic and Asian favoritism.

If a party doesn't have a policy then it doesn't need to make sweeping changes in response to a policy it never had. You're delusional.

How can the right-wing be racist when it doesn't have any race-favoritism policies? How can the left-wing be anti-racist when it's overflowing with race-based policies?

You say the right wing isn't racist? Sounds like you are trying some kind of Jedi mind trick..."These republicans are not the racist you are looking for".....It won't work no matter how hard you believe in the force.

Obviously you have been completely indoctrinated into believing that.

Only reason you do is because either you want it to be true or you're too thick to know you've been manipulated.

I call it deliberately ignorant. They're devoted to fiction like the followers of Jim Jones. It takes a certain kind of mindless bed wetter to follow the sorts of leaders they do even to their own deaths in spite of what they're seeing with their own eyes.

They're a threat to the genepool.
I call it deliberately ignorant. They're devoted to fiction like the followers of Jim Jones. It takes a certain kind of mindless bed wetter to follow the sorts of leaders they do even to their own deaths in spite of what they're seeing with their own eyes.

They're a threat to the genepool.

A threat to the gene pool, Hell ............ let em all die, that species needs to go extinct, it is called survival of the fittest........Good enough for God and Nature, good enough for me .....................

Man is the only creature on earth that sees fit to intervene in Gods work ..........
I love the idea of red states seceding.

The only drawback I can think of would be the unfortunate liberals and moderates left behind in red states after such an event.

Of course it would never happen, and even if it did, the red states would not like what they'd get...the grass is always greener

We'd happily boot them out.

I think dividing the nation in half would be a great experiment. We'd put the Conservative, working class, pro-life, normal folks on one side along with our free market policies and give the other half to the freeloading, liberal, gay marriage, pro-death, Welfare state along with their Socialist, "money-grows-on-trees" mentality and see which side succeeds and which side fails. We'd kick your asses!!
You wish.

The olde south thought that very same thing, and we kicked their asses. We could easilly do it again.

But this time, you have no cotton to plunder, and we'll just let you go
You didn't do a damn thing you would never be able to do what those men did for the north that's why the south would kick your ass today.
To many jersey shores bitches in the north.
You wish corn pone. The red states just suck the teet from tax money created by the big blue states. You won't be able to afford to any of those military bases big blue pays for, let alone build an army or navy to occupy them.

You'll be a country full of toothless racist redneck trailer park dwellers, and you probably are one already, complete with tin foil lined windows

Good riddance.
you are a wonder boy, it's a wonder how you made it of the birth canal alive

I think it's a tragedy he wasn't aborted.

Libtards vehemently defended abortion, they' were militant about it. However they've clearly failed to indulge in it adequately.
That's the difference between sand people and religious nuts. Sane people research what they need to know. Religious nuts wait for the voices in their heads to tell them.

Bulldog, are you a BullDyke?

Enquiring minds want to know...

Not my mind, I don't care as long as that genetic disaster doesn't spread.
I disagree.
I think democrooks want an equal outcome society where no one really gets ahead unless they're "in the club". I don't believe for a second that the elites of the party really want minorities to succeed at all. They need that victricrat mentality to keep that base under control.
Sure they'll throw a few bones to a few minority members, bring them into the house so to speak, but you'll notice they NEVER have any opposition to even the most ludicrous leftist ideas.
Ever hear of a prominent minority democrook oppose abortion or gay marriage? Blacks were the deciding force in CA's Marriage Amendment, but there wasn't one black politician out there celebrating was there?
I'm also encouraged by many of the signs I'm seeing of minority members coming to terms with the reality that their plight is worse now, than it was before the 1960's. Indeed there was oppression back then, almost exclusively thanks to the democrook party and it's thugs. They had to contend with white racists murdering them by the dozens every year.
Now they're being murdered by the hundreds by young black people who have been indoctrinated by liberal democrook teachers to reject religion, reject morality. They're being manipulated by liberal entertainers that looking, acting, and talking like a thug is cool. Their grandparents didn't call each other sellouts or revile each other for acting white when they achieved educational standards.

I know you really believe all that silly stuff buddy. I know you aren't just saying it because you like sounding dumb. Sadly, you believe all the crap you keep hearing in that fox bubble, and as long as you stay there, you will never be exposed to the truth. I'll pray for you.

If you truly prayed on a regular basis you might have stumbled upon the Holy Spirit once or twice. Obviously you haven't, or you wouldn't be repeating lies. The truth would have become known to you.

That's the difference between sand people and religious nuts. Sane people research what they need to know. Religious nuts wait for the voices in their heads to tell them.

The insane hear voices.

Spiritual folk tend to be able to discern the difference between right and wrong.

Something seems to tell them that. Just a hunch mind you.

That's a big difference. Most people know that something as conscience, a sense of right, personal morals, or something along those lines. Being human, we know that our beliefs could be wrong, but are the best we have for now. Religious nuts think it is an infallible voice in their head, or in the sky or somewhere else that can not possibly be wrong. Great evil has been and continues to be done because of their belief that that magic voice couldn't possibly be wrong.

I contend that having a conscious and having the Holy Spirit are possibly one in the same.
You don't think it's racist to cut programs that hurt mostly minorities just so you can give more giveaways to the rich? I guess that's what makes you a republican.

Letting people keep THEIR OWN MONEY is not a give-away. As I noted above, whites are fleeing the Democrats because they see that the Democrats think of them as money crops to be picked for the benefit of minorities. Look at your complaint, it focuses on the fact that whites don't want their taxes going to support minorities. Yeah, they don't. That doesn't make whites or Republicans racists though, racism is the core the Democratic platform. If you're black then you get Affirmative Action, but if you're white then there is no lowered and favored status for you.

Bulldog is a raving imbecile.

Just to expand on your point a little and demonstrate to all the libtard imbeciles in hopes that it just might compromise their programming:

Affirmative Action is deleterious to minorities in our current society because it perpetuates theidea that minorities can not prosper in our society. How are minorities supposed to feel equal or welcome in this country while democrooks insist that the only reason any of them are employed is because of federal force?

Also, these bed wetters love to say insipid shit like " cutting benefits cut will hurt mostly minorities". Clearly they're not aware that %40 of welfare spending goes to whites alone. Furthermore keeping people dependent on government shouldn't be a goal unless you're a criminally insane sociopath or a complete blithering idiot.

Guess which one most of the libs on this forum are.

OK teabagger. Your claim that affirmative action is detrimental has been disproven so many times till arguing that is like trying to argue with a flat earther. I know you have heard the evidence many times but still chose to cling to your Limbaugh talking point. Believe what you want. Better men than I have shown you the documented proof and haven't pierced your tiny mind, so I won't bother other than to say you are wrong. The only thing you idiots have is insults and a list of rush quotes that you probably repeat in your sleep, so go screw yourself. It's easier to have a rational conversation with an ex-mother-in-law than it is with a teabagger.
i'll tell you one thing from watching the Democrats conspire in California, all of the great Texas job opportunities are going bye bye .
I knew something was wrong when I realized Texas has more environmental laws than California.
you have to earn a hazardous waste certification to take a piss out there.

Texas tries to lure California businesses - SFGate

Like, are Texas' taxpayer-funded efforts really paying off?

According to numerous studies, the economic needle between California and Texas has barely moved in the past few years. There have been relatively few corporate relocations in either direction. From 2003 to 2009, Texas saw a net job gain of just 28,000 from out-of-state companies moving to or setting up branches in Texas, according to one recent survey. For much of 2012, California outpaced Texas in terms of job creation.


Mostly the lower end of the highly skilled moved to Texas. Why? Who wants to live in Texas. Even Texas won't invest in Texans. Too stupid. I wouldn't invest in people who vote Republican either. Too stupid.
I love it when libs look only at the static number and not at the trend.
The states with the highest growth and job creation are red states. The states with the most stagnation are blue states.

Yea, minimum wage with no benefits. "Prosperity through lower wages". The GOP "business" plan.
They need to fix the voting machines so that doesn't happen. Across the country, there are reports of the voting machine switching the votes from Republicans to Democrats.

If Dems ever took over Texas, it would go from a good economy that it is now to a hell hole like Detroit or a waste land like California.

California has the seventh largest economy in the world. Only a moron would call that a wasteland.

I believe it is now the 8th or 9th. When I was living there it was the 6th largest. 30 years to ruin. Good job Dems.

As California Bounces Back
I know you really believe all that silly stuff buddy. I know you aren't just saying it because you like sounding dumb. Sadly, you believe all the crap you keep hearing in that fox bubble, and as long as you stay there, you will never be exposed to the truth. I'll pray for you.

If you truly prayed on a regular basis you might have stumbled upon the Holy Spirit once or twice. Obviously you haven't, or you wouldn't be repeating lies. The truth would have become known to you.

That's the difference between sand people and religious nuts. Sane people research what they need to know. Religious nuts wait for the voices in their heads to tell them.

The insane hear voices.

Spiritual folk tend to be able to discern the difference between right and wrong.

Something seems to tell them that. Just a hunch mind you.

That's a big difference. Most people know that something as conscience, a sense of right, personal morals, or something along those lines. Being human, we know that our beliefs could be wrong, but are the best we have for now. Religious nuts think it is an infallible voice in their head, or in the sky or somewhere else that can not possibly be wrong. Great evil has been and continues to be done because of their belief that that magic voice couldn't possibly be wrong.

I contend that having a conscious and having the Holy Spirit are possibly one in the same.

The difference is that with a conscience, when you see that you made a bad choice, you can change to more accurate beliefs. If you think it is infallible instruction, the fact that it is sometimes wrong and unnecessarily hurts people doesn't matter. In that case, you think the people who are hurt are at fault and deserve the pain you caused.
You don't think it's racist to cut programs that hurt mostly minorities just so you can give more giveaways to the rich? I guess that's what makes you a republican.

Letting people keep THEIR OWN MONEY is not a give-away. As I noted above, whites are fleeing the Democrats because they see that the Democrats think of them as money crops to be picked for the benefit of minorities. Look at your complaint, it focuses on the fact that whites don't want their taxes going to support minorities. Yeah, they don't. That doesn't make whites or Republicans racists though, racism is the core the Democratic platform. If you're black then you get Affirmative Action, but if you're white then there is no lowered and favored status for you.

Bulldog is a raving imbecile.

Just to expand on your point a little and demonstrate to all the libtard imbeciles in hopes that it just might compromise their programming:

Affirmative Action is deleterious to minorities in our current society because it perpetuates theidea that minorities can not prosper in our society. How are minorities supposed to feel equal or welcome in this country while democrooks insist that the only reason any of them are employed is because of federal force?

Also, these bed wetters love to say insipid shit like " cutting benefits cut will hurt mostly minorities". Clearly they're not aware that %40 of welfare spending goes to whites alone. Furthermore keeping people dependent on government shouldn't be a goal unless you're a criminally insane sociopath or a complete blithering idiot.

Guess which one most of the libs on this forum are.

OK teabagger. Your claim that affirmative action is detrimental has been disproven so many times till arguing that is like trying to argue with a flat earther. I know you have heard the evidence many times but still chose to cling to your Limbaugh talking point. Believe what you want. Better men than I have shown you the documented proof and haven't pierced your tiny mind, so I won't bother other than to say you are wrong. The only thing you idiots have is insults and a list of rush quotes that you probably repeat in your sleep, so go screw yourself. It's easier to have a rational conversation with an ex-mother-in-law than it is with a teabagger.

A teabagger is slang-derogatory of either a woman that sucks balls or a faggot.

And your point was what?
If you truly prayed on a regular basis you might have stumbled upon the Holy Spirit once or twice. Obviously you haven't, or you wouldn't be repeating lies. The truth would have become known to you.

That's the difference between sand people and religious nuts. Sane people research what they need to know. Religious nuts wait for the voices in their heads to tell them.

The insane hear voices.

Spiritual folk tend to be able to discern the difference between right and wrong.

Something seems to tell them that. Just a hunch mind you.

That's a big difference. Most people know that something as conscience, a sense of right, personal morals, or something along those lines. Being human, we know that our beliefs could be wrong, but are the best we have for now. Religious nuts think it is an infallible voice in their head, or in the sky or somewhere else that can not possibly be wrong. Great evil has been and continues to be done because of their belief that that magic voice couldn't possibly be wrong.

I contend that having a conscious and having the Holy Spirit are possibly one in the same.

The difference is that with a conscience, when you see that you made a bad choice, you can change to more accurate beliefs. If you think it is infallible instruction, the fact that it is sometimes wrong and unnecessarily hurts people doesn't matter. In that case, you think the people who are hurt are at fault and deserve the pain you caused.

Problem is, what is right is right, regardless if it hurts someone. What is right isn't conditional. Being pure in spirit has a tendency to make one more aware of right and wrong. This is why Democrats encourage, shall we say, lax morals.

And thinking you're infallible is a sin, thus human, not a product of the Holy Spirit.
You don't think it's racist to cut programs that hurt mostly minorities just so you can give more giveaways to the rich? I guess that's what makes you a republican.

Letting people keep THEIR OWN MONEY is not a give-away. As I noted above, whites are fleeing the Democrats because they see that the Democrats think of them as money crops to be picked for the benefit of minorities. Look at your complaint, it focuses on the fact that whites don't want their taxes going to support minorities. Yeah, they don't. That doesn't make whites or Republicans racists though, racism is the core the Democratic platform. If you're black then you get Affirmative Action, but if you're white then there is no lowered and favored status for you.

Bulldog is a raving imbecile.

Just to expand on your point a little and demonstrate to all the libtard imbeciles in hopes that it just might compromise their programming:

Affirmative Action is deleterious to minorities in our current society because it perpetuates theidea that minorities can not prosper in our society. How are minorities supposed to feel equal or welcome in this country while democrooks insist that the only reason any of them are employed is because of federal force?

Also, these bed wetters love to say insipid shit like " cutting benefits cut will hurt mostly minorities". Clearly they're not aware that %40 of welfare spending goes to whites alone. Furthermore keeping people dependent on government shouldn't be a goal unless you're a criminally insane sociopath or a complete blithering idiot.

Guess which one most of the libs on this forum are.

OK teabagger. Your claim that affirmative action is detrimental has been disproven so many times till arguing that is like trying to argue with a flat earther. I know you have heard the evidence many times but still chose to cling to your Limbaugh talking point. Believe what you want. Better men than I have shown you the documented proof and haven't pierced your tiny mind, so I won't bother other than to say you are wrong. The only thing you idiots have is insults and a list of rush quotes that you probably repeat in your sleep, so go screw yourself. It's easier to have a rational conversation with an ex-mother-in-law than it is with a teabagger.

A teabagger is slang-derogatory of either a woman that sucks balls or a faggot.

And your point was what?

A teabagger is also the name chosen by the teaparty which has been controlled by the crazy extreme right wing since shortly after it's inception. I didn't give them that name...they chose it, and were quite proud of it until someone told them what it meant in the past. They proudly proclaimed that's what they are, and I intend to honor that choice every time it is appropriate. My overall point was that I thoroughly enjoy a discussion of the facts, and will respond in the manner that I am addressed. You want to discuss facts, great. You want to start out with insults and flame me? You better be ready to receive at least as much as you give. I usually enjoy one as well as the other, but constant childish back and forth gets tedious after a while.
You don't think it's racist to cut programs that hurt mostly minorities just so you can give more giveaways to the rich? I guess that's what makes you a republican.

Letting people keep THEIR OWN MONEY is not a give-away. As I noted above, whites are fleeing the Democrats because they see that the Democrats think of them as money crops to be picked for the benefit of minorities. Look at your complaint, it focuses on the fact that whites don't want their taxes going to support minorities. Yeah, they don't. That doesn't make whites or Republicans racists though, racism is the core the Democratic platform. If you're black then you get Affirmative Action, but if you're white then there is no lowered and favored status for you.

Bulldog is a raving imbecile.

Just to expand on your point a little and demonstrate to all the libtard imbeciles in hopes that it just might compromise their programming:

Affirmative Action is deleterious to minorities in our current society because it perpetuates theidea that minorities can not prosper in our society. How are minorities supposed to feel equal or welcome in this country while democrooks insist that the only reason any of them are employed is because of federal force?

Also, these bed wetters love to say insipid shit like " cutting benefits cut will hurt mostly minorities". Clearly they're not aware that %40 of welfare spending goes to whites alone. Furthermore keeping people dependent on government shouldn't be a goal unless you're a criminally insane sociopath or a complete blithering idiot.

Guess which one most of the libs on this forum are.

OK teabagger. Your claim that affirmative action is detrimental has been disproven so many times till arguing that is like trying to argue with a flat earther. I know you have heard the evidence many times but still chose to cling to your Limbaugh talking point. Believe what you want. Better men than I have shown you the documented proof and haven't pierced your tiny mind, so I won't bother other than to say you are wrong. The only thing you idiots have is insults and a list of rush quotes that you probably repeat in your sleep, so go screw yourself. It's easier to have a rational conversation with an ex-mother-in-law than it is with a teabagger.

A teabagger is slang-derogatory of either a woman that sucks balls or a faggot.

And your point was what?

A teabagger is also the name chosen by the teaparty which has been controlled by the crazy extreme right wing since shortly after it's inception. I didn't give them that name...they chose it, and were quite proud of it until someone told them what it meant in the past. They proudly proclaimed that's what they are, and I intend to honor that choice every time it is appropriate. My overall point was that I thoroughly enjoy a discussion of the facts, and will respond in the manner that I am addressed. You want to discuss facts, great. You want to start out with insults and flame me? You better be ready to receive at least as much as you give. I usually enjoy one as well as the other, but constant childish back and forth gets tedious after a while.
Well, since the Tea Party doesn't really exist, the shitheads you claim chose the name don't represent anyone who supports the movement.

Personally, I believe what these folks thought it meant and what you and I both know it means are quite different.

If I were to call you a butt-reaming asshole I would expect the same reaction as I would get from any so-called Teabagger today.

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