What will happen when Texas flips Democrat?

And you're a butt-reaming asshole if you think calling me a teabagger fits.

You're correct. You don't make the rules, so quit trying to dictate them.
If it's a game of sexual slang that they want to play, then beat them at their own game. Just tell them that they're from the Dirty Sanchez Party.

Anybody who loves the smell of crap while fucking is a little bit off.
It won't be in 2016, or 2020. Texas going blue, that is. But maybe by 2024.

2016, Georgia and North Carolina are the states on the verge of going blue. And none of the previous blue states are going to flip back. It's hard to see the Republicans ever winning another presidential election. They simply can't cheat hard enough to overcome the Democratic margin of victory, though they'll still try.
Better get as many Beaners in the country as possible or it won't happen.
And you're a butt-reaming asshole if you think calling me a teabagger fits.

You're correct. You don't make the rules, so quit trying to dictate them.
If it's a game of sexual slang that they want to play, then beat them at their own game. Just tell them that they're from the Dirty Sanchez Party.

Anybody who loves the smell of crap while fucking is a little bit off.

And you've now characterized liberals.
I love it when libs look only at the static number and not at the trend.
The states with the highest growth and job creation are red states. The states with the most stagnation are blue states.


So under premise Nigeria and Argentina are best countries in the world
They need to fix the voting machines so that doesn't happen. Across the country, there are reports of the voting machine switching the votes from Republicans to Democrats.

If Dems ever took over Texas, it would go from a good economy that it is now to a hell hole like Detroit or a waste land like California.

California has the seventh largest economy in the world. Only a moron would call that a wasteland.

Well, it ain't doin' bad. And the weather there beats Texas hands down. 90 degree summers, cockroaches, mildew, mold, ticks and fleas....otherwise known as Texas.

California regains ranking as world's eighth largest economy
Jul 7, 2014
Tech construction drive California s worldwide GDP gains - Sacramento Business Journal
They need to fix the voting machines so that doesn't happen. Across the country, there are reports of the voting machine switching the votes from Republicans to Democrats.

If Dems ever took over Texas, it would go from a good economy that it is now to a hell hole like Detroit or a waste land like California.

California has the seventh largest economy in the world. Only a moron would call that a wasteland.

Well, it ain't doin' bad. And the weather there beats Texas hands down. 90 degree summers, cockroaches, mildew, mold, ticks and fleas....otherwise known as Texas.

California regains ranking as world's eighth largest economy
Jul 7, 2014
Tech construction drive California s worldwide GDP gains - Sacramento Business Journal
economy based on the hollywood elite is nothing to brag about when you have the nations highest unemployment rate
Highest poverty rate
They need to fix the voting machines so that doesn't happen. Across the country, there are reports of the voting machine switching the votes from Republicans to Democrats.

If Dems ever took over Texas, it would go from a good economy that it is now to a hell hole like Detroit or a waste land like California.

California has the seventh largest economy in the world. Only a moron would call that a wasteland.

Well, it ain't doin' bad. And the weather there beats Texas hands down. 90 degree summers, cockroaches, mildew, mold, ticks and fleas....otherwise known as Texas.

California regains ranking as world's eighth largest economy
Jul 7, 2014
Tech construction drive California s worldwide GDP gains - Sacramento Business Journal
economy based on the hollywood elite is nothing to brag about when you have the nations highest unemployment rate
Highest poverty rate
Which would be Georgia dipshit. And it says right there: Tech construction drive California s worldwide GDP gains - Sacramento Business Journal - does that sound like "Hollywood". Even though Hollywood does bring in billions. In fact, a lot of the 3d used in movies is repackaged and reworked into engineering software.

State Unemployment Rates September 2014
They need to fix the voting machines so that doesn't happen. Across the country, there are reports of the voting machine switching the votes from Republicans to Democrats.

If Dems ever took over Texas, it would go from a good economy that it is now to a hell hole like Detroit or a waste land like California.

California has the seventh largest economy in the world. Only a moron would call that a wasteland.

Well, it ain't doin' bad. And the weather there beats Texas hands down. 90 degree summers, cockroaches, mildew, mold, ticks and fleas....otherwise known as Texas.

California regains ranking as world's eighth largest economy
Jul 7, 2014
Tech construction drive California s worldwide GDP gains - Sacramento Business Journal
economy based on the hollywood elite is nothing to brag about when you have the nations highest unemployment rate
Highest poverty rate
Which would be Georgia dipshit. And it says right there: Tech construction drive California s worldwide GDP gains - Sacramento Business Journal - does that sound like "Hollywood". Even though Hollywood does bring in billions. In fact, a lot of the 3d used in movies is repackaged and reworked into engineering software.

State Unemployment Rates September 2014
No shit stain
Link has been posted you slow fucking moron.
Oh MY...You really zinged me there. Of all the things you could have posted, You chose that. With such precise and effective debating skills as that, you are obviously unbeatable, and the rest of us are in awe of your great power. I'm not sure I can carry on now that you have done such a thorough job of destroying me, but I guess I have to try. You must be the coolest one In your whole junior high.

That's not an answer, sploogy.

Bulldog is a raving imbecile.

Just to expand on your point a little and demonstrate to all the libtard imbeciles in hopes that it just might compromise their programming:

Affirmative Action is deleterious to minorities in our current society because it perpetuates theidea that minorities can not prosper in our society. How are minorities supposed to feel equal or welcome in this country while democrooks insist that the only reason any of them are employed is because of federal force?

Also, these bed wetters love to say insipid shit like " cutting benefits cut will hurt mostly minorities". Clearly they're not aware that %40 of welfare spending goes to whites alone. Furthermore keeping people dependent on government shouldn't be a goal unless you're a criminally insane sociopath or a complete blithering idiot.

Guess which one most of the libs on this forum are.

OK teabagger. Your claim that affirmative action is detrimental has been disproven so many times till arguing that is like trying to argue with a flat earther. I know you have heard the evidence many times but still chose to cling to your Limbaugh talking point. Believe what you want. Better men than I have shown you the documented proof and haven't pierced your tiny mind, so I won't bother other than to say you are wrong. The only thing you idiots have is insults and a list of rush quotes that you probably repeat in your sleep, so go screw yourself. It's easier to have a rational conversation with an ex-mother-in-law than it is with a teabagger.

A teabagger is slang-derogatory of either a woman that sucks balls or a faggot.

And your point was what?

A teabagger is also the name chosen by the teaparty which has been controlled by the crazy extreme right wing since shortly after it's inception. I didn't give them that name...they chose it, and were quite proud of it until someone told them what it meant in the past. They proudly proclaimed that's what they are, and I intend to honor that choice every time it is appropriate. My overall point was that I thoroughly enjoy a discussion of the facts, and will respond in the manner that I am addressed. You want to discuss facts, great. You want to start out with insults and flame me? You better be ready to receive at least as much as you give. I usually enjoy one as well as the other, but constant childish back and forth gets tedious after a while.

Come on...at least have the courage to admit when you are insulting people, Bulldog! You know that the term "teabagger" was coined by the left to mock a newly formed conservative group that grew out of opposition to "Big Government".

When I call someone a "treehugger" it isn't because that's what they decided to call themselves...it's a derogatory term and used to poke fun at others.

Sure, I know they don't like it, but the difference is that those goobers did actually chose the name, and were quite proud of it until they received ridicule for it. Here is an official video put out by the tea party.

If I made a choice that bad, I would be embarrassed too.

When I hear and have heard for years about how all liberals are lazy bums who just lay on the couch, smoke dope, hate the country, want to rape your kids and turn them gay, etc. etc. I find it a little hard to feel the sensitivity the right wants us to have in this one situation. I suggest you try to move your party back toward sanity and reason, and the name calling will probably slow down. Believe me, I listened to insults from the right for years before I decided to join in. It seems to be the only way to communicate with them.

You know what I always find amusing, Bulldog? The rationale that people like you always seem to come up with for saying some really vile things about conservatives. Yours is that it's an attempt by you to "communicate" with them? Really? I mean REALLY?

My problem with liberals isn't that they are lazy, smoke dope, are child molesters or want to turn everyone gay! My problem with liberals is their naive policies that are rooted in theories brought forth from the cloistered womb of academia...policies that quite simply don't work in the real world.

What I see happening time and time again is that when "progressives" get a chance to implement their theories...it turns into a total cluster fuck...at which point your response predictably becomes that it SHOULD have worked and didn't only because evil conservatives didn't support it as they should have! It's at that point that you become anything but "sensitive", Bulldog! It's at that point where you become downright nasty.
OK teabagger. Your claim that affirmative action is detrimental has been disproven so many times till arguing that is like trying to argue with a flat earther. I know you have heard the evidence many times but still chose to cling to your Limbaugh talking point. Believe what you want. Better men than I have shown you the documented proof and haven't pierced your tiny mind, so I won't bother other than to say you are wrong. The only thing you idiots have is insults and a list of rush quotes that you probably repeat in your sleep, so go screw yourself. It's easier to have a rational conversation with an ex-mother-in-law than it is with a teabagger.

A teabagger is slang-derogatory of either a woman that sucks balls or a faggot.

And your point was what?

A teabagger is also the name chosen by the teaparty which has been controlled by the crazy extreme right wing since shortly after it's inception. I didn't give them that name...they chose it, and were quite proud of it until someone told them what it meant in the past. They proudly proclaimed that's what they are, and I intend to honor that choice every time it is appropriate. My overall point was that I thoroughly enjoy a discussion of the facts, and will respond in the manner that I am addressed. You want to discuss facts, great. You want to start out with insults and flame me? You better be ready to receive at least as much as you give. I usually enjoy one as well as the other, but constant childish back and forth gets tedious after a while.

Come on...at least have the courage to admit when you are insulting people, Bulldog! You know that the term "teabagger" was coined by the left to mock a newly formed conservative group that grew out of opposition to "Big Government".

When I call someone a "treehugger" it isn't because that's what they decided to call themselves...it's a derogatory term and used to poke fun at others.

Sure, I know they don't like it, but the difference is that those goobers did actually chose the name, and were quite proud of it until they received ridicule for it. Here is an official video put out by the tea party.

If I made a choice that bad, I would be embarrassed too.

When I hear and have heard for years about how all liberals are lazy bums who just lay on the couch, smoke dope, hate the country, want to rape your kids and turn them gay, etc. etc. I find it a little hard to feel the sensitivity the right wants us to have in this one situation. I suggest you try to move your party back toward sanity and reason, and the name calling will probably slow down. Believe me, I listened to insults from the right for years before I decided to join in. It seems to be the only way to communicate with them.

You know what I always find amusing, Bulldog? The rationale that people like you always seem to come up with for saying some really vile things about conservatives. Yours is that it's an attempt by you to "communicate" with them? Really? I mean REALLY?

My problem with liberals isn't that they are lazy, smoke dope, are child molesters or want to turn everyone gay! My problem with liberals is their naive policies that are rooted in theories brought forth from the cloistered womb of academia...policies that quite simply don't work in the real world.

What I see happening time and time again is that when "progressives" get a chance to implement their theories...it turns into a total cluster fuck...at which point your response predictably becomes that it SHOULD have worked and didn't only because evil conservatives didn't support it as they should have! It's at that point that you become anything but "sensitive", Bulldog! It's at that point where you become downright nasty.

Of course it isn't communication in the classic form of the word, but it is a transfer of information. I am gentle compared to the vitriol spewed by the right for so long. Perhaps if your sensibilities are offended, you should consider what I'm responding to. I generally respond in the manner I am addressed in. If you want to talk about failed policies, what about trickle down which has been shown to be harmful repeatedly. The problem is the right just refuses to see reality. No matter how well a policy works, they still claim it's the worst thing that could ever happened. A good example is healthcare. You can carry on and repeat Hannity talking points all you want, but we both know people who are actually seeing the benefit will never allow you to end it. You had a chance before implementation, but after the fact, it's obvious your claims were all over the top hyperbole. Thank you for not calling me a traitor, or a dick sucking butt fucker. Your fellow right wingers usually aren't that considerate.
What will happen when Texas flips Democrat?

The Democratic party is on its way out, collapsing under the failure of its policies and the incompetence of its bunch of dumb ass leaders.

I'm sure that's the way it looks inside the fox bubble. Romney won inside that bubble too, didn't he?
They need to fix the voting machines so that doesn't happen. Across the country, there are reports of the voting machine switching the votes from Republicans to Democrats.

If Dems ever took over Texas, it would go from a good economy that it is now to a hell hole like Detroit or a waste land like California.

California has the seventh largest economy in the world. Only a moron would call that a wasteland.

Well, it ain't doin' bad. And the weather there beats Texas hands down. 90 degree summers, cockroaches, mildew, mold, ticks and fleas....otherwise known as Texas.

California regains ranking as world's eighth largest economy
Jul 7, 2014
Tech construction drive California s worldwide GDP gains - Sacramento Business Journal
economy based on the hollywood elite is nothing to brag about when you have the nations highest unemployment rate
Highest poverty rate
Which would be Georgia dipshit. And it says right there: Tech construction drive California s worldwide GDP gains - Sacramento Business Journal - does that sound like "Hollywood". Even though Hollywood does bring in billions. In fact, a lot of the 3d used in movies is repackaged and reworked into engineering software.

State Unemployment Rates September 2014

What I find amusing, Deanie is that the new clarion call of Progressives like yourself is "income inequality" yet the five States with the highest rates of income inequality are all States that voted for Barack Obama in the last two elections and that's not even counting the District of Columbia which is worse than all of them when it comes to income inequality and is the most liberal voting area there is! The truth is...in States that YOU people run...the poor are falling further and further behind the wealthy!
A teabagger is slang-derogatory of either a woman that sucks balls or a faggot.

And your point was what?

A teabagger is also the name chosen by the teaparty which has been controlled by the crazy extreme right wing since shortly after it's inception. I didn't give them that name...they chose it, and were quite proud of it until someone told them what it meant in the past. They proudly proclaimed that's what they are, and I intend to honor that choice every time it is appropriate. My overall point was that I thoroughly enjoy a discussion of the facts, and will respond in the manner that I am addressed. You want to discuss facts, great. You want to start out with insults and flame me? You better be ready to receive at least as much as you give. I usually enjoy one as well as the other, but constant childish back and forth gets tedious after a while.

Come on...at least have the courage to admit when you are insulting people, Bulldog! You know that the term "teabagger" was coined by the left to mock a newly formed conservative group that grew out of opposition to "Big Government".

When I call someone a "treehugger" it isn't because that's what they decided to call themselves...it's a derogatory term and used to poke fun at others.

Sure, I know they don't like it, but the difference is that those goobers did actually chose the name, and were quite proud of it until they received ridicule for it. Here is an official video put out by the tea party.

If I made a choice that bad, I would be embarrassed too.

When I hear and have heard for years about how all liberals are lazy bums who just lay on the couch, smoke dope, hate the country, want to rape your kids and turn them gay, etc. etc. I find it a little hard to feel the sensitivity the right wants us to have in this one situation. I suggest you try to move your party back toward sanity and reason, and the name calling will probably slow down. Believe me, I listened to insults from the right for years before I decided to join in. It seems to be the only way to communicate with them.

You know what I always find amusing, Bulldog? The rationale that people like you always seem to come up with for saying some really vile things about conservatives. Yours is that it's an attempt by you to "communicate" with them? Really? I mean REALLY?

My problem with liberals isn't that they are lazy, smoke dope, are child molesters or want to turn everyone gay! My problem with liberals is their naive policies that are rooted in theories brought forth from the cloistered womb of academia...policies that quite simply don't work in the real world.

What I see happening time and time again is that when "progressives" get a chance to implement their theories...it turns into a total cluster fuck...at which point your response predictably becomes that it SHOULD have worked and didn't only because evil conservatives didn't support it as they should have! It's at that point that you become anything but "sensitive", Bulldog! It's at that point where you become downright nasty.

Of course it isn't communication in the classic form of the word, but it is a transfer of information. I am gentle compared to the vitriol spewed by the right for so long. Perhaps if your sensibilities are offended, you should consider what I'm responding to. I generally respond in the manner I am addressed in. If you want to talk about failed policies, what about trickle down which has been shown to be harmful repeatedly. The problem is the right just refuses to see reality. No matter how well a policy works, they still claim it's the worst thing that could ever happened. A good example is healthcare. You can carry on and repeat Hannity talking points all you want, but we both know people who are actually seeing the benefit will never allow you to end it. You had a chance before implementation, but after the fact, it's obvious your claims were all over the top hyperbole. Thank you for not calling me a traitor, or a dick sucking butt fucker. Your fellow right wingers usually aren't that considerate.

Please, Bulldog...anyone with even a rudimentary education in economics knows that "trickle down" theory is a term coined by liberals to denigrate Supply Side economics. There is no trickle down that occurs in economics...in reality profits trickle up...not down!
As for people seeing the "benefits" of the ACA not wanting it to be ended? That was the Progressive's strategy all along, wasn't it? Give an entitlement whose real costs to the Middle Class are hidden by delaying major parts of it for as long as possible and then sign as many people up for heavily subsidized or free health care as you can while you ready yourself to call anyone who points out that we can't possibly pay for this badly written bill without huge tax increases or going deep into debt...a "hater" of the poor and the sick.
Why would I have to resort to calling you those things, Bulldog? I can simply point out how misguided and naive what you believed in really was. I think we both know that hurts more than base insults.
What will happen when Texas flips Democrat?

The Democratic party is on its way out, collapsing under the failure of its policies and the incompetence of its bunch of dumb ass leaders.

I'm sure that's the way it looks inside the fox bubble. Romney won inside that bubble too, didn't he?

By all means list the Democratic party accomplishments I say you can't. That's why all the Democrats are not running on their accomplishments but instead are running around calling their opponents racists and sexists. Pretty sad really that your party is that pathetic but you have only yourselves to blame electing these freak liberals.
As for people seeing the "benefits" of the ACA not wanting it to be ended? That was the Progressive's strategy all along, wasn't it? Give an entitlement whose real costs to the Middle Class are hidden by delaying major parts of it for as long as possible and then sign as many people up for heavily subsidized or free health care as you can while you ready yourself to call anyone who points out that we can't possibly pay for this badly written bill without huge tax increases or going deep into debt...a "hater" of the poor and the sick.
ObamaCare was a gift Democrats gave to Republicans to help them in reaching out to youth voters and especially to male voters of all racial groups:


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