What will happen when Texas flips Democrat?

That kind of demographic change in Texas will take at least another decade, if it really does occur.

It is inevitable. With Dan Patrick as Lt. Gov. and Texans guaranteed 4-8 more years of dirty air, failing schools, embarrassing ratings across the board....the GOP' S fall from grace will be pretty inelegant when it does happen.
It is inevitable. With Dan Patrick as Lt. Gov. and Texans guaranteed 4-8 more years of dirty air, failing schools, embarrassing ratings across the board....the GOP' S fall from grace will be pretty inelegant when it does happen.
What failing schools?

What will happen when Texas flips Democrat?

The Democratic party is on its way out, collapsing under the failure of its policies and the incompetence of its bunch of dumb ass leaders.
It's certain to happen, because the only thing Democrats have to offer is race-baiting and the politics of divide and conquer.
What will happen when Texas flips Democrat?

The Democratic party is on its way out, collapsing under the failure of its policies and the incompetence of its bunch of dumb ass leaders.
It's certain to happen, because the only thing Democrats have to offer is race-baiting and the politics of divide and conquer.

I predict that increasingly blacks will come to realize they hitched their wagon to the wrong horse and abandon the Democratic party. I'm not saying they will rush over to the GOP having been royally screwed by the Democrats if I were black I would not be in a hurry to support either party. But its becoming increasingly clear that Democrats have LIED to them for decades. If I were black the Democrats excuse of "yeah we suck but they are racist" wouldn't cut it anymore.

And if blacks make a move what of the often vaunted demographics of Hispanics the libs keep yapping about? That's right the Democrats may find themselves on the outs with Hispanics as well. If I'm Hispanic and I see blacks abandoning the Democratic party well...
Why would I have to resort to calling you those things, Bulldog? I can simply point out how misguided and naive what you believed in really was. I think we both know that hurts more than base insults.

I doubt that your definition of misguided is much more than that it doesn't align with the right wing scheme de jure. The right wing is called the party of stupid by many, including it's own politicians, for a reason, and I'm no longer shocked when you use lies and just down right crazy stuff to convince your followers of your latest ima
OK teabagger. Your claim that affirmative action is detrimental has been disproven so many times till arguing that is like trying to argue with a flat earther. I know you have heard the evidence many times but still chose to cling to your Limbaugh talking point. Believe what you want. Better men than I have shown you the documented proof and haven't pierced your tiny mind, so I won't bother other than to say you are wrong. The only thing you idiots have is insults and a list of rush quotes that you probably repeat in your sleep, so go screw yourself. It's easier to have a rational conversation with an ex-mother-in-law than it is with a teabagger.

A teabagger is slang-derogatory of either a woman that sucks balls or a faggot.

And your point was what?

A teabagger is also the name chosen by the teaparty which has been controlled by the crazy extreme right wing since shortly after it's inception. I didn't give them that name...they chose it, and were quite proud of it until someone told them what it meant in the past. They proudly proclaimed that's what they are, and I intend to honor that choice every time it is appropriate. My overall point was that I thoroughly enjoy a discussion of the facts, and will respond in the manner that I am addressed. You want to discuss facts, great. You want to start out with insults and flame me? You better be ready to receive at least as much as you give. I usually enjoy one as well as the other, but constant childish back and forth gets tedious after a while.

Come on...at least have the courage to admit when you are insulting people, Bulldog! You know that the term "teabagger" was coined by the left to mock a newly formed conservative group that grew out of opposition to "Big Government".

When I call someone a "treehugger" it isn't because that's what they decided to call themselves...it's a derogatory term and used to poke fun at others.

Sure, I know they don't like it, but the difference is that those goobers did actually chose the name, and were quite proud of it until they received ridicule for it. Here is an official video put out by the tea party.

If I made a choice that bad, I would be embarrassed too.

When I hear and have heard for years about how all liberals are lazy bums who just lay on the couch, smoke dope, hate the country, want to rape your kids and turn them gay, etc. etc. I find it a little hard to feel the sensitivity the right wants us to have in this one situation. I suggest you try to move your party back toward sanity and reason, and the name calling will probably slow down. Believe me, I listened to insults from the right for years before I decided to join in. It seems to be the only way to communicate with them.

You know what I always find amusing, Bulldog? The rationale that people like you always seem to come up with for saying some really vile things about conservatives. Yours is that it's an attempt by you to "communicate" with them? Really? I mean REALLY?

My problem with liberals isn't that they are lazy, smoke dope, are child molesters or want to turn everyone gay! My problem with liberals is their naive policies that are rooted in theories brought forth from the cloistered womb of academia...policies that quite simply don't work in the real world.

What I see happening time and time again is that when "progressives" get a chance to implement their theories...it turns into a total cluster fuck...at which point your response predictably becomes that it SHOULD have worked and didn't only because evil conservatives didn't support it as they should have! It's at that point that you become anything but "sensitive", Bulldog! It's at that point where you become downright nasty.

I started to respond last night, but decided your "not screaming" post deserved more than a quick dismissal. It is a fact that when plans are not fully implemented, they will have less than intended results. A reasonable person can't say that isn't true. I'm not sure what kind of business you are in, but why don't you try starting a project and then just arbitrarily cut necessary parts of that project and then see how successful that project is. Of course the right never just says they have different ideas of how to help the country. They always go for the idea that liberal plans are an effort to destroy the country. You never say you just don't want programs to help the poor. You say the left hates the rich, or the whites, or the country, and everything is portrayed as the end of the world. You never come up with your own ideas. You just pound on what you claim is a concentrated effort to usher in communism, socialism, or what ever ism you think of that day. A reasonable person or party knows that is just a bunch of crap. You proudly present crazy statements by people like Cruz, or Gohmert, or Palin, claiming they represent your ideals, and expect sane people to take you seriously. On top of all that, the right, for years has claimed everyone who doesn't agree with them are traitors, and you expect us to calmly listen to all this ridiculous insulting stuff and not respond in kind? If you are so offended by nasty responses, I suggest you grow up and recognize that nasty has become the "ONLY" way the right expresses themselves.
What will happen when Texas flips Democrat?

The Democratic party is on its way out, collapsing under the failure of its policies and the incompetence of its bunch of dumb ass leaders.

I'm sure that's the way it looks inside the fox bubble. Romney won inside that bubble too, didn't he?

By all means list the Democratic party accomplishments I say you can't. That's why all the Democrats are not running on their accomplishments but instead are running around calling their opponents racists and sexists. Pretty sad really that your party is that pathetic but you have only yourselves to blame electing these freak liberals.

So you are saying the Democratic party has done nothing to better our country? That's too stupid to even respond to. If you don't like being called racist or sexist, then quit doing that. You proudly hold Palin and Gohmert and the teabaggers up as representative of your beliefs, and want to call us freaks? That's funny.
Third World Misery. But that is what this asshole President and his Party want. Mission Accomplished.
Third World Misery. But that is what this asshole President and his Party want. Mission Accomplished.

WOW, You actually believe the President of the United States wants us to suffer third world misery. You can call rush and tell him he has brainwashed at least one dittohead. Statements like yours are why the right wing is known to be crazy and just plain silly. If you ever wonder why you receive so much ridicule, just go back and reread your post. That is only one of the reasons why.
You don't think it's racist to cut programs that hurt mostly minorities just so you can give more giveaways to the rich? I guess that's what makes you a republican.

Please feel free to supply us with a list of programs that were cut to help the rich and screw minorities and maybe we can do the research you neglected to do, thus setting you straight on the actual causes.

you know mudpacker you do say the stupidest shit

Setting the insults aside, I tend to think the same of you.

If asking someone to back up their stereotypes with facts is stupid then what's the point of even debating anything. We all should act like dim-witted ninnies and just take everything at face value, like you usually do.
this is what you do all the time .... you see a post .... instead of proving the poster wrong by pointing out their mistakes, by actually debating you say shit like, "Please feel free to supply us with a list of programs that were cut to help the rich and screw minorities" .... thats what you do .... you try to get that poster to prove themselves wrong ... I don't prove myself wrong, thats your job to prove us wrong ... you never do that when confronted with what we believe as a fact ....you came back with insults after insults ... if you don't like what someone said then prove them wrong ... and actually debate ... we have become so used to your snide remarks we beat you to the snide remark first ... when you want have a serious debate lets us know

Oh contrar!

If thou art prone to frivolity, thou shouldst be willing to back it up when called upon, or thou shouldst STFU!!
like i said mudpacker, all mouth and no factual bases to your incohearant rambling
What will happen when Texas flips Democrat?

The Democratic party is on its way out, collapsing under the failure of its policies and the incompetence of its bunch of dumb ass leaders.
It's certain to happen, because the only thing Democrats have to offer is race-baiting and the politics of divide and conquer.
don't you really mean all repub-lie-cans have is block the voter cause they will lose if the people actually get to vote ...they tells us voters they all should have voters ID's, then when they come to get their voters ID card, these so-called honorable repub-lie-cans say they are out ... talk about race bating, and devide and conquer repub-lie-cans can't stand the idea that these minorities they are trying to stop are still comming full strenth ...
Why would I have to resort to calling you those things, Bulldog? I can simply point out how misguided and naive what you believed in really was. I think we both know that hurts more than base insults.

I doubt that your definition of misguided is much more than that it doesn't align with the right wing scheme de jure. The right wing is called the party of stupid by many, including it's own politicians, for a reason, and I'm no longer shocked when you use lies and just down right crazy stuff to convince your followers of your latest ima
A teabagger is slang-derogatory of either a woman that sucks balls or a faggot.

And your point was what?

A teabagger is also the name chosen by the teaparty which has been controlled by the crazy extreme right wing since shortly after it's inception. I didn't give them that name...they chose it, and were quite proud of it until someone told them what it meant in the past. They proudly proclaimed that's what they are, and I intend to honor that choice every time it is appropriate. My overall point was that I thoroughly enjoy a discussion of the facts, and will respond in the manner that I am addressed. You want to discuss facts, great. You want to start out with insults and flame me? You better be ready to receive at least as much as you give. I usually enjoy one as well as the other, but constant childish back and forth gets tedious after a while.

Come on...at least have the courage to admit when you are insulting people, Bulldog! You know that the term "teabagger" was coined by the left to mock a newly formed conservative group that grew out of opposition to "Big Government".

When I call someone a "treehugger" it isn't because that's what they decided to call themselves...it's a derogatory term and used to poke fun at others.

Sure, I know they don't like it, but the difference is that those goobers did actually chose the name, and were quite proud of it until they received ridicule for it. Here is an official video put out by the tea party.

If I made a choice that bad, I would be embarrassed too.

When I hear and have heard for years about how all liberals are lazy bums who just lay on the couch, smoke dope, hate the country, want to rape your kids and turn them gay, etc. etc. I find it a little hard to feel the sensitivity the right wants us to have in this one situation. I suggest you try to move your party back toward sanity and reason, and the name calling will probably slow down. Believe me, I listened to insults from the right for years before I decided to join in. It seems to be the only way to communicate with them.

You know what I always find amusing, Bulldog? The rationale that people like you always seem to come up with for saying some really vile things about conservatives. Yours is that it's an attempt by you to "communicate" with them? Really? I mean REALLY?

My problem with liberals isn't that they are lazy, smoke dope, are child molesters or want to turn everyone gay! My problem with liberals is their naive policies that are rooted in theories brought forth from the cloistered womb of academia...policies that quite simply don't work in the real world.

What I see happening time and time again is that when "progressives" get a chance to implement their theories...it turns into a total cluster fuck...at which point your response predictably becomes that it SHOULD have worked and didn't only because evil conservatives didn't support it as they should have! It's at that point that you become anything but "sensitive", Bulldog! It's at that point where you become downright nasty.

I started to respond last night, but decided your "not screaming" post deserved more than a quick dismissal. It is a fact that when plans are not fully implemented, they will have less than intended results. A reasonable person can't say that isn't true. I'm not sure what kind of business you are in, but why don't you try starting a project and then just arbitrarily cut necessary parts of that project and then see how successful that project is. Of course the right never just says they have different ideas of how to help the country. They always go for the idea that liberal plans are an effort to destroy the country. You never say you just don't want programs to help the poor. You say the left hates the rich, or the whites, or the country, and everything is portrayed as the end of the world. You never come up with your own ideas. You just pound on what you claim is a concentrated effort to usher in communism, socialism, or what ever ism you think of that day. A reasonable person or party knows that is just a bunch of crap. You proudly present crazy statements by people like Cruz, or Gohmert, or Palin, claiming they represent your ideals, and expect sane people to take you seriously. On top of all that, the right, for years has claimed everyone who doesn't agree with them are traitors, and you expect us to calmly listen to all this ridiculous insulting stuff and not respond in kind? If you are so offended by nasty responses, I suggest you grow up and recognize that nasty has become the "ONLY" way the right expresses themselves.

I've been in the nightclub business for well over thirty years, Bulldog and I've started many "projects" and then been forced by circumstances to cut the budget for that project. That's part of life in the Private Sector. Only in the Public Sector can you come in with a cost proposal of a million dollars...have it end up costing three million...and not lose your job!

I've never said that I don't want programs to help the poor. I'm all for helping the poor. Where we differ immensely is how you should go about "helping". Liberals love to propose help that comes in the form of government entitlements that do things like give the poor a "living wage" whether or not they work...but then they scratch their collective heads when entitlements encourage the poor to stay poor rather than work to enter the Middle Class. The truth, Bulldog is that we've had a "War on Poverty" in this country since Lyndon Baines Johnson was President of the United States...spent a whole lot of money on programs to combat poverty and we now have more poverty then we did then! It's obvious that what you espouse hasn't worked...yet you want to double down on it!

I'm curious...since I'm a conservative and according to you the only way we can express ourselves is by being "nasty" I'd like you to find the posts where I've been "nasty" and show them to me. While you're doing THAT...I'll go back and I'll show you the posts where YOU were less than pleasant! Who do you think is going to win the Nobel Peace Prize in THAT competition?
And while you're doing that, Bulldog? Find all the times that I've put forth the ideas of Palin, Gohmert or Cruz. I tend to present my own ideas on what I think makes sense and what doesn't. Quite frankly, I seldom feel the need to cite the opinion of someone else.
Please feel free to supply us with a list of programs that were cut to help the rich and screw minorities and maybe we can do the research you neglected to do, thus setting you straight on the actual causes.

you know mudpacker you do say the stupidest shit

Setting the insults aside, I tend to think the same of you.

If asking someone to back up their stereotypes with facts is stupid then what's the point of even debating anything. We all should act like dim-witted ninnies and just take everything at face value, like you usually do.
this is what you do all the time .... you see a post .... instead of proving the poster wrong by pointing out their mistakes, by actually debating you say shit like, "Please feel free to supply us with a list of programs that were cut to help the rich and screw minorities" .... thats what you do .... you try to get that poster to prove themselves wrong ... I don't prove myself wrong, thats your job to prove us wrong ... you never do that when confronted with what we believe as a fact ....you came back with insults after insults ... if you don't like what someone said then prove them wrong ... and actually debate ... we have become so used to your snide remarks we beat you to the snide remark first ... when you want have a serious debate lets us know

Oh contrar!

If thou art prone to frivolity, thou shouldst be willing to back it up when called upon, or thou shouldst STFU!!
like i said mudpacker, all mouth and no factual bases to your incohearant rambling
Did you mean "incoherent"???

And as I said in an earlier post, Bulldog...I don't need to use over the top language to point out that the progressive agenda has not been successful. Reality does that for me. I'm not going to call you a "traitor" or a "communist" because you have naive ideas and policies that wither and die in the real world...I'm simply going to say that you're naive and have polices that don't work.
Why would I have to resort to calling you those things, Bulldog? I can simply point out how misguided and naive what you believed in really was. I think we both know that hurts more than base insults.

I doubt that your definition of misguided is much more than that it doesn't align with the right wing scheme de jure. The right wing is called the party of stupid by many, including it's own politicians, for a reason, and I'm no longer shocked when you use lies and just down right crazy stuff to convince your followers of your latest ima
A teabagger is also the name chosen by the teaparty which has been controlled by the crazy extreme right wing since shortly after it's inception. I didn't give them that name...they chose it, and were quite proud of it until someone told them what it meant in the past. They proudly proclaimed that's what they are, and I intend to honor that choice every time it is appropriate. My overall point was that I thoroughly enjoy a discussion of the facts, and will respond in the manner that I am addressed. You want to discuss facts, great. You want to start out with insults and flame me? You better be ready to receive at least as much as you give. I usually enjoy one as well as the other, but constant childish back and forth gets tedious after a while.

Come on...at least have the courage to admit when you are insulting people, Bulldog! You know that the term "teabagger" was coined by the left to mock a newly formed conservative group that grew out of opposition to "Big Government".

When I call someone a "treehugger" it isn't because that's what they decided to call themselves...it's a derogatory term and used to poke fun at others.

Sure, I know they don't like it, but the difference is that those goobers did actually chose the name, and were quite proud of it until they received ridicule for it. Here is an official video put out by the tea party.

If I made a choice that bad, I would be embarrassed too.

When I hear and have heard for years about how all liberals are lazy bums who just lay on the couch, smoke dope, hate the country, want to rape your kids and turn them gay, etc. etc. I find it a little hard to feel the sensitivity the right wants us to have in this one situation. I suggest you try to move your party back toward sanity and reason, and the name calling will probably slow down. Believe me, I listened to insults from the right for years before I decided to join in. It seems to be the only way to communicate with them.

You know what I always find amusing, Bulldog? The rationale that people like you always seem to come up with for saying some really vile things about conservatives. Yours is that it's an attempt by you to "communicate" with them? Really? I mean REALLY?

My problem with liberals isn't that they are lazy, smoke dope, are child molesters or want to turn everyone gay! My problem with liberals is their naive policies that are rooted in theories brought forth from the cloistered womb of academia...policies that quite simply don't work in the real world.

What I see happening time and time again is that when "progressives" get a chance to implement their theories...it turns into a total cluster fuck...at which point your response predictably becomes that it SHOULD have worked and didn't only because evil conservatives didn't support it as they should have! It's at that point that you become anything but "sensitive", Bulldog! It's at that point where you become downright nasty.

I started to respond last night, but decided your "not screaming" post deserved more than a quick dismissal. It is a fact that when plans are not fully implemented, they will have less than intended results. A reasonable person can't say that isn't true. I'm not sure what kind of business you are in, but why don't you try starting a project and then just arbitrarily cut necessary parts of that project and then see how successful that project is. Of course the right never just says they have different ideas of how to help the country. They always go for the idea that liberal plans are an effort to destroy the country. You never say you just don't want programs to help the poor. You say the left hates the rich, or the whites, or the country, and everything is portrayed as the end of the world. You never come up with your own ideas. You just pound on what you claim is a concentrated effort to usher in communism, socialism, or what ever ism you think of that day. A reasonable person or party knows that is just a bunch of crap. You proudly present crazy statements by people like Cruz, or Gohmert, or Palin, claiming they represent your ideals, and expect sane people to take you seriously. On top of all that, the right, for years has claimed everyone who doesn't agree with them are traitors, and you expect us to calmly listen to all this ridiculous insulting stuff and not respond in kind? If you are so offended by nasty responses, I suggest you grow up and recognize that nasty has become the "ONLY" way the right expresses themselves.

I've been in the nightclub business for well over thirty years, Bulldog and I've started many "projects" and then been forced by circumstances to cut the budget for that project. That's part of life in the Private Sector. Only in the Public Sector can you come in with a cost proposal of a million dollars...have it end up costing three million...and not lose your job!

I've never said that I don't want programs to help the poor. I'm all for helping the poor. Where we differ immensely is how you should go about "helping". Liberals love to propose help that comes in the form of government entitlements that do things like give the poor a "living wage" whether or not they work...but then they scratch their collective heads when entitlements encourage the poor to stay poor rather than work to enter the Middle Class. The truth, Bulldog is that we've had a "War on Poverty" in this country since Lyndon Baines Johnson was President of the United States...spent a whole lot of money on programs to combat poverty and we now have more poverty then we did then! It's obvious that what you espouse hasn't worked...yet you want to double down on it!

I'm curious...since I'm a conservative and according to you the only way we can express ourselves is by being "nasty" I'd like you to find the posts where I've been "nasty" and show them to me. While you're doing THAT...I'll go back and I'll show you the posts where YOU were less than pleasant! Who do you think is going to win the Nobel Peace Prize in THAT competition?

I have no desire to research everything you have posted. You could possibly be the most reasonable and non confrontational person here, but that is certainly not representative of right wingers here. If you care to, I would invite you to show where I responded to anyone in a manner that didn't match what they had already said. Play nice, and I'll play nice. Be an asshole, and I'll give at least as good as I get. Out of curiosity though. Exactly what programs to help the poor, or anybody else for that matter, do you advocate that don't involve massive giveaways to the rich, or degrading the people you claim to want to help? Further, which of those hopeful programs are generally embraced by the right? Killing healthcare with nothing to replace it helps no one. Demeaning immigrants, especially refugee children, helps no one. Educate me if you can.
And while you're doing that, Bulldog? Find all the times that I've put forth the ideas of Palin, Gohmert or Cruz. I tend to present my own ideas on what I think makes sense and what doesn't. Quite frankly, I seldom feel the need to cite the opinion of someone else.

If you are as reasonable as you claim, why do you cling to a party made up of 99.6% ass holes?
And while you're doing that, Bulldog? Find all the times that I've put forth the ideas of Palin, Gohmert or Cruz. I tend to present my own ideas on what I think makes sense and what doesn't. Quite frankly, I seldom feel the need to cite the opinion of someone else.

If you are as reasonable as you claim, why do you cling to a party made up of 99.6% ass holes?

I think you're misreading him. He's not a member of the Democratic Party.
What will happen when Texas flips Democrat?

The Democratic party is on its way out, collapsing under the failure of its policies and the incompetence of its bunch of dumb ass leaders.

I'm sure that's the way it looks inside the fox bubble. Romney won inside that bubble too, didn't he?

By all means list the Democratic party accomplishments I say you can't. That's why all the Democrats are not running on their accomplishments but instead are running around calling their opponents racists and sexists. Pretty sad really that your party is that pathetic but you have only yourselves to blame electing these freak liberals.

So you are saying the Democratic party has done nothing to better our country? That's too stupid to even respond to. If you don't like being called racist or sexist, then quit doing that. You proudly hold Palin and Gohmert and the teabaggers up as representative of your beliefs, and want to call us freaks? That's funny.

Well I'm glad you got that off your chest. I did notice you failed to note any Democratic party accomplishments, I'm not surprised.

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