What will happen when Texas flips Democrat?

And while you're doing that, Bulldog? Find all the times that I've put forth the ideas of Palin, Gohmert or Cruz. I tend to present my own ideas on what I think makes sense and what doesn't. Quite frankly, I seldom feel the need to cite the opinion of someone else.

If you are as reasonable as you claim, why do you cling to a party made up of 99.6% ass holes?

Come on, Bulldog...you talk about being "reasonable" and then make a statement like 99.6% of Republicans are assholes?

So who's reasonable...me or you?
Why would I have to resort to calling you those things, Bulldog? I can simply point out how misguided and naive what you believed in really was. I think we both know that hurts more than base insults.

I doubt that your definition of misguided is much more than that it doesn't align with the right wing scheme de jure. The right wing is called the party of stupid by many, including it's own politicians, for a reason, and I'm no longer shocked when you use lies and just down right crazy stuff to convince your followers of your latest ima
Come on...at least have the courage to admit when you are insulting people, Bulldog! You know that the term "teabagger" was coined by the left to mock a newly formed conservative group that grew out of opposition to "Big Government".

When I call someone a "treehugger" it isn't because that's what they decided to call themselves...it's a derogatory term and used to poke fun at others.

Sure, I know they don't like it, but the difference is that those goobers did actually chose the name, and were quite proud of it until they received ridicule for it. Here is an official video put out by the tea party.

If I made a choice that bad, I would be embarrassed too.

When I hear and have heard for years about how all liberals are lazy bums who just lay on the couch, smoke dope, hate the country, want to rape your kids and turn them gay, etc. etc. I find it a little hard to feel the sensitivity the right wants us to have in this one situation. I suggest you try to move your party back toward sanity and reason, and the name calling will probably slow down. Believe me, I listened to insults from the right for years before I decided to join in. It seems to be the only way to communicate with them.

You know what I always find amusing, Bulldog? The rationale that people like you always seem to come up with for saying some really vile things about conservatives. Yours is that it's an attempt by you to "communicate" with them? Really? I mean REALLY?

My problem with liberals isn't that they are lazy, smoke dope, are child molesters or want to turn everyone gay! My problem with liberals is their naive policies that are rooted in theories brought forth from the cloistered womb of academia...policies that quite simply don't work in the real world.

What I see happening time and time again is that when "progressives" get a chance to implement their theories...it turns into a total cluster fuck...at which point your response predictably becomes that it SHOULD have worked and didn't only because evil conservatives didn't support it as they should have! It's at that point that you become anything but "sensitive", Bulldog! It's at that point where you become downright nasty.

I started to respond last night, but decided your "not screaming" post deserved more than a quick dismissal. It is a fact that when plans are not fully implemented, they will have less than intended results. A reasonable person can't say that isn't true. I'm not sure what kind of business you are in, but why don't you try starting a project and then just arbitrarily cut necessary parts of that project and then see how successful that project is. Of course the right never just says they have different ideas of how to help the country. They always go for the idea that liberal plans are an effort to destroy the country. You never say you just don't want programs to help the poor. You say the left hates the rich, or the whites, or the country, and everything is portrayed as the end of the world. You never come up with your own ideas. You just pound on what you claim is a concentrated effort to usher in communism, socialism, or what ever ism you think of that day. A reasonable person or party knows that is just a bunch of crap. You proudly present crazy statements by people like Cruz, or Gohmert, or Palin, claiming they represent your ideals, and expect sane people to take you seriously. On top of all that, the right, for years has claimed everyone who doesn't agree with them are traitors, and you expect us to calmly listen to all this ridiculous insulting stuff and not respond in kind? If you are so offended by nasty responses, I suggest you grow up and recognize that nasty has become the "ONLY" way the right expresses themselves.

I've been in the nightclub business for well over thirty years, Bulldog and I've started many "projects" and then been forced by circumstances to cut the budget for that project. That's part of life in the Private Sector. Only in the Public Sector can you come in with a cost proposal of a million dollars...have it end up costing three million...and not lose your job!

I've never said that I don't want programs to help the poor. I'm all for helping the poor. Where we differ immensely is how you should go about "helping". Liberals love to propose help that comes in the form of government entitlements that do things like give the poor a "living wage" whether or not they work...but then they scratch their collective heads when entitlements encourage the poor to stay poor rather than work to enter the Middle Class. The truth, Bulldog is that we've had a "War on Poverty" in this country since Lyndon Baines Johnson was President of the United States...spent a whole lot of money on programs to combat poverty and we now have more poverty then we did then! It's obvious that what you espouse hasn't worked...yet you want to double down on it!

I'm curious...since I'm a conservative and according to you the only way we can express ourselves is by being "nasty" I'd like you to find the posts where I've been "nasty" and show them to me. While you're doing THAT...I'll go back and I'll show you the posts where YOU were less than pleasant! Who do you think is going to win the Nobel Peace Prize in THAT competition?

I have no desire to research everything you have posted. You could possibly be the most reasonable and non confrontational person here, but that is certainly not representative of right wingers here. If you care to, I would invite you to show where I responded to anyone in a manner that didn't match what they had already said. Play nice, and I'll play nice. Be an asshole, and I'll give at least as good as I get. Out of curiosity though. Exactly what programs to help the poor, or anybody else for that matter, do you advocate that don't involve massive giveaways to the rich, or degrading the people you claim to want to help? Further, which of those hopeful programs are generally embraced by the right? Killing healthcare with nothing to replace it helps no one. Demeaning immigrants, especially refugee children, helps no one. Educate me if you can.

I have only to point to how you've responded to me, Bulldog...

You say that if others play nice that you will as well but your actions I'm afraid don't back that claim
Why would I have to resort to calling you those things, Bulldog? I can simply point out how misguided and naive what you believed in really was. I think we both know that hurts more than base insults.

I doubt that your definition of misguided is much more than that it doesn't align with the right wing scheme de jure. The right wing is called the party of stupid by many, including it's own politicians, for a reason, and I'm no longer shocked when you use lies and just down right crazy stuff to convince your followers of your latest ima
Come on...at least have the courage to admit when you are insulting people, Bulldog! You know that the term "teabagger" was coined by the left to mock a newly formed conservative group that grew out of opposition to "Big Government".

When I call someone a "treehugger" it isn't because that's what they decided to call themselves...it's a derogatory term and used to poke fun at others.

Sure, I know they don't like it, but the difference is that those goobers did actually chose the name, and were quite proud of it until they received ridicule for it. Here is an official video put out by the tea party.

If I made a choice that bad, I would be embarrassed too.

When I hear and have heard for years about how all liberals are lazy bums who just lay on the couch, smoke dope, hate the country, want to rape your kids and turn them gay, etc. etc. I find it a little hard to feel the sensitivity the right wants us to have in this one situation. I suggest you try to move your party back toward sanity and reason, and the name calling will probably slow down. Believe me, I listened to insults from the right for years before I decided to join in. It seems to be the only way to communicate with them.

You know what I always find amusing, Bulldog? The rationale that people like you always seem to come up with for saying some really vile things about conservatives. Yours is that it's an attempt by you to "communicate" with them? Really? I mean REALLY?

My problem with liberals isn't that they are lazy, smoke dope, are child molesters or want to turn everyone gay! My problem with liberals is their naive policies that are rooted in theories brought forth from the cloistered womb of academia...policies that quite simply don't work in the real world.

What I see happening time and time again is that when "progressives" get a chance to implement their theories...it turns into a total cluster fuck...at which point your response predictably becomes that it SHOULD have worked and didn't only because evil conservatives didn't support it as they should have! It's at that point that you become anything but "sensitive", Bulldog! It's at that point where you become downright nasty.

I started to respond last night, but decided your "not screaming" post deserved more than a quick dismissal. It is a fact that when plans are not fully implemented, they will have less than intended results. A reasonable person can't say that isn't true. I'm not sure what kind of business you are in, but why don't you try starting a project and then just arbitrarily cut necessary parts of that project and then see how successful that project is. Of course the right never just says they have different ideas of how to help the country. They always go for the idea that liberal plans are an effort to destroy the country. You never say you just don't want programs to help the poor. You say the left hates the rich, or the whites, or the country, and everything is portrayed as the end of the world. You never come up with your own ideas. You just pound on what you claim is a concentrated effort to usher in communism, socialism, or what ever ism you think of that day. A reasonable person or party knows that is just a bunch of crap. You proudly present crazy statements by people like Cruz, or Gohmert, or Palin, claiming they represent your ideals, and expect sane people to take you seriously. On top of all that, the right, for years has claimed everyone who doesn't agree with them are traitors, and you expect us to calmly listen to all this ridiculous insulting stuff and not respond in kind? If you are so offended by nasty responses, I suggest you grow up and recognize that nasty has become the "ONLY" way the right expresses themselves.

I've been in the nightclub business for well over thirty years, Bulldog and I've started many "projects" and then been forced by circumstances to cut the budget for that project. That's part of life in the Private Sector. Only in the Public Sector can you come in with a cost proposal of a million dollars...have it end up costing three million...and not lose your job!

I've never said that I don't want programs to help the poor. I'm all for helping the poor. Where we differ immensely is how you should go about "helping". Liberals love to propose help that comes in the form of government entitlements that do things like give the poor a "living wage" whether or not they work...but then they scratch their collective heads when entitlements encourage the poor to stay poor rather than work to enter the Middle Class. The truth, Bulldog is that we've had a "War on Poverty" in this country since Lyndon Baines Johnson was President of the United States...spent a whole lot of money on programs to combat poverty and we now have more poverty then we did then! It's obvious that what you espouse hasn't worked...yet you want to double down on it!

I'm curious...since I'm a conservative and according to you the only way we can express ourselves is by being "nasty" I'd like you to find the posts where I've been "nasty" and show them to me. While you're doing THAT...I'll go back and I'll show you the posts where YOU were less than pleasant! Who do you think is going to win the Nobel Peace Prize in THAT competition?

I have no desire to research everything you have posted. You could possibly be the most reasonable and non confrontational person here, but that is certainly not representative of right wingers here. If you care to, I would invite you to show where I responded to anyone in a manner that didn't match what they had already said. Play nice, and I'll play nice. Be an asshole, and I'll give at least as good as I get. Out of curiosity though. Exactly what programs to help the poor, or anybody else for that matter, do you advocate that don't involve massive giveaways to the rich, or degrading the people you claim to want to help? Further, which of those hopeful programs are generally embraced by the right? Killing healthcare with nothing to replace it helps no one. Demeaning immigrants, especially refugee children, helps no one. Educate me if you can.

As I pointed out earlier, Bulldog...you seemed to take great pleasure in continually referring to the conservatives who made up the so called Tea Party as "tea baggers". How many times did you post your video of the people singing about the tea party that are oblivious to the OTHER meaning of "tea bag"? Three times? Or was it four? Who does that? MSNBC continually referred to the Tea Party people as tea baggers as well and then snickered about it amongst themselves like Beavis and Butthead. What major news channel does THAT!

Here's a newsflash for you. I'm a conservative. I have a degree in history. I have an MBA. I've worked in the Private Sector for a very long time. I'm not crazy. I'm not a religious nut. I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh. I'm not even Pro-Life. As a matter of fact I'm an agnostic! Yet liberals like YOURSELF assume you know who I am and what I believe in simply because I point out that the Progressive policies that you've advocated in the past didn't work and that the ones you're advocating now won't work either!

What do "I" think we should do to better the lives of the lower classes? For starters I would suggest we get back to doing what this country has always been better at than anyone else...namely being self sufficient and being innovative. As a people American have always been a compassionate people but we have also been a competitive bunch whose winners win big and losers get off their asses and try harder. This concept that everyone should get a trophy when you play sports whether you win or lose is symptomatic of a society where mediocrity is now the desired normal and people who are exceptional are told they need to not embarrass those who can't keep up. Income inequality sucks! Being poor sucks! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Don't wait for someone to take things from the rich to give to you so that you aren't so poor. Do the things that successful people do to become successful.
Why would I have to resort to calling you those things, Bulldog? I can simply point out how misguided and naive what you believed in really was. I think we both know that hurts more than base insults.

I doubt that your definition of misguided is much more than that it doesn't align with the right wing scheme de jure. The right wing is called the party of stupid by many, including it's own politicians, for a reason, and I'm no longer shocked when you use lies and just down right crazy stuff to convince your followers of your latest ima
Sure, I know they don't like it, but the difference is that those goobers did actually chose the name, and were quite proud of it until they received ridicule for it. Here is an official video put out by the tea party.

If I made a choice that bad, I would be embarrassed too.

When I hear and have heard for years about how all liberals are lazy bums who just lay on the couch, smoke dope, hate the country, want to rape your kids and turn them gay, etc. etc. I find it a little hard to feel the sensitivity the right wants us to have in this one situation. I suggest you try to move your party back toward sanity and reason, and the name calling will probably slow down. Believe me, I listened to insults from the right for years before I decided to join in. It seems to be the only way to communicate with them.

You know what I always find amusing, Bulldog? The rationale that people like you always seem to come up with for saying some really vile things about conservatives. Yours is that it's an attempt by you to "communicate" with them? Really? I mean REALLY?

My problem with liberals isn't that they are lazy, smoke dope, are child molesters or want to turn everyone gay! My problem with liberals is their naive policies that are rooted in theories brought forth from the cloistered womb of academia...policies that quite simply don't work in the real world.

What I see happening time and time again is that when "progressives" get a chance to implement their theories...it turns into a total cluster fuck...at which point your response predictably becomes that it SHOULD have worked and didn't only because evil conservatives didn't support it as they should have! It's at that point that you become anything but "sensitive", Bulldog! It's at that point where you become downright nasty.

I started to respond last night, but decided your "not screaming" post deserved more than a quick dismissal. It is a fact that when plans are not fully implemented, they will have less than intended results. A reasonable person can't say that isn't true. I'm not sure what kind of business you are in, but why don't you try starting a project and then just arbitrarily cut necessary parts of that project and then see how successful that project is. Of course the right never just says they have different ideas of how to help the country. They always go for the idea that liberal plans are an effort to destroy the country. You never say you just don't want programs to help the poor. You say the left hates the rich, or the whites, or the country, and everything is portrayed as the end of the world. You never come up with your own ideas. You just pound on what you claim is a concentrated effort to usher in communism, socialism, or what ever ism you think of that day. A reasonable person or party knows that is just a bunch of crap. You proudly present crazy statements by people like Cruz, or Gohmert, or Palin, claiming they represent your ideals, and expect sane people to take you seriously. On top of all that, the right, for years has claimed everyone who doesn't agree with them are traitors, and you expect us to calmly listen to all this ridiculous insulting stuff and not respond in kind? If you are so offended by nasty responses, I suggest you grow up and recognize that nasty has become the "ONLY" way the right expresses themselves.

I've been in the nightclub business for well over thirty years, Bulldog and I've started many "projects" and then been forced by circumstances to cut the budget for that project. That's part of life in the Private Sector. Only in the Public Sector can you come in with a cost proposal of a million dollars...have it end up costing three million...and not lose your job!

I've never said that I don't want programs to help the poor. I'm all for helping the poor. Where we differ immensely is how you should go about "helping". Liberals love to propose help that comes in the form of government entitlements that do things like give the poor a "living wage" whether or not they work...but then they scratch their collective heads when entitlements encourage the poor to stay poor rather than work to enter the Middle Class. The truth, Bulldog is that we've had a "War on Poverty" in this country since Lyndon Baines Johnson was President of the United States...spent a whole lot of money on programs to combat poverty and we now have more poverty then we did then! It's obvious that what you espouse hasn't worked...yet you want to double down on it!

I'm curious...since I'm a conservative and according to you the only way we can express ourselves is by being "nasty" I'd like you to find the posts where I've been "nasty" and show them to me. While you're doing THAT...I'll go back and I'll show you the posts where YOU were less than pleasant! Who do you think is going to win the Nobel Peace Prize in THAT competition?

I have no desire to research everything you have posted. You could possibly be the most reasonable and non confrontational person here, but that is certainly not representative of right wingers here. If you care to, I would invite you to show where I responded to anyone in a manner that didn't match what they had already said. Play nice, and I'll play nice. Be an asshole, and I'll give at least as good as I get. Out of curiosity though. Exactly what programs to help the poor, or anybody else for that matter, do you advocate that don't involve massive giveaways to the rich, or degrading the people you claim to want to help? Further, which of those hopeful programs are generally embraced by the right? Killing healthcare with nothing to replace it helps no one. Demeaning immigrants, especially refugee children, helps no one. Educate me if you can.

I have only to point to how you've responded to me, Bulldog...

You say that if others play nice that you will as well but your actions I'm afraid don't back that claim
Why would I have to resort to calling you those things, Bulldog? I can simply point out how misguided and naive what you believed in really was. I think we both know that hurts more than base insults.

I doubt that your definition of misguided is much more than that it doesn't align with the right wing scheme de jure. The right wing is called the party of stupid by many, including it's own politicians, for a reason, and I'm no longer shocked when you use lies and just down right crazy stuff to convince your followers of your latest ima
Sure, I know they don't like it, but the difference is that those goobers did actually chose the name, and were quite proud of it until they received ridicule for it. Here is an official video put out by the tea party.

If I made a choice that bad, I would be embarrassed too.

When I hear and have heard for years about how all liberals are lazy bums who just lay on the couch, smoke dope, hate the country, want to rape your kids and turn them gay, etc. etc. I find it a little hard to feel the sensitivity the right wants us to have in this one situation. I suggest you try to move your party back toward sanity and reason, and the name calling will probably slow down. Believe me, I listened to insults from the right for years before I decided to join in. It seems to be the only way to communicate with them.

You know what I always find amusing, Bulldog? The rationale that people like you always seem to come up with for saying some really vile things about conservatives. Yours is that it's an attempt by you to "communicate" with them? Really? I mean REALLY?

My problem with liberals isn't that they are lazy, smoke dope, are child molesters or want to turn everyone gay! My problem with liberals is their naive policies that are rooted in theories brought forth from the cloistered womb of academia...policies that quite simply don't work in the real world.

What I see happening time and time again is that when "progressives" get a chance to implement their theories...it turns into a total cluster fuck...at which point your response predictably becomes that it SHOULD have worked and didn't only because evil conservatives didn't support it as they should have! It's at that point that you become anything but "sensitive", Bulldog! It's at that point where you become downright nasty.

I started to respond last night, but decided your "not screaming" post deserved more than a quick dismissal. It is a fact that when plans are not fully implemented, they will have less than intended results. A reasonable person can't say that isn't true. I'm not sure what kind of business you are in, but why don't you try starting a project and then just arbitrarily cut necessary parts of that project and then see how successful that project is. Of course the right never just says they have different ideas of how to help the country. They always go for the idea that liberal plans are an effort to destroy the country. You never say you just don't want programs to help the poor. You say the left hates the rich, or the whites, or the country, and everything is portrayed as the end of the world. You never come up with your own ideas. You just pound on what you claim is a concentrated effort to usher in communism, socialism, or what ever ism you think of that day. A reasonable person or party knows that is just a bunch of crap. You proudly present crazy statements by people like Cruz, or Gohmert, or Palin, claiming they represent your ideals, and expect sane people to take you seriously. On top of all that, the right, for years has claimed everyone who doesn't agree with them are traitors, and you expect us to calmly listen to all this ridiculous insulting stuff and not respond in kind? If you are so offended by nasty responses, I suggest you grow up and recognize that nasty has become the "ONLY" way the right expresses themselves.

I've been in the nightclub business for well over thirty years, Bulldog and I've started many "projects" and then been forced by circumstances to cut the budget for that project. That's part of life in the Private Sector. Only in the Public Sector can you come in with a cost proposal of a million dollars...have it end up costing three million...and not lose your job!

I've never said that I don't want programs to help the poor. I'm all for helping the poor. Where we differ immensely is how you should go about "helping". Liberals love to propose help that comes in the form of government entitlements that do things like give the poor a "living wage" whether or not they work...but then they scratch their collective heads when entitlements encourage the poor to stay poor rather than work to enter the Middle Class. The truth, Bulldog is that we've had a "War on Poverty" in this country since Lyndon Baines Johnson was President of the United States...spent a whole lot of money on programs to combat poverty and we now have more poverty then we did then! It's obvious that what you espouse hasn't worked...yet you want to double down on it!

I'm curious...since I'm a conservative and according to you the only way we can express ourselves is by being "nasty" I'd like you to find the posts where I've been "nasty" and show them to me. While you're doing THAT...I'll go back and I'll show you the posts where YOU were less than pleasant! Who do you think is going to win the Nobel Peace Prize in THAT competition?

I have no desire to research everything you have posted. You could possibly be the most reasonable and non confrontational person here, but that is certainly not representative of right wingers here. If you care to, I would invite you to show where I responded to anyone in a manner that didn't match what they had already said. Play nice, and I'll play nice. Be an asshole, and I'll give at least as good as I get. Out of curiosity though. Exactly what programs to help the poor, or anybody else for that matter, do you advocate that don't involve massive giveaways to the rich, or degrading the people you claim to want to help? Further, which of those hopeful programs are generally embraced by the right? Killing healthcare with nothing to replace it helps no one. Demeaning immigrants, especially refugee children, helps no one. Educate me if you can.

As I pointed out earlier, Bulldog...you seemed to take great pleasure in continually referring to the conservatives who made up the so called Tea Party as "tea baggers". How many times did you post your video of the people singing about the tea party that are oblivious to the OTHER meaning of "tea bag"? Three times? Or was it four? Who does that? MSNBC continually referred to the Tea Party people as tea baggers as well and then snickered about it amongst themselves like Beavis and Butthead. What major news channel does THAT!

Here's a newsflash for you. I'm a conservative. I have a degree in history. I have an MBA. I've worked in the Private Sector for a very long time. I'm not crazy. I'm not a religious nut. I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh. I'm not even Pro-Life. As a matter of fact I'm an agnostic! Yet liberals like YOURSELF assume you know who I am and what I believe in simply because I point out that the Progressive policies that you've advocated in the past didn't work and that the ones you're advocating now won't work either!

You're not alone. The New York Times:

Tea Party supporters are wealthier and more well-educated than the general public, and are no more or less afraid of falling into a lower socioeconomic class, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.​

What do "I" think we should do to better the lives of the lower classes? For starters I would suggest we get back to doing what this country has always been better at than anyone else...namely being self sufficient and being innovative. As a people American have always been a compassionate people but we have also been a competitive bunch whose winners win big and losers get off their asses and try harder.

"As a people" Americans built America into a world colossus, then liberals decided to erase the people and introduce multiculturalism. The people who made America great came from lands which have also done well, the overseas cousins of Americans built Europe into a First World continent, but our people were just better at the economy building game. Now we're importing millions of people from the lowest rungs of the economic ladder of 3rd tier and lower societies, who come from peoples who can't build successful societies.

"The people" who made America great are dying off, their children are now weighed down in a multicultural society with the burden of trying to uplift people who can't compete in the race for greatness. With this handicap it's no wonder that America is slipping and often failing compared to other nations.

"As a people" is a reference to a no longer relevant past. We in America are no longer "a people" we're just all co-residents who live next to each other in one big national Folk Fest.

This concept that everyone should get a trophy when you play sports whether you win or lose is symptomatic of a society where mediocrity is now the desired normal and people who are exceptional are told they need to not embarrass those who can't keep up. Income inequality sucks! Being poor sucks! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Don't wait for someone to take things from the rich to give to you so that you aren't so poor. Do the things that successful people do to become successful.

That worked in the past because our society was working with good raw material (look at what those left behind in Europe did) and we made "our people" better by running them through American culture. Our raw material these days is much degraded. Saying "do something" and expecting the same outcomes as we saw in the past is the same as saying "speak" to your dog and expecting him to speak as your children did when young.
Why would I have to resort to calling you those things, Bulldog? I can simply point out how misguided and naive what you believed in really was. I think we both know that hurts more than base insults.

I doubt that your definition of misguided is much more than that it doesn't align with the right wing scheme de jure. The right wing is called the party of stupid by many, including it's own politicians, for a reason, and I'm no longer shocked when you use lies and just down right crazy stuff to convince your followers of your latest ima
Sure, I know they don't like it, but the difference is that those goobers did actually chose the name, and were quite proud of it until they received ridicule for it. Here is an official video put out by the tea party.

If I made a choice that bad, I would be embarrassed too.

When I hear and have heard for years about how all liberals are lazy bums who just lay on the couch, smoke dope, hate the country, want to rape your kids and turn them gay, etc. etc. I find it a little hard to feel the sensitivity the right wants us to have in this one situation. I suggest you try to move your party back toward sanity and reason, and the name calling will probably slow down. Believe me, I listened to insults from the right for years before I decided to join in. It seems to be the only way to communicate with them.

You know what I always find amusing, Bulldog? The rationale that people like you always seem to come up with for saying some really vile things about conservatives. Yours is that it's an attempt by you to "communicate" with them? Really? I mean REALLY?

My problem with liberals isn't that they are lazy, smoke dope, are child molesters or want to turn everyone gay! My problem with liberals is their naive policies that are rooted in theories brought forth from the cloistered womb of academia...policies that quite simply don't work in the real world.

What I see happening time and time again is that when "progressives" get a chance to implement their theories...it turns into a total cluster fuck...at which point your response predictably becomes that it SHOULD have worked and didn't only because evil conservatives didn't support it as they should have! It's at that point that you become anything but "sensitive", Bulldog! It's at that point where you become downright nasty.

I started to respond last night, but decided your "not screaming" post deserved more than a quick dismissal. It is a fact that when plans are not fully implemented, they will have less than intended results. A reasonable person can't say that isn't true. I'm not sure what kind of business you are in, but why don't you try starting a project and then just arbitrarily cut necessary parts of that project and then see how successful that project is. Of course the right never just says they have different ideas of how to help the country. They always go for the idea that liberal plans are an effort to destroy the country. You never say you just don't want programs to help the poor. You say the left hates the rich, or the whites, or the country, and everything is portrayed as the end of the world. You never come up with your own ideas. You just pound on what you claim is a concentrated effort to usher in communism, socialism, or what ever ism you think of that day. A reasonable person or party knows that is just a bunch of crap. You proudly present crazy statements by people like Cruz, or Gohmert, or Palin, claiming they represent your ideals, and expect sane people to take you seriously. On top of all that, the right, for years has claimed everyone who doesn't agree with them are traitors, and you expect us to calmly listen to all this ridiculous insulting stuff and not respond in kind? If you are so offended by nasty responses, I suggest you grow up and recognize that nasty has become the "ONLY" way the right expresses themselves.

I've been in the nightclub business for well over thirty years, Bulldog and I've started many "projects" and then been forced by circumstances to cut the budget for that project. That's part of life in the Private Sector. Only in the Public Sector can you come in with a cost proposal of a million dollars...have it end up costing three million...and not lose your job!

I've never said that I don't want programs to help the poor. I'm all for helping the poor. Where we differ immensely is how you should go about "helping". Liberals love to propose help that comes in the form of government entitlements that do things like give the poor a "living wage" whether or not they work...but then they scratch their collective heads when entitlements encourage the poor to stay poor rather than work to enter the Middle Class. The truth, Bulldog is that we've had a "War on Poverty" in this country since Lyndon Baines Johnson was President of the United States...spent a whole lot of money on programs to combat poverty and we now have more poverty then we did then! It's obvious that what you espouse hasn't worked...yet you want to double down on it!

I'm curious...since I'm a conservative and according to you the only way we can express ourselves is by being "nasty" I'd like you to find the posts where I've been "nasty" and show them to me. While you're doing THAT...I'll go back and I'll show you the posts where YOU were less than pleasant! Who do you think is going to win the Nobel Peace Prize in THAT competition?

I have no desire to research everything you have posted. You could possibly be the most reasonable and non confrontational person here, but that is certainly not representative of right wingers here. If you care to, I would invite you to show where I responded to anyone in a manner that didn't match what they had already said. Play nice, and I'll play nice. Be an asshole, and I'll give at least as good as I get. Out of curiosity though. Exactly what programs to help the poor, or anybody else for that matter, do you advocate that don't involve massive giveaways to the rich, or degrading the people you claim to want to help? Further, which of those hopeful programs are generally embraced by the right? Killing healthcare with nothing to replace it helps no one. Demeaning immigrants, especially refugee children, helps no one. Educate me if you can.

I have only to point to how you've responded to me, Bulldog...

You say that if others play nice that you will as well but your actions I'm afraid don't back that claim
Why would I have to resort to calling you those things, Bulldog? I can simply point out how misguided and naive what you believed in really was. I think we both know that hurts more than base insults.

I doubt that your definition of misguided is much more than that it doesn't align with the right wing scheme de jure. The right wing is called the party of stupid by many, including it's own politicians, for a reason, and I'm no longer shocked when you use lies and just down right crazy stuff to convince your followers of your latest ima
Sure, I know they don't like it, but the difference is that those goobers did actually chose the name, and were quite proud of it until they received ridicule for it. Here is an official video put out by the tea party.

If I made a choice that bad, I would be embarrassed too.

When I hear and have heard for years about how all liberals are lazy bums who just lay on the couch, smoke dope, hate the country, want to rape your kids and turn them gay, etc. etc. I find it a little hard to feel the sensitivity the right wants us to have in this one situation. I suggest you try to move your party back toward sanity and reason, and the name calling will probably slow down. Believe me, I listened to insults from the right for years before I decided to join in. It seems to be the only way to communicate with them.

You know what I always find amusing, Bulldog? The rationale that people like you always seem to come up with for saying some really vile things about conservatives. Yours is that it's an attempt by you to "communicate" with them? Really? I mean REALLY?

My problem with liberals isn't that they are lazy, smoke dope, are child molesters or want to turn everyone gay! My problem with liberals is their naive policies that are rooted in theories brought forth from the cloistered womb of academia...policies that quite simply don't work in the real world.

What I see happening time and time again is that when "progressives" get a chance to implement their theories...it turns into a total cluster fuck...at which point your response predictably becomes that it SHOULD have worked and didn't only because evil conservatives didn't support it as they should have! It's at that point that you become anything but "sensitive", Bulldog! It's at that point where you become downright nasty.

I started to respond last night, but decided your "not screaming" post deserved more than a quick dismissal. It is a fact that when plans are not fully implemented, they will have less than intended results. A reasonable person can't say that isn't true. I'm not sure what kind of business you are in, but why don't you try starting a project and then just arbitrarily cut necessary parts of that project and then see how successful that project is. Of course the right never just says they have different ideas of how to help the country. They always go for the idea that liberal plans are an effort to destroy the country. You never say you just don't want programs to help the poor. You say the left hates the rich, or the whites, or the country, and everything is portrayed as the end of the world. You never come up with your own ideas. You just pound on what you claim is a concentrated effort to usher in communism, socialism, or what ever ism you think of that day. A reasonable person or party knows that is just a bunch of crap. You proudly present crazy statements by people like Cruz, or Gohmert, or Palin, claiming they represent your ideals, and expect sane people to take you seriously. On top of all that, the right, for years has claimed everyone who doesn't agree with them are traitors, and you expect us to calmly listen to all this ridiculous insulting stuff and not respond in kind? If you are so offended by nasty responses, I suggest you grow up and recognize that nasty has become the "ONLY" way the right expresses themselves.

I've been in the nightclub business for well over thirty years, Bulldog and I've started many "projects" and then been forced by circumstances to cut the budget for that project. That's part of life in the Private Sector. Only in the Public Sector can you come in with a cost proposal of a million dollars...have it end up costing three million...and not lose your job!

I've never said that I don't want programs to help the poor. I'm all for helping the poor. Where we differ immensely is how you should go about "helping". Liberals love to propose help that comes in the form of government entitlements that do things like give the poor a "living wage" whether or not they work...but then they scratch their collective heads when entitlements encourage the poor to stay poor rather than work to enter the Middle Class. The truth, Bulldog is that we've had a "War on Poverty" in this country since Lyndon Baines Johnson was President of the United States...spent a whole lot of money on programs to combat poverty and we now have more poverty then we did then! It's obvious that what you espouse hasn't worked...yet you want to double down on it!

I'm curious...since I'm a conservative and according to you the only way we can express ourselves is by being "nasty" I'd like you to find the posts where I've been "nasty" and show them to me. While you're doing THAT...I'll go back and I'll show you the posts where YOU were less than pleasant! Who do you think is going to win the Nobel Peace Prize in THAT competition?

I have no desire to research everything you have posted. You could possibly be the most reasonable and non confrontational person here, but that is certainly not representative of right wingers here. If you care to, I would invite you to show where I responded to anyone in a manner that didn't match what they had already said. Play nice, and I'll play nice. Be an asshole, and I'll give at least as good as I get. Out of curiosity though. Exactly what programs to help the poor, or anybody else for that matter, do you advocate that don't involve massive giveaways to the rich, or degrading the people you claim to want to help? Further, which of those hopeful programs are generally embraced by the right? Killing healthcare with nothing to replace it helps no one. Demeaning immigrants, especially refugee children, helps no one. Educate me if you can.

As I pointed out earlier, Bulldog...you seemed to take great pleasure in continually referring to the conservatives who made up the so called Tea Party as "tea baggers". How many times did you post your video of the people singing about the tea party that are oblivious to the OTHER meaning of "tea bag"? Three times? Or was it four? Who does that? MSNBC continually referred to the Tea Party people as tea baggers as well and then snickered about it amongst themselves like Beavis and Butthead. What major news channel does THAT!

Here's a newsflash for you. I'm a conservative. I have a degree in history. I have an MBA. I've worked in the Private Sector for a very long time. I'm not crazy. I'm not a religious nut. I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh. I'm not even Pro-Life. As a matter of fact I'm an agnostic! Yet liberals like YOURSELF assume you know who I am and what I believe in simply because I point out that the Progressive policies that you've advocated in the past didn't work and that the ones you're advocating now won't work either!

What do "I" think we should do to better the lives of the lower classes? For starters I would suggest we get back to doing what this country has always been better at than anyone else...namely being self sufficient and being innovative. As a people American have always been a compassionate people but we have also been a competitive bunch whose winners win big and losers get off their asses and try harder. This concept that everyone should get a trophy when you play sports whether you win or lose is symptomatic of a society where mediocrity is now the desired normal and people who are exceptional are told they need to not embarrass those who can't keep up. Income inequality sucks! Being poor sucks! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Don't wait for someone to take things from the rich to give to you so that you aren't so poor. Do the things that successful people do to become successful.

Oh? So I'm supposed to just pretend that they didn't ignorantly but proudly proclaim that they were teabaggers because it embarrasses them? I'll do that when they quit claiming liberals are traitors. If all the things you claim about yourself are true, then good for you. If you could just bring the rest of your party around to that level, there wouldn't be nearly as much to ridicule them about. The "Everybody gets a trophy" thing is something that little league coaches came up with. It's not part of the liberal political goal. Of course, right wing radio and fox have convinced you it was. In fact, your political party portrays a lot of crap as something that liberals advocate. The stories of liberal monsters that most right wingers scare their kids with have little or no resemblance to what the left wing actually is. The lies are seemingly unlimited. After being portrayed as the caricature that the right has claimed, you are lucky that there hasn't been more retribution than the occasional giggle about your parties ignorant choice of the term teabagger. The president wants to destroy the country? Anything less than adherence to palin speak or what ever Cruz decided to spout is communism, or socialism? Surely you realize these things are crazy and hateful. You might be a reasonable person, but your party is not. I don't have a problem with expecting the poor to better their own plight, and generally most liberals don't, but there needs to be an even playing field. With the massive giveaways to the rich and corporations, there is not an even playing field. Surely you see that.
And while you're doing that, Bulldog? Find all the times that I've put forth the ideas of Palin, Gohmert or Cruz. I tend to present my own ideas on what I think makes sense and what doesn't. Quite frankly, I seldom feel the need to cite the opinion of someone else.

If you are as reasonable as you claim, why do you cling to a party made up of 99.6% ass holes?

Come on, Bulldog...you talk about being "reasonable" and then make a statement like 99.6% of Republicans are assholes?

So who's reasonable...me or you?

That's what my records show. You're welcome to check the math. Perhaps you haven't seen many of the right wing posts.
Why would I have to resort to calling you those things, Bulldog? I can simply point out how misguided and naive what you believed in really was. I think we both know that hurts more than base insults.

I doubt that your definition of misguided is much more than that it doesn't align with the right wing scheme de jure. The right wing is called the party of stupid by many, including it's own politicians, for a reason, and I'm no longer shocked when you use lies and just down right crazy stuff to convince your followers of your latest ima
You know what I always find amusing, Bulldog? The rationale that people like you always seem to come up with for saying some really vile things about conservatives. Yours is that it's an attempt by you to "communicate" with them? Really? I mean REALLY?

My problem with liberals isn't that they are lazy, smoke dope, are child molesters or want to turn everyone gay! My problem with liberals is their naive policies that are rooted in theories brought forth from the cloistered womb of academia...policies that quite simply don't work in the real world.

What I see happening time and time again is that when "progressives" get a chance to implement their theories...it turns into a total cluster fuck...at which point your response predictably becomes that it SHOULD have worked and didn't only because evil conservatives didn't support it as they should have! It's at that point that you become anything but "sensitive", Bulldog! It's at that point where you become downright nasty.

I started to respond last night, but decided your "not screaming" post deserved more than a quick dismissal. It is a fact that when plans are not fully implemented, they will have less than intended results. A reasonable person can't say that isn't true. I'm not sure what kind of business you are in, but why don't you try starting a project and then just arbitrarily cut necessary parts of that project and then see how successful that project is. Of course the right never just says they have different ideas of how to help the country. They always go for the idea that liberal plans are an effort to destroy the country. You never say you just don't want programs to help the poor. You say the left hates the rich, or the whites, or the country, and everything is portrayed as the end of the world. You never come up with your own ideas. You just pound on what you claim is a concentrated effort to usher in communism, socialism, or what ever ism you think of that day. A reasonable person or party knows that is just a bunch of crap. You proudly present crazy statements by people like Cruz, or Gohmert, or Palin, claiming they represent your ideals, and expect sane people to take you seriously. On top of all that, the right, for years has claimed everyone who doesn't agree with them are traitors, and you expect us to calmly listen to all this ridiculous insulting stuff and not respond in kind? If you are so offended by nasty responses, I suggest you grow up and recognize that nasty has become the "ONLY" way the right expresses themselves.

I've been in the nightclub business for well over thirty years, Bulldog and I've started many "projects" and then been forced by circumstances to cut the budget for that project. That's part of life in the Private Sector. Only in the Public Sector can you come in with a cost proposal of a million dollars...have it end up costing three million...and not lose your job!

I've never said that I don't want programs to help the poor. I'm all for helping the poor. Where we differ immensely is how you should go about "helping". Liberals love to propose help that comes in the form of government entitlements that do things like give the poor a "living wage" whether or not they work...but then they scratch their collective heads when entitlements encourage the poor to stay poor rather than work to enter the Middle Class. The truth, Bulldog is that we've had a "War on Poverty" in this country since Lyndon Baines Johnson was President of the United States...spent a whole lot of money on programs to combat poverty and we now have more poverty then we did then! It's obvious that what you espouse hasn't worked...yet you want to double down on it!

I'm curious...since I'm a conservative and according to you the only way we can express ourselves is by being "nasty" I'd like you to find the posts where I've been "nasty" and show them to me. While you're doing THAT...I'll go back and I'll show you the posts where YOU were less than pleasant! Who do you think is going to win the Nobel Peace Prize in THAT competition?

I have no desire to research everything you have posted. You could possibly be the most reasonable and non confrontational person here, but that is certainly not representative of right wingers here. If you care to, I would invite you to show where I responded to anyone in a manner that didn't match what they had already said. Play nice, and I'll play nice. Be an asshole, and I'll give at least as good as I get. Out of curiosity though. Exactly what programs to help the poor, or anybody else for that matter, do you advocate that don't involve massive giveaways to the rich, or degrading the people you claim to want to help? Further, which of those hopeful programs are generally embraced by the right? Killing healthcare with nothing to replace it helps no one. Demeaning immigrants, especially refugee children, helps no one. Educate me if you can.

I have only to point to how you've responded to me, Bulldog...

You say that if others play nice that you will as well but your actions I'm afraid don't back that claim
Why would I have to resort to calling you those things, Bulldog? I can simply point out how misguided and naive what you believed in really was. I think we both know that hurts more than base insults.

I doubt that your definition of misguided is much more than that it doesn't align with the right wing scheme de jure. The right wing is called the party of stupid by many, including it's own politicians, for a reason, and I'm no longer shocked when you use lies and just down right crazy stuff to convince your followers of your latest ima
You know what I always find amusing, Bulldog? The rationale that people like you always seem to come up with for saying some really vile things about conservatives. Yours is that it's an attempt by you to "communicate" with them? Really? I mean REALLY?

My problem with liberals isn't that they are lazy, smoke dope, are child molesters or want to turn everyone gay! My problem with liberals is their naive policies that are rooted in theories brought forth from the cloistered womb of academia...policies that quite simply don't work in the real world.

What I see happening time and time again is that when "progressives" get a chance to implement their theories...it turns into a total cluster fuck...at which point your response predictably becomes that it SHOULD have worked and didn't only because evil conservatives didn't support it as they should have! It's at that point that you become anything but "sensitive", Bulldog! It's at that point where you become downright nasty.

I started to respond last night, but decided your "not screaming" post deserved more than a quick dismissal. It is a fact that when plans are not fully implemented, they will have less than intended results. A reasonable person can't say that isn't true. I'm not sure what kind of business you are in, but why don't you try starting a project and then just arbitrarily cut necessary parts of that project and then see how successful that project is. Of course the right never just says they have different ideas of how to help the country. They always go for the idea that liberal plans are an effort to destroy the country. You never say you just don't want programs to help the poor. You say the left hates the rich, or the whites, or the country, and everything is portrayed as the end of the world. You never come up with your own ideas. You just pound on what you claim is a concentrated effort to usher in communism, socialism, or what ever ism you think of that day. A reasonable person or party knows that is just a bunch of crap. You proudly present crazy statements by people like Cruz, or Gohmert, or Palin, claiming they represent your ideals, and expect sane people to take you seriously. On top of all that, the right, for years has claimed everyone who doesn't agree with them are traitors, and you expect us to calmly listen to all this ridiculous insulting stuff and not respond in kind? If you are so offended by nasty responses, I suggest you grow up and recognize that nasty has become the "ONLY" way the right expresses themselves.

I've been in the nightclub business for well over thirty years, Bulldog and I've started many "projects" and then been forced by circumstances to cut the budget for that project. That's part of life in the Private Sector. Only in the Public Sector can you come in with a cost proposal of a million dollars...have it end up costing three million...and not lose your job!

I've never said that I don't want programs to help the poor. I'm all for helping the poor. Where we differ immensely is how you should go about "helping". Liberals love to propose help that comes in the form of government entitlements that do things like give the poor a "living wage" whether or not they work...but then they scratch their collective heads when entitlements encourage the poor to stay poor rather than work to enter the Middle Class. The truth, Bulldog is that we've had a "War on Poverty" in this country since Lyndon Baines Johnson was President of the United States...spent a whole lot of money on programs to combat poverty and we now have more poverty then we did then! It's obvious that what you espouse hasn't worked...yet you want to double down on it!

I'm curious...since I'm a conservative and according to you the only way we can express ourselves is by being "nasty" I'd like you to find the posts where I've been "nasty" and show them to me. While you're doing THAT...I'll go back and I'll show you the posts where YOU were less than pleasant! Who do you think is going to win the Nobel Peace Prize in THAT competition?

I have no desire to research everything you have posted. You could possibly be the most reasonable and non confrontational person here, but that is certainly not representative of right wingers here. If you care to, I would invite you to show where I responded to anyone in a manner that didn't match what they had already said. Play nice, and I'll play nice. Be an asshole, and I'll give at least as good as I get. Out of curiosity though. Exactly what programs to help the poor, or anybody else for that matter, do you advocate that don't involve massive giveaways to the rich, or degrading the people you claim to want to help? Further, which of those hopeful programs are generally embraced by the right? Killing healthcare with nothing to replace it helps no one. Demeaning immigrants, especially refugee children, helps no one. Educate me if you can.

As I pointed out earlier, Bulldog...you seemed to take great pleasure in continually referring to the conservatives who made up the so called Tea Party as "tea baggers". How many times did you post your video of the people singing about the tea party that are oblivious to the OTHER meaning of "tea bag"? Three times? Or was it four? Who does that? MSNBC continually referred to the Tea Party people as tea baggers as well and then snickered about it amongst themselves like Beavis and Butthead. What major news channel does THAT!

Here's a newsflash for you. I'm a conservative. I have a degree in history. I have an MBA. I've worked in the Private Sector for a very long time. I'm not crazy. I'm not a religious nut. I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh. I'm not even Pro-Life. As a matter of fact I'm an agnostic! Yet liberals like YOURSELF assume you know who I am and what I believe in simply because I point out that the Progressive policies that you've advocated in the past didn't work and that the ones you're advocating now won't work either!

You're not alone. The New York Times:

Tea Party supporters are wealthier and more well-educated than the general public, and are no more or less afraid of falling into a lower socioeconomic class, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.​

What do "I" think we should do to better the lives of the lower classes? For starters I would suggest we get back to doing what this country has always been better at than anyone else...namely being self sufficient and being innovative. As a people American have always been a compassionate people but we have also been a competitive bunch whose winners win big and losers get off their asses and try harder.

"As a people" Americans built America into a world colossus, then liberals decided to erase the people and introduce multiculturalism. The people who made America great came from lands which have also done well, the overseas cousins of Americans built Europe into a First World continent, but our people were just better at the economy building game. Now we're importing millions of people from the lowest rungs of the economic ladder of 3rd tier and lower societies, who come from peoples who can't build successful societies.

"The people" who made America great are dying off, their children are now weighed down in a multicultural society with the burden of trying to uplift people who can't compete in the race for greatness. With this handicap it's no wonder that America is slipping and often failing compared to other nations.

"As a people" is a reference to a no longer relevant past. We in America are no longer "a people" we're just all co-residents who live next to each other in one big national Folk Fest.

This concept that everyone should get a trophy when you play sports whether you win or lose is symptomatic of a society where mediocrity is now the desired normal and people who are exceptional are told they need to not embarrass those who can't keep up. Income inequality sucks! Being poor sucks! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Don't wait for someone to take things from the rich to give to you so that you aren't so poor. Do the things that successful people do to become successful.

That worked in the past because our society was working with good raw material (look at what those left behind in Europe did) and we made "our people" better by running them through American culture. Our raw material these days is much degraded. Saying "do something" and expecting the same outcomes as we saw in the past is the same as saying "speak" to your dog and expecting him to speak as your children did when young.

So you think anyone who is not doing well is only in that position because they are lazy bums. Typical right wing statement.
I doubt that your definition of misguided is much more than that it doesn't align with the right wing scheme de jure. The right wing is called the party of stupid by many, including it's own politicians, for a reason, and I'm no longer shocked when you use lies and just down right crazy stuff to convince your followers of your latest ima
I started to respond last night, but decided your "not screaming" post deserved more than a quick dismissal. It is a fact that when plans are not fully implemented, they will have less than intended results. A reasonable person can't say that isn't true. I'm not sure what kind of business you are in, but why don't you try starting a project and then just arbitrarily cut necessary parts of that project and then see how successful that project is. Of course the right never just says they have different ideas of how to help the country. They always go for the idea that liberal plans are an effort to destroy the country. You never say you just don't want programs to help the poor. You say the left hates the rich, or the whites, or the country, and everything is portrayed as the end of the world. You never come up with your own ideas. You just pound on what you claim is a concentrated effort to usher in communism, socialism, or what ever ism you think of that day. A reasonable person or party knows that is just a bunch of crap. You proudly present crazy statements by people like Cruz, or Gohmert, or Palin, claiming they represent your ideals, and expect sane people to take you seriously. On top of all that, the right, for years has claimed everyone who doesn't agree with them are traitors, and you expect us to calmly listen to all this ridiculous insulting stuff and not respond in kind? If you are so offended by nasty responses, I suggest you grow up and recognize that nasty has become the "ONLY" way the right expresses themselves.

I've been in the nightclub business for well over thirty years, Bulldog and I've started many "projects" and then been forced by circumstances to cut the budget for that project. That's part of life in the Private Sector. Only in the Public Sector can you come in with a cost proposal of a million dollars...have it end up costing three million...and not lose your job!

I've never said that I don't want programs to help the poor. I'm all for helping the poor. Where we differ immensely is how you should go about "helping". Liberals love to propose help that comes in the form of government entitlements that do things like give the poor a "living wage" whether or not they work...but then they scratch their collective heads when entitlements encourage the poor to stay poor rather than work to enter the Middle Class. The truth, Bulldog is that we've had a "War on Poverty" in this country since Lyndon Baines Johnson was President of the United States...spent a whole lot of money on programs to combat poverty and we now have more poverty then we did then! It's obvious that what you espouse hasn't worked...yet you want to double down on it!

I'm curious...since I'm a conservative and according to you the only way we can express ourselves is by being "nasty" I'd like you to find the posts where I've been "nasty" and show them to me. While you're doing THAT...I'll go back and I'll show you the posts where YOU were less than pleasant! Who do you think is going to win the Nobel Peace Prize in THAT competition?

I have no desire to research everything you have posted. You could possibly be the most reasonable and non confrontational person here, but that is certainly not representative of right wingers here. If you care to, I would invite you to show where I responded to anyone in a manner that didn't match what they had already said. Play nice, and I'll play nice. Be an asshole, and I'll give at least as good as I get. Out of curiosity though. Exactly what programs to help the poor, or anybody else for that matter, do you advocate that don't involve massive giveaways to the rich, or degrading the people you claim to want to help? Further, which of those hopeful programs are generally embraced by the right? Killing healthcare with nothing to replace it helps no one. Demeaning immigrants, especially refugee children, helps no one. Educate me if you can.

I have only to point to how you've responded to me, Bulldog...

You say that if others play nice that you will as well but your actions I'm afraid don't back that claim
I doubt that your definition of misguided is much more than that it doesn't align with the right wing scheme de jure. The right wing is called the party of stupid by many, including it's own politicians, for a reason, and I'm no longer shocked when you use lies and just down right crazy stuff to convince your followers of your latest ima
I started to respond last night, but decided your "not screaming" post deserved more than a quick dismissal. It is a fact that when plans are not fully implemented, they will have less than intended results. A reasonable person can't say that isn't true. I'm not sure what kind of business you are in, but why don't you try starting a project and then just arbitrarily cut necessary parts of that project and then see how successful that project is. Of course the right never just says they have different ideas of how to help the country. They always go for the idea that liberal plans are an effort to destroy the country. You never say you just don't want programs to help the poor. You say the left hates the rich, or the whites, or the country, and everything is portrayed as the end of the world. You never come up with your own ideas. You just pound on what you claim is a concentrated effort to usher in communism, socialism, or what ever ism you think of that day. A reasonable person or party knows that is just a bunch of crap. You proudly present crazy statements by people like Cruz, or Gohmert, or Palin, claiming they represent your ideals, and expect sane people to take you seriously. On top of all that, the right, for years has claimed everyone who doesn't agree with them are traitors, and you expect us to calmly listen to all this ridiculous insulting stuff and not respond in kind? If you are so offended by nasty responses, I suggest you grow up and recognize that nasty has become the "ONLY" way the right expresses themselves.

I've been in the nightclub business for well over thirty years, Bulldog and I've started many "projects" and then been forced by circumstances to cut the budget for that project. That's part of life in the Private Sector. Only in the Public Sector can you come in with a cost proposal of a million dollars...have it end up costing three million...and not lose your job!

I've never said that I don't want programs to help the poor. I'm all for helping the poor. Where we differ immensely is how you should go about "helping". Liberals love to propose help that comes in the form of government entitlements that do things like give the poor a "living wage" whether or not they work...but then they scratch their collective heads when entitlements encourage the poor to stay poor rather than work to enter the Middle Class. The truth, Bulldog is that we've had a "War on Poverty" in this country since Lyndon Baines Johnson was President of the United States...spent a whole lot of money on programs to combat poverty and we now have more poverty then we did then! It's obvious that what you espouse hasn't worked...yet you want to double down on it!

I'm curious...since I'm a conservative and according to you the only way we can express ourselves is by being "nasty" I'd like you to find the posts where I've been "nasty" and show them to me. While you're doing THAT...I'll go back and I'll show you the posts where YOU were less than pleasant! Who do you think is going to win the Nobel Peace Prize in THAT competition?

I have no desire to research everything you have posted. You could possibly be the most reasonable and non confrontational person here, but that is certainly not representative of right wingers here. If you care to, I would invite you to show where I responded to anyone in a manner that didn't match what they had already said. Play nice, and I'll play nice. Be an asshole, and I'll give at least as good as I get. Out of curiosity though. Exactly what programs to help the poor, or anybody else for that matter, do you advocate that don't involve massive giveaways to the rich, or degrading the people you claim to want to help? Further, which of those hopeful programs are generally embraced by the right? Killing healthcare with nothing to replace it helps no one. Demeaning immigrants, especially refugee children, helps no one. Educate me if you can.

As I pointed out earlier, Bulldog...you seemed to take great pleasure in continually referring to the conservatives who made up the so called Tea Party as "tea baggers". How many times did you post your video of the people singing about the tea party that are oblivious to the OTHER meaning of "tea bag"? Three times? Or was it four? Who does that? MSNBC continually referred to the Tea Party people as tea baggers as well and then snickered about it amongst themselves like Beavis and Butthead. What major news channel does THAT!

Here's a newsflash for you. I'm a conservative. I have a degree in history. I have an MBA. I've worked in the Private Sector for a very long time. I'm not crazy. I'm not a religious nut. I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh. I'm not even Pro-Life. As a matter of fact I'm an agnostic! Yet liberals like YOURSELF assume you know who I am and what I believe in simply because I point out that the Progressive policies that you've advocated in the past didn't work and that the ones you're advocating now won't work either!

You're not alone. The New York Times:

Tea Party supporters are wealthier and more well-educated than the general public, and are no more or less afraid of falling into a lower socioeconomic class, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.​

What do "I" think we should do to better the lives of the lower classes? For starters I would suggest we get back to doing what this country has always been better at than anyone else...namely being self sufficient and being innovative. As a people American have always been a compassionate people but we have also been a competitive bunch whose winners win big and losers get off their asses and try harder.

"As a people" Americans built America into a world colossus, then liberals decided to erase the people and introduce multiculturalism. The people who made America great came from lands which have also done well, the overseas cousins of Americans built Europe into a First World continent, but our people were just better at the economy building game. Now we're importing millions of people from the lowest rungs of the economic ladder of 3rd tier and lower societies, who come from peoples who can't build successful societies.

"The people" who made America great are dying off, their children are now weighed down in a multicultural society with the burden of trying to uplift people who can't compete in the race for greatness. With this handicap it's no wonder that America is slipping and often failing compared to other nations.

"As a people" is a reference to a no longer relevant past. We in America are no longer "a people" we're just all co-residents who live next to each other in one big national Folk Fest.

This concept that everyone should get a trophy when you play sports whether you win or lose is symptomatic of a society where mediocrity is now the desired normal and people who are exceptional are told they need to not embarrass those who can't keep up. Income inequality sucks! Being poor sucks! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Don't wait for someone to take things from the rich to give to you so that you aren't so poor. Do the things that successful people do to become successful.

That worked in the past because our society was working with good raw material (look at what those left behind in Europe did) and we made "our people" better by running them through American culture. Our raw material these days is much degraded. Saying "do something" and expecting the same outcomes as we saw in the past is the same as saying "speak" to your dog and expecting him to speak as your children did when young.

So you think anyone who is not doing well is only in that position because they are lazy bums. Typical right wing statement.

New York Times:

Since 1980, the number of men in the bottom fifth of the income ladder who work long hours (over 49 hours per week) has dropped by half, according to a study by the economists Peter Kuhn and Fernando Lozano. But among the top fifth of earners, long weeks have increased by 80 percent.

I couldn't find easy data on American time use studies but this Canadian study popped up. The lowest income quintile reports a 39.2% rate of watching 15 hours or more of TV per week and the rate drops as we climb the income quintiles and in the top quintile only 22.1% watch 15 hours or more TV per week.

The same pattern repeats for computer usage. 15.7% of the lowest quintile uses the computer for more than 11 hours per week compared to 14.1% for the highest quintile.

45.4% of HS drop-out men and 49.2% of women of HS drop out women report watching more than 15 hours of TV per week compared to 25.1% of postsec-grad men and 22.2% of postsec-grad women.


A new study offers evidence that higher-educated (and therefore higher-earning) Americans do indeed spend more time working and less time on leisure than poorer income groups. In fact, while income inequality may be growing, “leisure inequality” – time spent on enjoyment – is growing as a mirror image, with the low earners gaining leisure and the high earners losing.

The paper, by Orazio Attanasio, Erik Hurst and Luigi Pistaferri, finds that both income inequality and consumption inequality (the stuff that people buy) have increased over the past 20 years.

The more surprising discovery, however, is a corresponding leisure gap has opened up between the highly-educated and less-educated. Low-educated men saw their leisure hours grow to 39.1 hours in 2003-2007, from 36.6 hours in 1985. Highly-educated men saw their leisure hours shrink to 33.2 hours from 34.4 hours. (Mr. Hurst says that education levels are a “proxy” for incomes, since they tend to correspond).

A similar pattern emerged for women. Low-educated women saw their leisure time grow to 35.2 hours a week from 35 hours. High-educated women saw their leisure time decrease to 30.3 hours from 32.2 hours. Educated women, in other words, had the largest decline in leisure time of the four groups.

(The study defines leisure as time spend watching TV, socializing, playing games, talking on the phone, reading personal email, enjoying entertainment and hobbies and other activities.)​
Why would I have to resort to calling you those things, Bulldog? I can simply point out how misguided and naive what you believed in really was. I think we both know that hurts more than base insults.

I doubt that your definition of misguided is much more than that it doesn't align with the right wing scheme de jure. The right wing is called the party of stupid by many, including it's own politicians, for a reason, and I'm no longer shocked when you use lies and just down right crazy stuff to convince your followers of your latest ima
You know what I always find amusing, Bulldog? The rationale that people like you always seem to come up with for saying some really vile things about conservatives. Yours is that it's an attempt by you to "communicate" with them? Really? I mean REALLY?

My problem with liberals isn't that they are lazy, smoke dope, are child molesters or want to turn everyone gay! My problem with liberals is their naive policies that are rooted in theories brought forth from the cloistered womb of academia...policies that quite simply don't work in the real world.

What I see happening time and time again is that when "progressives" get a chance to implement their theories...it turns into a total cluster fuck...at which point your response predictably becomes that it SHOULD have worked and didn't only because evil conservatives didn't support it as they should have! It's at that point that you become anything but "sensitive", Bulldog! It's at that point where you become downright nasty.

I started to respond last night, but decided your "not screaming" post deserved more than a quick dismissal. It is a fact that when plans are not fully implemented, they will have less than intended results. A reasonable person can't say that isn't true. I'm not sure what kind of business you are in, but why don't you try starting a project and then just arbitrarily cut necessary parts of that project and then see how successful that project is. Of course the right never just says they have different ideas of how to help the country. They always go for the idea that liberal plans are an effort to destroy the country. You never say you just don't want programs to help the poor. You say the left hates the rich, or the whites, or the country, and everything is portrayed as the end of the world. You never come up with your own ideas. You just pound on what you claim is a concentrated effort to usher in communism, socialism, or what ever ism you think of that day. A reasonable person or party knows that is just a bunch of crap. You proudly present crazy statements by people like Cruz, or Gohmert, or Palin, claiming they represent your ideals, and expect sane people to take you seriously. On top of all that, the right, for years has claimed everyone who doesn't agree with them are traitors, and you expect us to calmly listen to all this ridiculous insulting stuff and not respond in kind? If you are so offended by nasty responses, I suggest you grow up and recognize that nasty has become the "ONLY" way the right expresses themselves.

I've been in the nightclub business for well over thirty years, Bulldog and I've started many "projects" and then been forced by circumstances to cut the budget for that project. That's part of life in the Private Sector. Only in the Public Sector can you come in with a cost proposal of a million dollars...have it end up costing three million...and not lose your job!

I've never said that I don't want programs to help the poor. I'm all for helping the poor. Where we differ immensely is how you should go about "helping". Liberals love to propose help that comes in the form of government entitlements that do things like give the poor a "living wage" whether or not they work...but then they scratch their collective heads when entitlements encourage the poor to stay poor rather than work to enter the Middle Class. The truth, Bulldog is that we've had a "War on Poverty" in this country since Lyndon Baines Johnson was President of the United States...spent a whole lot of money on programs to combat poverty and we now have more poverty then we did then! It's obvious that what you espouse hasn't worked...yet you want to double down on it!

I'm curious...since I'm a conservative and according to you the only way we can express ourselves is by being "nasty" I'd like you to find the posts where I've been "nasty" and show them to me. While you're doing THAT...I'll go back and I'll show you the posts where YOU were less than pleasant! Who do you think is going to win the Nobel Peace Prize in THAT competition?

I have no desire to research everything you have posted. You could possibly be the most reasonable and non confrontational person here, but that is certainly not representative of right wingers here. If you care to, I would invite you to show where I responded to anyone in a manner that didn't match what they had already said. Play nice, and I'll play nice. Be an asshole, and I'll give at least as good as I get. Out of curiosity though. Exactly what programs to help the poor, or anybody else for that matter, do you advocate that don't involve massive giveaways to the rich, or degrading the people you claim to want to help? Further, which of those hopeful programs are generally embraced by the right? Killing healthcare with nothing to replace it helps no one. Demeaning immigrants, especially refugee children, helps no one. Educate me if you can.

I have only to point to how you've responded to me, Bulldog...

You say that if others play nice that you will as well but your actions I'm afraid don't back that claim
Why would I have to resort to calling you those things, Bulldog? I can simply point out how misguided and naive what you believed in really was. I think we both know that hurts more than base insults.

I doubt that your definition of misguided is much more than that it doesn't align with the right wing scheme de jure. The right wing is called the party of stupid by many, including it's own politicians, for a reason, and I'm no longer shocked when you use lies and just down right crazy stuff to convince your followers of your latest ima
You know what I always find amusing, Bulldog? The rationale that people like you always seem to come up with for saying some really vile things about conservatives. Yours is that it's an attempt by you to "communicate" with them? Really? I mean REALLY?

My problem with liberals isn't that they are lazy, smoke dope, are child molesters or want to turn everyone gay! My problem with liberals is their naive policies that are rooted in theories brought forth from the cloistered womb of academia...policies that quite simply don't work in the real world.

What I see happening time and time again is that when "progressives" get a chance to implement their theories...it turns into a total cluster fuck...at which point your response predictably becomes that it SHOULD have worked and didn't only because evil conservatives didn't support it as they should have! It's at that point that you become anything but "sensitive", Bulldog! It's at that point where you become downright nasty.

I started to respond last night, but decided your "not screaming" post deserved more than a quick dismissal. It is a fact that when plans are not fully implemented, they will have less than intended results. A reasonable person can't say that isn't true. I'm not sure what kind of business you are in, but why don't you try starting a project and then just arbitrarily cut necessary parts of that project and then see how successful that project is. Of course the right never just says they have different ideas of how to help the country. They always go for the idea that liberal plans are an effort to destroy the country. You never say you just don't want programs to help the poor. You say the left hates the rich, or the whites, or the country, and everything is portrayed as the end of the world. You never come up with your own ideas. You just pound on what you claim is a concentrated effort to usher in communism, socialism, or what ever ism you think of that day. A reasonable person or party knows that is just a bunch of crap. You proudly present crazy statements by people like Cruz, or Gohmert, or Palin, claiming they represent your ideals, and expect sane people to take you seriously. On top of all that, the right, for years has claimed everyone who doesn't agree with them are traitors, and you expect us to calmly listen to all this ridiculous insulting stuff and not respond in kind? If you are so offended by nasty responses, I suggest you grow up and recognize that nasty has become the "ONLY" way the right expresses themselves.

I've been in the nightclub business for well over thirty years, Bulldog and I've started many "projects" and then been forced by circumstances to cut the budget for that project. That's part of life in the Private Sector. Only in the Public Sector can you come in with a cost proposal of a million dollars...have it end up costing three million...and not lose your job!

I've never said that I don't want programs to help the poor. I'm all for helping the poor. Where we differ immensely is how you should go about "helping". Liberals love to propose help that comes in the form of government entitlements that do things like give the poor a "living wage" whether or not they work...but then they scratch their collective heads when entitlements encourage the poor to stay poor rather than work to enter the Middle Class. The truth, Bulldog is that we've had a "War on Poverty" in this country since Lyndon Baines Johnson was President of the United States...spent a whole lot of money on programs to combat poverty and we now have more poverty then we did then! It's obvious that what you espouse hasn't worked...yet you want to double down on it!

I'm curious...since I'm a conservative and according to you the only way we can express ourselves is by being "nasty" I'd like you to find the posts where I've been "nasty" and show them to me. While you're doing THAT...I'll go back and I'll show you the posts where YOU were less than pleasant! Who do you think is going to win the Nobel Peace Prize in THAT competition?

I have no desire to research everything you have posted. You could possibly be the most reasonable and non confrontational person here, but that is certainly not representative of right wingers here. If you care to, I would invite you to show where I responded to anyone in a manner that didn't match what they had already said. Play nice, and I'll play nice. Be an asshole, and I'll give at least as good as I get. Out of curiosity though. Exactly what programs to help the poor, or anybody else for that matter, do you advocate that don't involve massive giveaways to the rich, or degrading the people you claim to want to help? Further, which of those hopeful programs are generally embraced by the right? Killing healthcare with nothing to replace it helps no one. Demeaning immigrants, especially refugee children, helps no one. Educate me if you can.

As I pointed out earlier, Bulldog...you seemed to take great pleasure in continually referring to the conservatives who made up the so called Tea Party as "tea baggers". How many times did you post your video of the people singing about the tea party that are oblivious to the OTHER meaning of "tea bag"? Three times? Or was it four? Who does that? MSNBC continually referred to the Tea Party people as tea baggers as well and then snickered about it amongst themselves like Beavis and Butthead. What major news channel does THAT!

Here's a newsflash for you. I'm a conservative. I have a degree in history. I have an MBA. I've worked in the Private Sector for a very long time. I'm not crazy. I'm not a religious nut. I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh. I'm not even Pro-Life. As a matter of fact I'm an agnostic! Yet liberals like YOURSELF assume you know who I am and what I believe in simply because I point out that the Progressive policies that you've advocated in the past didn't work and that the ones you're advocating now won't work either!

What do "I" think we should do to better the lives of the lower classes? For starters I would suggest we get back to doing what this country has always been better at than anyone else...namely being self sufficient and being innovative. As a people American have always been a compassionate people but we have also been a competitive bunch whose winners win big and losers get off their asses and try harder. This concept that everyone should get a trophy when you play sports whether you win or lose is symptomatic of a society where mediocrity is now the desired normal and people who are exceptional are told they need to not embarrass those who can't keep up. Income inequality sucks! Being poor sucks! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Don't wait for someone to take things from the rich to give to you so that you aren't so poor. Do the things that successful people do to become successful.

Oh? So I'm supposed to just pretend that they didn't ignorantly but proudly proclaim that they were teabaggers because it embarrasses them? I'll do that when they quit claiming liberals are traitors. If all the things you claim about yourself are true, then good for you. If you could just bring the rest of your party around to that level, there wouldn't be nearly as much to ridicule them about. The "Everybody gets a trophy" thing is something that little league coaches came up with. It's not part of the liberal political goal. Of course, right wing radio and fox have convinced you it was. In fact, your political party portrays a lot of crap as something that liberals advocate. The stories of liberal monsters that most right wingers scare their kids with have little or no resemblance to what the left wing actually is. The lies are seemingly unlimited. After being portrayed as the caricature that the right has claimed, you are lucky that there hasn't been more retribution than the occasional giggle about your parties ignorant choice of the term teabagger. The president wants to destroy the country? Anything less than adherence to palin speak or what ever Cruz decided to spout is communism, or socialism? Surely you realize these things are crazy and hateful. You might be a reasonable person, but your party is not. I don't have a problem with expecting the poor to better their own plight, and generally most liberals don't, but there needs to be an even playing field. With the massive giveaways to the rich and corporations, there is not an even playing field. Surely you see that.

Come on...the notion that there shouldn't be any "losers" is knit into the very fabric of who Progressives ARE, Bulldog! The basis of Affirmative Action is that some people are so incapable of helping themselves that we need to apply a different standard to them. You're a female and you want to be a firefighter? We're going to change the standards for how much weight you're required to be able to lift and carry out of a simulated burning building. If you're a man that weight will be 200 pounds...if you're a woman it will now be 100 pounds. Has the average weight of a person that needs to be carried out of burning buildings mysteriously changed because we've decided to apply that different standard? Obviously it hasn't yet we now have women firefighters who can't perform a task that is germane to the job they hold, all in the name of Affirmative Action. And if someone points out the absurdity in that then they WILL be attacked by Progressives for being sexist.

I would contend that the Founding Fathers would be appalled by Progressive calls for a so called "even playing field" that isn't "even" at all but is instead tilted to help the mediocre by punishing the exceptional. Seventy years of Progressive social policy have given us a country where people speak about the "right" of citizens to have a "living wage" simply because they exist. That even though they have chosen not to take advantage of our educational system...have chosen not to work extra hours or invest wisely...or even have simply chosen not to work at all...that THEY should be taken care of by the people that HAVE done all of the right things because that is their "right".

This country didn't become what it was because we rewarded mediocrity...it became the inspirational success that it did because it rewarded exceptional people no matter what class, sex, religion or pigmentation their skin happened to have in a way that no other nation ever had. People wanted to come to American because in America there was opportunities to better yourself that didn't exist anywhere else in the world.

So what have we become now, Bulldog? What "is" America? Are we still that land of opportunity or are we now the land of entitlements? Are we the place where people go because they think that they are exceptional and will thrive or have we become the place where mediocre people go because they know they will be taken care of?
And while you're doing that, Bulldog? Find all the times that I've put forth the ideas of Palin, Gohmert or Cruz. I tend to present my own ideas on what I think makes sense and what doesn't. Quite frankly, I seldom feel the need to cite the opinion of someone else.

If you are as reasonable as you claim, why do you cling to a party made up of 99.6% ass holes?

Come on, Bulldog...you talk about being "reasonable" and then make a statement like 99.6% of Republicans are assholes?

So who's reasonable...me or you?

That's what my records show. You're welcome to check the math. Perhaps you haven't seen many of the right wing posts.

So you come on here and do your little "tea bagger" Beavis and Butthead routine and then complain that the response you get from "right wingers" isn't civil? You do that to provoke, Bulldog...and then you complain about the response...
I've been in the nightclub business for well over thirty years, Bulldog and I've started many "projects" and then been forced by circumstances to cut the budget for that project. That's part of life in the Private Sector. Only in the Public Sector can you come in with a cost proposal of a million dollars...have it end up costing three million...and not lose your job!

I've never said that I don't want programs to help the poor. I'm all for helping the poor. Where we differ immensely is how you should go about "helping". Liberals love to propose help that comes in the form of government entitlements that do things like give the poor a "living wage" whether or not they work...but then they scratch their collective heads when entitlements encourage the poor to stay poor rather than work to enter the Middle Class. The truth, Bulldog is that we've had a "War on Poverty" in this country since Lyndon Baines Johnson was President of the United States...spent a whole lot of money on programs to combat poverty and we now have more poverty then we did then! It's obvious that what you espouse hasn't worked...yet you want to double down on it!

I'm curious...since I'm a conservative and according to you the only way we can express ourselves is by being "nasty" I'd like you to find the posts where I've been "nasty" and show them to me. While you're doing THAT...I'll go back and I'll show you the posts where YOU were less than pleasant! Who do you think is going to win the Nobel Peace Prize in THAT competition?

I have no desire to research everything you have posted. You could possibly be the most reasonable and non confrontational person here, but that is certainly not representative of right wingers here. If you care to, I would invite you to show where I responded to anyone in a manner that didn't match what they had already said. Play nice, and I'll play nice. Be an asshole, and I'll give at least as good as I get. Out of curiosity though. Exactly what programs to help the poor, or anybody else for that matter, do you advocate that don't involve massive giveaways to the rich, or degrading the people you claim to want to help? Further, which of those hopeful programs are generally embraced by the right? Killing healthcare with nothing to replace it helps no one. Demeaning immigrants, especially refugee children, helps no one. Educate me if you can.

I have only to point to how you've responded to me, Bulldog...

You say that if others play nice that you will as well but your actions I'm afraid don't back that claim
I've been in the nightclub business for well over thirty years, Bulldog and I've started many "projects" and then been forced by circumstances to cut the budget for that project. That's part of life in the Private Sector. Only in the Public Sector can you come in with a cost proposal of a million dollars...have it end up costing three million...and not lose your job!

I've never said that I don't want programs to help the poor. I'm all for helping the poor. Where we differ immensely is how you should go about "helping". Liberals love to propose help that comes in the form of government entitlements that do things like give the poor a "living wage" whether or not they work...but then they scratch their collective heads when entitlements encourage the poor to stay poor rather than work to enter the Middle Class. The truth, Bulldog is that we've had a "War on Poverty" in this country since Lyndon Baines Johnson was President of the United States...spent a whole lot of money on programs to combat poverty and we now have more poverty then we did then! It's obvious that what you espouse hasn't worked...yet you want to double down on it!

I'm curious...since I'm a conservative and according to you the only way we can express ourselves is by being "nasty" I'd like you to find the posts where I've been "nasty" and show them to me. While you're doing THAT...I'll go back and I'll show you the posts where YOU were less than pleasant! Who do you think is going to win the Nobel Peace Prize in THAT competition?

I have no desire to research everything you have posted. You could possibly be the most reasonable and non confrontational person here, but that is certainly not representative of right wingers here. If you care to, I would invite you to show where I responded to anyone in a manner that didn't match what they had already said. Play nice, and I'll play nice. Be an asshole, and I'll give at least as good as I get. Out of curiosity though. Exactly what programs to help the poor, or anybody else for that matter, do you advocate that don't involve massive giveaways to the rich, or degrading the people you claim to want to help? Further, which of those hopeful programs are generally embraced by the right? Killing healthcare with nothing to replace it helps no one. Demeaning immigrants, especially refugee children, helps no one. Educate me if you can.

As I pointed out earlier, Bulldog...you seemed to take great pleasure in continually referring to the conservatives who made up the so called Tea Party as "tea baggers". How many times did you post your video of the people singing about the tea party that are oblivious to the OTHER meaning of "tea bag"? Three times? Or was it four? Who does that? MSNBC continually referred to the Tea Party people as tea baggers as well and then snickered about it amongst themselves like Beavis and Butthead. What major news channel does THAT!

Here's a newsflash for you. I'm a conservative. I have a degree in history. I have an MBA. I've worked in the Private Sector for a very long time. I'm not crazy. I'm not a religious nut. I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh. I'm not even Pro-Life. As a matter of fact I'm an agnostic! Yet liberals like YOURSELF assume you know who I am and what I believe in simply because I point out that the Progressive policies that you've advocated in the past didn't work and that the ones you're advocating now won't work either!

You're not alone. The New York Times:

Tea Party supporters are wealthier and more well-educated than the general public, and are no more or less afraid of falling into a lower socioeconomic class, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.​

What do "I" think we should do to better the lives of the lower classes? For starters I would suggest we get back to doing what this country has always been better at than anyone else...namely being self sufficient and being innovative. As a people American have always been a compassionate people but we have also been a competitive bunch whose winners win big and losers get off their asses and try harder.

"As a people" Americans built America into a world colossus, then liberals decided to erase the people and introduce multiculturalism. The people who made America great came from lands which have also done well, the overseas cousins of Americans built Europe into a First World continent, but our people were just better at the economy building game. Now we're importing millions of people from the lowest rungs of the economic ladder of 3rd tier and lower societies, who come from peoples who can't build successful societies.

"The people" who made America great are dying off, their children are now weighed down in a multicultural society with the burden of trying to uplift people who can't compete in the race for greatness. With this handicap it's no wonder that America is slipping and often failing compared to other nations.

"As a people" is a reference to a no longer relevant past. We in America are no longer "a people" we're just all co-residents who live next to each other in one big national Folk Fest.

This concept that everyone should get a trophy when you play sports whether you win or lose is symptomatic of a society where mediocrity is now the desired normal and people who are exceptional are told they need to not embarrass those who can't keep up. Income inequality sucks! Being poor sucks! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Don't wait for someone to take things from the rich to give to you so that you aren't so poor. Do the things that successful people do to become successful.

That worked in the past because our society was working with good raw material (look at what those left behind in Europe did) and we made "our people" better by running them through American culture. Our raw material these days is much degraded. Saying "do something" and expecting the same outcomes as we saw in the past is the same as saying "speak" to your dog and expecting him to speak as your children did when young.

So you think anyone who is not doing well is only in that position because they are lazy bums. Typical right wing statement.

New York Times:

Since 1980, the number of men in the bottom fifth of the income ladder who work long hours (over 49 hours per week) has dropped by half, according to a study by the economists Peter Kuhn and Fernando Lozano. But among the top fifth of earners, long weeks have increased by 80 percent.

I couldn't find easy data on American time use studies but this Canadian study popped up. The lowest income quintile reports a 39.2% rate of watching 15 hours or more of TV per week and the rate drops as we climb the income quintiles and in the top quintile only 22.1% watch 15 hours or more TV per week.

The same pattern repeats for computer usage. 15.7% of the lowest quintile uses the computer for more than 11 hours per week compared to 14.1% for the highest quintile.

45.4% of HS drop-out men and 49.2% of women of HS drop out women report watching more than 15 hours of TV per week compared to 25.1% of postsec-grad men and 22.2% of postsec-grad women.


A new study offers evidence that higher-educated (and therefore higher-earning) Americans do indeed spend more time working and less time on leisure than poorer income groups. In fact, while income inequality may be growing, “leisure inequality” – time spent on enjoyment – is growing as a mirror image, with the low earners gaining leisure and the high earners losing.

The paper, by Orazio Attanasio, Erik Hurst and Luigi Pistaferri, finds that both income inequality and consumption inequality (the stuff that people buy) have increased over the past 20 years.

The more surprising discovery, however, is a corresponding leisure gap has opened up between the highly-educated and less-educated. Low-educated men saw their leisure hours grow to 39.1 hours in 2003-2007, from 36.6 hours in 1985. Highly-educated men saw their leisure hours shrink to 33.2 hours from 34.4 hours. (Mr. Hurst says that education levels are a “proxy” for incomes, since they tend to correspond).

A similar pattern emerged for women. Low-educated women saw their leisure time grow to 35.2 hours a week from 35 hours. High-educated women saw their leisure time decrease to 30.3 hours from 32.2 hours. Educated women, in other words, had the largest decline in leisure time of the four groups.

(The study defines leisure as time spend watching TV, socializing, playing games, talking on the phone, reading personal email, enjoying entertainment and hobbies and other activities.)​

Let's see. You include a study by Kuhn an economists who primarily studies gender discrimination based on a Chinese web site, a study of Canadian TV viewing rates, and a study that says people who make more are able to buy more, and the gap between them and people who make less is getting larger. Then you use all this questionably unrelated stuff to try to imply that the lower income are just wasting all their time and that is why they are in the lower income bracket. I tend to think that the 2.5 hour increase in leisure time as compared to 22 years ago isn't really a strong reason to believe your idea that poor people are poor because they are lazy. You got anything else that might sound reasonable, because a 2.5 hour pre week leisure change over 22 years just doesn't prove your point. I suggest you actually read the information you post, or get someone to explain it to you, because, in this case, it just doesn't make the point you want it to make.
i'll tell you one thing from watching the Democrats conspire in California, all of the great Texas job opportunities are going bye bye .
I knew something was wrong when I realized Texas has more environmental laws than California.
you have to earn a hazardous waste certification to take a piss out there.

"What will happen when Texas flips Democrat?"

Hell will have frozen over, too.

Whatever happened to that plan for seceding? I'd love to see Texas take their red necks and fat asses out of the lower 48.
I doubt that your definition of misguided is much more than that it doesn't align with the right wing scheme de jure. The right wing is called the party of stupid by many, including it's own politicians, for a reason, and I'm no longer shocked when you use lies and just down right crazy stuff to convince your followers of your latest ima
I started to respond last night, but decided your "not screaming" post deserved more than a quick dismissal. It is a fact that when plans are not fully implemented, they will have less than intended results. A reasonable person can't say that isn't true. I'm not sure what kind of business you are in, but why don't you try starting a project and then just arbitrarily cut necessary parts of that project and then see how successful that project is. Of course the right never just says they have different ideas of how to help the country. They always go for the idea that liberal plans are an effort to destroy the country. You never say you just don't want programs to help the poor. You say the left hates the rich, or the whites, or the country, and everything is portrayed as the end of the world. You never come up with your own ideas. You just pound on what you claim is a concentrated effort to usher in communism, socialism, or what ever ism you think of that day. A reasonable person or party knows that is just a bunch of crap. You proudly present crazy statements by people like Cruz, or Gohmert, or Palin, claiming they represent your ideals, and expect sane people to take you seriously. On top of all that, the right, for years has claimed everyone who doesn't agree with them are traitors, and you expect us to calmly listen to all this ridiculous insulting stuff and not respond in kind? If you are so offended by nasty responses, I suggest you grow up and recognize that nasty has become the "ONLY" way the right expresses themselves.

I've been in the nightclub business for well over thirty years, Bulldog and I've started many "projects" and then been forced by circumstances to cut the budget for that project. That's part of life in the Private Sector. Only in the Public Sector can you come in with a cost proposal of a million dollars...have it end up costing three million...and not lose your job!

I've never said that I don't want programs to help the poor. I'm all for helping the poor. Where we differ immensely is how you should go about "helping". Liberals love to propose help that comes in the form of government entitlements that do things like give the poor a "living wage" whether or not they work...but then they scratch their collective heads when entitlements encourage the poor to stay poor rather than work to enter the Middle Class. The truth, Bulldog is that we've had a "War on Poverty" in this country since Lyndon Baines Johnson was President of the United States...spent a whole lot of money on programs to combat poverty and we now have more poverty then we did then! It's obvious that what you espouse hasn't worked...yet you want to double down on it!

I'm curious...since I'm a conservative and according to you the only way we can express ourselves is by being "nasty" I'd like you to find the posts where I've been "nasty" and show them to me. While you're doing THAT...I'll go back and I'll show you the posts where YOU were less than pleasant! Who do you think is going to win the Nobel Peace Prize in THAT competition?

I have no desire to research everything you have posted. You could possibly be the most reasonable and non confrontational person here, but that is certainly not representative of right wingers here. If you care to, I would invite you to show where I responded to anyone in a manner that didn't match what they had already said. Play nice, and I'll play nice. Be an asshole, and I'll give at least as good as I get. Out of curiosity though. Exactly what programs to help the poor, or anybody else for that matter, do you advocate that don't involve massive giveaways to the rich, or degrading the people you claim to want to help? Further, which of those hopeful programs are generally embraced by the right? Killing healthcare with nothing to replace it helps no one. Demeaning immigrants, especially refugee children, helps no one. Educate me if you can.

I have only to point to how you've responded to me, Bulldog...

You say that if others play nice that you will as well but your actions I'm afraid don't back that claim
I doubt that your definition of misguided is much more than that it doesn't align with the right wing scheme de jure. The right wing is called the party of stupid by many, including it's own politicians, for a reason, and I'm no longer shocked when you use lies and just down right crazy stuff to convince your followers of your latest ima
I started to respond last night, but decided your "not screaming" post deserved more than a quick dismissal. It is a fact that when plans are not fully implemented, they will have less than intended results. A reasonable person can't say that isn't true. I'm not sure what kind of business you are in, but why don't you try starting a project and then just arbitrarily cut necessary parts of that project and then see how successful that project is. Of course the right never just says they have different ideas of how to help the country. They always go for the idea that liberal plans are an effort to destroy the country. You never say you just don't want programs to help the poor. You say the left hates the rich, or the whites, or the country, and everything is portrayed as the end of the world. You never come up with your own ideas. You just pound on what you claim is a concentrated effort to usher in communism, socialism, or what ever ism you think of that day. A reasonable person or party knows that is just a bunch of crap. You proudly present crazy statements by people like Cruz, or Gohmert, or Palin, claiming they represent your ideals, and expect sane people to take you seriously. On top of all that, the right, for years has claimed everyone who doesn't agree with them are traitors, and you expect us to calmly listen to all this ridiculous insulting stuff and not respond in kind? If you are so offended by nasty responses, I suggest you grow up and recognize that nasty has become the "ONLY" way the right expresses themselves.

I've been in the nightclub business for well over thirty years, Bulldog and I've started many "projects" and then been forced by circumstances to cut the budget for that project. That's part of life in the Private Sector. Only in the Public Sector can you come in with a cost proposal of a million dollars...have it end up costing three million...and not lose your job!

I've never said that I don't want programs to help the poor. I'm all for helping the poor. Where we differ immensely is how you should go about "helping". Liberals love to propose help that comes in the form of government entitlements that do things like give the poor a "living wage" whether or not they work...but then they scratch their collective heads when entitlements encourage the poor to stay poor rather than work to enter the Middle Class. The truth, Bulldog is that we've had a "War on Poverty" in this country since Lyndon Baines Johnson was President of the United States...spent a whole lot of money on programs to combat poverty and we now have more poverty then we did then! It's obvious that what you espouse hasn't worked...yet you want to double down on it!

I'm curious...since I'm a conservative and according to you the only way we can express ourselves is by being "nasty" I'd like you to find the posts where I've been "nasty" and show them to me. While you're doing THAT...I'll go back and I'll show you the posts where YOU were less than pleasant! Who do you think is going to win the Nobel Peace Prize in THAT competition?

I have no desire to research everything you have posted. You could possibly be the most reasonable and non confrontational person here, but that is certainly not representative of right wingers here. If you care to, I would invite you to show where I responded to anyone in a manner that didn't match what they had already said. Play nice, and I'll play nice. Be an asshole, and I'll give at least as good as I get. Out of curiosity though. Exactly what programs to help the poor, or anybody else for that matter, do you advocate that don't involve massive giveaways to the rich, or degrading the people you claim to want to help? Further, which of those hopeful programs are generally embraced by the right? Killing healthcare with nothing to replace it helps no one. Demeaning immigrants, especially refugee children, helps no one. Educate me if you can.

As I pointed out earlier, Bulldog...you seemed to take great pleasure in continually referring to the conservatives who made up the so called Tea Party as "tea baggers". How many times did you post your video of the people singing about the tea party that are oblivious to the OTHER meaning of "tea bag"? Three times? Or was it four? Who does that? MSNBC continually referred to the Tea Party people as tea baggers as well and then snickered about it amongst themselves like Beavis and Butthead. What major news channel does THAT!

Here's a newsflash for you. I'm a conservative. I have a degree in history. I have an MBA. I've worked in the Private Sector for a very long time. I'm not crazy. I'm not a religious nut. I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh. I'm not even Pro-Life. As a matter of fact I'm an agnostic! Yet liberals like YOURSELF assume you know who I am and what I believe in simply because I point out that the Progressive policies that you've advocated in the past didn't work and that the ones you're advocating now won't work either!

What do "I" think we should do to better the lives of the lower classes? For starters I would suggest we get back to doing what this country has always been better at than anyone else...namely being self sufficient and being innovative. As a people American have always been a compassionate people but we have also been a competitive bunch whose winners win big and losers get off their asses and try harder. This concept that everyone should get a trophy when you play sports whether you win or lose is symptomatic of a society where mediocrity is now the desired normal and people who are exceptional are told they need to not embarrass those who can't keep up. Income inequality sucks! Being poor sucks! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Don't wait for someone to take things from the rich to give to you so that you aren't so poor. Do the things that successful people do to become successful.

Oh? So I'm supposed to just pretend that they didn't ignorantly but proudly proclaim that they were teabaggers because it embarrasses them? I'll do that when they quit claiming liberals are traitors. If all the things you claim about yourself are true, then good for you. If you could just bring the rest of your party around to that level, there wouldn't be nearly as much to ridicule them about. The "Everybody gets a trophy" thing is something that little league coaches came up with. It's not part of the liberal political goal. Of course, right wing radio and fox have convinced you it was. In fact, your political party portrays a lot of crap as something that liberals advocate. The stories of liberal monsters that most right wingers scare their kids with have little or no resemblance to what the left wing actually is. The lies are seemingly unlimited. After being portrayed as the caricature that the right has claimed, you are lucky that there hasn't been more retribution than the occasional giggle about your parties ignorant choice of the term teabagger. The president wants to destroy the country? Anything less than adherence to palin speak or what ever Cruz decided to spout is communism, or socialism? Surely you realize these things are crazy and hateful. You might be a reasonable person, but your party is not. I don't have a problem with expecting the poor to better their own plight, and generally most liberals don't, but there needs to be an even playing field. With the massive giveaways to the rich and corporations, there is not an even playing field. Surely you see that.

Come on...the notion that there shouldn't be any "losers" is knit into the very fabric of who Progressives ARE, Bulldog! The basis of Affirmative Action is that some people are so incapable of helping themselves that we need to apply a different standard to them. You're a female and you want to be a firefighter? We're going to change the standards for how much weight you're required to be able to lift and carry out of a simulated burning building. If you're a man that weight will be 200 pounds...if you're a woman it will now be 100 pounds. Has the average weight of a person that needs to be carried out of burning buildings mysteriously changed because we've decided to apply that different standard? Obviously it hasn't yet we now have women firefighters who can't perform a task that is germane to the job they hold, all in the name of Affirmative Action. And if someone points out the absurdity in that then they WILL be attacked by Progressives for being sexist.

I would contend that the Founding Fathers would be appalled by Progressive calls for a so called "even playing field" that isn't "even" at all but is instead tilted to help the mediocre by punishing the exceptional. Seventy years of Progressive social policy have given us a country where people speak about the "right" of citizens to have a "living wage" simply because they exist. That even though they have chosen not to take advantage of our educational system...have chosen not to work extra hours or invest wisely...or even have simply chosen not to work at all...that THEY should be taken care of by the people that HAVE done all of the right things because that is their "right".

This country didn't become what it was because we rewarded mediocrity...it became the inspirational success that it did because it rewarded exceptional people no matter what class, sex, religion or pigmentation their skin happened to have in a way that no other nation ever had. People wanted to come to American because in America there was opportunities to better yourself that didn't exist anywhere else in the world.

So what have we become now, Bulldog? What "is" America? Are we still that land of opportunity or are we now the land of entitlements? Are we the place where people go because they think that they are exceptional and will thrive or have we become the place where mediocre people go because they know they will be taken care of?

You really are invested in believing that straw man of equal outcome across the board. Before you spout off about that again, I ask you to show me where that is or ever has been a liberal goal, much less a priority of the Democratic party. Can't you understand the difference in the mythical guaranteed equal outcome, and guaranteed equal opportunity? You whine about female firefighters. I guess it could be something to discuss, but we have had women firefighters for a while. Do you know of one case where a person died or was unnecessarily injured because a woman was fighting that fire? We both know that if that had happened, someone, or perhaps the family of someone would have sued over that. Come back when you can back up your claim with at least one example.

I contend that the founding fathers were very progressive for their time, and, knowing that society would undoubtedly progress from where it was at the time, wrote a constitution that was able to adjust to the changes. You always fall back to your contention that if you are not rich it's your own fault. Every one deserves their plight, and the only income problems in the country could be solved by people pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps. I got mine, and you didn't get yours because you are sorry. You word it in different ways, but it's always the same point. It's tedious to discuss every permutation of that claim, and I tire of the effort. Lets cut past the crap and just give me your reasoning for such a broad and insulting belief.

I'll ask you the same question. So what have we become now? What "is" America? Are we still that land of opportunity or are we now the land of entitlements for the rich where oil companies get billions in unneeded giveaways, but there is no help or even compassion for the single mother who is trying her best to raise her kids, and nothing for the youngster who could become a productive and successful member of society, but through no fault of his own was never given that opportunity ? Are we the strong compassionate country the forefathers envisioned, or are we a feudal system where all the power is concentrated in a small group and everybody else is screwed?
And while you're doing that, Bulldog? Find all the times that I've put forth the ideas of Palin, Gohmert or Cruz. I tend to present my own ideas on what I think makes sense and what doesn't. Quite frankly, I seldom feel the need to cite the opinion of someone else.

If you are as reasonable as you claim, why do you cling to a party made up of 99.6% ass holes?

Come on, Bulldog...you talk about being "reasonable" and then make a statement like 99.6% of Republicans are assholes?

So who's reasonable...me or you?

That's what my records show. You're welcome to check the math. Perhaps you haven't seen many of the right wing posts.

So you come on here and do your little "tea bagger" Beavis and Butthead routine and then complain that the response you get from "right wingers" isn't civil? You do that to provoke, Bulldog...and then you complain about the response...

You have that backwards. I came on here and received vile and insulting remarks and responded by reminding teabaggers of their ridiculous choice.
i'll tell you one thing from watching the Democrats conspire in California, all of the great Texas job opportunities are going bye bye .
I knew something was wrong when I realized Texas has more environmental laws than California.
you have to earn a hazardous waste certification to take a piss out there.

"What will happen when Texas flips Democrat?"

Hell will have frozen over, too.

Whatever happened to that plan for seceding? I'd love to see Texas take their red necks and fat asses out of the lower 48.

I would ask you to try to separate Texans from the Texas politicians. The right wing has gerrymandered the state till there is little or no chance for a sane person to be elected. You might want to look up how districts are drawn around Austin or Houston for an example of the death grip the Louie Gohmert types have on us.
And while you're doing that, Bulldog? Find all the times that I've put forth the ideas of Palin, Gohmert or Cruz. I tend to present my own ideas on what I think makes sense and what doesn't. Quite frankly, I seldom feel the need to cite the opinion of someone else.

If you are as reasonable as you claim, why do you cling to a party made up of 99.6% ass holes?

Come on, Bulldog...you talk about being "reasonable" and then make a statement like 99.6% of Republicans are assholes?

So who's reasonable...me or you?

That's what my records show. You're welcome to check the math. Perhaps you haven't seen many of the right wing posts.

So you come on here and do your little "tea bagger" Beavis and Butthead routine and then complain that the response you get from "right wingers" isn't civil? You do that to provoke, Bulldog...and then you complain about the response...

You have that backwards. I came on here and received vile and insulting remarks and responded by reminding teabaggers of their ridiculous choice.

I went back and looked at this string, Bulldog. In your very first post you accuse conservatives of insanity. In your second you started with your little Beavis & Butthead routine about "tea baggers". So when did the vile and insulting remarks take place that supposedly forced you to respond with insults of your own? The truth is...you were the instigator...not the responder.
I've been in the nightclub business for well over thirty years, Bulldog and I've started many "projects" and then been forced by circumstances to cut the budget for that project. That's part of life in the Private Sector. Only in the Public Sector can you come in with a cost proposal of a million dollars...have it end up costing three million...and not lose your job!

I've never said that I don't want programs to help the poor. I'm all for helping the poor. Where we differ immensely is how you should go about "helping". Liberals love to propose help that comes in the form of government entitlements that do things like give the poor a "living wage" whether or not they work...but then they scratch their collective heads when entitlements encourage the poor to stay poor rather than work to enter the Middle Class. The truth, Bulldog is that we've had a "War on Poverty" in this country since Lyndon Baines Johnson was President of the United States...spent a whole lot of money on programs to combat poverty and we now have more poverty then we did then! It's obvious that what you espouse hasn't worked...yet you want to double down on it!

I'm curious...since I'm a conservative and according to you the only way we can express ourselves is by being "nasty" I'd like you to find the posts where I've been "nasty" and show them to me. While you're doing THAT...I'll go back and I'll show you the posts where YOU were less than pleasant! Who do you think is going to win the Nobel Peace Prize in THAT competition?

I have no desire to research everything you have posted. You could possibly be the most reasonable and non confrontational person here, but that is certainly not representative of right wingers here. If you care to, I would invite you to show where I responded to anyone in a manner that didn't match what they had already said. Play nice, and I'll play nice. Be an asshole, and I'll give at least as good as I get. Out of curiosity though. Exactly what programs to help the poor, or anybody else for that matter, do you advocate that don't involve massive giveaways to the rich, or degrading the people you claim to want to help? Further, which of those hopeful programs are generally embraced by the right? Killing healthcare with nothing to replace it helps no one. Demeaning immigrants, especially refugee children, helps no one. Educate me if you can.

I have only to point to how you've responded to me, Bulldog...

You say that if others play nice that you will as well but your actions I'm afraid don't back that claim
I've been in the nightclub business for well over thirty years, Bulldog and I've started many "projects" and then been forced by circumstances to cut the budget for that project. That's part of life in the Private Sector. Only in the Public Sector can you come in with a cost proposal of a million dollars...have it end up costing three million...and not lose your job!

I've never said that I don't want programs to help the poor. I'm all for helping the poor. Where we differ immensely is how you should go about "helping". Liberals love to propose help that comes in the form of government entitlements that do things like give the poor a "living wage" whether or not they work...but then they scratch their collective heads when entitlements encourage the poor to stay poor rather than work to enter the Middle Class. The truth, Bulldog is that we've had a "War on Poverty" in this country since Lyndon Baines Johnson was President of the United States...spent a whole lot of money on programs to combat poverty and we now have more poverty then we did then! It's obvious that what you espouse hasn't worked...yet you want to double down on it!

I'm curious...since I'm a conservative and according to you the only way we can express ourselves is by being "nasty" I'd like you to find the posts where I've been "nasty" and show them to me. While you're doing THAT...I'll go back and I'll show you the posts where YOU were less than pleasant! Who do you think is going to win the Nobel Peace Prize in THAT competition?

I have no desire to research everything you have posted. You could possibly be the most reasonable and non confrontational person here, but that is certainly not representative of right wingers here. If you care to, I would invite you to show where I responded to anyone in a manner that didn't match what they had already said. Play nice, and I'll play nice. Be an asshole, and I'll give at least as good as I get. Out of curiosity though. Exactly what programs to help the poor, or anybody else for that matter, do you advocate that don't involve massive giveaways to the rich, or degrading the people you claim to want to help? Further, which of those hopeful programs are generally embraced by the right? Killing healthcare with nothing to replace it helps no one. Demeaning immigrants, especially refugee children, helps no one. Educate me if you can.

As I pointed out earlier, Bulldog...you seemed to take great pleasure in continually referring to the conservatives who made up the so called Tea Party as "tea baggers". How many times did you post your video of the people singing about the tea party that are oblivious to the OTHER meaning of "tea bag"? Three times? Or was it four? Who does that? MSNBC continually referred to the Tea Party people as tea baggers as well and then snickered about it amongst themselves like Beavis and Butthead. What major news channel does THAT!

Here's a newsflash for you. I'm a conservative. I have a degree in history. I have an MBA. I've worked in the Private Sector for a very long time. I'm not crazy. I'm not a religious nut. I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh. I'm not even Pro-Life. As a matter of fact I'm an agnostic! Yet liberals like YOURSELF assume you know who I am and what I believe in simply because I point out that the Progressive policies that you've advocated in the past didn't work and that the ones you're advocating now won't work either!

What do "I" think we should do to better the lives of the lower classes? For starters I would suggest we get back to doing what this country has always been better at than anyone else...namely being self sufficient and being innovative. As a people American have always been a compassionate people but we have also been a competitive bunch whose winners win big and losers get off their asses and try harder. This concept that everyone should get a trophy when you play sports whether you win or lose is symptomatic of a society where mediocrity is now the desired normal and people who are exceptional are told they need to not embarrass those who can't keep up. Income inequality sucks! Being poor sucks! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Don't wait for someone to take things from the rich to give to you so that you aren't so poor. Do the things that successful people do to become successful.

Oh? So I'm supposed to just pretend that they didn't ignorantly but proudly proclaim that they were teabaggers because it embarrasses them? I'll do that when they quit claiming liberals are traitors. If all the things you claim about yourself are true, then good for you. If you could just bring the rest of your party around to that level, there wouldn't be nearly as much to ridicule them about. The "Everybody gets a trophy" thing is something that little league coaches came up with. It's not part of the liberal political goal. Of course, right wing radio and fox have convinced you it was. In fact, your political party portrays a lot of crap as something that liberals advocate. The stories of liberal monsters that most right wingers scare their kids with have little or no resemblance to what the left wing actually is. The lies are seemingly unlimited. After being portrayed as the caricature that the right has claimed, you are lucky that there hasn't been more retribution than the occasional giggle about your parties ignorant choice of the term teabagger. The president wants to destroy the country? Anything less than adherence to palin speak or what ever Cruz decided to spout is communism, or socialism? Surely you realize these things are crazy and hateful. You might be a reasonable person, but your party is not. I don't have a problem with expecting the poor to better their own plight, and generally most liberals don't, but there needs to be an even playing field. With the massive giveaways to the rich and corporations, there is not an even playing field. Surely you see that.

Come on...the notion that there shouldn't be any "losers" is knit into the very fabric of who Progressives ARE, Bulldog! The basis of Affirmative Action is that some people are so incapable of helping themselves that we need to apply a different standard to them. You're a female and you want to be a firefighter? We're going to change the standards for how much weight you're required to be able to lift and carry out of a simulated burning building. If you're a man that weight will be 200 pounds...if you're a woman it will now be 100 pounds. Has the average weight of a person that needs to be carried out of burning buildings mysteriously changed because we've decided to apply that different standard? Obviously it hasn't yet we now have women firefighters who can't perform a task that is germane to the job they hold, all in the name of Affirmative Action. And if someone points out the absurdity in that then they WILL be attacked by Progressives for being sexist.

I would contend that the Founding Fathers would be appalled by Progressive calls for a so called "even playing field" that isn't "even" at all but is instead tilted to help the mediocre by punishing the exceptional. Seventy years of Progressive social policy have given us a country where people speak about the "right" of citizens to have a "living wage" simply because they exist. That even though they have chosen not to take advantage of our educational system...have chosen not to work extra hours or invest wisely...or even have simply chosen not to work at all...that THEY should be taken care of by the people that HAVE done all of the right things because that is their "right".

This country didn't become what it was because we rewarded mediocrity...it became the inspirational success that it did because it rewarded exceptional people no matter what class, sex, religion or pigmentation their skin happened to have in a way that no other nation ever had. People wanted to come to American because in America there was opportunities to better yourself that didn't exist anywhere else in the world.

So what have we become now, Bulldog? What "is" America? Are we still that land of opportunity or are we now the land of entitlements? Are we the place where people go because they think that they are exceptional and will thrive or have we become the place where mediocre people go because they know they will be taken care of?

You really are invested in believing that straw man of equal outcome across the board. Before you spout off about that again, I ask you to show me where that is or ever has been a liberal goal, much less a priority of the Democratic party. Can't you understand the difference in the mythical guaranteed equal outcome, and guaranteed equal opportunity? You whine about female firefighters. I guess it could be something to discuss, but we have had women firefighters for a while. Do you know of one case where a person died or was unnecessarily injured because a woman was fighting that fire? We both know that if that had happened, someone, or perhaps the family of someone would have sued over that. Come back when you can back up your claim with at least one example.

I contend that the founding fathers were very progressive for their time, and, knowing that society would undoubtedly progress from where it was at the time, wrote a constitution that was able to adjust to the changes. You always fall back to your contention that if you are not rich it's your own fault. Every one deserves their plight, and the only income problems in the country could be solved by people pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps. I got mine, and you didn't get yours because you are sorry. You word it in different ways, but it's always the same point. It's tedious to discuss every permutation of that claim, and I tire of the effort. Lets cut past the crap and just give me your reasoning for such a broad and insulting belief.

I'll ask you the same question. So what have we become now? What "is" America? Are we still that land of opportunity or are we now the land of entitlements for the rich where oil companies get billions in unneeded giveaways, but there is no help or even compassion for the single mother who is trying her best to raise her kids, and nothing for the youngster who could become a productive and successful member of society, but through no fault of his own was never given that opportunity ? Are we the strong compassionate country the forefathers envisioned, or are we a feudal system where all the power is concentrated in a small group and everybody else is screwed?

Interesting concept, Bulldog...you liberals put a welfare system in place that encouraged young women to have children by themselves because in doing so they would then be supported by said welfare system...and then you turn around and blame the conservatives that told you all along that such a welfare system wasn't going to be good for the young woman or her child for not having "compassion" for the mother and child?

As I said before...the thing that always amuses me about "progressives" is their ability to blame the shortcomings of their policies on others. It isn't fifty years of bad policy that's led to this...it's conservatives reluctance to allow more welfare that's the problem!!!
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If you are as reasonable as you claim, why do you cling to a party made up of 99.6% ass holes?

Come on, Bulldog...you talk about being "reasonable" and then make a statement like 99.6% of Republicans are assholes?

So who's reasonable...me or you?

That's what my records show. You're welcome to check the math. Perhaps you haven't seen many of the right wing posts.

So you come on here and do your little "tea bagger" Beavis and Butthead routine and then complain that the response you get from "right wingers" isn't civil? You do that to provoke, Bulldog...and then you complain about the response...

You have that backwards. I came on here and received vile and insulting remarks and responded by reminding teabaggers of their ridiculous choice.

I went back and looked at this string, Bulldog. In your very first post you accuse conservatives of insanity. In your second you started with your little Beavis & Butthead routine about "tea baggers". So when did the vile and insulting remarks take place that supposedly forced you to respond with insults of your own? The truth is...you were the instigator...not the responder.

You think this is the only string I have participated in? You think this string is the first place I interacted with some of the people here? The world didn't start with this string. Right wingers have been vile and insulting long before this discussion board was even conceived. Your party has a long history of that kind of behavior, but you are whining because you are finally receiving a little of blowback get over it. Right wingers proudly embraced the name "TEABAGGER" and I'll honor that choice every time it is appropriate. Get over it.
I have no desire to research everything you have posted. You could possibly be the most reasonable and non confrontational person here, but that is certainly not representative of right wingers here. If you care to, I would invite you to show where I responded to anyone in a manner that didn't match what they had already said. Play nice, and I'll play nice. Be an asshole, and I'll give at least as good as I get. Out of curiosity though. Exactly what programs to help the poor, or anybody else for that matter, do you advocate that don't involve massive giveaways to the rich, or degrading the people you claim to want to help? Further, which of those hopeful programs are generally embraced by the right? Killing healthcare with nothing to replace it helps no one. Demeaning immigrants, especially refugee children, helps no one. Educate me if you can.

I have only to point to how you've responded to me, Bulldog...

You say that if others play nice that you will as well but your actions I'm afraid don't back that claim
I have no desire to research everything you have posted. You could possibly be the most reasonable and non confrontational person here, but that is certainly not representative of right wingers here. If you care to, I would invite you to show where I responded to anyone in a manner that didn't match what they had already said. Play nice, and I'll play nice. Be an asshole, and I'll give at least as good as I get. Out of curiosity though. Exactly what programs to help the poor, or anybody else for that matter, do you advocate that don't involve massive giveaways to the rich, or degrading the people you claim to want to help? Further, which of those hopeful programs are generally embraced by the right? Killing healthcare with nothing to replace it helps no one. Demeaning immigrants, especially refugee children, helps no one. Educate me if you can.

As I pointed out earlier, Bulldog...you seemed to take great pleasure in continually referring to the conservatives who made up the so called Tea Party as "tea baggers". How many times did you post your video of the people singing about the tea party that are oblivious to the OTHER meaning of "tea bag"? Three times? Or was it four? Who does that? MSNBC continually referred to the Tea Party people as tea baggers as well and then snickered about it amongst themselves like Beavis and Butthead. What major news channel does THAT!

Here's a newsflash for you. I'm a conservative. I have a degree in history. I have an MBA. I've worked in the Private Sector for a very long time. I'm not crazy. I'm not a religious nut. I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh. I'm not even Pro-Life. As a matter of fact I'm an agnostic! Yet liberals like YOURSELF assume you know who I am and what I believe in simply because I point out that the Progressive policies that you've advocated in the past didn't work and that the ones you're advocating now won't work either!

What do "I" think we should do to better the lives of the lower classes? For starters I would suggest we get back to doing what this country has always been better at than anyone else...namely being self sufficient and being innovative. As a people American have always been a compassionate people but we have also been a competitive bunch whose winners win big and losers get off their asses and try harder. This concept that everyone should get a trophy when you play sports whether you win or lose is symptomatic of a society where mediocrity is now the desired normal and people who are exceptional are told they need to not embarrass those who can't keep up. Income inequality sucks! Being poor sucks! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Don't wait for someone to take things from the rich to give to you so that you aren't so poor. Do the things that successful people do to become successful.

Oh? So I'm supposed to just pretend that they didn't ignorantly but proudly proclaim that they were teabaggers because it embarrasses them? I'll do that when they quit claiming liberals are traitors. If all the things you claim about yourself are true, then good for you. If you could just bring the rest of your party around to that level, there wouldn't be nearly as much to ridicule them about. The "Everybody gets a trophy" thing is something that little league coaches came up with. It's not part of the liberal political goal. Of course, right wing radio and fox have convinced you it was. In fact, your political party portrays a lot of crap as something that liberals advocate. The stories of liberal monsters that most right wingers scare their kids with have little or no resemblance to what the left wing actually is. The lies are seemingly unlimited. After being portrayed as the caricature that the right has claimed, you are lucky that there hasn't been more retribution than the occasional giggle about your parties ignorant choice of the term teabagger. The president wants to destroy the country? Anything less than adherence to palin speak or what ever Cruz decided to spout is communism, or socialism? Surely you realize these things are crazy and hateful. You might be a reasonable person, but your party is not. I don't have a problem with expecting the poor to better their own plight, and generally most liberals don't, but there needs to be an even playing field. With the massive giveaways to the rich and corporations, there is not an even playing field. Surely you see that.

Come on...the notion that there shouldn't be any "losers" is knit into the very fabric of who Progressives ARE, Bulldog! The basis of Affirmative Action is that some people are so incapable of helping themselves that we need to apply a different standard to them. You're a female and you want to be a firefighter? We're going to change the standards for how much weight you're required to be able to lift and carry out of a simulated burning building. If you're a man that weight will be 200 pounds...if you're a woman it will now be 100 pounds. Has the average weight of a person that needs to be carried out of burning buildings mysteriously changed because we've decided to apply that different standard? Obviously it hasn't yet we now have women firefighters who can't perform a task that is germane to the job they hold, all in the name of Affirmative Action. And if someone points out the absurdity in that then they WILL be attacked by Progressives for being sexist.

I would contend that the Founding Fathers would be appalled by Progressive calls for a so called "even playing field" that isn't "even" at all but is instead tilted to help the mediocre by punishing the exceptional. Seventy years of Progressive social policy have given us a country where people speak about the "right" of citizens to have a "living wage" simply because they exist. That even though they have chosen not to take advantage of our educational system...have chosen not to work extra hours or invest wisely...or even have simply chosen not to work at all...that THEY should be taken care of by the people that HAVE done all of the right things because that is their "right".

This country didn't become what it was because we rewarded mediocrity...it became the inspirational success that it did because it rewarded exceptional people no matter what class, sex, religion or pigmentation their skin happened to have in a way that no other nation ever had. People wanted to come to American because in America there was opportunities to better yourself that didn't exist anywhere else in the world.

So what have we become now, Bulldog? What "is" America? Are we still that land of opportunity or are we now the land of entitlements? Are we the place where people go because they think that they are exceptional and will thrive or have we become the place where mediocre people go because they know they will be taken care of?

You really are invested in believing that straw man of equal outcome across the board. Before you spout off about that again, I ask you to show me where that is or ever has been a liberal goal, much less a priority of the Democratic party. Can't you understand the difference in the mythical guaranteed equal outcome, and guaranteed equal opportunity? You whine about female firefighters. I guess it could be something to discuss, but we have had women firefighters for a while. Do you know of one case where a person died or was unnecessarily injured because a woman was fighting that fire? We both know that if that had happened, someone, or perhaps the family of someone would have sued over that. Come back when you can back up your claim with at least one example.

I contend that the founding fathers were very progressive for their time, and, knowing that society would undoubtedly progress from where it was at the time, wrote a constitution that was able to adjust to the changes. You always fall back to your contention that if you are not rich it's your own fault. Every one deserves their plight, and the only income problems in the country could be solved by people pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps. I got mine, and you didn't get yours because you are sorry. You word it in different ways, but it's always the same point. It's tedious to discuss every permutation of that claim, and I tire of the effort. Lets cut past the crap and just give me your reasoning for such a broad and insulting belief.

I'll ask you the same question. So what have we become now? What "is" America? Are we still that land of opportunity or are we now the land of entitlements for the rich where oil companies get billions in unneeded giveaways, but there is no help or even compassion for the single mother who is trying her best to raise her kids, and nothing for the youngster who could become a productive and successful member of society, but through no fault of his own was never given that opportunity ? Are we the strong compassionate country the forefathers envisioned, or are we a feudal system where all the power is concentrated in a small group and everybody else is screwed?

Interesting concept, Bulldog...you liberals put a welfare system in place that encouraged young women to have children by themselves because in doing so they would then be supported by said welfare system...and then you turn around and blame the conservatives that told you all along that such a welfare system wasn't going to be good for the young woman or her child for not having "compassion" for the mother and child?

As I said before...the thing that always amuses me about "progressives" is their ability to blame the shortcomings of their policies on others. It isn't fifty years of bad policy that's led to this...it's conservatives reluctance to allow more welfare that's the problem!!!

Encouraged young women to have children by themselves because in doing so they would then be supported by said welfare system? The Limbaugh mantra is strong with you. Your statement is patently ridiculous, just like most right wing claims.
You really are invested in believing that straw man of equal outcome across the board. Before you spout off about that again, I ask you to show me where that is or ever has been a liberal goal, much less a priority of the Democratic party.

Please stop insulting everyone's intelligence. Liberals are constantly yammering about 1.) not enough women in STEM when women have just as much opportunity to study STEM fields as men but CHOOSE not to, 2.) Not enough minority homeowners so we need to create programs to help minorities buy homes, 3.) Too many black kids in school are getting suspending under equally applied rules, so we need to equalize outcomes, 4.) Not enough blacks in university so we need to lower standards in order to equalize outcomes, 5.) Not enough blacks in management fields so we need to send in the EEOC to straighten things out, etc. All Democrats are focused on are equal outcomes. The opportunity is freely available to everyone. No minority or women is denied opportunity.

Do you know of one case where a person died or was unnecessarily injured because a woman was fighting that fire? We both know that if that had happened, someone, or perhaps the family of someone would have sued over that. Come back when you can back up your claim with at least one example.

Management would never admit to that. We need to examine cases where management has no power to withhold facts, like this example:

Brian Gene Nichols (born December 10, 1971) is known for his escape and killing spree in the Fulton County courthouse in Atlanta, Georgia on March 11, 2005. Nichols was on trial for rape when he escaped from custody and murdered the judge presiding over his trial, a court reporter, a sheriff's deputy and later a federal agent.​

Nchols was 33, 6 ft tall, a former college football player, the deputy guarding him was a 51 year old 5'2" overweight grandmother. Even with these facts indisputably established, try to find details on this deputy. There is a near total blackout on her, her background, her stature, her age, etc.


She survived, 4 others, including a judge, didn't.

I'll ask you the same question. So what have we become now? What "is" America?

We are an institution that is on the unstoppable path towards dissolution. Likely within the next century and what liberals have done to us is going to make life very unpleasant for more and more of us and our descendents until the end finally comes.

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