What will happen when Texas flips Democrat?

What exactly is the flaw in our constitution that would allow the collapse you seem to be yearning for? Which specific part bothers you the most?

When governments collapse, "constitutions" aren't really a factor...
Are you saying government collapse is "unconstitutional" and therefore can't occur?


Of course I'm not saying something so silly. I'm saying there are safeguards written into it to prevent the collapse of our country

Really? Which ones?

because one silly obstructionist political party wants that to happen.

When governments collapse it isn't because of "one silly obstructionist...blah...blah...etc.."

It will take more than you holding your breath till you turn blue to collapse what we have.

I'm not going to "collapse" anything..Our system is unsustainable in its present form, economically and politically.
All three branches of gvmt are corrupt beyond redemption.

Like I said, you obviously aren't a student of history.

History is littered with the wreckage of failed governments...It's normal and routine...necessary, even. Humans are flawed creatures and every form of government ever created eventually fails due to corruption and oppression.
Silly partisan...that's how THIS country was formed...revolution against an oppressive and corrupt british government.

Our time is coming again.

Why don't you back off with the histrionics?

No child..it isn't "histrionics"...I'm schooling you in HISTORY.


Type in capitals all you like, son.
History is my witness.

I've said it before. When you wonder why everybody thinks the right is childish and crazy, go back and reread your post. That is why.
When governments collapse, "constitutions" aren't really a factor...
Are you saying government collapse is "unconstitutional" and therefore can't occur?


Of course I'm not saying something so silly. I'm saying there are safeguards written into it to prevent the collapse of our country

Really? Which ones?

because one silly obstructionist political party wants that to happen.

When governments collapse it isn't because of "one silly obstructionist...blah...blah...etc.."

It will take more than you holding your breath till you turn blue to collapse what we have.

I'm not going to "collapse" anything..Our system is unsustainable in its present form, economically and politically.
All three branches of gvmt are corrupt beyond redemption.

Like I said, you obviously aren't a student of history.

History is littered with the wreckage of failed governments...It's normal and routine...necessary, even. Humans are flawed creatures and every form of government ever created eventually fails due to corruption and oppression.
Silly partisan...that's how THIS country was formed...revolution against an oppressive and corrupt british government.

Our time is coming again.

Why don't you back off with the histrionics?

No child..it isn't "histrionics"...I'm schooling you in HISTORY.


Type in capitals all you like, son.
History is my witness.

I've said it before. When you wonder why everybody thinks the right is childish and crazy, go back and reread your post. That is why.

Son, I merely pointed out that every form of government ever devised by man eventually collapses or is overthrown..or a combination of both.
No government is eternal.
This is an ironclad, undeniable fact. To dispute it is absurd.

This has nothing to do with"left" or "right". You're being ridiculous.
Of course I'm not saying something so silly. I'm saying there are safeguards written into it to prevent the collapse of our country

Really? Which ones?

because one silly obstructionist political party wants that to happen.

When governments collapse it isn't because of "one silly obstructionist...blah...blah...etc.."

It will take more than you holding your breath till you turn blue to collapse what we have.

I'm not going to "collapse" anything..Our system is unsustainable in its present form, economically and politically.
All three branches of gvmt are corrupt beyond redemption.

Like I said, you obviously aren't a student of history.

History is littered with the wreckage of failed governments...It's normal and routine...necessary, even. Humans are flawed creatures and every form of government ever created eventually fails due to corruption and oppression.
Silly partisan...that's how THIS country was formed...revolution against an oppressive and corrupt british government.

Our time is coming again.

Why don't you back off with the histrionics?

No child..it isn't "histrionics"...I'm schooling you in HISTORY.


Type in capitals all you like, son.
History is my witness.

I've said it before. When you wonder why everybody thinks the right is childish and crazy, go back and reread your post. That is why.

Son, I merely pointed out that every form of government ever devised by man eventually collapses or is overthrown..or a combination of both.
No government is eternal.
This is an ironclad, undeniable fact. To dispute it is absurd.

This has nothing to do with"left" or "right". You're being ridiculous.

Right. That's why blacks were so prominent in your first post in our conversation.

Yes..think of the poor blacks! We must "help" them.


Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction are the future of this country.

I guess you are used to making crazy claims, and nobody calls you on them, so you are now wanting to change the context so you won't look so crazy. Ok, I'll give you an out. Admit you were just spouting silly Limbaugh/teabagger crap, and I'll accept that you really didn't believe that crap after all, but were just trying to be obnoxious.
Really? Which ones?

When governments collapse it isn't because of "one silly obstructionist...blah...blah...etc.."

I'm not going to "collapse" anything..Our system is unsustainable in its present form, economically and politically.
All three branches of gvmt are corrupt beyond redemption.

Like I said, you obviously aren't a student of history.

History is littered with the wreckage of failed governments...It's normal and routine...necessary, even. Humans are flawed creatures and every form of government ever created eventually fails due to corruption and oppression.
Silly partisan...that's how THIS country was formed...revolution against an oppressive and corrupt british government.

Our time is coming again.

No child..it isn't "histrionics"...I'm schooling you in HISTORY.


Type in capitals all you like, son.
History is my witness.

I've said it before. When you wonder why everybody thinks the right is childish and crazy, go back and reread your post. That is why.

Son, I merely pointed out that every form of government ever devised by man eventually collapses or is overthrown..or a combination of both.
No government is eternal.
This is an ironclad, undeniable fact. To dispute it is absurd.

This has nothing to do with"left" or "right". You're being ridiculous.

Right. That's why blacks were so prominent in your first post in our conversation.

Yes..think of the poor blacks! We must "help" them.


Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction are the future of this country.

I guess you are used to making crazy claims, and nobody calls you on them, so you are now wanting to change the context so you won't look so crazy. Ok, I'll give you an out. Admit you were just spouting silly Limbaugh/teabagger crap, and I'll accept that you really didn't believe that crap after all, but were just trying to be obnoxious.

LMAO...weak dodge.

Type in capitals all you like, son.
History is my witness.

I've said it before. When you wonder why everybody thinks the right is childish and crazy, go back and reread your post. That is why.

Son, I merely pointed out that every form of government ever devised by man eventually collapses or is overthrown..or a combination of both.
No government is eternal.
This is an ironclad, undeniable fact. To dispute it is absurd.

This has nothing to do with"left" or "right". You're being ridiculous.

Right. That's why blacks were so prominent in your first post in our conversation.

Yes..think of the poor blacks! We must "help" them.


Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction are the future of this country.

I guess you are used to making crazy claims, and nobody calls you on them, so you are now wanting to change the context so you won't look so crazy. Ok, I'll give you an out. Admit you were just spouting silly Limbaugh/teabagger crap, and I'll accept that you really didn't believe that crap after all, but were just trying to be obnoxious.

LMAO...weak dodge.

No dodge, either admit what you said, in context, is crazy, or admit you were just spouting crap. Your choice.
Type in capitals all you like, son.
History is my witness.

I've said it before. When you wonder why everybody thinks the right is childish and crazy, go back and reread your post. That is why.

Son, I merely pointed out that every form of government ever devised by man eventually collapses or is overthrown..or a combination of both.
No government is eternal.
This is an ironclad, undeniable fact. To dispute it is absurd.

This has nothing to do with"left" or "right". You're being ridiculous.

Right. That's why blacks were so prominent in your first post in our conversation.

Yes..think of the poor blacks! We must "help" them.


Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction are the future of this country.

I guess you are used to making crazy claims, and nobody calls you on them, so you are now wanting to change the context so you won't look so crazy. Ok, I'll give you an out. Admit you were just spouting silly Limbaugh/teabagger crap, and I'll accept that you really didn't believe that crap after all, but were just trying to be obnoxious.

LMAO...weak dodge.

No dodge, either admit what you said, in context, is crazy, or admit you were just spouting crap. Your choice.

All governments fail.
Collapse,partitioning, reconstruction is the standard pattern.
I've said it before. When you wonder why everybody thinks the right is childish and crazy, go back and reread your post. That is why.

Son, I merely pointed out that every form of government ever devised by man eventually collapses or is overthrown..or a combination of both.
No government is eternal.
This is an ironclad, undeniable fact. To dispute it is absurd.

This has nothing to do with"left" or "right". You're being ridiculous.

Right. That's why blacks were so prominent in your first post in our conversation.

Yes..think of the poor blacks! We must "help" them.


Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction are the future of this country.

I guess you are used to making crazy claims, and nobody calls you on them, so you are now wanting to change the context so you won't look so crazy. Ok, I'll give you an out. Admit you were just spouting silly Limbaugh/teabagger crap, and I'll accept that you really didn't believe that crap after all, but were just trying to be obnoxious.

LMAO...weak dodge.

No dodge, either admit what you said, in context, is crazy, or admit you were just spouting crap. Your choice.

All governments fail.
Collapse,partitioning, reconstruction is the standard pattern.

Your post implied that helping blacks would somehow cause your imagined collapse. Obviously you are trying to distance yourself from your complete post and the context in which it was made. Good enough. You admit the intended meaning in your post was just spouting crap. Good for you.
Son, I merely pointed out that every form of government ever devised by man eventually collapses or is overthrown..or a combination of both.
No government is eternal.
This is an ironclad, undeniable fact. To dispute it is absurd.

This has nothing to do with"left" or "right". You're being ridiculous.

Right. That's why blacks were so prominent in your first post in our conversation.

Yes..think of the poor blacks! We must "help" them.


Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction are the future of this country.

I guess you are used to making crazy claims, and nobody calls you on them, so you are now wanting to change the context so you won't look so crazy. Ok, I'll give you an out. Admit you were just spouting silly Limbaugh/teabagger crap, and I'll accept that you really didn't believe that crap after all, but were just trying to be obnoxious.

LMAO...weak dodge.

No dodge, either admit what you said, in context, is crazy, or admit you were just spouting crap. Your choice.

All governments fail.
Collapse,partitioning, reconstruction is the standard pattern.

Your post implied that helping blacks would somehow cause your imagined collapse. Obviously you are trying to distance yourself from your complete post and the context in which it was made. Good enough. You admit the intended meaning in your post was just spouting crap. Good for you.

Which post?

What #?
Right. That's why blacks were so prominent in your first post in our conversation.

Yes..think of the poor blacks! We must "help" them.


Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction are the future of this country.

I guess you are used to making crazy claims, and nobody calls you on them, so you are now wanting to change the context so you won't look so crazy. Ok, I'll give you an out. Admit you were just spouting silly Limbaugh/teabagger crap, and I'll accept that you really didn't believe that crap after all, but were just trying to be obnoxious.

LMAO...weak dodge.

No dodge, either admit what you said, in context, is crazy, or admit you were just spouting crap. Your choice.

All governments fail.
Collapse,partitioning, reconstruction is the standard pattern.

Your post implied that helping blacks would somehow cause your imagined collapse. Obviously you are trying to distance yourself from your complete post and the context in which it was made. Good enough. You admit the intended meaning in your post was just spouting crap. Good for you.

Which post?

What #?

This one

Yes..think of the poor blacks! We must "help" them.


Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction are the future of this country.
LMAO...weak dodge.

No dodge, either admit what you said, in context, is crazy, or admit you were just spouting crap. Your choice.

All governments fail.
Collapse,partitioning, reconstruction is the standard pattern.

Your post implied that helping blacks would somehow cause your imagined collapse. Obviously you are trying to distance yourself from your complete post and the context in which it was made. Good enough. You admit the intended meaning in your post was just spouting crap. Good for you.

Which post?

What #?

This one

Yes..think of the poor blacks! We must "help" them.


Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction are the future of this country.

Can you quote it directly? Can you give me the number.You know how this works.
I'm not chasing around looking for things at your direction, son.
No dodge, either admit what you said, in context, is crazy, or admit you were just spouting crap. Your choice.

All governments fail.
Collapse,partitioning, reconstruction is the standard pattern.

Your post implied that helping blacks would somehow cause your imagined collapse. Obviously you are trying to distance yourself from your complete post and the context in which it was made. Good enough. You admit the intended meaning in your post was just spouting crap. Good for you.

Which post?

What #?

This one

Yes..think of the poor blacks! We must "help" them.


Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction are the future of this country.

Can you quote it directly? Can you give me the number.You know how this works.
I'm not chasing around looking for things at your direction, son.

I already tracked it down once , and have no desire to do it again.Sorry if you don't remember what you posted.
All governments fail.
Collapse,partitioning, reconstruction is the standard pattern.

Your post implied that helping blacks would somehow cause your imagined collapse. Obviously you are trying to distance yourself from your complete post and the context in which it was made. Good enough. You admit the intended meaning in your post was just spouting crap. Good for you.

Which post?

What #?

This one

Yes..think of the poor blacks! We must "help" them.


Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction are the future of this country.

Can you quote it directly? Can you give me the number.You know how this works.
I'm not chasing around looking for things at your direction, son.

I already tracked it down once , and have no desire to do it again.Sorry if you don't remember what you posted.

I don't need your cut and paste of some random comments...Just give me the post# or use the "quote" feature so we know it's legitimate...Don't evade.
Your post implied that helping blacks would somehow cause your imagined collapse. Obviously you are trying to distance yourself from your complete post and the context in which it was made. Good enough. You admit the intended meaning in your post was just spouting crap. Good for you.

Which post?

What #?

This one

Yes..think of the poor blacks! We must "help" them.


Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction are the future of this country.

Can you quote it directly? Can you give me the number.You know how this works.
I'm not chasing around looking for things at your direction, son.

I already tracked it down once , and have no desire to do it again.Sorry if you don't remember what you posted.

I don't need your cut and paste of some random comments...Just give me the post# or use the "quote" feature so we know it's legitimate...Don't evade.

Sorry if You insist on the information in a certain form. I already quoted it twice. I'm not going to track it down again just to find a number. If that's not enough for you, I guess you could hold your breath till you turn blue, but that still wouldn't make me mind like you want.
Yes..think of the poor blacks! We must "help" them.


Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction are the future of this country.

So you really think our country will not withstand the transition to a fair shot for everybody? How very unpatriotic of you. If you don't like it here, you are free to leave.

Like I said before.
Right wing battle cry..........................."THE SKY IS FALLING -- THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!!!!"
The sky is falling seems to be your motto. You declare things are unfair. Well, news alert-LIFE IS NOT FAIR. Never has been, never will be.
But, America is the land of opportunity. You just have to be willing to work hard, search for it, take risks for it, sacrifice for it, and grab it by the horns. If at first you fail, you pick yourself up off the ground, dust yourself off, regroup and start all over again. Nobody can make your dreams come true but you. And, guaranteed, you want it bad enough you will find it and do remember the American dream is not about money. It is much more than that It is about freedom, and happiness. For many, those 2 are more than enough to make them satisfied, and succesful within life. And when you achieve those, along with helping others, it is amazing how good things seem to happen.
Last edited:
Texas Monthly gave five reasons why the state won't flip blue. Find a copy and read it.
Which post?

What #?

This one

Yes..think of the poor blacks! We must "help" them.


Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction are the future of this country.

Can you quote it directly? Can you give me the number.You know how this works.
I'm not chasing around looking for things at your direction, son.

I already tracked it down once , and have no desire to do it again.Sorry if you don't remember what you posted.

I don't need your cut and paste of some random comments...Just give me the post# or use the "quote" feature so we know it's legitimate...Don't evade.

Sorry if You insist on the information in a certain form. I already quoted it twice. I'm not going to track it down again just to find a number. If that's not enough for you, I guess you could hold your breath till you turn blue, but that still wouldn't make me mind like you want.

In other words you're lying and that post doesn't exist ....so now that you're cornered you declare victory and run away.

What a clown...I saw right through you from the beginning.
Yes..think of the poor blacks! We must "help" them.


Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction are the future of this country.

So you really think our country will not withstand the transition to a fair shot for everybody? How very unpatriotic of you. If you don't like it here, you are free to leave.

Like I said before.
Right wing battle cry..........................."THE SKY IS FALLING -- THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!!!!"
The sky is falling seems to be your motto. You declare things are unfair. Well, news alert-LIFE IS NOT FAIR. Never has been, never will be.
But, America is the land of opportunity. You just have to be willing to work hard, search for it, take risks for it, sacrifice for it, and grab it by the horns. If at first you fail, you pick yourself up off the ground, dust yourself off, regroup and start all over again. Nobody can make your dreams come true but you. And, guaranteed, you want it bad enough you will find it and do remember the American dream is not about money. It is much more than that It is about freedom, and happiness. For many, those 2 are more than enough to make them satisfied, and succesful within life. And when you achieve those, along with helping others, it is amazing how good things seem to happen.

I can't say I ever had to explain how I just insulted someone, but OK...I'll type slowly so you might get it this time. When I say "The sky is falling", I really don't think it is. I'm ridiculing the right wing idiots that are constantly saying the country is collapsing because of Obama, Marriage equality, the use of fluoride, or any of the limitless other silly things that they stay up at night worrying about and whining about on silly little message boards. That little phrase sums up their entire lives in a few words.
All that flowery language would make a good heartwarming line to sum up the ending of that old Little House on the Prairie show, but it just doesn't cut it for people who are denied their rights or a living wage by the GOP/TP policies.
Fool..no one said the country is collapsing BECAUSE of obama...the country has been collapsing since the sixties...obama is working hard and doing his part, though. Believe that.
Fool..no one said the country is collapsing BECAUSE of obama...the country has been collapsing since the sixties...obama is working hard and doing his part, though. Believe that.

No one said the country is collapsing because of Obama? What cave have you been in? It's part of almost every right winger/teabagger utterance ever heard. You might claim ignorance of some facts and get away with it, but I'm calling BULLSHIT on that one.

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