What Will Obama and Bill Clinton’s Legacy Be?

By the time Trump leaves office nothing will remain of Obama's presidency but the pictures. That will be his legacy.

Bill will be remembered for Monica, and the sheer luck of having the IT expansion occur during his term. He was smart enough to stay out of the way.
Say the words 'Bill Clinton' and the 1st thing that comes up in people's minds is the embarrassing display of him looking the entire world in the eye on camera and saying, 'I did not have sex with that woman'...which of course was a huge lie that blew up in his face not long after that.

People, at that point, then remember how he was a criminal life-long sexual deviant who sexually harassed, sexually assaulted, raped, and had adulterous affairs with women...and later preyed on children....

Then they tend to remember his wife was / is Hillary, the woman who is a life-long sexual deviant ENABLER, scandal queen, Influence Peddling, National Security-jeopardizing, US citizen-sacrificing traitor who could not win her own party's nomination without cheeting / breaking laws and ended up a 2-Time loser.

As far as Barry goes, any SANE, non-brainwashed person remembers how for 8 years he aided, abetted, financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, and even dragged the US Un-Constitutionally to war to help TERRORISTS....armed Mexican Drug cartels....refused to enforce US Immigration laws, protected human traffickers & violent illegals....violated both US Constitution & US Law...illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices....Illegally 'weapon-ized' the IRS and used it against Americans who opposed his re-election.....

...but, thanks to Donald Trump, Obama's 'Legacy' - the one HE illegally built and left behind - is being eradicated.....wiped off the books.
Obama easily one of the lower1/4 on Presidential rankings.
Easily. So he went after Goldman-Sachs how?
Say the words 'Bill Clinton' and the 1st thing that comes up in people's minds is the embarrassing display of him looking the entire world in the eye on camera and saying, 'I did not have sex with that woman'...which of course was a huge lie that blew up in his face not long after that.

People, at that point, then remember how he was a criminal life-long sexual deviant who sexually harassed, sexually assaulted, raped, and had adulterous affairs with women...and later preyed on children....

Then they tend to remember his wife was / is Hillary, the woman who is a life-long sexual deviant ENABLER, scandal queen, Influence Peddling, National Security-jeopardizing, US citizen-sacrificing traitor who could not win her own party's nomination without cheeting / breaking laws and ended up a 2-Time loser.

As far as Barry goes, any SANE, non-brainwashed person remembers how for 8 years he aided, abetted, financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, and even dragged the US Un-Constitutionally to war to help TERRORISTS....armed Mexican Drug cartels....refused to enforce US Immigration laws, protected human traffickers & violent illegals....violated both US Constitution & US Law...illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices....Illegally 'weapon-ized' the IRS and used it against Americans who opposed his re-election.....

...but, thanks to Donald Trump, Obama's 'Legacy' - the one HE illegally built and left behind - is being eradicated.....wiped off the books.
Obama easily one of the lower1/4 on Presidential rankings.
Easily. So he went after Goldman-Sachs how?
Presidential rankings...he is in the top quarter.
Trump makes Clinton look like a saint...
Really? Trump has cheated on his wife in the Oval Office?
Trump is on his 3rd wife and we know he cheated on each one with the new one. Clinton is still married to his first wife. We have Trump on tape talking about grabbing women. Trump is paying off porn stars to be quiet about their affairs. Yeah, Clinton looks like a saint in comparison.
She stuck with the asshole. At least Trump had the decency to divorce his wives so they were not publicly humiliated on a daily basis. Bill is a dickhead.
He didn’t divorce Melania when he took up with Stormy.
Stormy is a lying publicity hound porn star who takes on 6 guys at a time. She wanted to run for Governor of Louisiana. She is a joke.
She is a joke...a very rich joke who has trump by the short (pubic) hairs.
Obama - worst President ever

Slick Willy - most scumbag President ever

Crooked Hillary - most corrupt Presidential candidate ever
Trump makes Clinton look like a saint...
Really? Trump has cheated on his wife in the Oval Office?
Trump is on his 3rd wife and we know he cheated on each one with the new one. Clinton is still married to his first wife. We have Trump on tape talking about grabbing women. Trump is paying off porn stars to be quiet about their affairs. Yeah, Clinton looks like a saint in comparison.
She stuck with the asshole. At least Trump had the decency to divorce his wives so they were not publicly humiliated on a daily basis. Bill is a dickhead.
He didn’t divorce Melania when he took up with Stormy.
So how
Really? Trump has cheated on his wife in the Oval Office?
Trump is on his 3rd wife and we know he cheated on each one with the new one. Clinton is still married to his first wife. We have Trump on tape talking about grabbing women. Trump is paying off porn stars to be quiet about their affairs. Yeah, Clinton looks like a saint in comparison.
She stuck with the asshole. At least Trump had the decency to divorce his wives so they were not publicly humiliated on a daily basis. Bill is a dickhead.
He didn’t divorce Melania when he took up with Stormy.
Stormy is a lying publicity hound porn star who takes on 6 guys at a time. She wanted to run for Governor of Louisiana. She is a joke.
She is a joke...a very rich joke who has trump by the short (pubic) hairs.
Could be Coyote...we will see. :beer:
By the time Trump leaves office nothing will remain of Obama's presidency but the pictures. That will be his legacy.

Bill will be remembered for Monica, and the sheer luck of having the IT expansion occur during his term. He was smart enough to stay out of the way.

Since Crooked Hillary didn't get elected Obama will always have the distinction of being considered the worst President this country ever had, much to pleasure of Jimmy Carter, who use to have that dishonor.
16yrs peace and prosperity (more or less)
Bill Clinton bombed 9 different countries.
Obama allowed ISIS to take over Iraq.
Bill Clinton's mortgage policies caused the Great Recession.
Obama's over-regulation caused a stagnant economy for 8 years.

Somehow the Stock Market (Trump's barometer of economic success) rose 149%--Doubled and one half--during the period of "over regulation". You simply have no earthly idea what you're talking about.
the economy didn't grow

GDP rose under Obama
Hiring rose under Obama compared to Bush

Again, you have no earthly idea what you're talking about.

The Democrat whose image I use for my avatar was probably the last good Democrat this country will ever see. This is a quote of his ... Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.

Your opinons appear to more of wishful thinking or even assumptions .... Your assumptions are your windows on the world. "Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in.”




Now - i sincerely hope the data in these graphs are not too much of a burden on your struggling intellect - but I fear that will be the case.
Say the words 'Bill Clinton' and the 1st thing that comes up in people's minds is the embarrassing display of him looking the entire world in the eye on camera and saying, 'I did not have sex with that woman'...which of course was a huge lie that blew up in his face not long after that.

People, at that point, then remember how he was a criminal life-long sexual deviant who sexually harassed, sexually assaulted, raped, and had adulterous affairs with women...and later preyed on children....

Then they tend to remember his wife was / is Hillary, the woman who is a life-long sexual deviant ENABLER, scandal queen, Influence Peddling, National Security-jeopardizing, US citizen-sacrificing traitor who could not win her own party's nomination without cheeting / breaking laws and ended up a 2-Time loser.

As far as Barry goes, any SANE, non-brainwashed person remembers how for 8 years he aided, abetted, financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, and even dragged the US Un-Constitutionally to war to help TERRORISTS....armed Mexican Drug cartels....refused to enforce US Immigration laws, protected human traffickers & violent illegals....violated both US Constitution & US Law...illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices....Illegally 'weapon-ized' the IRS and used it against Americans who opposed his re-election.....

...but, thanks to Donald Trump, Obama's 'Legacy' - the one HE illegally built and left behind - is being eradicated.....wiped off the books.
Obama easily one of the lower1/4 on Presidential rankings.
Easily. So he went after Goldman-Sachs how?
Presidential rankings...he is in the top quarter.
Yes, among snowflakes ge is a demi-god, I'm sure. The 2 are basically a Muslim Extremist Sympathiser and a rapist/pedophile...

Both did untold damage to this nation, none more than Barry....
Say the words 'Bill Clinton' and the 1st thing that comes up in people's minds is the embarrassing display of him looking the entire world in the eye on camera and saying, 'I did not have sex with that woman'...which of course was a huge lie that blew up in his face not long after that.

People, at that point, then remember how he was a criminal life-long sexual deviant who sexually harassed, sexually assaulted, raped, and had adulterous affairs with women...and later preyed on children....

Then they tend to remember his wife was / is Hillary, the woman who is a life-long sexual deviant ENABLER, scandal queen, Influence Peddling, National Security-jeopardizing, US citizen-sacrificing traitor who could not win her own party's nomination without cheeting / breaking laws and ended up a 2-Time loser.

As far as Barry goes, any SANE, non-brainwashed person remembers how for 8 years he aided, abetted, financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, and even dragged the US Un-Constitutionally to war to help TERRORISTS....armed Mexican Drug cartels....refused to enforce US Immigration laws, protected human traffickers & violent illegals....violated both US Constitution & US Law...illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices....Illegally 'weapon-ized' the IRS and used it against Americans who opposed his re-election.....

...but, thanks to Donald Trump, Obama's 'Legacy' - the one HE illegally built and left behind - is being eradicated.....wiped off the books.
Donald Trump

Nuff said
President Obama's legacy

1. His election was a landmark in the history of the United States of America.
2. He kick-started the debate on how to establish decent health care for everyone.

President Clinton's legacy

1. He showed that Democrats (if they are not too left-wing) and Republicans (if they are not too right-wing) can work together in a civil manner for the benefit of the nation.
I tell you what. I used to despise Slick Willie Clinton. After 8 years of Odummy, Clinton actually walked the center of the isle. Odummy, not so much


True. Clinton was forced to the center by a Republican Congress. Obama was too steeped in Communist ideology to budge from the far left. Clinton legacy will be of forced moderation. Obama's will be quickly forgotten except for the failed Obamacare fiasco.
16yrs peace and prosperity (more or less)

Two wars that started before Obama and are still continuing is considered peace by you? I bet we have veterans that would disagree with you.

Clinton in charge when the dot com bubble blew up?
Somewhere down on the list. Perhaps around Millard Fillmore.
Millard Fillmore: Forgotten

Worse....as we get farther away from this period in time, the will to protect these two vile men won't exist.....the greatest political scandal in American history was coordinated with obama and hilary behind it......the Iran nuclear deal, the bad deals with North Korea, the Russian collusion between hilary a Russia and the corruption of the clinton foundation will not stay protected......the truth will come out and they will both be seen as the vile human beings they actually are...
What Will Obama and Bill Clinton’s Legacy Be?
That they’ve managed to get the best rental agreement in history by living rent-free in millions of conservative snowflake’s heads?
What Will Obama and Bill Clinton’s Legacy Be?
That they’ve managed to get the best rental agreement in history by living rent-free in millions of conservative snowflake’s heads?

I don't see anything wrong with discussing past Presidents, nor past failed candidates like Hillary, the poster child for Failure.
What Will Obama and Bill Clinton’s Legacy Be?
That they’ve managed to get the best rental agreement in history by living rent-free in millions of conservative snowflake’s heads?

I don't see anything wrong with discussing past Presidents, nor past failed candidates like Hillary, the poster child for Failure.

Proud of Clinton and Obama’s records as President. They currently and will forever be superior to their successors.

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