What Will Obama and Bill Clinton’s Legacy Be?

16yrs peace and prosperity (more or less)
Clinton signed NAFTA and millions lost their jobs. Obama was sooooo good...his legacy was rejected by the election of Donald J. Trump! :21:
NAFTA negotiations began during the Reagan administration and Bush 41 signed the agreement with Mexico & Canada on Dec 17, 1992 before Clinton was even sworn in as President. When NAFTA came up for a vote in Congress, it received overwhelming support from the GOP side of the House and Senate (only 43 R's voted no in the House and the R's had the majority of Yea votes).

Clinton signed the Bill as it was the will of the people. The Republicans own NAFTA, lock, stock and barrel, and have from its inception!

Regarding legacies, the Chief Clown's will be removal from office in disgrace by the People.
Clinton did what to the bill?
My top 10
Bush #1
16yrs peace and prosperity (more or less)
Clinton signed NAFTA and millions lost their jobs. Obama was sooooo good...his legacy was rejected by the election of Donald J. Trump! :21:
NAFTA negotiations began during the Reagan administration and Bush 41 signed the agreement with Mexico & Canada on Dec 17, 1992 before Clinton was even sworn in as President. When NAFTA came up for a vote in Congress, it received overwhelming support from the GOP side of the House and Senate (only 43 R's voted no in the House and the R's had the majority of Yea votes).

Clinton signed the Bill as it was the will of the people. The Republicans own NAFTA, lock, stock and barrel, and have from its inception!

Regarding legacies, the Chief Clown's will be removal from office in disgrace by the People.
Clinton did what to the bill?
If you can't comprehend my post to you, perhaps you should get someone to explain it to you! If you're trying to play fucking games, don't attempt to avoid admitting the Republican ownership of NAFTA! If you need help beyond that, you're on your own!
16yrs peace and prosperity (more or less)
Clinton signed NAFTA and millions lost their jobs. Obama was sooooo good...his legacy was rejected by the election of Donald J. Trump! :21:
NAFTA negotiations began during the Reagan administration and Bush 41 signed the agreement with Mexico & Canada on Dec 17, 1992 before Clinton was even sworn in as President. When NAFTA came up for a vote in Congress, it received overwhelming support from the GOP side of the House and Senate (only 43 R's voted no in the House and the R's had the majority of Yea votes).

Clinton signed the Bill as it was the will of the people. The Republicans own NAFTA, lock, stock and barrel, and have from its inception!

Regarding legacies, the Chief Clown's will be removal from office in disgrace by the People.
Clinton did what to the bill?
If you can't comprehend my post to you, perhaps you should get someone to explain it to you! If you're trying to play fucking games, don't attempt to avoid admitting the Republican ownership of NAFTA! If you need help beyond that, you're on your own!
Clinton did what to the bill? He had two choices. He blew it.
16yrs peace and prosperity (more or less)
Clinton signed NAFTA and millions lost their jobs. Obama was sooooo good...his legacy was rejected by the election of Donald J. Trump! :21:

Yeah thats true but its too bad you are so biased towards the republicans and non objective about them obviously with your user name and avatar being a dead give away:rolleyes-41: that you ignore the corruption of Clintons Buddies the Bushs since naturally,,they are REPUBLICANS.:rolleyes-41:
Perhaps they should build a shrine to Obama featuring him standing with Beau Bergdahl and Chelsea Manning.
16yrs peace and prosperity (more or less)
Clinton signed NAFTA and millions lost their jobs. Obama was sooooo good...his legacy was rejected by the election of Donald J. Trump! :21:

Yeah and his fellow warmonger buddie Bush sr you worship,said READ MY LIPS,THERE WILL BE NO TAXES and did exactly that.:asshole:
You are an NFL football fan. Speaks volumes about your intelligence.[/QUOTE

Like clockwork form you,as always,nice game of dodgeball and evasion of pesky facts you cant counter so have to change the subject when cornered and backed up against the wall.:yes_text12:

someone who has an avatar of and user name of that asshole is hardly anyone to tell another poster they lack intelligence.:iyfyus.jpg: how much does the republican party pay you to embarrass yourself here everyday and evade facts?:itsok:

oh and nice assumption there,i USED to be an NFL fan..the NFL like our government now though is so corrupt,i never even watch it anymore,NOT EVEN THE RAMS. with the exception of when they play the 49ers twice a year but thats IT.:laughing0301:

two games a year hardly makes me an NFL football fan. these days i pretty much only buy old NFL games over the net from yesteryear when the game was NOT corrupt as it is now.

Like clockwork form you,as always,nice game of dodgeball and evasion of pesky facts you cant counter so have to change the subject when cornered and backed up against the wall.:yes_text12:

someone who has an avatar of and user name of that asshole is hardly anyone to tell another poster they lack intelligence.:iyfyus.jpg: how much does the republican party pay you to embarrass yourself here everyday and evade facts?:itsok:

oh and nice assumption there,i USED to be an NFL fan..the NFL like our government now though is so corrupt,i never even watch it anymore,NOT EVEN THE RAMS. with the exception of when they play the 49ers twice a year but thats IT.:laughing0301:

two games a year hardly makes me an NFL football fan. these days i pretty much only buy old NFL games over the net from yesteryear when the game was NOT corrupt as it is now.

I ONLY have my user name i have now cause i have waited 20 years foe the Rams to come back to LA to enjoy that CALIFORNIA old rivalry again with the niners.LOL A DREAM COME TRUE.YAHOO!!!!!!!

I LOST interest in the NFL 20 years ago when the corrupt NFL allowed the rams to move out of LA charlie.:ahole-1:
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16yrs peace and prosperity (more or less)
Clinton signed NAFTA and millions lost their jobs. Obama was sooooo good...his legacy was rejected by the election of Donald J. Trump! :21:

The 10 worst presidents: Besides Trump, whom do scholars scorn the most?
Dead last. That’s where a group of presidential scholars placed Donald Trump in the pantheon of American presidents

Sales on Prep H are going to skyrocket.
These people call themselves historians and let political ideology cloud their view. Real professional. They are a joke.
You are the joke. Trump is one of the worst Presidents.

BOTH of you are jokes,HIM of always evading facts how Bush at the time was the most destructive president ever till clinton topped him and YOU for being on the drugs you are saying trump is one of the worst presidents ever when he has been MUCH better than ALL these stupid ass clown presidents we have had going back the last 40 years charlie.:abgg2q.jpg:
Somewhere down on the list. Perhaps around Millard Fillmore.
Millard Fillmore: Forgotten
Clinton: Competent but sleazy
Obama: Simply inconsequential

Trump: Inconsequential and sleazy
Candy, you are doubtless a dingbat, but not even the dingiest of dingbats could call Trump inconsequential.

In a few years, people like you will be ashamed to admit they voted for Trump….if you’re not already. PS: You should be.
Why? He’s doing a great job despite establishment being against him.

Especially considering he’s the establishment himself dumbfuck
16yrs peace and prosperity (more or less)
Clinton signed NAFTA and millions lost their jobs. Obama was sooooo good...his legacy was rejected by the election of Donald J. Trump! :21:

Clinton had an incredibly strong economy. We had welfare reform. Crime plummeted. Balanced the budget. It was one of the best times we have had.
It was a great decade followed by a nightmare of illegals getting our work during "W".

a nightmare of illegals getting our work during "W".

W was a disaster for sure...

amen to that.:2up:
Not enough time has expired to evaluate. College professoriate still in love with Clinton’s and Obama. Let them die off and history march on. Obama and Clinton legacy will be a pimple in time. That is my prediction.

While I agree with you on the lens of time - Clinton has been out of office long enough to evaluate decently. These aren't pop ratings.
View attachment 191193

You took the OP to school. and just OWNED his ass.:beer::clap::thankusmile:

He cant handle pesky facts that Reagan at the time,got us into the worst deficit EVER worse than every president before us COMBINED and got the ball rolling for the destruction of america each president contiuned-thank god for trump,he is reversing their corruption He cant come to grips with reality that bastard reagan got us into the worst deficit ever and bastard Bush SR did even worse.:iyfyus.jpg:

Not surprising that Obama is the winner though the FACT he took a page out of Reagans book and said he wanted to be like Reagan.That he sure was.:abgg2q.jpg:
16yrs peace and prosperity (more or less)
Bill Clinton bombed 9 different countries.
Obama allowed ISIS to take over Iraq.
Bill Clinton's mortgage policies caused the Great Recession.
Obama's over-regulation caused a stagnant economy for 8 years.

Yes that is all true but same as the OP,you are obviously biased on the republicans as well forgetting how Bush H W said-Read My Lips,there will be no new taxes,then he gave us new taxes. Plus THIS excellent piece posted earlier by somebody how bastard Reagan betrayed Americans and ruined America with the worst deficit ever at the time,and THEN Bush made it even worse.:2up:


This poster is objective unlike you and the OP and most the posters here,he sees how BOTH parties starting with bastard reagan all the way up to Obama,have all betrayed Americans.:2up::beer:

I am optimistic based on the facts Trump might break that trend though.I sure hope so.
He cant handle pesky facts that Reagan at the time,got us into the worst deficit EVER worse than every president before us COMBINED
And Reagan accomplished something with it - he brought down the Berlin Wall and facilitated the downfall of the Soviet Union The Reagan deficit was ...

$165,000,000, 000 [9 zeroes]

The Obama deficit is

1,330,000,000,000,000 [12 zeroes]

And what did Obama accomplish - NADA .... unless of course you consider that his goal was the downfall of the United States
Clinton: Competent but sleazy
Obama: Simply inconsequential

Trump: Inconsequential and sleazy
Candy, you are doubtless a dingbat, but not even the dingiest of dingbats could call Trump inconsequential.

In a few years, people like you will be ashamed to admit they voted for Trump….if you’re not already. PS: You should be.
Why? He’s doing a great job despite establishment being against him.

Especially considering he’s the establishment himself dumbfuck
Feeble. but par.
Say the words 'Bill Clinton' and the 1st thing that comes up in people's minds is the embarrassing display of him looking the entire world in the eye on camera and saying, 'I did not have sex with that woman'...which of course was a huge lie that blew up in his face not long after that.

People, at that point, then remember how he was a criminal life-long sexual deviant who sexually harassed, sexually assaulted, raped, and had adulterous affairs with women...and later preyed on children....

Then they tend to remember his wife was / is Hillary, the woman who is a life-long sexual deviant ENABLER, scandal queen, Influence Peddling, National Security-jeopardizing, US citizen-sacrificing traitor who could not win her own party's nomination without cheeting / breaking laws and ended up a 2-Time loser.

As far as Barry goes, any SANE, non-brainwashed person remembers how for 8 years he aided, abetted, financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, and even dragged the US Un-Constitutionally to war to help TERRORISTS....armed Mexican Drug cartels....refused to enforce US Immigration laws, protected human traffickers & violent illegals....violated both US Constitution & US Law...illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices....Illegally 'weapon-ized' the IRS and used it against Americans who opposed his re-election.....

...but, thanks to Donald Trump, Obama's 'Legacy' - the one HE illegally built and left behind - is being eradicated.....wiped off the books.
Obama easily one of the lower1/4 on Presidential rankings.
He is not that low on any ranking

Bush is
Trump was the complete rejection of Obama.
Trump was the complete rejection of sanity

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