What Will Obama and Bill Clinton’s Legacy Be?

16yrs peace and prosperity (more or less)
Clinton signed NAFTA and millions lost their jobs. Obama was sooooo good...his legacy was rejected by the election of Donald J. Trump! :21:

The 10 worst presidents: Besides Trump, whom do scholars scorn the most?
Dead last. That’s where a group of presidential scholars placed Donald Trump in the pantheon of American presidents

Sales on Prep H are going to skyrocket.
/——/ BS - no scholars will judge a president 1 year in and compare it to an 8 year term. It’s intellectually dishonest. Bunch of sore loser snowflakes.
Say the words 'Bill Clinton' and the 1st thing that comes up in people's minds is the embarrassing display of him looking the entire world in the eye on camera and saying, 'I did not have sex with that woman'...which of course was a huge lie that blew up in his face not long after that.

People, at that point, then remember how he was a criminal life-long sexual deviant who sexually harassed, sexually assaulted, raped, and had adulterous affairs with women...and later preyed on children....

Then they tend to remember his wife was / is Hillary, the woman who is a life-long sexual deviant ENABLER, scandal queen, Influence Peddling, National Security-jeopardizing, US citizen-sacrificing traitor who could not win her own party's nomination without cheeting / breaking laws and ended up a 2-Time loser.

As far as Barry goes, any SANE, non-brainwashed person remembers how for 8 years he aided, abetted, financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, and even dragged the US Un-Constitutionally to war to help TERRORISTS....armed Mexican Drug cartels....refused to enforce US Immigration laws, protected human traffickers & violent illegals....violated both US Constitution & US Law...illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices....Illegally 'weapon-ized' the IRS and used it against Americans who opposed his re-election.....

...but, thanks to Donald Trump, Obama's 'Legacy' - the one HE illegally built and left behind - is being eradicated.....wiped off the books.
Obama easily one of the lower1/4 on Presidential rankings.
He is not that low on any ranking

Bush is
Trump was the complete rejection of Obama.
Trump was the complete rejection of sanity
Basically, like LBJ,, Nixon and Carter who preceded Reagan or the string g of presidents who preceded Lincoln <except Polk>, president Clinton (2nd term), Bush II and Obama who Trump succeeded are failures. History repeats itself and America is made great again.
Obama Legacy ?
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