What Will Obama and Bill Clinton’s Legacy Be?

He cant handle pesky facts that Reagan at the time,got us into the worst deficit EVER worse than every president before us COMBINED
And Reagan accomplished something with it - he brought down the Berlin Wall and facilitated the downfall of the Soviet Union The Reagan deficit was ...

$165,000,000, 000 [9 zeroes]

The Obama deficit is

1,330,000,000,000,000 [12 zeroes]

And what did Obama accomplish - NADA .... unless of course you consider that his goal was the downfall of the United States

that is ANOTHER myth of Reagan that is untrue that he brought down the Berlin Wall. The collapse of the berlin wall happend from within the soviet union.would not have mattered who was president. here is the REAL story on what really happened. The reaganut zombies cannot handle that little pesky fact though and are in denial mode,they only see what they WANT to see on reagan.:cuckoo:

“Reagan is a murderer and a fascist!” demonstrators chanted.

Feelings for Reagan were no warmer in the East.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
The Hollow Mythology of Ronald Reagan

Never mind Polish trade unionists, Soviet politicians or East German dissidents, it was British and American politicians and popstars who made all the crucial interventions, right?:biggrin:

Some 45,000 Berliners witnessed Reagan’s wall speech, compared to the 450,000 people who attended John F Kennedy’s “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech in 1963 – in other western parts of the city, there were demonstrations against the US president’s visit. Coverage of the event was only published in the back pages of the major international papers. German weekly Die Zeit did not even quote his request to Gorbachev.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
From Reagan to Hasselhoff: 5 people who didn’t bring down the Berlin Wall

as you see here,Russians hated that bastard Reagan,look at the turnout HE had when he was there compared to Kennedy,our last GREAT president and last REAL president who served the people instead of the bankers and even the Russians could see that in him that unlike bastard reagan,he WAS man of world peace.

Ever notice the ones trying to save this country from DEMOcraticILLNESS end up dead.
The Demonuts will stop at nothing to keep their power.

Since Regan didn't die he got a warning shot, or the intended shooter missed and they lost their chance to take him out. Either way the attempt to kill him was there.....

Leftist can't figure out how all the wrongs come from the democratic left KKK included.

Oh yeah and since he lived he had to play their games. Do it or die.

Here is faggot Reagan mocking people like green bean and bodecia knowing he pulled the wool over their heads in their worshipping of him as they do.:abgg2q.jpg::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

Last edited:
He cant handle pesky facts that Reagan at the time,got us into the worst deficit EVER worse than every president before us COMBINED
And Reagan accomplished something with it - he brought down the Berlin Wall and facilitated the downfall of the Soviet Union The Reagan deficit was ...

$165,000,000, 000 [9 zeroes]

The Obama deficit is

1,330,000,000,000,000 [12 zeroes]

And what did Obama accomplish - NADA .... unless of course you consider that his goal was the downfall of the United States

that is ANOTHER myth of Reagan that is untrue that he brought down the Berlin Wall. The collapse of the berlin wall happend from within the soviet union.would not have mattered who was president. here is the REAL story on what really happened. The reaganut zombies cannot handle that little pesky fact though and are in denial mode,they only see what they WANT to see on reagan.:cuckoo:

“Reagan is a murderer and a fascist!” demonstrators chanted.

Feelings for Reagan were no warmer in the East.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
The Hollow Mythology of Ronald Reagan

Never mind Polish trade unionists, Soviet politicians or East German dissidents, it was British and American politicians and popstars who made all the crucial interventions, right?:biggrin:

Some 45,000 Berliners witnessed Reagan’s wall speech, compared to the 450,000 people who attended John F Kennedy’s “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech in 1963 – in other western parts of the city, there were demonstrations against the US president’s visit. Coverage of the event was only published in the back pages of the major international papers. German weekly Die Zeit did not even quote his request to Gorbachev.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
From Reagan to Hasselhoff: 5 people who didn’t bring down the Berlin Wall

as you see here,Russians hated that bastard Reagan,look at the turnout HE had when he was there compared to Kennedy,our last GREAT president and last REAL president who served the people instead of the bankers and even the Russians could see that in him that unlike bastard reagan,he WAS man of world peace.

Ever notice the ones trying to save this country from DEMOcraticILLNESS end up dead.
The Demonuts will stop at nothing to keep their power.

Since Regan didn't die he got a warning shot, or the intended shooter missed and they lost their chance to take him out. Either way the attempt to kill him was there.....

Leftist can't figure out how all the wrongs come from the democratic left KKK included.

Oh yeah and since he lived he had to play their games. Do it or die.

Here is faggot Reagan mocking people like green bean and bodecia knowing he pulled the wool over their heads in their worshipping of him as they do.:abgg2q.jpg::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

He cant handle pesky facts that Reagan at the time,got us into the worst deficit EVER worse than every president before us COMBINED
And Reagan accomplished something with it - he brought down the Berlin Wall and facilitated the downfall of the Soviet Union The Reagan deficit was ...

$165,000,000, 000 [9 zeroes]

The Obama deficit is

1,330,000,000,000,000 [12 zeroes]

And what did Obama accomplish - NADA .... unless of course you consider that his goal was the downfall of the United States

that is ANOTHER myth of Reagan that is untrue that he brought down the Berlin Wall. The collapse of the berlin wall happend from within the soviet union.would not have mattered who was president. here is the REAL story on what really happened. The reaganut zombies cannot handle that little pesky fact though and are in denial mode,they only see what they WANT to see on reagan.:cuckoo:

“Reagan is a murderer and a fascist!” demonstrators chanted.

Feelings for Reagan were no warmer in the East.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
The Hollow Mythology of Ronald Reagan

Never mind Polish trade unionists, Soviet politicians or East German dissidents, it was British and American politicians and popstars who made all the crucial interventions, right?:biggrin:

Some 45,000 Berliners witnessed Reagan’s wall speech, compared to the 450,000 people who attended John F Kennedy’s “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech in 1963 – in other western parts of the city, there were demonstrations against the US president’s visit. Coverage of the event was only published in the back pages of the major international papers. German weekly Die Zeit did not even quote his request to Gorbachev.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
From Reagan to Hasselhoff: 5 people who didn’t bring down the Berlin Wall

as you see here,Russians hated that bastard Reagan,look at the turnout HE had when he was there compared to Kennedy,our last GREAT president and last REAL president who served the people instead of the bankers and even the Russians could see that in him that unlike bastard reagan,he WAS man of world peace.

Ever notice the ones trying to save this country from DEMOcraticILLNESS end up dead.
The Demonuts will stop at nothing to keep their power.

Since Regan didn't die he got a warning shot, or the intended shooter missed and they lost their chance to take him out. Either way the attempt to kill him was there.....

Leftist can't figure out how all the wrongs come from the democratic left KKK included.

Oh yeah and since he lived he had to play their games. Do it or die.

Here is faggot Reagan mocking people like green bean and bodecia knowing he pulled the wool over their heads in their worshipping of him as they do.:abgg2q.jpg::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

He cant handle pesky facts that Reagan at the time,got us into the worst deficit EVER worse than every president before us COMBINED
And Reagan accomplished something with it - he brought down the Berlin Wall and facilitated the downfall of the Soviet Union The Reagan deficit was ...

$165,000,000, 000 [9 zeroes]

The Obama deficit is

1,330,000,000,000,000 [12 zeroes]

And what did Obama accomplish - NADA .... unless of course you consider that his goal was the downfall of the United States

that is ANOTHER myth of Reagan that is untrue that he brought down the Berlin Wall. The collapse of the berlin wall happend from within the soviet union.would not have mattered who was president. here is the REAL story on what really happened. The reaganut zombies cannot handle that little pesky fact though and are in denial mode,they only see what they WANT to see on reagan.:cuckoo:

“Reagan is a murderer and a fascist!” demonstrators chanted.

Feelings for Reagan were no warmer in the East.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
The Hollow Mythology of Ronald Reagan

Never mind Polish trade unionists, Soviet politicians or East German dissidents, it was British and American politicians and popstars who made all the crucial interventions, right?:biggrin:

Some 45,000 Berliners witnessed Reagan’s wall speech, compared to the 450,000 people who attended John F Kennedy’s “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech in 1963 – in other western parts of the city, there were demonstrations against the US president’s visit. Coverage of the event was only published in the back pages of the major international papers. German weekly Die Zeit did not even quote his request to Gorbachev.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
From Reagan to Hasselhoff: 5 people who didn’t bring down the Berlin Wall

as you see here,Russians hated that bastard Reagan,look at the turnout HE had when he was there compared to Kennedy,our last GREAT president and last REAL president who served the people instead of the bankers and even the Russians could see that in him that unlike bastard reagan,he WAS man of world peace.

Ever notice the ones trying to save this country from DEMOcraticILLNESS end up dead.
The Demonuts will stop at nothing to keep their power.

Since Regan didn't die he got a warning shot, or the intended shooter missed and they lost their chance to take him out. Either way the attempt to kill him was there.....

Leftist can't figure out how all the wrongs come from the democratic left KKK included.

Oh yeah and since he lived he had to play their games. Do it or die.

Here is faggot Reagan mocking people like green bean and bodecia knowing he pulled the wool over their heads in their worshipping of him as they do.:abgg2q.jpg::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

View attachment 192049

Yep it IS damn hard for you to win an argument with a smart person like me,no doubt when you lost a a game as a kid this is what you did all the time the fact that you had to insult when you got checkmated by me.

this is what you have done your whole life as a kid when getting owned in a debate no doubt the fact you did it with me in frustration of getting checkmated by me.

you reaganut zombies ALWAYS act this childish in defeat always throwing temper tantrems in frustration knowing you were OWNED:abgg2q.jpg::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
16yrs peace and prosperity (more or less)
Clinton signed NAFTA and millions lost their jobs. Obama was sooooo good...his legacy was rejected by the election of Donald J. Trump! :21:

Clinton had an incredibly strong economy. We had welfare reform. Crime plummeted. Balanced the budget. It was one of the best times we have had.
It was a great decade followed by a nightmare of illegals getting our work during "W".

a nightmare of illegals getting our work during "W".

W was a disaster for sure...

amen to that.:2up:
Mexico got our jobs under Clinton-Gore.

very true but your pal Bushwacker Jr CONTINUED what his pal Clinton got started.He hardly took steps to try and stop it.:abgg2q.jpg: as Trump a RINO has.:2up:
He cant handle pesky facts that Reagan at the time,got us into the worst deficit EVER worse than every president before us COMBINED
And Reagan accomplished something with it - he brought down the Berlin Wall and facilitated the downfall of the Soviet Union The Reagan deficit was ...

$165,000,000, 000 [9 zeroes]

The Obama deficit is

1,330,000,000,000,000 [12 zeroes]

And what did Obama accomplish - NADA .... unless of course you consider that his goal was the downfall of the United States

that is ANOTHER myth of Reagan that is untrue that he brought down the Berlin Wall. The collapse of the berlin wall happend from within the soviet union.would not have mattered who was president. here is the REAL story on what really happened. The reaganut zombies cannot handle that little pesky fact though and are in denial mode,they only see what they WANT to see on reagan.:cuckoo:

“Reagan is a murderer and a fascist!” demonstrators chanted.

Feelings for Reagan were no warmer in the East.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
The Hollow Mythology of Ronald Reagan

Never mind Polish trade unionists, Soviet politicians or East German dissidents, it was British and American politicians and popstars who made all the crucial interventions, right?:biggrin:

Some 45,000 Berliners witnessed Reagan’s wall speech, compared to the 450,000 people who attended John F Kennedy’s “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech in 1963 – in other western parts of the city, there were demonstrations against the US president’s visit. Coverage of the event was only published in the back pages of the major international papers. German weekly Die Zeit did not even quote his request to Gorbachev.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
From Reagan to Hasselhoff: 5 people who didn’t bring down the Berlin Wall

as you see here,Russians hated that bastard Reagan,look at the turnout HE had when he was there compared to Kennedy,our last GREAT president and last REAL president who served the people instead of the bankers and even the Russians could see that in him that unlike bastard reagan,he WAS man of world peace.

Ever notice the ones trying to save this country from DEMOcraticILLNESS end up dead.
The Demonuts will stop at nothing to keep their power.

Since Regan didn't die he got a warning shot, or the intended shooter missed and they lost their chance to take him out. Either way the attempt to kill him was there.....

Leftist can't figure out how all the wrongs come from the democratic left KKK included.

Oh yeah and since he lived he had to play their games. Do it or die.

Here is faggot Reagan mocking people like green bean and bodecia knowing he pulled the wool over their heads in their worshipping of him as they do.:abgg2q.jpg::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

View attachment 192050

good pic of yourself angry in defeat.:abgg2q.jpg::2up:

this is greenbean kid:206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206:
He cant handle pesky facts that Reagan at the time,got us into the worst deficit EVER worse than every president before us COMBINED
And Reagan accomplished something with it - he brought down the Berlin Wall and facilitated the downfall of the Soviet Union The Reagan deficit was ...

$165,000,000, 000 [9 zeroes]

The Obama deficit is

1,330,000,000,000,000 [12 zeroes]

And what did Obama accomplish - NADA .... unless of course you consider that his goal was the downfall of the United States

that is ANOTHER myth of Reagan that is untrue that he brought down the Berlin Wall. The collapse of the berlin wall happend from within the soviet union.would not have mattered who was president. here is the REAL story on what really happened. The reaganut zombies cannot handle that little pesky fact though and are in denial mode,they only see what they WANT to see on reagan.:cuckoo:

“Reagan is a murderer and a fascist!” demonstrators chanted.

Feelings for Reagan were no warmer in the East.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
The Hollow Mythology of Ronald Reagan

Never mind Polish trade unionists, Soviet politicians or East German dissidents, it was British and American politicians and popstars who made all the crucial interventions, right?:biggrin:

Some 45,000 Berliners witnessed Reagan’s wall speech, compared to the 450,000 people who attended John F Kennedy’s “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech in 1963 – in other western parts of the city, there were demonstrations against the US president’s visit. Coverage of the event was only published in the back pages of the major international papers. German weekly Die Zeit did not even quote his request to Gorbachev.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
From Reagan to Hasselhoff: 5 people who didn’t bring down the Berlin Wall

as you see here,Russians hated that bastard Reagan,look at the turnout HE had when he was there compared to Kennedy,our last GREAT president and last REAL president who served the people instead of the bankers and even the Russians could see that in him that unlike bastard reagan,he WAS man of world peace.

Ever notice the ones trying to save this country from DEMOcraticILLNESS end up dead.
The Demonuts will stop at nothing to keep their power.

Since Regan didn't die he got a warning shot, or the intended shooter missed and they lost their chance to take him out. Either way the attempt to kill him was there.....

Leftist can't figure out how all the wrongs come from the democratic left KKK included.

Oh yeah and since he lived he had to play their games. Do it or die.

Here is faggot Reagan mocking people like green bean and bodecia knowing he pulled the wool over their heads in their worshipping of him as they do.:abgg2q.jpg::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:


sure IS damn near impossible for me to win an argument with this stupid motherfucker troll green bean,that is so very true.:2up:

he clearly cant debate since he cowardly runs off from a challenge to read a book when this is what he did when i gave him a challenge to read a documented book on how RUSSIA was solely responsibe for their collapse,he did this-:scared1:

as always the reaganut lovers prove they only see what they WANT to see.:abgg2q.jpg:
He cant handle pesky facts that Reagan at the time,got us into the worst deficit EVER worse than every president before us COMBINED
And Reagan accomplished something with it - he brought down the Berlin Wall and facilitated the downfall of the Soviet Union The Reagan deficit was ...

$165,000,000, 000 [9 zeroes]

The Obama deficit is

1,330,000,000,000,000 [12 zeroes]

And what did Obama accomplish - NADA .... unless of course you consider that his goal was the downfall of the United States

that is ANOTHER myth of Reagan that is untrue that he brought down the Berlin Wall. The collapse of the berlin wall happend from within the soviet union.would not have mattered who was president. here is the REAL story on what really happened. The reaganut zombies cannot handle that little pesky fact though and are in denial mode,they only see what they WANT to see on reagan.:cuckoo:

“Reagan is a murderer and a fascist!” demonstrators chanted.

Feelings for Reagan were no warmer in the East.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
The Hollow Mythology of Ronald Reagan

Never mind Polish trade unionists, Soviet politicians or East German dissidents, it was British and American politicians and popstars who made all the crucial interventions, right?:biggrin:

Some 45,000 Berliners witnessed Reagan’s wall speech, compared to the 450,000 people who attended John F Kennedy’s “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech in 1963 – in other western parts of the city, there were demonstrations against the US president’s visit. Coverage of the event was only published in the back pages of the major international papers. German weekly Die Zeit did not even quote his request to Gorbachev.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
From Reagan to Hasselhoff: 5 people who didn’t bring down the Berlin Wall

as you see here,Russians hated that bastard Reagan,look at the turnout HE had when he was there compared to Kennedy,our last GREAT president and last REAL president who served the people instead of the bankers and even the Russians could see that in him that unlike bastard reagan,he WAS man of world peace.

Ever notice the ones trying to save this country from DEMOcraticILLNESS end up dead.
The Demonuts will stop at nothing to keep their power.

Since Regan didn't die he got a warning shot, or the intended shooter missed and they lost their chance to take him out. Either way the attempt to kill him was there.....

Leftist can't figure out how all the wrongs come from the democratic left KKK included.

Oh yeah and since he lived he had to play their games. Do it or die.

Here is faggot Reagan mocking people like green bean and bodecia knowing he pulled the wool over their heads in their worshipping of him as they do.:abgg2q.jpg::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:


sure IS damn near impossible for me to win an argument with this stupid motherfucker troll green bean,that is so very true.:2up:

he clearly cant debate since he cowardly runs off from a challenge to read a book when this is what he did when i gave him a challenge to read a documented book on how RUSSIA was solely responsibe for their collapse,he did this-:scared1:

as always the reaganut lovers prove they only see what they WANT to see.:abgg2q.jpg:

And Reagan accomplished something with it - he brought down the Berlin Wall and facilitated the downfall of the Soviet Union The Reagan deficit was ...

$165,000,000, 000 [9 zeroes]

The Obama deficit is

1,330,000,000,000,000 [12 zeroes]

And what did Obama accomplish - NADA .... unless of course you consider that his goal was the downfall of the United States

that is ANOTHER myth of Reagan that is untrue that he brought down the Berlin Wall. The collapse of the berlin wall happend from within the soviet union.would not have mattered who was president. here is the REAL story on what really happened. The reaganut zombies cannot handle that little pesky fact though and are in denial mode,they only see what they WANT to see on reagan.:cuckoo:

“Reagan is a murderer and a fascist!” demonstrators chanted.

Feelings for Reagan were no warmer in the East.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
The Hollow Mythology of Ronald Reagan

Never mind Polish trade unionists, Soviet politicians or East German dissidents, it was British and American politicians and popstars who made all the crucial interventions, right?:biggrin:

Some 45,000 Berliners witnessed Reagan’s wall speech, compared to the 450,000 people who attended John F Kennedy’s “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech in 1963 – in other western parts of the city, there were demonstrations against the US president’s visit. Coverage of the event was only published in the back pages of the major international papers. German weekly Die Zeit did not even quote his request to Gorbachev.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
From Reagan to Hasselhoff: 5 people who didn’t bring down the Berlin Wall

as you see here,Russians hated that bastard Reagan,look at the turnout HE had when he was there compared to Kennedy,our last GREAT president and last REAL president who served the people instead of the bankers and even the Russians could see that in him that unlike bastard reagan,he WAS man of world peace.

Ever notice the ones trying to save this country from DEMOcraticILLNESS end up dead.
The Demonuts will stop at nothing to keep their power.

Since Regan didn't die he got a warning shot, or the intended shooter missed and they lost their chance to take him out. Either way the attempt to kill him was there.....

Leftist can't figure out how all the wrongs come from the democratic left KKK included.

Oh yeah and since he lived he had to play their games. Do it or die.

Here is faggot Reagan mocking people like green bean and bodecia knowing he pulled the wool over their heads in their worshipping of him as they do.:abgg2q.jpg::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

View attachment 192050

good pic of yourself angry in defeat.:abgg2q.jpg::2up:

this is greenbean kid:206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206:
View attachment 192216 View attachment 192215 View attachment 192216
And Reagan accomplished something with it - he brought down the Berlin Wall and facilitated the downfall of the Soviet Union The Reagan deficit was ...

$165,000,000, 000 [9 zeroes]

The Obama deficit is

1,330,000,000,000,000 [12 zeroes]

And what did Obama accomplish - NADA .... unless of course you consider that his goal was the downfall of the United States

that is ANOTHER myth of Reagan that is untrue that he brought down the Berlin Wall. The collapse of the berlin wall happend from within the soviet union.would not have mattered who was president. here is the REAL story on what really happened. The reaganut zombies cannot handle that little pesky fact though and are in denial mode,they only see what they WANT to see on reagan.:cuckoo:

“Reagan is a murderer and a fascist!” demonstrators chanted.

Feelings for Reagan were no warmer in the East.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
The Hollow Mythology of Ronald Reagan

Never mind Polish trade unionists, Soviet politicians or East German dissidents, it was British and American politicians and popstars who made all the crucial interventions, right?:biggrin:

Some 45,000 Berliners witnessed Reagan’s wall speech, compared to the 450,000 people who attended John F Kennedy’s “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech in 1963 – in other western parts of the city, there were demonstrations against the US president’s visit. Coverage of the event was only published in the back pages of the major international papers. German weekly Die Zeit did not even quote his request to Gorbachev.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
From Reagan to Hasselhoff: 5 people who didn’t bring down the Berlin Wall

as you see here,Russians hated that bastard Reagan,look at the turnout HE had when he was there compared to Kennedy,our last GREAT president and last REAL president who served the people instead of the bankers and even the Russians could see that in him that unlike bastard reagan,he WAS man of world peace.

Ever notice the ones trying to save this country from DEMOcraticILLNESS end up dead.
The Demonuts will stop at nothing to keep their power.

Since Regan didn't die he got a warning shot, or the intended shooter missed and they lost their chance to take him out. Either way the attempt to kill him was there.....

Leftist can't figure out how all the wrongs come from the democratic left KKK included.

Oh yeah and since he lived he had to play their games. Do it or die.

Here is faggot Reagan mocking people like green bean and bodecia knowing he pulled the wool over their heads in their worshipping of him as they do.:abgg2q.jpg::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:


sure IS damn near impossible for me to win an argument with this stupid motherfucker troll green bean,that is so very true.:2up:

he clearly cant debate since he cowardly runs off from a challenge to read a book when this is what he did when i gave him a challenge to read a documented book on how RUSSIA was solely responsibe for their collapse,he did this-:scared1:

as always the reaganut lovers prove they only see what they WANT to see.:abgg2q.jpg:

View attachment 192215

yep stupidity is you greenbean indeed.LOL
He cant handle pesky facts that Reagan at the time,got us into the worst deficit EVER worse than every president before us COMBINED
And Reagan accomplished something with it - he brought down the Berlin Wall and facilitated the downfall of the Soviet Union The Reagan deficit was ...

$165,000,000, 000 [9 zeroes]

The Obama deficit is

1,330,000,000,000,000 [12 zeroes]

And what did Obama accomplish - NADA .... unless of course you consider that his goal was the downfall of the United States

that is ANOTHER myth of Reagan that is untrue that he brought down the Berlin Wall. The collapse of the berlin wall happend from within the soviet union.would not have mattered who was president. here is the REAL story on what really happened. The reaganut zombies cannot handle that little pesky fact though and are in denial mode,they only see what they WANT to see on reagan.:cuckoo:

“Reagan is a murderer and a fascist!” demonstrators chanted.

Feelings for Reagan were no warmer in the East.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
The Hollow Mythology of Ronald Reagan

Never mind Polish trade unionists, Soviet politicians or East German dissidents, it was British and American politicians and popstars who made all the crucial interventions, right?:biggrin:

Some 45,000 Berliners witnessed Reagan’s wall speech, compared to the 450,000 people who attended John F Kennedy’s “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech in 1963 – in other western parts of the city, there were demonstrations against the US president’s visit. Coverage of the event was only published in the back pages of the major international papers. German weekly Die Zeit did not even quote his request to Gorbachev.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
From Reagan to Hasselhoff: 5 people who didn’t bring down the Berlin Wall

as you see here,Russians hated that bastard Reagan,look at the turnout HE had when he was there compared to Kennedy,our last GREAT president and last REAL president who served the people instead of the bankers and even the Russians could see that in him that unlike bastard reagan,he WAS man of world peace.

Ever notice the ones trying to save this country from DEMOcraticILLNESS end up dead.
The Demonuts will stop at nothing to keep their power.

Since Regan didn't die he got a warning shot, or the intended shooter missed and they lost their chance to take him out. Either way the attempt to kill him was there.....

Leftist can't figure out how all the wrongs come from the democratic left KKK included.

Oh yeah and since he lived he had to play their games. Do it or die.

Here is faggot Reagan mocking people like green bean and bodecia knowing he pulled the wool over their heads in their worshipping of him as they do.:abgg2q.jpg::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:


sure IS damn near impossible for me to win an argument with this stupid motherfucker troll green bean,that is so very true.:2up:

he clearly cant debate since he cowardly runs off from a challenge to read a book when this is what he did when i gave him a challenge to read a documented book on how RUSSIA was solely responsibe for their collapse,he did this-:scared1:

as always the reaganut lovers prove they only see what they WANT to see.:abgg2q.jpg:

needs to be repeated since it is soooo true.:abgg2q.jpg:
greenbean when he cant counter pesky facts and gets frustrated shooting the MESSENGER instead of the researcher I REFERRED him to read the book of who documeted it in his his book. Let the butthurt flow.:206::206::206::206::206::206::206::abgg2q.jpg:


Last edited:
And Reagan accomplished something with it - he brought down the Berlin Wall and facilitated the downfall of the Soviet Union The Reagan deficit was ...

$165,000,000, 000 [9 zeroes]

The Obama deficit is

1,330,000,000,000,000 [12 zeroes]

And what did Obama accomplish - NADA .... unless of course you consider that his goal was the downfall of the United States

that is ANOTHER myth of Reagan that is untrue that he brought down the Berlin Wall. The collapse of the berlin wall happend from within the soviet union.would not have mattered who was president. here is the REAL story on what really happened. The reaganut zombies cannot handle that little pesky fact though and are in denial mode,they only see what they WANT to see on reagan.:cuckoo:

“Reagan is a murderer and a fascist!” demonstrators chanted.

Feelings for Reagan were no warmer in the East.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
The Hollow Mythology of Ronald Reagan

Never mind Polish trade unionists, Soviet politicians or East German dissidents, it was British and American politicians and popstars who made all the crucial interventions, right?:biggrin:

Some 45,000 Berliners witnessed Reagan’s wall speech, compared to the 450,000 people who attended John F Kennedy’s “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech in 1963 – in other western parts of the city, there were demonstrations against the US president’s visit. Coverage of the event was only published in the back pages of the major international papers. German weekly Die Zeit did not even quote his request to Gorbachev.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
From Reagan to Hasselhoff: 5 people who didn’t bring down the Berlin Wall

as you see here,Russians hated that bastard Reagan,look at the turnout HE had when he was there compared to Kennedy,our last GREAT president and last REAL president who served the people instead of the bankers and even the Russians could see that in him that unlike bastard reagan,he WAS man of world peace.

Ever notice the ones trying to save this country from DEMOcraticILLNESS end up dead.
The Demonuts will stop at nothing to keep their power.

Since Regan didn't die he got a warning shot, or the intended shooter missed and they lost their chance to take him out. Either way the attempt to kill him was there.....

Leftist can't figure out how all the wrongs come from the democratic left KKK included.

Oh yeah and since he lived he had to play their games. Do it or die.

Here is faggot Reagan mocking people like green bean and bodecia knowing he pulled the wool over their heads in their worshipping of him as they do.:abgg2q.jpg::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:


sure IS damn near impossible for me to win an argument with this stupid motherfucker troll green bean,that is so very true.:2up:

he clearly cant debate since he cowardly runs off from a challenge to read a book when this is what he did when i gave him a challenge to read a documented book on how RUSSIA was solely responsibe for their collapse,he did this-:scared1:

as always the reaganut lovers prove they only see what they WANT to see.:abgg2q.jpg:

needs to be repeated since it is soooo true.:abgg2q.jpg:

Do you allways reply to yourself repeatedly ???? That's something like talking to yourself I would surmize, talking to yourself is a sur sign of insanity ---- or perhaps its not yourself you're talking to - is that it ??? Perhhaps it's the voices in your head... just curious when you talk to them, do they answer you ??? You know something , it's okay to talk with yourself LA RAMM ... that's the only way you'll ever win an argument.
Here's a piece to titilate your toupee ...
From Lee Edwards , author and / or editor of 25 books. See problem here LA RAMBO is his works are for thinking people and not directed at low information and low IQ weasels such as yourself ... but have a go at it little fella ,,,,, if there's any big words you don't comprehend be sure to ask Uncle Green Bean - I'll be glad to bitch smack you into understanding

"The fall of the [Soviet] empire," former Czech president Vaclav Havel wrote, "is an event on the same scale of historical importance as the fall of the Roman Empire." It is true that Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev repudiated the Brezhnev Doctrine--that the Soviet Union will use force if necessary to ensure that a socialist state remains socialist--and in so doing undercut the Communist leaders and regimes of Eastern and Central Europe in the critical year of 1989. But why did Gorbachev abandon the Brezhnev Doctrine? One Western leader above all others forced the Soviets to give up the Brezhnev Doctrine and abandon the arms race, brought down the Berlin Wall, and ended the Cold War at the bargaining table and not on the battlefield: President Ronald Reagan.

Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism
greenbean when he cant counter pesky facts and gets frustrated shooting the MESSENGER instead of the researcher I REFERRED him to read the book of who documeted it in his his book. Let the butthurt flow.:206::206::206::206::206::206::206::abgg2q.jpg:



The Truman administration initially combined overt resistance to Soviet encroachments in Europe with covert efforts to undermine Soviet power in Eastern and Central Europe.

The early Eisenhower administration gave lip service to a policy of "rolling back" the Soviet Empire. Eisenhower’s Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, had promoted such a policy prior to assuming office. In a 1950 memo to Senator Robert Taft, Dulles advocated "stimulating guerilla and insurrectional activities" within Eastern Europe, and "stepping up subversive activities within areas of Soviet control."

John F. Kennedy’s presidency combined inspiring rhetoric about promoting liberty throughout the world ("bear any burden," "pay any price") with a reckless amateurism in the conduct of foreign policy.

The Johnson administration fought the Vietnam War encumbered by what James Burnham called the "self-imposed strategic prison" of containment. U.S. strategy throughout the conflict was defensive—to prevent a communist takeover of South Vietnam, not to liberate the North from communist rule.

U.S. Cold War policy during the Nixon-Ford years de-emphasized the ideological component of the U.S.-Soviet conflict and sought to foster cooperation - via 'Detente'.

Carter pursued détente to its logical extreme. In Carter’s first major foreign policy address, he proclaimed that the U.S. had abandoned its "inordinate fear of communism." Longtime allies in the Cold War, such as the Shah in Iran and Somoza in Nicaragua, were tossed aside or abandoned because of human rights violations, only to be replaced by more brutal regimes that pursued anti-American foreign policies.

Ronald Reagan shattered the illusions of détente by redefining the nature of the Cold War between the West and Soviet communism, and adopting a strategy that successfully exploited the vulnerabilities of the Soviet system. In the late 1970s, Reagan told Richard Allen, who would become his first National Security Adviser, that his long-term strategy for dealing with the Soviet Union was simple: we win, they lose .... Guess What fagmeister We Won - They Lost ... now fuk off

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Rejected Request
He cant handle pesky facts that Reagan at the time,got us into the worst deficit EVER worse than every president before us COMBINED
And Reagan accomplished something with it - he brought down the Berlin Wall and facilitated the downfall of the Soviet Union The Reagan deficit was ...

$165,000,000, 000 [9 zeroes]

The Obama deficit is

1,330,000,000,000,000 [12 zeroes]

And what did Obama accomplish - NADA .... unless of course you consider that his goal was the downfall of the United States

that is ANOTHER myth of Reagan that is untrue that he brought down the Berlin Wall. The collapse of the berlin wall happend from within the soviet union.would not have mattered who was president. here is the REAL story on what really happened. The reaganut zombies cannot handle that little pesky fact though and are in denial mode,they only see what they WANT to see on reagan.:cuckoo:

“Reagan is a murderer and a fascist!” demonstrators chanted.

Feelings for Reagan were no warmer in the East.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
The Hollow Mythology of Ronald Reagan

Never mind Polish trade unionists, Soviet politicians or East German dissidents, it was British and American politicians and popstars who made all the crucial interventions, right?:biggrin:

Some 45,000 Berliners witnessed Reagan’s wall speech, compared to the 450,000 people who attended John F Kennedy’s “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech in 1963 – in other western parts of the city, there were demonstrations against the US president’s visit. Coverage of the event was only published in the back pages of the major international papers. German weekly Die Zeit did not even quote his request to Gorbachev.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
From Reagan to Hasselhoff: 5 people who didn’t bring down the Berlin Wall

as you see here,Russians hated that bastard Reagan,look at the turnout HE had when he was there compared to Kennedy,our last GREAT president and last REAL president who served the people instead of the bankers and even the Russians could see that in him that unlike bastard reagan,he WAS man of world peace.

Ever notice the ones trying to save this country from DEMOcraticILLNESS end up dead.
The Demonuts will stop at nothing to keep their power.

Since Regan didn't die he got a warning shot, or the intended shooter missed and they lost their chance to take him out. Either way the attempt to kill him was there.....

Leftist can't figure out how all the wrongs come from the democratic left KKK included.

Oh yeah and since he lived he had to play their games. Do it or die.

Here is faggot Reagan mocking people like green bean and bodecia knowing he pulled the wool over their heads in their worshipping of him as they do.:abgg2q.jpg::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:


sure IS damn near impossible for me to win an argument with this stupid motherfucker troll green bean,that is so very true.:2up:

he clearly cant debate since he cowardly runs off from a challenge to read a book when this is what he did when i gave him a challenge to read a documented book on how RUSSIA was solely responsibe for their collapse,he did this-:scared1:

as always the reaganut lovers prove they only see what they WANT to see.:abgg2q.jpg:

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