What Will Obama and Bill Clinton’s Legacy Be?

Both Clinton and Obama will be remembered as effective modern Presidents

History will look at Bush 43 and Trump and say.....WTF???
Clinton's legacy is already written.
Her name is Monica.
Now that warants a cigar ....

Monica went to her doctor seeking help for her terrible addiction to cigars. The doctor was quite familiar with her very compulsive patient, so recommended an unusual and quite drastic form of aversion therapy. "When you go to bed tonight, take one of bills cigars, unwrap it, and stick it completely up your ass. Then remove it, rewrap it, and place it back with all the others in such a fashion as you can't tell which one it is. The aversion is obvious: you won't dare smoke any of them, not knowing which is the treated cigar." "Thanks doc, I'll try it." And she did. But three weeks later he came back and saw the doctor again. "What? My recommendation didn't work? It was supposed to be effective even in the most addictive of cases, such as yours is!" "Well, it kind of worked, doc. At least I was able to transfer my addiction," said Monica. "What in the hell is that supposed to mean?" "Well, I don't smoke cigars anymore, but now I can't go to sleep at night unless I have a cigar shoved up my ass..."
Both Clinton and Obama will be remembered as effective modern Presidents

History will look at Bush 43 and Trump and say.....WTF???
Say the words 'Bill Clinton' and the 1st thing that comes up in people's minds is the embarrassing display of him looking the entire world in the eye on camera and saying, 'I did not have sex with that woman'...which of course was a huge lie that blew up in his face not long after that.

People, at that point, then remember how he was a criminal life-long sexual deviant who sexually harassed, sexually assaulted, raped, and had adulterous affairs with women...and later preyed on children....

Then they tend to remember his wife was / is Hillary, the woman who is a life-long sexual deviant ENABLER, scandal queen, Influence Peddling, National Security-jeopardizing, US citizen-sacrificing traitor who could not win her own party's nomination without cheeting / breaking laws and ended up a 2-Time loser.

As far as Barry goes, any SANE, non-brainwashed person remembers how for 8 years he aided, abetted, financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, and even dragged the US Un-Constitutionally to war to help TERRORISTS....armed Mexican Drug cartels....refused to enforce US Immigration laws, protected human traffickers & violent illegals....violated both US Constitution & US Law...illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices....Illegally 'weapon-ized' the IRS and used it against Americans who opposed his re-election.....

...but, thanks to Donald Trump, Obama's 'Legacy' - the one HE illegally built and left behind - is being eradicated.....wiped off the books.
Obama easily one of the lower1/4 on Presidential rankings.
He is not that low on any ranking

Bush is
Trump was the complete rejection of Obama.
Trump was the complete rejection of sanity
He is the voice of the common man...just like Old Hickory.
16yrs peace and prosperity (more or less)
Clinton signed NAFTA and millions lost their jobs. Obama was sooooo good...his legacy was rejected by the election of Donald J. Trump! :21:

Clinton had an incredibly strong economy. We had welfare reform. Crime plummeted. Balanced the budget. It was one of the best times we have had.
It was a great decade followed by a nightmare of illegals getting our work during "W".

a nightmare of illegals getting our work during "W".

W was a disaster for sure...

amen to that.:2up:
Mexico got our jobs under Clinton-Gore.
Bill's Legacy: mainstreaming the politics of personal destruction, causing parents to have to explain oral sex to 7 year olds, and enabling 9/11 to happen.

Obama's Legacy: Destroying our Civil Society via Hyper Identity Politics, damaging national security, and exploding the debt.
He cant handle pesky facts that Reagan at the time,got us into the worst deficit EVER worse than every president before us COMBINED
And Reagan accomplished something with it - he brought down the Berlin Wall and facilitated the downfall of the Soviet Union The Reagan deficit was ...

$165,000,000, 000 [9 zeroes]

The Obama deficit is

1,330,000,000,000,000 [12 zeroes]

And what did Obama accomplish - NADA .... unless of course you consider that his goal was the downfall of the United States

that is ANOTHER myth of Reagan that is untrue that he brought down the Berlin Wall. The collapse of the berlin wall happend from within the soviet union.would not have mattered who was president. here is the REAL story on what really happened. The reaganut zombies cannot handle that little pesky fact though and are in denial mode,they only see what they WANT to see on reagan.:cuckoo:

“Reagan is a murderer and a fascist!” demonstrators chanted.

Feelings for Reagan were no warmer in the East.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
The Hollow Mythology of Ronald Reagan

Never mind Polish trade unionists, Soviet politicians or East German dissidents, it was British and American politicians and popstars who made all the crucial interventions, right?:biggrin:

Some 45,000 Berliners witnessed Reagan’s wall speech, compared to the 450,000 people who attended John F Kennedy’s “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech in 1963 – in other western parts of the city, there were demonstrations against the US president’s visit. Coverage of the event was only published in the back pages of the major international papers. German weekly Die Zeit did not even quote his request to Gorbachev.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
From Reagan to Hasselhoff: 5 people who didn’t bring down the Berlin Wall

as you see here,Russians hated that bastard Reagan,look at the turnout HE had when he was there compared to Kennedy,our last GREAT president and last REAL president who served the people instead of the bankers and even the Russians could see that in him that unlike bastard reagan,he WAS man of world peace.
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Say the words 'Bill Clinton' and the 1st thing that comes up in people's minds is the embarrassing display of him looking the entire world in the eye on camera and saying, 'I did not have sex with that woman'...which of course was a huge lie that blew up in his face not long after that.

People, at that point, then remember how he was a criminal life-long sexual deviant who sexually harassed, sexually assaulted, raped, and had adulterous affairs with women...and later preyed on children....

Then they tend to remember his wife was / is Hillary, the woman who is a life-long sexual deviant ENABLER, scandal queen, Influence Peddling, National Security-jeopardizing, US citizen-sacrificing traitor who could not win her own party's nomination without cheeting / breaking laws and ended up a 2-Time loser.

As far as Barry goes, any SANE, non-brainwashed person remembers how for 8 years he aided, abetted, financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, and even dragged the US Un-Constitutionally to war to help TERRORISTS....armed Mexican Drug cartels....refused to enforce US Immigration laws, protected human traffickers & violent illegals....violated both US Constitution & US Law...illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices....Illegally 'weapon-ized' the IRS and used it against Americans who opposed his re-election.....

...but, thanks to Donald Trump, Obama's 'Legacy' - the one HE illegally built and left behind - is being eradicated.....wiped off the books.
Obama easily one of the lower1/4 on Presidential rankings.
He is not that low on any ranking

Bush is
Trump was the complete rejection of Obama.
Trump was the complete rejection of sanity
He is the voice of the common man...just like Old Hickory.

Old Hickory fought in the Indian Wars and War of 1812

Fat Donnie fought heel spurs
Trump certainly isn't perfect, but there hasn't been a single morning when I've woken up and though, "Gee, I wish the Clinton crime syndicate was back in power."
He cant handle pesky facts that Reagan at the time,got us into the worst deficit EVER worse than every president before us COMBINED
And Reagan accomplished something with it - he brought down the Berlin Wall and facilitated the downfall of the Soviet Union The Reagan deficit was ...

$165,000,000, 000 [9 zeroes]

The Obama deficit is

1,330,000,000,000,000 [12 zeroes]

And what did Obama accomplish - NADA .... unless of course you consider that his goal was the downfall of the United States

that is ANOTHER myth of Reagan that is untrue that he brought down the Berlin Wall. The collapse of the berlin wall happend from within the soviet union.would not have mattered who was president. here is the REAL story on what really happened. The reaganut zombies cannot handle that little pesky fact though and are in denial mode,they only see what they WANT to see on reagan.:cuckoo:

The Hollow Mythology of Ronald Reagan

^^^ The heartbreak of historic illiteracy on parade ^^^
He cant handle pesky facts that Reagan at the time,got us into the worst deficit EVER worse than every president before us COMBINED
And Reagan accomplished something with it - he brought down the Berlin Wall and facilitated the downfall of the Soviet Union The Reagan deficit was ...

$165,000,000, 000 [9 zeroes]

The Obama deficit is

1,330,000,000,000,000 [12 zeroes]

And what did Obama accomplish - NADA .... unless of course you consider that his goal was the downfall of the United States

that is ANOTHER myth of Reagan that is untrue that he brought down the Berlin Wall. The collapse of the berlin wall happend from within the soviet union.would not have mattered who was president. here is the REAL story on what really happened. The reaganut zombies cannot handle that little pesky fact though and are in denial mode,they only see what they WANT to see on reagan.:cuckoo:

“Reagan is a murderer and a fascist!” demonstrators chanted.

Feelings for Reagan were no warmer in the East.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
The Hollow Mythology of Ronald Reagan

Never mind Polish trade unionists, Soviet politicians or East German dissidents, it was British and American politicians and popstars who made all the crucial interventions, right?:biggrin:

Some 45,000 Berliners witnessed Reagan’s wall speech, compared to the 450,000 people who attended John F Kennedy’s “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech in 1963 – in other western parts of the city, there were demonstrations against the US president’s visit. Coverage of the event was only published in the back pages of the major international papers. German weekly Die Zeit did not even quote his request to Gorbachev.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
From Reagan to Hasselhoff: 5 people who didn’t bring down the Berlin Wall

as you see here,Russians hated that bastard Reagan,look at the turnout HE had when he was there compared to Kennedy,our last GREAT president and last REAL president who served the people instead of the bankers and even the Russians could see that in him that unlike bastard reagan,he WAS man of world peace.

Written by Tim Mohr's an East German punk rocker and Communist symapthizer - Go fk yourself asshole - your article like your opinion isn't worth a pile of beans
He cant handle pesky facts that Reagan at the time,got us into the worst deficit EVER worse than every president before us COMBINED
And Reagan accomplished something with it - he brought down the Berlin Wall and facilitated the downfall of the Soviet Union The Reagan deficit was ...

$165,000,000, 000 [9 zeroes]

The Obama deficit is

1,330,000,000,000,000 [12 zeroes]

And what did Obama accomplish - NADA .... unless of course you consider that his goal was the downfall of the United States

that is ANOTHER myth of Reagan that is untrue that he brought down the Berlin Wall. The collapse of the berlin wall happend from within the soviet union.would not have mattered who was president. here is the REAL story on what really happened. The reaganut zombies cannot handle that little pesky fact though and are in denial mode,they only see what they WANT to see on reagan.:cuckoo:

The Hollow Mythology of Ronald Reagan

^^^ The heartbreak of historic illiteracy on parade ^^^

Let the butthurt flow.:21::206::biggrin:
He cant handle pesky facts that Reagan at the time,got us into the worst deficit EVER worse than every president before us COMBINED
And Reagan accomplished something with it - he brought down the Berlin Wall and facilitated the downfall of the Soviet Union The Reagan deficit was ...

$165,000,000, 000 [9 zeroes]

The Obama deficit is

1,330,000,000,000,000 [12 zeroes]

And what did Obama accomplish - NADA .... unless of course you consider that his goal was the downfall of the United States

that is ANOTHER myth of Reagan that is untrue that he brought down the Berlin Wall. The collapse of the berlin wall happend from within the soviet union.would not have mattered who was president. here is the REAL story on what really happened. The reaganut zombies cannot handle that little pesky fact though and are in denial mode,they only see what they WANT to see on reagan.:cuckoo:

“Reagan is a murderer and a fascist!” demonstrators chanted.

Feelings for Reagan were no warmer in the East.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
The Hollow Mythology of Ronald Reagan

Never mind Polish trade unionists, Soviet politicians or East German dissidents, it was British and American politicians and popstars who made all the crucial interventions, right?:biggrin:

Some 45,000 Berliners witnessed Reagan’s wall speech, compared to the 450,000 people who attended John F Kennedy’s “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech in 1963 – in other western parts of the city, there were demonstrations against the US president’s visit. Coverage of the event was only published in the back pages of the major international papers. German weekly Die Zeit did not even quote his request to Gorbachev.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
From Reagan to Hasselhoff: 5 people who didn’t bring down the Berlin Wall

as you see here,Russians hated that bastard Reagan,look at the turnout HE had when he was there compared to Kennedy,our last GREAT president and last REAL president who served the people instead of the bankers and even the Russians could see that in him that unlike bastard reagan,he WAS man of world peace.

Written by Tim Mohr's an East German punk rocker and Communist symapthizer - Go fk yourself asshole - your article like your opinion isn't worth a pile of beans

what butthurt.:206:

Reagan must have been a close cousin of yours the fact you are so butthurt that you been brainwashed.:abgg2q.jpg:

sorry the truth hurts.the problem with your BS ramblings it is all documented. the book TEARING DOWN THE MYTH was NOT written by that guy and this researcher went by the available evidence back then.He researched that book for YEARS and unlike you,did EXHUASTIVE research from the 1980's

face it son,you been brainwashed by the CIA controlled media what they have told you.they idiolize him because he was the grandfather of them all who got the bal rolling for the destruction of america that every president until now has expanded on:iyfyus.jpg::itsok::itsok:

Thank god Trump is a RINO not part of the new world order agenday to destroy america that the Bushs,Romney,Mccain are and Reagan was back then.:banana:

even Gorbechave could not believe it when he was asked if Reagan had something to do with it replying back then-are you serious?:auiqs.jpg:
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Obamas legacy will be that he revived racial pot stirring. When he could not fundamentally dismember America, he added illegals and underachievers as spice and stirred some more
He cant handle pesky facts that Reagan at the time,got us into the worst deficit EVER worse than every president before us COMBINED
And Reagan accomplished something with it - he brought down the Berlin Wall and facilitated the downfall of the Soviet Union The Reagan deficit was ...

$165,000,000, 000 [9 zeroes]

The Obama deficit is

1,330,000,000,000,000 [12 zeroes]

And what did Obama accomplish - NADA .... unless of course you consider that his goal was the downfall of the United States

that is ANOTHER myth of Reagan that is untrue that he brought down the Berlin Wall. The collapse of the berlin wall happend from within the soviet union.would not have mattered who was president. here is the REAL story on what really happened. The reaganut zombies cannot handle that little pesky fact though and are in denial mode,they only see what they WANT to see on reagan.:cuckoo:

“Reagan is a murderer and a fascist!” demonstrators chanted.

Feelings for Reagan were no warmer in the East.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
The Hollow Mythology of Ronald Reagan

Never mind Polish trade unionists, Soviet politicians or East German dissidents, it was British and American politicians and popstars who made all the crucial interventions, right?:biggrin:

Some 45,000 Berliners witnessed Reagan’s wall speech, compared to the 450,000 people who attended John F Kennedy’s “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech in 1963 – in other western parts of the city, there were demonstrations against the US president’s visit. Coverage of the event was only published in the back pages of the major international papers. German weekly Die Zeit did not even quote his request to Gorbachev.
And while Gorbachev had raised hopes a little, the future still looked dim with the tough-talking Reagan in power.
From Reagan to Hasselhoff: 5 people who didn’t bring down the Berlin Wall

as you see here,Russians hated that bastard Reagan,look at the turnout HE had when he was there compared to Kennedy,our last GREAT president and last REAL president who served the people instead of the bankers and even the Russians could see that in him that unlike bastard reagan,he WAS man of world peace.

Ever notice the ones trying to save this country from DEMOcraticILLNESS end up dead.
The Demonuts will stop at nothing to keep their power.

Since Regan didn't die he got a warning shot, or the intended shooter missed and they lost their chance to take him out. Either way the attempt to kill him was there.....

Leftist can't figure out how all the wrongs come from the democratic left KKK included.

Oh yeah and since he lived he had to play their games. Do it or die.

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