What will Replace the Ds?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
The more openly socialists candidates are winning D seats.

The Blue wall is headed for default

Trump is getting the populist vote.

The big question is whether the Ds will become a regional party and the DINO/RINO wings will unite to fight the populist/Capitalists?

What say you?
I really hope that the Libertarian party can get less hippy-weird and make some big in-roads since the democrats and republicans are throwing their moderates out like they've all got the bubonic plague.

In Missouri, Austin Petersen is polling a hell of a lot better than both Josh Hawley (republican opponent) and Claire McCaskill (democrat incumbent who will lose to Petersen). His numbers with young people in Missouri far out performs them. This is why i say if the republicans were smart and actually cared about individual liberty, they'd turn more libertarian and put the democrat party in the ground as a result.
The more openly socialists candidates are winning D seats.

The Blue wall is headed for default

Trump is getting the populist vote.

The big question is whether the Ds will become a regional party and the DINO/RINO wings will unite to fight the populist/Capitalists?

What say you?
I concur completely, on the 'blue wave' being largely Bernie & Pocahontas's ilk replacing the traditional Democrat ilk. U wouldn't think that if 'edumicating' oneself only by the talking heads in the MSM.
The more openly socialists candidates are winning D seats.

The Blue wall is headed for default

Trump is getting the populist vote.

The big question is whether the Ds will become a regional party and the DINO/RINO wings will unite to fight the populist/Capitalists?

What say you?
Libertarians will replace the D's

If we can get them to leave the Republican party first -- butter people up with the legalized marijuana and then go in for the kill when you abolish the entire government and privatize police and the courts -- Ayn Rand would look down from heaven with joy if she wasn't atheist.
Between the CPUSA and Green (LOL...) Party I'd say the replacement parties are established.

Not sure which party will will try and exploit all the different victim groups at the same time though.
Between the CPUSA and Green (LOL...) Party I'd say the replacement parties are established.

Not sure which party will will try and exploit all the different victim groups at the same time though.
Only one victim group matters when it comes to exploiting -- the white working class -- to even remotely cater to any other group outside of that demographic is nothing but communist socialist fascism
Nowadays the Dems are the urban party and the Reps are the suburban party.
In the future the Democratic Party will be the Latino and Muslim party
The more openly socialists candidates are winning D seats. The Blue wall is headed for default Trump is getting the populist vote. The big question is whether the Ds will become a regional party and the DINO/RINO wings will unite to fight the populist/Capitalists?

Clearly the Democratic Party is rejecting moderation for a continued swing to the ever-more-extreme far Left. This will only further polarize the base into a radicalized group of minority groups for socialists, communists, antifa, BLM, and every gay, hippy, weirdo out there. That's bad news for both the party and the nation.

But the Republicans are similarly torn and the old guard GOP has all but been shown the door. Those diehards have milked it for all it's worth and half the party is being usurped by Trump Populists while the other half are RINOs. That is bad news both for the party and the nation.

But these trends are also reflected around the world, so it is NOT a local thing, a national thing nor a "Trump" thing.

What this leaves us is the moderates who don't have any strong convictions, the libertarians, the green party, and none of these have any identity at all. The GOP is a party led by a populist that many don't like as a person even if they believe in what he does, along with a dozen or so other good people who unfortunately conform to a now-dead post-modern republican image (the Dole/McCain/Bush/Romney sticks in the mud), while the Democrats are like the movie industry looking for yet another remake of a 1970's sitcom or comic book; someone in their 80s they can dig up from the grave and re-purpose, plaster with a new face of make-up, reword a few of the same old tired lines, wind up and send out there once again as a talking suit making the same tired promises.

Unfortunately, voters new and old have been so burned, so chafed, so disenchanted by 8 years of Bush, 8 years of Clinton, and 8 years of Obama they are no longer buying what the GOP used to sell and apparently all the DNC ever has or will ever be willing to sell.
The two parties will continue. They have the infrastructure and the money, and they also have the inside connections.

The only thing that will change is their message.

Folks on here just don't understand that in order to change this a cosmic change of earth shaking importance would have to happen so that the American people would have to awaken to the corruption in both parties.

I see posters on this site still defend Hillary and the Democrats after the wikileaks, Donna Brazile book and Sanders court revelations, and folks seriously think that party will go away? Not likely.

And after everything Trump has done? No, the Republicans will either shift to align with the tea party and freedom caucus or be swept away.

These parties are over a century and ah half old, and have made formal deals with each other and the MSM, and work with each other in secret and at the CFR to lock out all other parties. It is a pipe dream to believe they will ever go away. They ARE the establishment.
the NEW DEMS -----will be THE ROUGH RIDERS -of old-----to wit the early 19th
century-------rugged individuals on HORSEBACK
The Democrats cause cancer and would outlaw oxygen if they could. To become a Democrat, you have to eat a live puppy and swear allegiance to Satan. Fact.
The Democrats are all secret Jews who love Muslims and homos and Mexicans and negroes and want to wipe out the white race. I have some literature and news items which prove this. I am extremely intelligent and have watched thousands and thousands of hours of video evidence and you can't disprove any of these facts. No one has read more books or watched more video than me. I am the best informed person on Earth about this.
Heil, Der Fuhrer g5000.

I know, the tinfoil conspiracists are dummines, real dummies.

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