What will Republicans do Wednsday after Obama wins?

True enough their corporate masters have bottemless wallets to bribe with, but the Kochs are very old and should die soon. The NRA will run out of money since pretty much everyone has bought all the guns they couldn't possibly need, that bubble's about to burst hard. All the big superstore owners are in trouble, consumers are turning back to quality American-made products. And extremist religion no longer has a stranglehold over very many Americans. Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

It's tough to foresee what the plutocrats will do, we may see a split in their ranks also.
So, you're basically saying he's going to ignore the will of the people.

Got it.

You bastards still haven't figured out we don't elect a king.

Don't worry, here is a tissue. He will do what is best for the Country unlike Bush who totally screwed us.

Aside from the fact that you (once again) are to gutless to answer the question, I guess we'll see who gets made king.

If Romney is elected, I guess I will support him telling Harry Reid (and hence half the American People) to go f**k himself and do what he wants.

You pricks will explode just like the Martians in "Mars Attacks".

You see what you want to see no matter what anyone writes. Your upset because Obama is going to win, I understand.
BTW you keep addressing me as if I am a dude, I am a female who has been through many elections. Believe me this is not the first or the last time we have had elections like this. Calm down your going to get high blood pressure for nothing.
It seems to me that the ads I currently read (especially the Obama ads) are focusing on issues that are so small in comparison to the disasterous economy we are currently enduring. I dont agree with the conservative views concerning gay rights, women's right to choose, the use of stem cells, and other such liberal social issues , but those are NOT the issues we should be concerning ourselves with. Our slow and lagging economy, our huge national debt, and the future of our nation and our children are so much more important. If we continue on our current course, we wont be able to afford those liberal social issues. There is NO growth in our economy now - it is so pitiful that the average citizen can not be very hopeful. Too many people are unemployed or under employed or giving up on the business they were trying so hard to earn a living with. Lets start with some fiscal responsibility and an effort to promote growing business. It makes NO sense to raise taxes on those who are working and redistribute that to those who are NOT.... or even to those who are no longer making enough to survive.
Just curious. What will Republicans do Wednsday morning after Obama wins? I dont mean average everyday Republicans, or moderates/indys who are gonna vote GOP. I mean the hard core right wingers, the ones who live and breathe the GOP???

Same question for hard core lefties if Romney wins.

I don't think Romney is going to win... but if he does, we will all be in trouble. It will be the last chance the Plutocrats will have to loot the country before people insist on a European style social democracy.

For the Republicans, I think what you are going to see in the aftermath are some serious recriminations between the grass roots/evangelicals/Tea Party and the Washington Establishment.

The grass roots will insist Romney lost because he was "not a real conservative" (which of couse, he wasn't) while the establishment will insist that the grassroots insistance on Romney having fealty to the most extreme positions poisoned his chances. (And they'll have some support in the fact the closest Romney got was in the first debate when he moderated his positions.)

The reality is, though, Romney himself was just an awful candidate. Weird Religion, lack of empathy, generally being disingenuous and believing in nothing but his own ambition.
He's no more awfull a candidate than Barry was and Barry won.

Hope and Change ain't gonna cut it this time round.
He's no more awfull a candidate than Barry was and Barry won.

Hope and Change ain't gonna cut it this time round.

Um, no, actually, he is an awful candidate. When Obama won in 2008, he beat establishment figures because he inspired the democratic voters. (Although some SERIOUS mistakes by Hillary's campaign helped him a lot.)

Romney barely beat a collection of clowns because the GOP Establishment beat the rank and file over the head and basically TOLD them they were getting Romney as a candidate whether they wanted him or not.

Obama's support then and now is pro-Obama.

Romney's support is anti-Obama. For every pro-Romney post I see here (A largely RW site), I see ten anti-Obama screeds.

And this is why romney will lose at the end of the day. You can't just be "against" someone, you ahve to be be for someone.
MR was the best of a poor field. No other candidate could have nearly knocked BHO out in the first round. Tomorrow will come down to one state, I think. The other candidates would have given the President 500 plus electoral votes.
If obama wins, on Wednesday morning I will start making my pitch to small and mid sized businesses, speak before Chambers of Commerce, and get them signed up in our program to help them leave the country.

Even though the second coming of obama hasn't happened yet, I've got at least six local companies that have shown an interest in a just in case election and haven't even gotten started yet.
If obama wins, on Wednesday morning I will start making my pitch to small and mid sized businesses, speak before Chambers of Commerce, and get them signed up in our program to help them leave the country.

Even though the second coming of obama hasn't happened yet, I've got at least six local companies that have shown an interest in a just in case election and haven't even gotten started yet.

Good riddance GTFO, and stay out.
If Obama wins, I will celebrate with several caballitos of very good, very old anejo tequila.... and I will dance in the streets.

If Romney wins, I will commiserate with several caballitos of very good, very old anejo tequila... and then I'll go to bed.

pretty much a win-win for me.
500 new civil war/2nd amendment remedy/water the tree threads, bitter weeping.

No... We'll just remind you that you had the EBT card carrying public on your side and that it's going to be your job to tell them when the money finally runs out on their unsustainable free stuff. Enjoy it.
If obama wins, on Wednesday morning I will start making my pitch to small and mid sized businesses, speak before Chambers of Commerce, and get them signed up in our program to help them leave the country.

Even though the second coming of obama hasn't happened yet, I've got at least six local companies that have shown an interest in a just in case election and haven't even gotten started yet.

Good riddance GTFO, and stay out.

Ohhh I'm not leaving! I'm merely going to help businesses and light industry leave. You would be shocked to find out how many countries offer incentives and help to get jobs and investment into their countries and employ their people. No one cares if someone who had only ten employees goes to China, or Honduras (Honduras is proving to be surprisingly welcoming). Small business investment is a huge and underserved group.
If obama wins, on Wednesday morning I will start making my pitch to small and mid sized businesses, speak before Chambers of Commerce, and get them signed up in our program to help them leave the country.

Even though the second coming of obama hasn't happened yet, I've got at least six local companies that have shown an interest in a just in case election and haven't even gotten started yet.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vfSk-6tIvo]Cute baby laughing hysterically!!! - YouTube[/ame]

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