What will Trump talk about at the State of the Union.

I can finally watch a president give a speech again. I tried watching Obama, but couldn't watch but about 5 minutes of the tranvesite in cheif lying.
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Trump will lie and talk about how America has been garbage for hundreds of years until he appeared from the sky
Because he’s really really smart. He knows things. Lots of things. He like a genius.
He knows words. Lots of words.
Trump will lie and talk about how America has been garbage for hundreds of years until he appeared from the sky
Because he’s really really smart. He knows things. Lots of things. He like a genius.
He knows words. Lots of words.
This is a little know fact... did you know that Trump is actually the first American ever?
I'm quoting:

"The White House said Sunday that the president would point to a robust economy and low unemployment during his first year and the benefits of a tax overhaul during Tuesday's address to Congress and the nation. Aides have said Trump, who stayed at the White House over the weekend as he prepared, is expected to set aside his more combative tone for one of compromise and bipartisanship.

"The president is going to talk about how America's back," said White House legislative director Marc Short. "The president is also going to make an appeal to Democrats ... to say we need to rebuild our country. And to make an appeal that to do infrastructure, we need to do it in a bipartisan way."

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