What will Trump talk about at the State of the Union.

Fact checkers, the enemies of the GOP, are going to have a field day.
I can finally watch a president give a speech again. I tried watching Obama, but couldn't watch but about 5 minutes of the tranvesite in cheif lying.
It was all that black. Republicans being 90% white weren’t use to it.
The Democrats are losing blacks every day. That's why Dems have decided to import voters in the form of illegal aliens.
What will Trump talk about at the State of the Union.

he damn sure wont mention how shitty he is at negotiating tough deals and how easy it is to lie to RW idiots, you can bet on that.
This is a little know fact... did you know that Trump is actually the first American ever?
No, he is not. But he clearly is the first among Americans.
Did you ever buy those kneepads?
i was under the impression you gave him the ones you used with obama.....if im wrong i apologize....
Well I have no idea who you are so I assume you're a crazy person
What will he say?

What would you like him to say.
Your thread title should have asked "What will trump babble about at the state of the union".

Seriously, even reading from a teleprompter the clown sounds like he just got off the short bus...

As far as what I'd like to hear him say goes, how about "I'm resigning, effective in ten minutes."
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This is a little know fact... did you know that Trump is actually the first American ever?
No, he is not. But he clearly is the first among Americans.
Did you ever buy those kneepads?
i was under the impression you gave him the ones you used with obama.....if im wrong i apologize....
Well I have no idea who you are so I assume you're a crazy person
sure you dont.....
This is a little know fact... did you know that Trump is actually the first American ever?
No, he is not. But he clearly is the first among Americans.
Did you ever buy those kneepads?
i was under the impression you gave him the ones you used with obama.....if im wrong i apologize....
Well I have no idea who you are so I assume you're a crazy person
sure you dont.....
No, I'm not an agent of some vast conspiracy. That you think so makes you look like a lunatic :itsok:
No, he is not. But he clearly is the first among Americans.
Did you ever buy those kneepads?
i was under the impression you gave him the ones you used with obama.....if im wrong i apologize....
Well I have no idea who you are so I assume you're a crazy person
sure you dont.....
No, I'm not an agent of some vast conspiracy. That you think so makes you look like a lunatic :itsok:
and when did i ever say you were?...and you call me a lunatic?....
What will he say?

What would you like him to say.
Your thread title should have asked "What will trump babble about at the state of the union".

Seriously, even reading from a teleprompter the clown sounds like he just got off the short bus...

As far as what I'd like to hear him say goes, how about "I'm resigning, effective in ten minutes."
Trump doesn't need a teleprompter. You must have never witnessed this idiot.
What will he say?

What would you like him to say.

Trump's speech:

"I am such a yuuuuge genius that I saved America. I am responsible for all those bonuses."

Then the Shithiole in chief will brag about the jobs created since his election being too God damn stupid to know 2.6 months were under the Obama presidency.

He will brag about all the trade deals he has negotiated., Oh wait, he hasn't done any.

He will then brag about allowing the air & waster to be more polluted, more greenhouse gas emissions, more dangerous workplaces & the selling off of our national monuments.

His base will go wild. I wonder how many Republicans up for election will be among the standing in applause?

He will ignore the plant closures & manufacturing job losses. He will ignore how China took our place in the TPP.

He will, ignore his views on certain vets & praise the military because he will claim wins over ISIS has his accomplishment.

He will look us in the eye and lie. We should have a pool to see who can guess how many. I'm thinking at least ten blatant lies. His v-base will live it. Will the Republicans stand & Applaud here?

His base is nervous as Hell. The only question being: How big a fool will he make of himself & America.
I can finally watch a president give a speech again. I tried watching Obama, but couldn't watch but about 5 minutes of the tranvesite in cheif lying.
How about you point out those lies.

There is nothing more pathetic than a Trumpette calling someone else a liar.

My God,
'I, Donald J Trump, hereby RESIGN as President of the United States of America."

" (sniff sniff) people are picking on me!!! Those meanies in the press corp!!!! wonl;t leave me alone. "
What will he say?

What would you like him to say.
He will read from a teleprompter in flat monotones with weird pauses as his low wattage brain tries to catch up to his tongue. It will set a new record for boring.
He is busy practicing drinking water? Hopefully he will need a couple of drinks so we can get a laugh.

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