What will women gain from all this squawking about sex pests? A Niqab

What Trump did was .... being a peckerhead, a dirty old lech. He wasn't threatening to fire his secretary or his female executive v.p. because she wouldn't give out. That is what sexual harassment is, and the Weinstein et al allegations. You aren't hearing about Trump here because they are not the same thing.
Trump was just going through life with his dinosaur attitude that women are sexual playthings put on this Earth for his enjoyment. There is a difference.
No, that isn't what Trump did. One woman said all he did was try to kiss her. None of the ones who complained were his employees.

I'm not talking about creeps like Weinstein who actually committed rape.
My point exactly. We agree on something.
No, that isn't your point. You think a man should be destroyed solely for patting a woman on the backside.
No, I don't, but if it makes you feel better to pretend that, go for it.
I agree with this guy. That's the road the left is taking us down: We're already half way there.

What will women gain from squawking about sex pests? Niqab | Daily Mail Online

Behold my new proposed autumn look for women in politics. The black, I think, is flattering and it radiates an air of cool unapproachability. No Minister would put his hand on the knee of anyone dressed like this; indeed, he'd have trouble finding her knee or anything else.

Well, isn't this this what you want, all you squawking flapping denouncers of groping men and 'inappropriate' jokes?

You have lots in common with Militant Islamists on this subject.....

...the severe dress codes and sexual segregation which modern liberals claim to find so shocking about Islam.

Yet on this, it turns out that you agree with them. Any male action, any form of words you choose to disapprove of can and will be presumed to be guilty because, well, men are like that. The culprit will be ruined forever.

Are you all off your heads? Do you have any sense of proportion?

The country is in the midst of its biggest constitutional crisis for a century, and wobbling on the precipice of bankruptcy......

you think the most important thing in your lives is a hunt for long-ago cases of wandering hands, or tellers of coarse jokes? Yes, you do.
I think what they want is to wear the uniform of a hooker but not be treated like a hooker.
So you are in the hijab wearing camp, huh?
Two ways you could have went, how do you know I don't like how hookers look?

wearing the uniform of a hooker video - Bing video
Bullshit. They are trying to make normal sexual behavior into a crime. They are ruining people simply because they stole a kiss or patted someone's behind 30 years ago. The left has used this as a weapon to destroy people they don't like, but know they are also being fed to the crocodile.

Patting someone’s behind is called “sexual assault” as is “stealing a kiss”. This is not normal sexual behaviour.

Patting the behind of an employee who is subordinate to you is called “sexual harassment”.

Tell me, if your gay male boss patted your behind or “stole a kiss”, what would be your reaction?

Sorry, but only dried up sexually inhibited old prunes think a pat on the butt is sexual assault. It may not be appropriate, but that doesn't make it a crime against humanity.

If I had a gay boss who did that I would simply tell him I'm not gay. If he persisted, then I would start getting angry.
Yes, and if you got angry and HE got angry back, there goes the paycheck and the good references and shit there goes paying the rent or groceries next week. NOW are you beginning to get it?

If he did, then you would have a basis for suing him. But if that was the end of it, then that should be then end of it. Waiting 30 years to denounce him to the national media is vicious and unjust.
So it's the time period that's bothering you? No one was going to pipe up about Weinstein until their careers were safe. Even Meryl Streep called him "God." He was far too powerful for anyone wanting a serious career in Hollywood to cross. I'm beginning to hear about a lot of "nondisclosure agreements," too, that went along with large settlements to make complaints quietly go away.
Anyway, the number of "me too's" have really surprised me; even a head honcho at NPR. At first they were saying it was only from decades ago, but now they are finding out it was ongoing and guess what--hushed up/ignored.

But you are right--the days of messing around with your female coworkers is probably over, Bripat.

Again, I'm not talking about Wienstein, who is clearly an ogre. I'm also not talking sexual harassment in the workplace. You keep trying to change the subject because you know I'm right.
What Trump did was .... being a peckerhead, a dirty old lech. He wasn't threatening to fire his secretary or his female executive v.p. because she wouldn't give out. That is what sexual harassment is, and the Weinstein et al allegations. You aren't hearing about Trump here because they are not the same thing.
Trump was just going through life with his dinosaur attitude that women are sexual playthings put on this Earth for his enjoyment. There is a difference.
No, that isn't what Trump did. One woman said all he did was try to kiss her. None of the ones who complained were his employees.

I'm not talking about creeps like Weinstein who actually committed rape.
My point exactly. We agree on something.
No, that isn't your point. You think a man should be destroyed solely for patting a woman on the backside.
No, I don't, but if it makes you feel better to pretend that, go for it.
Of course you do. You've already admitted as much.
What they are speaking out about, albeit too late, is men thinking they can lay hands on them sexually, simply because they have some power over them. If you think men should be allowed to do that, then you are as bad as those who do it.

Bullshit. They are trying to make normal sexual behavior into a crime. They are ruining people simply because they stole a kiss or patted someone's behind 30 years ago. The left has used this as a weapon to destroy people they don't like, but know they are also being fed to the crocodile.
No, normal sexual behavior is fine. The problem is when people in power use that power to try and force subordinates to give them sexual favors. It is not "a long time ago" that is the point here. It goes on everyday. Finally, a year after the Access Hollywood tape, the country stirs and does something. It isn't about Trump; it's about the attitude--your attitude. And it dies today.

Wrong. Hillary was dragging up women who claimed Trump gave them a feel or a kiss 30 years ago. The access Holiywood tape is exactly what I'm talking about. Leftwing douche bags villify him to this day and claim he committed sexual assault when all he did was engage in lockerroom talk. I've heard that kind of thing since I was 16 years old.

12 women came forward and confirmed that it wasn’t locker room talk. The Access Hollywood tape was from 12 years ago, not 30. One of the women who accused Trump said the incident happened when Melania was pregnant. Barron is what 11 or 12?

Walking into his pageant dressing rooms was just disgusting behaviour, especially the pageant for underage girls.

Trump’s misogyny is impacting his treatment of women. Especially when it comes to their health care. Reducing access to birth control is a huge issue.

His comments about Meagan Kelly, Mika Brezinski, and others are disgusting. Trump is no better than Harvey Weinstein an deserved the same fate.

They were all exposed as liars. End of story.
Innocent until proven guilty.

No one should be able to destroy peoples lives without being judged by their peers by the evidence.

There is almost never evidence. It’s always “he said/she said” and he is the guy who is respected and powerful and she is a nobody.

50 women came forward and accused Bill Cosby of drugging and raping them and he’s still a free man with a career.

On the other hand, one man accused Kevin Spacey of propositioning him when he was underage, and production of House of Cards is shut down and Spacey may never work again.

There is a huge double standard when men or boys are the victims of sexual abuse, and what happens when women make similar allegations.
Wandering hands need to stay where they belong. End of story. Confused?
I agree. Physical and/or photographic proof of abuse or groping must be provided if charges are made, and severe jail time for unsubstantiated accusations should ensue. End of story. Confused?
What Trump did was .... being a peckerhead, a dirty old lech. He wasn't threatening to fire his secretary or his female executive v.p. because she wouldn't give out. That is what sexual harassment is, and the Weinstein et al allegations. You aren't hearing about Trump here because they are not the same thing.
Trump was just going through life with his dinosaur attitude that women are sexual playthings put on this Earth for his enjoyment. There is a difference.

There is a difference but what Trump did is still sexual assault. Which makes him no better than Harvey Weinstein.

There is also a woman who filed suit against Trump for beating and raping her when she was 13. The suit was withdrawn after she and her family received death threats.
two things:

If HRC and DNC paid me $100K would I say "little Trump tried to get me to come into his stall at the Pink Poodle"? or "Big Trump grabbed my daughters Arse at Six Fags" 30 years ago? But she just now told me about it?

If the MEAT ain't for sale, don't hang it in the winder. thats' all.

I read somewhere that the Hillary camp offered to pay a woman $200,000 to denounce Trump.
two things:

If HRC and DNC paid me $100K would I say "little Trump tried to get me to come into his stall at the Pink Poodle"? or "Big Trump grabbed my daughters Arse at Six Fags" 30 years ago? But she just now told me about it?

If the MEAT ain't for sale, don't hang it in the winder. thats' all.

I read somewhere that the Hillary camp offered to pay a woman $200,000 to denounce Trump.
I would not doubt it for an instant.

Most of these claims are so old, there's no way to prove anyone truthful. Worse, many of them involve something spoken. How would these women remember some off color remark 30 or 35 years ago? I've made worse off color remarks than these women are complaining of.

Hitchens is right. Men should start demanding a Certificate of Good Conduct at the end of every date.
two things:

If HRC and DNC paid me $100K would I say "little Trump tried to get me to come into his stall at the Pink Poodle"? or "Big Trump grabbed my daughters Arse at Six Fags" 30 years ago? But she just now told me about it?

If the MEAT ain't for sale, don't hang it in the winder. thats' all.

I read somewhere that the Hillary camp offered to pay a woman $200,000 to denounce Trump.
I would not doubt it for an instant.

Most of these claims are so old, there's no way to prove anyone truthful. Worse, many of them involve something spoken. How would these women remember some off color remark 30 or 35 years ago? I've made worse off color remarks than these women are complaining of.

Hitchens is right. Men should start demanding a Certificate of Good Conduct at the end of every date.
A letter of reference for a simple date :lmao:
two things:

If HRC and DNC paid me $100K would I say "little Trump tried to get me to come into his stall at the Pink Poodle"? or "Big Trump grabbed my daughters Arse at Six Fags" 30 years ago? But she just now told me about it?

If the MEAT ain't for sale, don't hang it in the winder. thats' all.

I read somewhere that the Hillary camp offered to pay a woman $200,000 to denounce Trump.
I would not doubt it for an instant.

Most of these claims are so old, there's no way to prove anyone truthful. Worse, many of them involve something spoken. How would these women remember some off color remark 30 or 35 years ago? I've made worse off color remarks than these women are complaining of.

Hitchens is right. Men should start demanding a Certificate of Good Conduct at the end of every date.
An off-color remark should not even be given consideration of harassment unless it deals in a situation where a persons job or other form, of livelihood, is jeopardized by a negative response.

The bottom line is a real man won't ever put his hands on a woman against her wishes.

However, given the low quality of character that seems to some with some women, a requirement of proof of the harassment with a severe penalty if she is lying or cannot substantiate the accusation, should be in order.

Also, if, as a woman, you are so offended by the conduct of a man toward your person that you feel charges could be filed, then waiting to file them is consent. Anyone who waits weeks, months, or years to make charges of sexual misconduct isn't being honest.
Women who make claims of multiple rape should be dismissed out of hand. If you go out with a man whom you feel has raped you and you go out with him again, it's not rape, it's a relationship. Some women are claiming Harvey Weinstein raped them on multiple occasions after he has taken them to dinner or an event.
Wandering hands need to stay where they belong. End of story. Confused?
I agree. Physical and/or photographic proof of abuse or groping must be provided if charges are made, and severe jail time for unsubstantiated accusations should ensue. End of story. Confused?

Given that only 1% of rapes result in a conviction of the rapist, your criteria would result in no one ever being convicted of rape since there are seldom witnesses or evidence.

From past comments you’ve made, it’s pretty clear that you’ve been accused of rape and you feel the accusations were false.

Maybe YOU should rethink your attitudes and interactions with women, because quite frankly, you come across as a total asshole in that regard.
Wandering hands need to stay where they belong. End of story. Confused?
I agree. Physical and/or photographic proof of abuse or groping must be provided if charges are made, and severe jail time for unsubstantiated accusations should ensue. End of story. Confused?

Given that only 1% of rapes result in a conviction of the rapist, your criteria would result in no one ever being convicted of rape since there are seldom witnesses or evidence.

From past comments you’ve made, it’s pretty clear that you’ve been accused of rape and you feel the accusations were false.

Maybe YOU should rethink your attitudes and interactions with women, because quite frankly, you come across as a total asshole in that regard.
I've never been accused of rape. So much for you ability to read people.

My attitudes and interactions with women have always been with respect and manners. What we are discussing are not women, but opportunists. If a woman is raped, there is ALWAYS physical evidence. There is little to no evidence if the woman waits a month, six, or a year before making the claim she was raped. As My wife stated about these women making accusations 20 and 30 years later about sexual abuse, they're whores. They sold their bodies to these men for their careers because if a woman really was offended and/or harmed by these actions, they would have come forward **IMMEDIATELY** and not given any consideration to the possible loss of a job.

Sorry, but you need to reexamine your role in such attitudes being permitted that a woman can, years later, come forward without any proof and destroy a persons life and reputation.
Wandering hands need to stay where they belong. End of story. Confused?
I agree. Physical and/or photographic proof of abuse or groping must be provided if charges are made, and severe jail time for unsubstantiated accusations should ensue. End of story. Confused?

Given that only 1% of rapes result in a conviction of the rapist, your criteria would result in no one ever being convicted of rape since there are seldom witnesses or evidence.

From past comments you’ve made, it’s pretty clear that you’ve been accused of rape and you feel the accusations were false.

Maybe YOU should rethink your attitudes and interactions with women, because quite frankly, you come across as a total asshole in that regard.
I've never been accused of rape. So much for you ability to read people.

My attitudes and interactions with women have always been with respect and manners. What we are discussing are not women, but opportunists. If a woman is raped, there is ALWAYS physical evidence. There is little to no evidence if the woman waits a month, six, or a year before making the claim she was raped. As My wife stated about these women making accusations 20 and 30 years later about sexual abuse, they're whores. They sold their bodies to these men for their careers because if a woman really was offended and/or harmed by these actions, they would have come forward **IMMEDIATELY** and not given any consideration to the possible loss of a job.

Sorry, but you need to reexamine your role in such attitudes being permitted that a woman can, years later, come forward without any proof and destroy a persons life and reputation.
Sexual harassment doesn't always include rape. Most of the women coming forward did NOT "sell their bodies," but they kept their mouths shut about what happened to ensure their careers weren't trashed. To Weinstein's credit, he seems to have been fairly benign when a woman didn't play, but perhaps because they DID keep their mouths shut?
Your wife should get the facts before calling a bunch of women whores for going to the trouble of coming forward. There is nothing in it for them except embarrassment and getting called whores by people like you.
Wandering hands need to stay where they belong. End of story. Confused?
I agree. Physical and/or photographic proof of abuse or groping must be provided if charges are made, and severe jail time for unsubstantiated accusations should ensue. End of story. Confused?

Given that only 1% of rapes result in a conviction of the rapist, your criteria would result in no one ever being convicted of rape since there are seldom witnesses or evidence.

From past comments you’ve made, it’s pretty clear that you’ve been accused of rape and you feel the accusations were false.

Maybe YOU should rethink your attitudes and interactions with women, because quite frankly, you come across as a total asshole in that regard.
I've never been accused of rape. So much for you ability to read people.

My attitudes and interactions with women have always been with respect and manners. What we are discussing are not women, but opportunists. If a woman is raped, there is ALWAYS physical evidence. There is little to no evidence if the woman waits a month, six, or a year before making the claim she was raped. As My wife stated about these women making accusations 20 and 30 years later about sexual abuse, they're whores. They sold their bodies to these men for their careers because if a woman really was offended and/or harmed by these actions, they would have come forward **IMMEDIATELY** and not given any consideration to the possible loss of a job.

Sorry, but you need to reexamine your role in such attitudes being permitted that a woman can, years later, come forward without any proof and destroy a persons life and reputation.
Sexual harassment doesn't always include rape. Most of the women coming forward did NOT "sell their bodies," but they kept their mouths shut about what happened to ensure their careers weren't trashed. To Weinstein's credit, he seems to have been fairly benign when a woman didn't play, but perhaps because they DID keep their mouths shut?
Your wife should get the facts before calling a bunch of women whores for going to the trouble of coming forward. There is nothing in it for them except embarrassment and getting called whores by people like you.
She has the facts, the very ones you just cited. They chose their careers over their principles and character. They have sold themselves for their jobs by remaining silent when they knew what happened to them was wrong and a crime.

Now, they come forth decades later, with no proof, to destroy or get even.

Any man or woman who uses their position of authority to elicit sex from an subordinate deserves to be jailed for a long time.

Anyone who decides to withhold their accusations or make accusations without physical proof of the crime deserves jail time.

This ruining people for revenge has to have a cost.

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