What will women gain from all this squawking about sex pests? A Niqab

Girls dress like a million bucks and then scream "don't look at me "
What Trump did was .... being a peckerhead, a dirty old lech. He wasn't threatening to fire his secretary or his female executive v.p. because she wouldn't give out. That is what sexual harassment is, and the Weinstein et al allegations. You aren't hearing about Trump here because they are not the same thing.
Trump was just going through life with his dinosaur attitude that women are sexual playthings put on this Earth for his enjoyment. There is a difference.

There is a difference but what Trump did is still sexual assault. Which makes him no better than Harvey Weinstein.

There is also a woman who filed suit against Trump for beating and raping her when she was 13. The suit was withdrawn after she and her family received death threats.
You have no evidence of anything Trump did, so you're just a lying douchebag.
The suit was dropped the minute the election was over. That's because it was utterly bogus and lacking any supporting evidence whatsoever. People like you are exactly the kind the article I posted is talking about.
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Wandering hands need to stay where they belong. End of story. Confused?
I agree. Physical and/or photographic proof of abuse or groping must be provided if charges are made, and severe jail time for unsubstantiated accusations should ensue. End of story. Confused?

Given that only 1% of rapes result in a conviction of the rapist, your criteria would result in no one ever being convicted of rape since there are seldom witnesses or evidence.

From past comments you’ve made, it’s pretty clear that you’ve been accused of rape and you feel the accusations were false.

Maybe YOU should rethink your attitudes and interactions with women, because quite frankly, you come across as a total asshole in that regard.
I've never been accused of rape. So much for you ability to read people.

My attitudes and interactions with women have always been with respect and manners. What we are discussing are not women, but opportunists. If a woman is raped, there is ALWAYS physical evidence. There is little to no evidence if the woman waits a month, six, or a year before making the claim she was raped. As My wife stated about these women making accusations 20 and 30 years later about sexual abuse, they're whores. They sold their bodies to these men for their careers because if a woman really was offended and/or harmed by these actions, they would have come forward **IMMEDIATELY** and not given any consideration to the possible loss of a job.

Sorry, but you need to reexamine your role in such attitudes being permitted that a woman can, years later, come forward without any proof and destroy a persons life and reputation.
Sexual harassment doesn't always include rape. Most of the women coming forward did NOT "sell their bodies," but they kept their mouths shut about what happened to ensure their careers weren't trashed. To Weinstein's credit, he seems to have been fairly benign when a woman didn't play, but perhaps because they DID keep their mouths shut?
Your wife should get the facts before calling a bunch of women whores for going to the trouble of coming forward. There is nothing in it for them except embarrassment and getting called whores by people like you.
She has the facts, the very ones you just cited. They chose their careers over their principles and character. They have sold themselves for their jobs by remaining silent when they knew what happened to them was wrong and a crime.

Now, they come forth decades later, with no proof, to destroy or get even.

Any man or woman who uses their position of authority to elicit sex from an subordinate deserves to be jailed for a long time.

Anyone who decides to withhold their accusations or make accusations without physical proof of the crime deserves jail time.

This ruining people for revenge has to have a cost.
Again, you are demanding a level of proof that is impossible, thereby forcing women to remain quiet.
I have no idea why you think they are coming forward "to destroy or get even?" What would make you think they are all bent on revenge? Because you don't want to believe them?
Wandering hands need to stay where they belong. End of story. Confused?
I agree. Physical and/or photographic proof of abuse or groping must be provided if charges are made, and severe jail time for unsubstantiated accusations should ensue. End of story. Confused?

Given that only 1% of rapes result in a conviction of the rapist, your criteria would result in no one ever being convicted of rape since there are seldom witnesses or evidence.

From past comments you’ve made, it’s pretty clear that you’ve been accused of rape and you feel the accusations were false.

Maybe YOU should rethink your attitudes and interactions with women, because quite frankly, you come across as a total asshole in that regard.

Your statistic have already been debunked. Your post goes into the circular file.
I agree. Physical and/or photographic proof of abuse or groping must be provided if charges are made, and severe jail time for unsubstantiated accusations should ensue. End of story. Confused?

Given that only 1% of rapes result in a conviction of the rapist, your criteria would result in no one ever being convicted of rape since there are seldom witnesses or evidence.

From past comments you’ve made, it’s pretty clear that you’ve been accused of rape and you feel the accusations were false.

Maybe YOU should rethink your attitudes and interactions with women, because quite frankly, you come across as a total asshole in that regard.
I've never been accused of rape. So much for you ability to read people.

My attitudes and interactions with women have always been with respect and manners. What we are discussing are not women, but opportunists. If a woman is raped, there is ALWAYS physical evidence. There is little to no evidence if the woman waits a month, six, or a year before making the claim she was raped. As My wife stated about these women making accusations 20 and 30 years later about sexual abuse, they're whores. They sold their bodies to these men for their careers because if a woman really was offended and/or harmed by these actions, they would have come forward **IMMEDIATELY** and not given any consideration to the possible loss of a job.

Sorry, but you need to reexamine your role in such attitudes being permitted that a woman can, years later, come forward without any proof and destroy a persons life and reputation.
Sexual harassment doesn't always include rape. Most of the women coming forward did NOT "sell their bodies," but they kept their mouths shut about what happened to ensure their careers weren't trashed. To Weinstein's credit, he seems to have been fairly benign when a woman didn't play, but perhaps because they DID keep their mouths shut?
Your wife should get the facts before calling a bunch of women whores for going to the trouble of coming forward. There is nothing in it for them except embarrassment and getting called whores by people like you.
She has the facts, the very ones you just cited. They chose their careers over their principles and character. They have sold themselves for their jobs by remaining silent when they knew what happened to them was wrong and a crime.

Now, they come forth decades later, with no proof, to destroy or get even.

Any man or woman who uses their position of authority to elicit sex from an subordinate deserves to be jailed for a long time.

Anyone who decides to withhold their accusations or make accusations without physical proof of the crime deserves jail time.

This ruining people for revenge has to have a cost.
Again, you are demanding a level of proof that is impossible, thereby forcing women to remain quiet.
I have no idea why you think they are coming forward "to destroy or get even?" What would make you think they are all bent on revenge? Because you don't want to believe them?
You are demanding that men are convicted without any evidence other than the word of the so-called "victim."

The ones who denounced Trump were getting paid. If you don't think women might never have a motive to attack men in the battle of the sexes, then you are supremely naive. I could tell you some stories about the utterly vicious things some women have done to me.
I agree. Physical and/or photographic proof of abuse or groping must be provided if charges are made, and severe jail time for unsubstantiated accusations should ensue. End of story. Confused?

Given that only 1% of rapes result in a conviction of the rapist, your criteria would result in no one ever being convicted of rape since there are seldom witnesses or evidence.

From past comments you’ve made, it’s pretty clear that you’ve been accused of rape and you feel the accusations were false.

Maybe YOU should rethink your attitudes and interactions with women, because quite frankly, you come across as a total asshole in that regard.
I've never been accused of rape. So much for you ability to read people.

My attitudes and interactions with women have always been with respect and manners. What we are discussing are not women, but opportunists. If a woman is raped, there is ALWAYS physical evidence. There is little to no evidence if the woman waits a month, six, or a year before making the claim she was raped. As My wife stated about these women making accusations 20 and 30 years later about sexual abuse, they're whores. They sold their bodies to these men for their careers because if a woman really was offended and/or harmed by these actions, they would have come forward **IMMEDIATELY** and not given any consideration to the possible loss of a job.

Sorry, but you need to reexamine your role in such attitudes being permitted that a woman can, years later, come forward without any proof and destroy a persons life and reputation.
Sexual harassment doesn't always include rape. Most of the women coming forward did NOT "sell their bodies," but they kept their mouths shut about what happened to ensure their careers weren't trashed. To Weinstein's credit, he seems to have been fairly benign when a woman didn't play, but perhaps because they DID keep their mouths shut?
Your wife should get the facts before calling a bunch of women whores for going to the trouble of coming forward. There is nothing in it for them except embarrassment and getting called whores by people like you.
She has the facts, the very ones you just cited. They chose their careers over their principles and character. They have sold themselves for their jobs by remaining silent when they knew what happened to them was wrong and a crime.

Now, they come forth decades later, with no proof, to destroy or get even.

Any man or woman who uses their position of authority to elicit sex from an subordinate deserves to be jailed for a long time.

Anyone who decides to withhold their accusations or make accusations without physical proof of the crime deserves jail time.

This ruining people for revenge has to have a cost.
Again, you are demanding a level of proof that is impossible, thereby forcing women to remain quiet.
I have no idea why you think they are coming forward "to destroy or get even?" What would make you think they are all bent on revenge? Because you don't want to believe them?
I am doing no such thing. I am, however, demanding that they provide proof of the accusation, like EVERY CRIME committed in the United States.

If you think it is okay to destroy someones reputation and possible freedom on the basis of just an accusation, you are absolutely nuts.
two things:

If HRC and DNC paid me $100K would I say "little Trump tried to get me to come into his stall at the Pink Poodle"? or "Big Trump grabbed my daughters Arse at Six Fags" 30 years ago? But she just now told me about it?

If the MEAT ain't for sale, don't hang it in the winder. thats' all.

I read somewhere that the Hillary camp offered to pay a woman $200,000 to denounce Trump.
I would not doubt it for an instant.

Most of these claims are so old, there's no way to prove anyone truthful. Worse, many of them involve something spoken. How would these women remember some off color remark 30 or 35 years ago? I've made worse off color remarks than these women are complaining of.

Hitchens is right. Men should start demanding a Certificate of Good Conduct at the end of every date.

This is how I feel too. This is being abused and we live in a nation of innocent until proven guilty. Men aren't even going to want to work with women anymore if this keeps up.
Wandering hands need to stay where they belong. End of story. Confused?
I agree. Physical and/or photographic proof of abuse or groping must be provided if charges are made, and severe jail time for unsubstantiated accusations should ensue. End of story. Confused?

Given that only 1% of rapes result in a conviction of the rapist, your criteria would result in no one ever being convicted of rape since there are seldom witnesses or evidence.

From past comments you’ve made, it’s pretty clear that you’ve been accused of rape and you feel the accusations were false.

Maybe YOU should rethink your attitudes and interactions with women, because quite frankly, you come across as a total asshole in that regard.
I've never been accused of rape. So much for you ability to read people.

My attitudes and interactions with women have always been with respect and manners. What we are discussing are not women, but opportunists. If a woman is raped, there is ALWAYS physical evidence. There is little to no evidence if the woman waits a month, six, or a year before making the claim she was raped. As My wife stated about these women making accusations 20 and 30 years later about sexual abuse, they're whores. They sold their bodies to these men for their careers because if a woman really was offended and/or harmed by these actions, they would have come forward **IMMEDIATELY** and not given any consideration to the possible loss of a job.

Sorry, but you need to reexamine your role in such attitudes being permitted that a woman can, years later, come forward without any proof and destroy a persons life and reputation.
Sexual harassment doesn't always include rape. Most of the women coming forward did NOT "sell their bodies," but they kept their mouths shut about what happened to ensure their careers weren't trashed. To Weinstein's credit, he seems to have been fairly benign when a woman didn't play, but perhaps because they DID keep their mouths shut?
Your wife should get the facts before calling a bunch of women whores for going to the trouble of coming forward. There is nothing in it for them except embarrassment and getting called whores by people like you.

Not true. Weinstein was anything but benign when a woman said “No”. Many young actresses had their careers destroyed because of their refusal to play along. Stories would appear in the tabloids about how “difficult” they were to work with. Projects they were committed to would be cancelled or funding dried up as Harvey used his immense power to derail their careers. Women knew that to say no would cost them.

When Sarah Polley went to the US, she was being touted as a future superstar. She was 19 when Weinstein offered to make it happen for her. She refused because being a star wasn’t that important to her. She was more into being a producer/director. She came back to Canada and had had a very successful career here.

As someone who has been subjected to abuse by an employer (non-sexual), I can give you a dozen reasons why I didn’t speak out at the time. In the first case, I had lived in the city for less than 6 months and the legal community is small. I quit the firm, at which time the Ministry of Labour approached me and offered to fund an “abuse of employee” suit.

I was the 11th or 12 victim of this particular lawyer, who had only been in practice for less than 5 years. Many of his other victims were eager to testify on my behalf. I declined the offer.

I worked for this man for less than 6 months. I did not want to spend the next 2 years of my life reliving it. And I also hoped to find another job within the legal community. What hope would I have if I was in the process of suing my former employer? Would you hire someone who sued her last employer?

I cannot emphasize enough the idea that going through a law suit or trial is being victimized all over again. There is no moving forward. You’re stuck in this awful situation that you left because it was unbearable, and you can’t let it go until the process ends. Yes I wanted this man stopped, as did the other women who wanted to testify against him, we just didn’t want to deal with a horrific process to get there, or the emotional toll it would take to do so.

As for all of the misogynists here who claim that women are lying, why would they do that? What did Trumps accusers have to gain? Nothing. The statute of limitation had long run out. They couldn’t file lawsuits. Instead, they were accused of lying. Threatened with a defamation suit, and publicalky ridiculed for speaking out. Just read the comments here makes you realize why more women don’t come forward.
Given that only 1% of rapes result in a conviction of the rapist, your criteria would result in no one ever being convicted of rape since there are seldom witnesses or evidence.

From past comments you’ve made, it’s pretty clear that you’ve been accused of rape and you feel the accusations were false.

Maybe YOU should rethink your attitudes and interactions with women, because quite frankly, you come across as a total asshole in that regard.
I've never been accused of rape. So much for you ability to read people.

My attitudes and interactions with women have always been with respect and manners. What we are discussing are not women, but opportunists. If a woman is raped, there is ALWAYS physical evidence. There is little to no evidence if the woman waits a month, six, or a year before making the claim she was raped. As My wife stated about these women making accusations 20 and 30 years later about sexual abuse, they're whores. They sold their bodies to these men for their careers because if a woman really was offended and/or harmed by these actions, they would have come forward **IMMEDIATELY** and not given any consideration to the possible loss of a job.

Sorry, but you need to reexamine your role in such attitudes being permitted that a woman can, years later, come forward without any proof and destroy a persons life and reputation.
Sexual harassment doesn't always include rape. Most of the women coming forward did NOT "sell their bodies," but they kept their mouths shut about what happened to ensure their careers weren't trashed. To Weinstein's credit, he seems to have been fairly benign when a woman didn't play, but perhaps because they DID keep their mouths shut?
Your wife should get the facts before calling a bunch of women whores for going to the trouble of coming forward. There is nothing in it for them except embarrassment and getting called whores by people like you.
She has the facts, the very ones you just cited. They chose their careers over their principles and character. They have sold themselves for their jobs by remaining silent when they knew what happened to them was wrong and a crime.

Now, they come forth decades later, with no proof, to destroy or get even.

Any man or woman who uses their position of authority to elicit sex from an subordinate deserves to be jailed for a long time.

Anyone who decides to withhold their accusations or make accusations without physical proof of the crime deserves jail time.

This ruining people for revenge has to have a cost.
Again, you are demanding a level of proof that is impossible, thereby forcing women to remain quiet.
I have no idea why you think they are coming forward "to destroy or get even?" What would make you think they are all bent on revenge? Because you don't want to believe them?
I am doing no such thing. I am, however, demanding that they provide proof of the accusation, like EVERY CRIME committed in the United States.

If you think it is okay to destroy someones reputation and possible freedom on the basis of just an accusation, you are absolutely nuts.
I have to agree with that but when there are two or more who experience the same thing from the same perp and it is ignored or covered up that can be a problem also.

I had no way to prove a state supervisor was getting bj's from a dumb ass that worked for me. She was as sick as any pervert as in her mind giving that one supervisor bj's meant she didn't have to follow company rules or do the job she was being paid for. I hated firing people and would generally give them a lot of leeway in straightening up their work performance before firing them. In that particular incident she bragged about having the job "licked and dicked" to friends who would have never came forward publicly but I could give a heads-up before it ever came up to that super's supervisor though. So the first sign the bj super was going to be a problem I called his supervisor and told him that I would not accept any reports from that guy on that job site and then told the guy why I wouldn't accept false reports that were meant merely to harass any and all employees on that site after firing that thing. He just told me "we don't wanna go there, thank you for calling me" and that was the end of it on the paperwork end that could damage me in future bids. The harassment just becomes more covert in many cases and decent people try to work around it when it cannot be dealt with directly. If it gets to be too much you just walk away, which I finally did after years of different issues like that one or others that were actually worse.

I agree. Physical and/or photographic proof of abuse or groping must be provided if charges are made, and severe jail time for unsubstantiated accusations should ensue. End of story. Confused?

Given that only 1% of rapes result in a conviction of the rapist, your criteria would result in no one ever being convicted of rape since there are seldom witnesses or evidence.

From past comments you’ve made, it’s pretty clear that you’ve been accused of rape and you feel the accusations were false.

Maybe YOU should rethink your attitudes and interactions with women, because quite frankly, you come across as a total asshole in that regard.
I've never been accused of rape. So much for you ability to read people.

My attitudes and interactions with women have always been with respect and manners. What we are discussing are not women, but opportunists. If a woman is raped, there is ALWAYS physical evidence. There is little to no evidence if the woman waits a month, six, or a year before making the claim she was raped. As My wife stated about these women making accusations 20 and 30 years later about sexual abuse, they're whores. They sold their bodies to these men for their careers because if a woman really was offended and/or harmed by these actions, they would have come forward **IMMEDIATELY** and not given any consideration to the possible loss of a job.

Sorry, but you need to reexamine your role in such attitudes being permitted that a woman can, years later, come forward without any proof and destroy a persons life and reputation.
Sexual harassment doesn't always include rape. Most of the women coming forward did NOT "sell their bodies," but they kept their mouths shut about what happened to ensure their careers weren't trashed. To Weinstein's credit, he seems to have been fairly benign when a woman didn't play, but perhaps because they DID keep their mouths shut?
Your wife should get the facts before calling a bunch of women whores for going to the trouble of coming forward. There is nothing in it for them except embarrassment and getting called whores by people like you.
She has the facts, the very ones you just cited. They chose their careers over their principles and character. They have sold themselves for their jobs by remaining silent when they knew what happened to them was wrong and a crime.

Now, they come forth decades later, with no proof, to destroy or get even.

Any man or woman who uses their position of authority to elicit sex from an subordinate deserves to be jailed for a long time.

Anyone who decides to withhold their accusations or make accusations without physical proof of the crime deserves jail time.

This ruining people for revenge has to have a cost.
Again, you are demanding a level of proof that is impossible, thereby forcing women to remain quiet.
I have no idea why you think they are coming forward "to destroy or get even?" What would make you think they are all bent on revenge? Because you don't want to believe them?
There are a lot of spiteful vengeful people in this world that will go to extreme to get what they think is even for all kinds of stupid shit and it is not just in politics.
Wandering hands need to stay where they belong. End of story. Confused?
I agree. Physical and/or photographic proof of abuse or groping must be provided if charges are made, and severe jail time for unsubstantiated accusations should ensue. End of story. Confused?

Given that only 1% of rapes result in a conviction of the rapist, your criteria would result in no one ever being convicted of rape since there are seldom witnesses or evidence.

From past comments you’ve made, it’s pretty clear that you’ve been accused of rape and you feel the accusations were false.

Maybe YOU should rethink your attitudes and interactions with women, because quite frankly, you come across as a total asshole in that regard.
I've never been accused of rape. So much for you ability to read people.

My attitudes and interactions with women have always been with respect and manners. What we are discussing are not women, but opportunists. If a woman is raped, there is ALWAYS physical evidence. There is little to no evidence if the woman waits a month, six, or a year before making the claim she was raped. As My wife stated about these women making accusations 20 and 30 years later about sexual abuse, they're whores. They sold their bodies to these men for their careers because if a woman really was offended and/or harmed by these actions, they would have come forward **IMMEDIATELY** and not given any consideration to the possible loss of a job.

Sorry, but you need to reexamine your role in such attitudes being permitted that a woman can, years later, come forward without any proof and destroy a persons life and reputation.
Sexual harassment doesn't always include rape. Most of the women coming forward did NOT "sell their bodies," but they kept their mouths shut about what happened to ensure their careers weren't trashed. To Weinstein's credit, he seems to have been fairly benign when a woman didn't play, but perhaps because they DID keep their mouths shut?
Your wife should get the facts before calling a bunch of women whores for going to the trouble of coming forward. There is nothing in it for them except embarrassment and getting called whores by people like you.

Not true. Weinstein was anything but benign when a woman said “No”. Many young actresses had their careers destroyed because of their refusal to play along. Stories would appear in the tabloids about how “difficult” they were to work with. Projects they were committed to would be cancelled or funding dried up as Harvey used his immense power to derail their careers. Women knew that to say no would cost them.

When Sarah Polley went to the US, she was being touted as a future superstar. She was 19 when Weinstein offered to make it happen for her. She refused because being a star wasn’t that important to her. She was more into being a producer/director. She came back to Canada and had had a very successful career here.

As someone who has been subjected to abuse by an employer (non-sexual), I can give you a dozen reasons why I didn’t speak out at the time. In the first case, I had lived in the city for less than 6 months and the legal community is small. I quit the firm, at which time the Ministry of Labour approached me and offered to fund an “abuse of employee” suit.

I was the 11th or 12 victim of this particular lawyer, who had only been in practice for less than 5 years. Many of his other victims were eager to testify on my behalf. I declined the offer.

I worked for this man for less than 6 months. I did not want to spend the next 2 years of my life reliving it. And I also hoped to find another job within the legal community. What hope would I have if I was in the process of suing my former employer? Would you hire someone who sued her last employer?

I cannot emphasize enough the idea that going through a law suit or trial is being victimized all over again. There is no moving forward. You’re stuck in this awful situation that you left because it was unbearable, and you can’t let it go until the process ends. Yes I wanted this man stopped, as did the other women who wanted to testify against him, we just didn’t want to deal with a horrific process to get there, or the emotional toll it would take to do so.

As for all of the misogynists here who claim that women are lying, why would they do that? What did Trumps accusers have to gain? Nothing. The statute of limitation had long run out. They couldn’t file lawsuits. Instead, they were accused of lying. Threatened with a defamation suit, and publicalky ridiculed for speaking out. Just read the comments here makes you realize why more women don’t come forward.
The longer abuse continues the bolder the abusers get and they can get pretty crafty about how they go about harassing or going after someone they want out. I pissed off an old creepy Mormon bishop early on in my contracting career by helping a young lady about my age get out of the concubine from the barrio scenario and he did his best to get me blacklisted for it and between that and complaining about a creep that worked for the state grabbing me from behind their blacklisting stuck for awhile. Ultimately they went beyond the pale and went after my son on bogus lewd and lascivious charges (They found a former employees daughter who was sexually active was more than willing to claimed she saw my son trying to pull down another girls pants. The other girl was a friend of son's told the Mormon prosecutor it was a manufactured lie but the prosecutor continued with the prosecution knowing it was a totally fabricated story. Months and thousands of dollars in legal fees later the liar admitted in court was a lie and when asked why she did it she told them it was because I fired her mom and dad). Also had that same nasty magistrate who was connected to the Catholic church put out a warrant for my arrest on bogus charges because he had his own personal issue against me. If anyone stays silent, tries to silence someone who is willing to come forward with truth or helps perpetrate a lie by not speaking out because it is inconvenient for them I would say that they are a part of societies long term problems with discrimination, abuse and harassment.
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What they are speaking out about, albeit too late, is men thinking they can lay hands on them sexually, simply because they have some power over them. If you think men should be allowed to do that, then you are as bad as those who do it.

Bullshit. They are trying to make normal sexual behavior into a crime. They are ruining people simply because they stole a kiss or patted someone's behind 30 years ago. The left has used this as a weapon to destroy people they don't like, but now they are also being fed to the crocodile.
Looking forward......
I agree. Physical and/or photographic proof of abuse or groping must be provided if charges are made, and severe jail time for unsubstantiated accusations should ensue. End of story. Confused?

Given that only 1% of rapes result in a conviction of the rapist, your criteria would result in no one ever being convicted of rape since there are seldom witnesses or evidence.

From past comments you’ve made, it’s pretty clear that you’ve been accused of rape and you feel the accusations were false.

Maybe YOU should rethink your attitudes and interactions with women, because quite frankly, you come across as a total asshole in that regard.
I've never been accused of rape. So much for you ability to read people.

My attitudes and interactions with women have always been with respect and manners. What we are discussing are not women, but opportunists. If a woman is raped, there is ALWAYS physical evidence. There is little to no evidence if the woman waits a month, six, or a year before making the claim she was raped. As My wife stated about these women making accusations 20 and 30 years later about sexual abuse, they're whores. They sold their bodies to these men for their careers because if a woman really was offended and/or harmed by these actions, they would have come forward **IMMEDIATELY** and not given any consideration to the possible loss of a job.

Sorry, but you need to reexamine your role in such attitudes being permitted that a woman can, years later, come forward without any proof and destroy a persons life and reputation.
Sexual harassment doesn't always include rape. Most of the women coming forward did NOT "sell their bodies," but they kept their mouths shut about what happened to ensure their careers weren't trashed. To Weinstein's credit, he seems to have been fairly benign when a woman didn't play, but perhaps because they DID keep their mouths shut?
Your wife should get the facts before calling a bunch of women whores for going to the trouble of coming forward. There is nothing in it for them except embarrassment and getting called whores by people like you.

Not true. Weinstein was anything but benign when a woman said “No”. Many young actresses had their careers destroyed because of their refusal to play along. Stories would appear in the tabloids about how “difficult” they were to work with. Projects they were committed to would be cancelled or funding dried up as Harvey used his immense power to derail their careers. Women knew that to say no would cost them.

When Sarah Polley went to the US, she was being touted as a future superstar. She was 19 when Weinstein offered to make it happen for her. She refused because being a star wasn’t that important to her. She was more into being a producer/director. She came back to Canada and had had a very successful career here.

As someone who has been subjected to abuse by an employer (non-sexual), I can give you a dozen reasons why I didn’t speak out at the time. In the first case, I had lived in the city for less than 6 months and the legal community is small. I quit the firm, at which time the Ministry of Labour approached me and offered to fund an “abuse of employee” suit.

I was the 11th or 12 victim of this particular lawyer, who had only been in practice for less than 5 years. Many of his other victims were eager to testify on my behalf. I declined the offer.

I worked for this man for less than 6 months. I did not want to spend the next 2 years of my life reliving it. And I also hoped to find another job within the legal community. What hope would I have if I was in the process of suing my former employer? Would you hire someone who sued her last employer?

I cannot emphasize enough the idea that going through a law suit or trial is being victimized all over again. There is no moving forward. You’re stuck in this awful situation that you left because it was unbearable, and you can’t let it go until the process ends. Yes I wanted this man stopped, as did the other women who wanted to testify against him, we just didn’t want to deal with a horrific process to get there, or the emotional toll it would take to do so.

As for all of the misogynists here who claim that women are lying, why would they do that? What did Trumps accusers have to gain? Nothing. The statute of limitation had long run out. They couldn’t file lawsuits. Instead, they were accused of lying. Threatened with a defamation suit, and publicalky ridiculed for speaking out. Just read the comments here makes you realize why more women don’t come forward.
The longer abuse continues the bolder the abusers get and they can get pretty crafty about how they go about harassing or going after someone they want out. I pissed off an old creepy Mormon bishop early on in my contracting career by helping a young lady about my age get out of the concubine fro the barrio scenario and he did his best to get me blacklisted for it and between that an a creep that worked for the state grabbing me from behind their blacklisting stuck for awhile. Ultimately they went beyond the pale and went after my son on bogus lewd and lascivious charges (They found a former employees daughter who was sexually active was more than willing to claimed she saw my son trying to pull down another girls pants. The other girl was a friend of son's told the Mormon prosecutor it was a manufactured lie but the prosecutor continued with the prosecution knowing it was a totally fabricated fabricated story. Months and thousands of dollars in legal fees later the liar admitted in court was a lie and when asked why she did it she told them it was because I fired her mom and dad). Also had that same nasty magistrate who was connected to the Catholic church put out a warrant for my arrest on bogus charges because he had his own personal issue against me. If anyone stays silent, tries to silence someone who is willing to come forward with truth or helps perpetrate a lie by not speaking out because it is inconvenient for them I would say that they are a part of societies long term problems with discrimination, abuse and harassment.
The patriarchal church/mosque/synogue is the worst...nature of the beast.
Given that only 1% of rapes result in a conviction of the rapist, your criteria would result in no one ever being convicted of rape since there are seldom witnesses or evidence.

From past comments you’ve made, it’s pretty clear that you’ve been accused of rape and you feel the accusations were false.

Maybe YOU should rethink your attitudes and interactions with women, because quite frankly, you come across as a total asshole in that regard.
I've never been accused of rape. So much for you ability to read people.

My attitudes and interactions with women have always been with respect and manners. What we are discussing are not women, but opportunists. If a woman is raped, there is ALWAYS physical evidence. There is little to no evidence if the woman waits a month, six, or a year before making the claim she was raped. As My wife stated about these women making accusations 20 and 30 years later about sexual abuse, they're whores. They sold their bodies to these men for their careers because if a woman really was offended and/or harmed by these actions, they would have come forward **IMMEDIATELY** and not given any consideration to the possible loss of a job.

Sorry, but you need to reexamine your role in such attitudes being permitted that a woman can, years later, come forward without any proof and destroy a persons life and reputation.
Sexual harassment doesn't always include rape. Most of the women coming forward did NOT "sell their bodies," but they kept their mouths shut about what happened to ensure their careers weren't trashed. To Weinstein's credit, he seems to have been fairly benign when a woman didn't play, but perhaps because they DID keep their mouths shut?
Your wife should get the facts before calling a bunch of women whores for going to the trouble of coming forward. There is nothing in it for them except embarrassment and getting called whores by people like you.

Not true. Weinstein was anything but benign when a woman said “No”. Many young actresses had their careers destroyed because of their refusal to play along. Stories would appear in the tabloids about how “difficult” they were to work with. Projects they were committed to would be cancelled or funding dried up as Harvey used his immense power to derail their careers. Women knew that to say no would cost them.

When Sarah Polley went to the US, she was being touted as a future superstar. She was 19 when Weinstein offered to make it happen for her. She refused because being a star wasn’t that important to her. She was more into being a producer/director. She came back to Canada and had had a very successful career here.

As someone who has been subjected to abuse by an employer (non-sexual), I can give you a dozen reasons why I didn’t speak out at the time. In the first case, I had lived in the city for less than 6 months and the legal community is small. I quit the firm, at which time the Ministry of Labour approached me and offered to fund an “abuse of employee” suit.

I was the 11th or 12 victim of this particular lawyer, who had only been in practice for less than 5 years. Many of his other victims were eager to testify on my behalf. I declined the offer.

I worked for this man for less than 6 months. I did not want to spend the next 2 years of my life reliving it. And I also hoped to find another job within the legal community. What hope would I have if I was in the process of suing my former employer? Would you hire someone who sued her last employer?

I cannot emphasize enough the idea that going through a law suit or trial is being victimized all over again. There is no moving forward. You’re stuck in this awful situation that you left because it was unbearable, and you can’t let it go until the process ends. Yes I wanted this man stopped, as did the other women who wanted to testify against him, we just didn’t want to deal with a horrific process to get there, or the emotional toll it would take to do so.

As for all of the misogynists here who claim that women are lying, why would they do that? What did Trumps accusers have to gain? Nothing. The statute of limitation had long run out. They couldn’t file lawsuits. Instead, they were accused of lying. Threatened with a defamation suit, and publicalky ridiculed for speaking out. Just read the comments here makes you realize why more women don’t come forward.
The longer abuse continues the bolder the abusers get and they can get pretty crafty about how they go about harassing or going after someone they want out. I pissed off an old creepy Mormon bishop early on in my contracting career by helping a young lady about my age get out of the concubine fro the barrio scenario and he did his best to get me blacklisted for it and between that an a creep that worked for the state grabbing me from behind their blacklisting stuck for awhile. Ultimately they went beyond the pale and went after my son on bogus lewd and lascivious charges (They found a former employees daughter who was sexually active was more than willing to claimed she saw my son trying to pull down another girls pants. The other girl was a friend of son's told the Mormon prosecutor it was a manufactured lie but the prosecutor continued with the prosecution knowing it was a totally fabricated fabricated story. Months and thousands of dollars in legal fees later the liar admitted in court was a lie and when asked why she did it she told them it was because I fired her mom and dad). Also had that same nasty magistrate who was connected to the Catholic church put out a warrant for my arrest on bogus charges because he had his own personal issue against me. If anyone stays silent, tries to silence someone who is willing to come forward with truth or helps perpetrate a lie by not speaking out because it is inconvenient for them I would say that they are a part of societies long term problems with discrimination, abuse and harassment.
The patriarchal church/mosque/synogue is the worst...nature of the beast.
It all comes down to individuals regardless of their religious preference. Those were sick people and they are in the world. That does not make all Mormons or Catholics bad, it just speaks to the sickness of people who are willing to remain silent, prejudge without all of the facts, go along with lies and all of the things Jesus taught them not to do. Cronyism is in all aspects of life here. Doctors generally stick up for doctors, attorneys won't generally say anything bad about other attorneys, etc.... People subject themselves and me I just had a lot to learn about this ole' world and so it was an experience of learning for me.
Given that only 1% of rapes result in a conviction of the rapist, your criteria would result in no one ever being convicted of rape since there are seldom witnesses or evidence.

From past comments you’ve made, it’s pretty clear that you’ve been accused of rape and you feel the accusations were false.

Maybe YOU should rethink your attitudes and interactions with women, because quite frankly, you come across as a total asshole in that regard.
I've never been accused of rape. So much for you ability to read people.

My attitudes and interactions with women have always been with respect and manners. What we are discussing are not women, but opportunists. If a woman is raped, there is ALWAYS physical evidence. There is little to no evidence if the woman waits a month, six, or a year before making the claim she was raped. As My wife stated about these women making accusations 20 and 30 years later about sexual abuse, they're whores. They sold their bodies to these men for their careers because if a woman really was offended and/or harmed by these actions, they would have come forward **IMMEDIATELY** and not given any consideration to the possible loss of a job.

Sorry, but you need to reexamine your role in such attitudes being permitted that a woman can, years later, come forward without any proof and destroy a persons life and reputation.
Sexual harassment doesn't always include rape. Most of the women coming forward did NOT "sell their bodies," but they kept their mouths shut about what happened to ensure their careers weren't trashed. To Weinstein's credit, he seems to have been fairly benign when a woman didn't play, but perhaps because they DID keep their mouths shut?
Your wife should get the facts before calling a bunch of women whores for going to the trouble of coming forward. There is nothing in it for them except embarrassment and getting called whores by people like you.
She has the facts, the very ones you just cited. They chose their careers over their principles and character. They have sold themselves for their jobs by remaining silent when they knew what happened to them was wrong and a crime.

Now, they come forth decades later, with no proof, to destroy or get even.

Any man or woman who uses their position of authority to elicit sex from an subordinate deserves to be jailed for a long time.

Anyone who decides to withhold their accusations or make accusations without physical proof of the crime deserves jail time.

This ruining people for revenge has to have a cost.
Again, you are demanding a level of proof that is impossible, thereby forcing women to remain quiet.
I have no idea why you think they are coming forward "to destroy or get even?" What would make you think they are all bent on revenge? Because you don't want to believe them?
You are demanding that men are convicted without any evidence other than the word of the so-called "victim."

The ones who denounced Trump were getting paid. If you don't think women might never have a motive to attack men in the battle of the sexes, then you are supremely naive. I could tell you some stories about the utterly vicious things some women have done to me.

They were not paid. Not one of them. They got nothing for their troubles.

I don’t know if a single woman who was raped who ever came forward including the 13 year old who was drugged, raped and sofomized and left in shopping cart on her front lawn after a friend’s birthday party. She was a virgin when this happened.

Every time there’s a rape story posted here, men all claim the woman asked for it or was drunk. The question most women get asked after a rape is “What were you wearing”.

Everyone here blames the victims for not coming forward, but every time a victim comes forward, you scream “Liar” because there’s no evidence and no witnesses. The woman has to be out for money, fame, whatever.

Everyone knew Weinstein was a pig and yet no one stopped him. One law firm I worked for had a partner who sexually harassed his secretary. Every few years the firm would pay off a secretary who complained but nothing ever happened to the guy. He was one of the biggest billing partners in the firm.

I also know of a stock broker who raped a coworker in the office after hours when they were both working late. He was their highest billing broker. They talked the girl out of pressing charges and gave her a nice settlement. Then they fired her.

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