What will women gain from all this squawking about sex pests? A Niqab

Innocent until proven guilty.

No one should be able to destroy peoples lives without being judged by their peers by the evidence.

So the question then becomes how do you prosecute rape given that rape is a crime committed in private, there are generally no witnesses and while there may be evidence of sex, no way of definitively proving consent?

Every survey done asking women about sexually assault, the numbers are frightening. One third of all rapes are never reported and the chances of convicting your rapist are slim. Women who do come forward say that the process of reporting the crime is just as dehumanizing and victimizing as the initial rape.

Obviously you want to prosecute men without any evidence.
Many of these replies point to a lot of truth

In New York, Harvey has been accused of raping this girl twice. I agree with the earlier poster who said if you were raped once, why would you get within a hundred miles of this pig again if you were raped. These kind of women I tend to discount. Earlier today I was told that Ashley Judd had sex with Harvey to keep from being raped. Please explain that one to me.

Forceful and abusive rape is intolerable,but is that what really happened with the Harvey girls? It seems many of these women could have just walked, but they made a calculated decision that a career was worth the personal tragedy. I am not justifying his behavior but what did these women do to protect their sisters or out the pig. This Johnny come lately stuff just rings hollow. My wife tells the story of having a job she liked before we met where her boss would just not leave her alone, she didn’t want to quit but she was left with no choice in her mind, and this was at a time when she was divorced with three young children. This was a woman with the courage of her convictions at a time when women were second class citizens. While many men’s behavior hasn’t changed, times certainly have for women. As with race, men seem precluded from commenting on rape in any way so I will leave it at that.

Does this environment continue the pattern of male emasculation, absolutely. If it was hard to navigate social interactions before it is even more impossible now, especially for young males. It seems the only role models are pigs or pansies, male or female. I am glad I am not a teenager today(although I would love to be thirty again).

I think winterborn has given some sage advice and insight. I would just add this. The pleasure derived from a woman that wants to be with you is so much greater than from a woman who doesn’t want to be with you, why would you force the issue. A gentleman never does.

These incidents occurred at her apartment:

Harvey Weinstein: police say Paz de la Huerta's rape claim is 'credible'

Of course she had business dealings with Weinstein. They were both in the same industry, and the entertainment industry is a real crapshoot, just like politics.

I don't think that this is a matter of "emasculation" that somehow is going to cripple any honest person's social interactions. Everyone knows that you shouldn't touch a person uninvited.
What they are speaking out about, albeit too late, is men thinking they can lay hands on them sexually, simply because they have some power over them. If you think men should be allowed to do that, then you are as bad as those who do it.

Bullshit. They are trying to make normal sexual behavior into a crime. They are ruining people simply because they stole a kiss or patted someone's behind 30 years ago. The left has used this as a weapon to destroy people they don't like, but now they are also being fed to the crocodile.
Since you are a supporter of a pussy grabber I don't think you have the moral grounds to talk about this subject.
Wandering hands need to stay where they belong. End of story. Confused?
ROFL! I bet you're a fun date.

Women are not talking about what men did on dates. But, even on a date, you don't get to grope and grab unless she wants it too.
No one said you did, but that doesn't mean your life should be destroyed 30 years later. Simply saying "no" should be sufficient. Women aren't made of glass.

And furthermore, women on dates don't say "it's OK for you to kiss me now." They expect you to take the initiative without being told. Only a virgin doesn't understand how that works. Women's expectations about how men are supposed to behave are utterly ridiculous.
Not "not made of glass" but do still expect males or females to keep their sexual sneak feels at a distance unless an invitation is expressly given to do so. It is extremely invasive to another person's personal space when another person feels you up uninvited regardless of what their reasoning is.

A lot of women expect you to make a move without them saying anything. The demand for explicit permission doesn't jib with the way women actually behave.

And most women will give subtle signals. But dates are not what we are talking about. If you spend an evening talking, sitting close ect, and then try to kiss her, you are not sexually harassing her.
Wandering hands need to stay where they belong. End of story. Confused?
ROFL! I bet you're a fun date.

Women are not talking about what men did on dates. But, even on a date, you don't get to grope and grab unless she wants it too.
No one said you did, but that doesn't mean your life should be destroyed 30 years later. Simply saying "no" should be sufficient. Women aren't made of glass.

And furthermore, women on dates don't say "it's OK for you to kiss me now." They expect you to take the initiative without being told. Only a virgin doesn't understand how that works. Women's expectations about how men are supposed to behave are utterly ridiculous.
Not "not made of glass" but do still expect males or females to keep their sexual sneak feels at a distance unless an invitation is expressly given to do so. It is extremely invasive to another person's personal space when another person feels you up uninvited regardless of what their reasoning is.

A lot of women expect you to make a move without them saying anything. The demand for explicit permission doesn't jib with the way women actually behave.
Are you claiming all women behave as though they are ready to be jumped on? That is what your words seem to be insinuating.
What they are speaking out about, albeit too late, is men thinking they can lay hands on them sexually, simply because they have some power over them. If you think men should be allowed to do that, then you are as bad as those who do it.

Bullshit. They are trying to make normal sexual behavior into a crime. They are ruining people simply because they stole a kiss or patted someone's behind 30 years ago. The left has used this as a weapon to destroy people they don't like, but now they are also being fed to the crocodile.
Since you are a supporter of a pussy grabber I don't think you have the moral grounds to talk about this subject.
Are you saying you have never touched pussy?
ROFL! I bet you're a fun date.

Women are not talking about what men did on dates. But, even on a date, you don't get to grope and grab unless she wants it too.
No one said you did, but that doesn't mean your life should be destroyed 30 years later. Simply saying "no" should be sufficient. Women aren't made of glass.

And furthermore, women on dates don't say "it's OK for you to kiss me now." They expect you to take the initiative without being told. Only a virgin doesn't understand how that works. Women's expectations about how men are supposed to behave are utterly ridiculous.
Not "not made of glass" but do still expect males or females to keep their sexual sneak feels at a distance unless an invitation is expressly given to do so. It is extremely invasive to another person's personal space when another person feels you up uninvited regardless of what their reasoning is.

A lot of women expect you to make a move without them saying anything. The demand for explicit permission doesn't jib with the way women actually behave.
Are you claiming all women behave as though they are ready to be jumped on? That is what your words seem to be insinuating.
All of them? No. I'm saying a lot of women, if they want you to jump their bones, somehow expect you to know it, but they won't tell you. If you guess wrong you're in big trouble. That's one reason a lot of this stuff happens.
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Wandering hands need to stay where they belong. End of story. Confused?
ROFL! I bet you're a fun date.
And we already know that you are a real asshole. Now we can add sexual pervert to that list. Time to recognize that the actions of people like our President are a perversion, and not normal. And should be treated as such.

Liberal Dictionary
Sexual pervert - Republican with a normal attitude about sex.
Women are not talking about what men did on dates. But, even on a date, you don't get to grope and grab unless she wants it too.
No one said you did, but that doesn't mean your life should be destroyed 30 years later. Simply saying "no" should be sufficient. Women aren't made of glass.

And furthermore, women on dates don't say "it's OK for you to kiss me now." They expect you to take the initiative without being told. Only a virgin doesn't understand how that works. Women's expectations about how men are supposed to behave are utterly ridiculous.
Not "not made of glass" but do still expect males or females to keep their sexual sneak feels at a distance unless an invitation is expressly given to do so. It is extremely invasive to another person's personal space when another person feels you up uninvited regardless of what their reasoning is.

A lot of women expect you to make a move without them saying anything. The demand for explicit permission doesn't jib with the way women actually behave.
Are you claiming all women behave as though they are ready to be jumped on? That is what your words seem to be insinuating.
All of them? No. I'm saying a lot of women, if they want you to jump their bones, somehow expect you to know it, but they won't tell you. If you guess wrong you're in big trouble. Women almost never give you explicit permission. That's one reason a lot of this stuff happens.
Women are not talking about what men did on dates. But, even on a date, you don't get to grope and grab unless she wants it too.
No one said you did, but that doesn't mean your life should be destroyed 30 years later. Simply saying "no" should be sufficient. Women aren't made of glass.

And furthermore, women on dates don't say "it's OK for you to kiss me now." They expect you to take the initiative without being told. Only a virgin doesn't understand how that works. Women's expectations about how men are supposed to behave are utterly ridiculous.
Not "not made of glass" but do still expect males or females to keep their sexual sneak feels at a distance unless an invitation is expressly given to do so. It is extremely invasive to another person's personal space when another person feels you up uninvited regardless of what their reasoning is.

A lot of women expect you to make a move without them saying anything. The demand for explicit permission doesn't jib with the way women actually behave.
Are you claiming all women behave as though they are ready to be jumped on? That is what your words seem to be insinuating.
All of them? No. I'm saying a lot of women somehow expect you to know they want you to jump theirbones, but they won't tell you. They just expect you to know it, and if you guess wrong you're in big trouble. That's one reason a lot of this stuff happens.
Thanks for clarifying that. I think part of the problem is simply a matter of good manners and sexualization of everything under the sun. I used to listen to NPR in the mornings from time to time and there is this one gal on there that always seems to have IMO what seems like improper interactions between her and some of her male quest. Talk that really doesn't belong in a public radio setting of a family type show which is supposed to be a say 'how to grow flowers or what is happening at the zoo for the children' with two people speaking like they want to 'get it on'. Or for instance two school teachers sexually attracted to each other making a public display of it in front of their students is also agitating to me. People acting like dogs in heat in every aspect of media and sure hasn't help teach people who are ignorant of manners learn what proper manners are.
A guy I used to share office space with used to make a lot of inappropriate comments to to his female co-workers. Stuff he would never have said to his male co-workers. Commenting on their appearance in a sexualized way. You could see the women cringe every time he came out with this stuff.

The guy was essentially at the same level as these women - young accountants, but he acted like he was their superior in many ways. He was the only male in the group. I cannot emphasize enough how condescending his behaviour was.

Since we were friends, I cautioned him that some of his comments were inappropriate in an office setting and I didn’t think his coworkers appreciated his remarks. He sloughed me off.

Sure enough, the women complained. He came to me to bitch whine about it. His response was “I was complimenting them!”. No you were treating them like they were your inferiors not your peers.

Perhaps the easiest way to put it for the men here is this. If you wouldn’t say it to a male co-worker, don’t say it to a female. This is especially true of commments about their dress or appearance.
What they are speaking out about, albeit too late, is men thinking they can lay hands on them sexually, simply because they have some power over them. If you think men should be allowed to do that, then you are as bad as those who do it.

Bullshit. They are trying to make normal sexual behavior into a crime. They are ruining people simply because they stole a kiss or patted someone's behind 30 years ago. The left has used this as a weapon to destroy people they don't like, but now they are also being fed to the crocodile.
Since you are a supporter of a pussy grabber I don't think you have the moral grounds to talk about this subject.
Are you saying you have never touched pussy?
Not while i'm married and doing it to other women probably against their will....that's adultery in conservatives playbook, no? oh wait the pussy grabber is an adulterer.
Wandering hands need to stay where they belong. End of story. Confused?
ROFL! I bet you're a fun date.
And we already know that you are a real asshole. Now we can add sexual pervert to that list. Time to recognize that the actions of people like our President are a perversion, and not normal. And should be treated as such.

Liberal Dictionary
Sexual pervert - Republican with a normal attitude about sex.

What’s a “normal” attitude about sex to Republicans. For Trump it appears that his “normal” includes walking up to women he doesn’t know and grabbing their genitals. To me, that’s sexual assault.

If some guy you didn’t know walked up to you and grabbed your genitals, would you think he was normal? Or would you feel violated?
Wandering hands need to stay where they belong. End of story. Confused?
ROFL! I bet you're a fun date.
And we already know that you are a real asshole. Now we can add sexual pervert to that list. Time to recognize that the actions of people like our President are a perversion, and not normal. And should be treated as such.

Liberal Dictionary
Sexual pervert - Republican with a normal attitude about sex.

What’s a “normal” attitude about sex to Republicans. For Trump it appears that his “normal” includes walking up to women he doesn’t know and grabbing their genitals. To me, that’s sexual assault.

If some guy you didn’t know walked up to you and grabbed your genitals, would you think he was normal? Or would you feel violated?
Trump didn't grab anyone by the genitals. He said that women would let a celebrity grab them by the pussy. Now that the Harvey Weinstein case has come forward, we know that Trump was telling the truth. Dozens of women were glad to have Weinstein grab them by the pussy, IF he got them a starring role later.
What they are speaking out about, albeit too late, is men thinking they can lay hands on them sexually, simply because they have some power over them. If you think men should be allowed to do that, then you are as bad as those who do it.

Bullshit. They are trying to make normal sexual behavior into a crime. They are ruining people simply because they stole a kiss or patted someone's behind 30 years ago. The left has used this as a weapon to destroy people they don't like, but now they are also being fed to the crocodile.
Since you are a supporter of a pussy grabber I don't think you have the moral grounds to talk about this subject.
Are you saying you have never touched pussy?
Not while i'm married and doing it to other women probably against their will....that's adultery in conservatives playbook, no? oh wait the pussy grabber is an adulterer.
Trump said "they let him," so that entire narrative is full of shit.
Women are not talking about what men did on dates. But, even on a date, you don't get to grope and grab unless she wants it too.
No one said you did, but that doesn't mean your life should be destroyed 30 years later. Simply saying "no" should be sufficient. Women aren't made of glass.

And furthermore, women on dates don't say "it's OK for you to kiss me now." They expect you to take the initiative without being told. Only a virgin doesn't understand how that works. Women's expectations about how men are supposed to behave are utterly ridiculous.
Not "not made of glass" but do still expect males or females to keep their sexual sneak feels at a distance unless an invitation is expressly given to do so. It is extremely invasive to another person's personal space when another person feels you up uninvited regardless of what their reasoning is.

A lot of women expect you to make a move without them saying anything. The demand for explicit permission doesn't jib with the way women actually behave.
Are you claiming all women behave as though they are ready to be jumped on? That is what your words seem to be insinuating.
All of them? No. I'm saying a lot of women, if they want you to jump their bones, somehow expect you to know it, but they won't tell you. If you guess wrong you're in big trouble. That's one reason a lot of this stuff happens.
If you don't know when touching a woman would we welcome, ask. Seriously, you sound like you have real issues. It's common sense and human decency: it's that simple.
No one said you did, but that doesn't mean your life should be destroyed 30 years later. Simply saying "no" should be sufficient. Women aren't made of glass.

And furthermore, women on dates don't say "it's OK for you to kiss me now." They expect you to take the initiative without being told. Only a virgin doesn't understand how that works. Women's expectations about how men are supposed to behave are utterly ridiculous.
Not "not made of glass" but do still expect males or females to keep their sexual sneak feels at a distance unless an invitation is expressly given to do so. It is extremely invasive to another person's personal space when another person feels you up uninvited regardless of what their reasoning is.

A lot of women expect you to make a move without them saying anything. The demand for explicit permission doesn't jib with the way women actually behave.
Are you claiming all women behave as though they are ready to be jumped on? That is what your words seem to be insinuating.
All of them? No. I'm saying a lot of women, if they want you to jump their bones, somehow expect you to know it, but they won't tell you. If you guess wrong you're in big trouble. That's one reason a lot of this stuff happens.
If you don't know when touching a woman would we welcome, ask. Seriously, you sound like you have real issues. It's common sense and human decency: it's that simple.

This is what I said. He seems to think women would not like being asked. I have not found that to be the case.

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