What will women gain from all this squawking about sex pests? A Niqab

No one said you did, but that doesn't mean your life should be destroyed 30 years later. Simply saying "no" should be sufficient. Women aren't made of glass.

And furthermore, women on dates don't say "it's OK for you to kiss me now." They expect you to take the initiative without being told. Only a virgin doesn't understand how that works. Women's expectations about how men are supposed to behave are utterly ridiculous.
Not "not made of glass" but do still expect males or females to keep their sexual sneak feels at a distance unless an invitation is expressly given to do so. It is extremely invasive to another person's personal space when another person feels you up uninvited regardless of what their reasoning is.

A lot of women expect you to make a move without them saying anything. The demand for explicit permission doesn't jib with the way women actually behave.
Are you claiming all women behave as though they are ready to be jumped on? That is what your words seem to be insinuating.
All of them? No. I'm saying a lot of women, if they want you to jump their bones, somehow expect you to know it, but they won't tell you. If you guess wrong you're in big trouble. That's one reason a lot of this stuff happens.
If you don't know when touching a woman would we welcome, ask. Seriously, you sound like you have real issues. It's common sense and human decency: it's that simple.

You sound like a sexually frustrated dyke. i don't have any issues. The bottom line is that many women will not tell you when they want you to jump their bones. I guy would never get laid if he never made a move on a women without getting a woman's explicit permission. I'm sure every honest male in this forum agrees with that obvservation of fact.
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Not "not made of glass" but do still expect males or females to keep their sexual sneak feels at a distance unless an invitation is expressly given to do so. It is extremely invasive to another person's personal space when another person feels you up uninvited regardless of what their reasoning is.

A lot of women expect you to make a move without them saying anything. The demand for explicit permission doesn't jib with the way women actually behave.
Are you claiming all women behave as though they are ready to be jumped on? That is what your words seem to be insinuating.
All of them? No. I'm saying a lot of women, if they want you to jump their bones, somehow expect you to know it, but they won't tell you. If you guess wrong you're in big trouble. That's one reason a lot of this stuff happens.
If you don't know when touching a woman would we welcome, ask. Seriously, you sound like you have real issues. It's common sense and human decency: it's that simple.

You sound like a sexually frustrated dyke. i don't have any issues. The bottom line is that many women will not tell you when the want you to jump their bones. I guy would never get laid if he never made a move on a women without getting a woman's explicit permission. I'm sure every honest male in this forum agrees with that obvservation of fact.

You do not always need to ask. Sometimes they are not shy about letting you know. But asking is not going to mean you never get laid.
Not "not made of glass" but do still expect males or females to keep their sexual sneak feels at a distance unless an invitation is expressly given to do so. It is extremely invasive to another person's personal space when another person feels you up uninvited regardless of what their reasoning is.

A lot of women expect you to make a move without them saying anything. The demand for explicit permission doesn't jib with the way women actually behave.
Are you claiming all women behave as though they are ready to be jumped on? That is what your words seem to be insinuating.
All of them? No. I'm saying a lot of women, if they want you to jump their bones, somehow expect you to know it, but they won't tell you. If you guess wrong you're in big trouble. That's one reason a lot of this stuff happens.
If you don't know when touching a woman would we welcome, ask. Seriously, you sound like you have real issues. It's common sense and human decency: it's that simple.

This is what I said. He seems to think women would not like being asked. I have not found that to be the case.

You don't ask to kiss a woman. They'll think you're a pathetic loser if you do. I've never heard any guy say he asked a woman if he could kiss her. Any guy in here who claims thay always do that is lying. That simply isn't how normal men and women behave.
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A lot of women expect you to make a move without them saying anything. The demand for explicit permission doesn't jib with the way women actually behave.
Are you claiming all women behave as though they are ready to be jumped on? That is what your words seem to be insinuating.
All of them? No. I'm saying a lot of women, if they want you to jump their bones, somehow expect you to know it, but they won't tell you. If you guess wrong you're in big trouble. That's one reason a lot of this stuff happens.
If you don't know when touching a woman would we welcome, ask. Seriously, you sound like you have real issues. It's common sense and human decency: it's that simple.

You sound like a sexually frustrated dyke. i don't have any issues. The bottom line is that many women will not tell you when the want you to jump their bones. I guy would never get laid if he never made a move on a women without getting a woman's explicit permission. I'm sure every honest male in this forum agrees with that obvservation of fact.

You do not always need to ask. Sometimes they are not shy about letting you know. But asking is not going to mean you never get laid.

If you don't need to ask, that means there are occasions where you didn't ask. According to all the triggered feminazis, that means you committed sexual assault.
A lot of women expect you to make a move without them saying anything. The demand for explicit permission doesn't jib with the way women actually behave.
Are you claiming all women behave as though they are ready to be jumped on? That is what your words seem to be insinuating.
All of them? No. I'm saying a lot of women, if they want you to jump their bones, somehow expect you to know it, but they won't tell you. If you guess wrong you're in big trouble. That's one reason a lot of this stuff happens.
If you don't know when touching a woman would we welcome, ask. Seriously, you sound like you have real issues. It's common sense and human decency: it's that simple.

This is what I said. He seems to think women would not like being asked. I have not found that to be the case.

You don't ask to kiss a woman. They'll think you're a pathetic loser if you do. I've never heard any guy say he asked a woman if he could kiss her. Any guy in here who claims thay always do that is lying. That simply isn't how normal men and women behave.

I never said I always did. In fact, I have said it is not always necessary. But I have not had one instance where I asked that it turned out badly. In fact, most appreciated my show of respect and being a gentleman.
Are you claiming all women behave as though they are ready to be jumped on? That is what your words seem to be insinuating.
All of them? No. I'm saying a lot of women, if they want you to jump their bones, somehow expect you to know it, but they won't tell you. If you guess wrong you're in big trouble. That's one reason a lot of this stuff happens.
If you don't know when touching a woman would we welcome, ask. Seriously, you sound like you have real issues. It's common sense and human decency: it's that simple.

You sound like a sexually frustrated dyke. i don't have any issues. The bottom line is that many women will not tell you when the want you to jump their bones. I guy would never get laid if he never made a move on a women without getting a woman's explicit permission. I'm sure every honest male in this forum agrees with that obvservation of fact.

You do not always need to ask. Sometimes they are not shy about letting you know. But asking is not going to mean you never get laid.

If you don't need to ask, that means there are occasions where you didn't ask. According to all the triggered feminazis, that means you committed sexual assault.

Not at all. I didn't ask because she showed her interest. Because I was never the sort to try to look like a badass when it wasn't necessary. I never took my seduction lessons from action movies.

Asking a woman does not make you look like a loser. It makes you look like you respect her.
All of them? No. I'm saying a lot of women, if they want you to jump their bones, somehow expect you to know it, but they won't tell you. If you guess wrong you're in big trouble. That's one reason a lot of this stuff happens.
If you don't know when touching a woman would we welcome, ask. Seriously, you sound like you have real issues. It's common sense and human decency: it's that simple.

You sound like a sexually frustrated dyke. i don't have any issues. The bottom line is that many women will not tell you when the want you to jump their bones. I guy would never get laid if he never made a move on a women without getting a woman's explicit permission. I'm sure every honest male in this forum agrees with that obvservation of fact.

You do not always need to ask. Sometimes they are not shy about letting you know. But asking is not going to mean you never get laid.

If you don't need to ask, that means there are occasions where you didn't ask. According to all the triggered feminazis, that means you committed sexual assault.

Not at all. I didn't ask because she showed her interest. Because I was never the sort to try to look like a badass when it wasn't necessary. I never took my seduction lessons from action movies.

Asking a woman does not make you look like a loser. It makes you look like you respect her.
He just doesn't get it, doesn't get it at all. He's got a very crude understanding of relations between men and woman.
If you don't know when touching a woman would we welcome, ask. Seriously, you sound like you have real issues. It's common sense and human decency: it's that simple.

You sound like a sexually frustrated dyke. i don't have any issues. The bottom line is that many women will not tell you when the want you to jump their bones. I guy would never get laid if he never made a move on a women without getting a woman's explicit permission. I'm sure every honest male in this forum agrees with that obvservation of fact.

You do not always need to ask. Sometimes they are not shy about letting you know. But asking is not going to mean you never get laid.

If you don't need to ask, that means there are occasions where you didn't ask. According to all the triggered feminazis, that means you committed sexual assault.

Not at all. I didn't ask because she showed her interest. Because I was never the sort to try to look like a badass when it wasn't necessary. I never took my seduction lessons from action movies.

Asking a woman does not make you look like a loser. It makes you look like you respect her.
He just doesn't get it, doesn't get it at all. He's got a very crude understanding of relations between men and woman.

It is common to be very nervous when trying to pursue a woman initially. I get that. The day I am not nervous is when I worry. But that doesn't mean you can't be a gentleman.
What they are speaking out about, albeit too late, is men thinking they can lay hands on them sexually, simply because they have some power over them. If you think men should be allowed to do that, then you are as bad as those who do it.

Bullshit. They are trying to make normal sexual behavior into a crime. They are ruining people simply because they stole a kiss or patted someone's behind 30 years ago. The left has used this as a weapon to destroy people they don't like, but know they are also being fed to the crocodile.
No, normal sexual behavior is fine. The problem is when people in power use that power to try and force subordinates to give them sexual favors. It is not "a long time ago" that is the point here. It goes on everyday. Finally, a year after the Access Hollywood tape, the country stirs and does something. It isn't about Trump; it's about the attitude--your attitude. And it dies today.

Wrong. Hillary was dragging up women who claimed Trump gave them a feel or a kiss 30 years ago. The access Holiywood tape is exactly what I'm talking about. Leftwing douche bags villify him to this day and claim he committed sexual assault when all he did was engage in lockerroom talk. I've heard that kind of thing since I was 16 years old.

12 women came forward and confirmed that it wasn’t locker room talk. The Access Hollywood tape was from 12 years ago, not 30. One of the women who accused Trump said the incident happened when Melania was pregnant. Barron is what 11 or 12?

Walking into his pageant dressing rooms was just disgusting behaviour, especially the pageant for underage girls.

Trump’s misogyny is impacting his treatment of women. Especially when it comes to their health care. Reducing access to birth control is a huge issue.

His comments about Meagan Kelly, Mika Brezinski, and others are disgusting. Trump is no better than Harvey Weinstein an deserved the same fate.

What was her name? Why didn't she press charges?

Underage girls? What kind of pageant do you think Miss Universe is? It isn't your local county fair!

How has Trump limited access to birth control?

Now you have gotten so desperate, you have going to making things up as you go!
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Innocent until proven guilty.

No one should be able to destroy peoples lives without being judged by their peers by the evidence.

There is almost never evidence. It’s always “he said/she said” and he is the guy who is respected and powerful and she is a nobody.

50 women came forward and accused Bill Cosby of drugging and raping them and he’s still a free man with a career.

On the other hand, one man accused Kevin Spacey of propositioning him when he was underage, and production of House of Cards is shut down and Spacey may never work again.

There is a huge double standard when men or boys are the victims of sexual abuse, and what happens when women make similar allegations.

How many of them went to the police and pressed charges?

Bill Cosby has no career.

There were not just the one with Spacey. You are in error.
What Trump did was .... being a peckerhead, a dirty old lech. He wasn't threatening to fire his secretary or his female executive v.p. because she wouldn't give out. That is what sexual harassment is, and the Weinstein et al allegations. You aren't hearing about Trump here because they are not the same thing.
Trump was just going through life with his dinosaur attitude that women are sexual playthings put on this Earth for his enjoyment. There is a difference.

There is a difference but what Trump did is still sexual assault. Which makes him no better than Harvey Weinstein.

There is also a woman who filed suit against Trump for beating and raping her when she was 13. The suit was withdrawn after she and her family received death threats.

What is the old line about you can't rape the willing?

Is it still sexual assault if the woman likes it or does not complain?

If she withdrew the case, it probably was false. Death threats? That is getting hilarious how desperate people are to weasel out of doing the right thing!
Asking a woman does not make you look like a loser. It makes you look like you respect her.
You have it! If the guy shows no respect for you in that he isn't worth having or keeping unless you are a rude and crude 'lets get'r done' animal type yourself with no self respect or decorum.
You sound like a sexually frustrated dyke. i don't have any issues. The bottom line is that many women will not tell you when the want you to jump their bones. I guy would never get laid if he never made a move on a women without getting a woman's explicit permission. I'm sure every honest male in this forum agrees with that obvservation of fact.

You do not always need to ask. Sometimes they are not shy about letting yoknow. But asking is not going to mean you never get laid.
One ,

If you don't need to ask, that means there are occasions where you didn't ask. According to all the triggered feminazis, that means you committed sexual assault.

Not at all. I didn't ask because she showed her interest. Because I was never the sort to try to look like a badass when it wasn't necessary. I never took my seduction lessons from action movies.

Asking a woman does not make you look like a loser. It makes you look like you respect her.
He just doesn't get it, doesn't get it at all. He's got a very crude understanding of relations between men and woman.

It is common to be very nervous when trying to pursue a woman initially. I get that. The day I am not nervous is when I worry. But that doesn't mean you can't be a gentleman.
One scene from a movie I've always remembered is from Annie Hall. They are on their first date and walking down the street to the restaurant. He says, can we just stop here for a minute and kiss, get it over with so we don't feel awkward about it all evening, wondering when it will happen. That's definitely not word for word, but you get the drift. It is awkward, but if the man is just thinking about 'jumping her bones' instead of making a connection between two people, then he's an adolescent.
two things:

If HRC and DNC paid me $100K would I say "little Trump tried to get me to come into his stall at the Pink Poodle"? or "Big Trump grabbed my daughters Arse at Six Fags" 30 years ago? But she just now told me about it?

If the MEAT ain't for sale, don't hang it in the winder. thats' all.

I read somewhere that the Hillary camp offered to pay a woman $200,000 to denounce Trump.
I would not doubt it for an instant.

Most of these claims are so old, there's no way to prove anyone truthful. Worse, many of them involve something spoken. How would these women remember some off color remark 30 or 35 years ago? I've made worse off color remarks than these women are complaining of.

Hitchens is right. Men should start demanding a Certificate of Good Conduct at the end of every date.

This is how I feel too. This is being abused and we live in a nation of innocent until proven guilty. Men aren't even going to want to work with women anymore if this keeps up.

OK, who are you and what have you done with SR?
two things:

If HRC and DNC paid me $100K would I say "little Trump tried to get me to come into his stall at the Pink Poodle"? or "Big Trump grabbed my daughters Arse at Six Fags" 30 years ago? But she just now told me about it?

If the MEAT ain't for sale, don't hang it in the winder. thats' all.

I read somewhere that the Hillary camp offered to pay a woman $200,000 to denounce Trump.
I would not doubt it for an instant.

Most of these claims are so old, there's no way to prove anyone truthful. Worse, many of them involve something spoken. How would these women remember some off color remark 30 or 35 years ago? I've made worse off color remarks than these women are complaining of.

Hitchens is right. Men should start demanding a Certificate of Good Conduct at the end of every date.

This is how I feel too. This is being abused and we live in a nation of innocent until proven guilty. Men aren't even going to want to work with women anymore if this keeps up.

OK, who are you and what have you done with SR?

I know. I am also in shock that he's suddenly sounding rational
You sound like a sexually frustrated dyke. i don't have any issues. The bottom line is that many women will not tell you when the want you to jump their bones. I guy would never get laid if he never made a move on a women without getting a woman's explicit permission. I'm sure every honest male in this forum agrees with that obvservation of fact.

You do not always need to ask. Sometimes they are not shy about letting you know. But asking is not going to mean you never get laid.

If you don't need to ask, that means there are occasions where you didn't ask. According to all the triggered feminazis, that means you committed sexual assault.

Not at all. I didn't ask because she showed her interest. Because I was never the sort to try to look like a badass when it wasn't necessary. I never took my seduction lessons from action movies.

Asking a woman does not make you look like a loser. It makes you look like you respect her.
He just doesn't get it, doesn't get it at all. He's got a very crude understanding of relations between men and woman.

It is common to be very nervous when trying to pursue a woman initially. I get that. The day I am not nervous is when I worry. But that doesn't mean you can't be a gentleman.
You've already admitted you don't always ask first.

Case closed.
You do not always need to ask. Sometimes they are not shy about letting you know. But asking is not going to mean you never get laid.

If you don't need to ask, that means there are occasions where you didn't ask. According to all the triggered feminazis, that means you committed sexual assault.

Not at all. I didn't ask because she showed her interest. Because I was never the sort to try to look like a badass when it wasn't necessary. I never took my seduction lessons from action movies.

Asking a woman does not make you look like a loser. It makes you look like you respect her.
He just doesn't get it, doesn't get it at all. He's got a very crude understanding of relations between men and woman.

It is common to be very nervous when trying to pursue a woman initially. I get that. The day I am not nervous is when I worry. But that doesn't mean you can't be a gentleman.
You've already admitted you don't always ask first.

Case closed.

LMAO!! I have had dates where the girl kissed me first. Obviously, there was no need to ask. But if you are not sure you ask. Why is it that you have a problem with that?
Are you claiming all women behave as though they are ready to be jumped on? That is what your words seem to be insinuating.
All of them? No. I'm saying a lot of women, if they want you to jump their bones, somehow expect you to know it, but they won't tell you. If you guess wrong you're in big trouble. That's one reason a lot of this stuff happens.
If you don't know when touching a woman would we welcome, ask. Seriously, you sound like you have real issues. It's common sense and human decency: it's that simple.

This is what I said. He seems to think women would not like being asked. I have not found that to be the case.

You don't ask to kiss a woman. They'll think you're a pathetic loser if you do. I've never heard any guy say he asked a woman if he could kiss her. Any guy in here who claims thay always do that is lying. That simply isn't how normal men and women behave.

I never said I always did. In fact, I have said it is not always necessary. But I have not had one instance where I asked that it turned out badly. In fact, most appreciated my show of respect and being a gentleman.
According to the feminazis, you are a sexual predator because you don't always ask first.

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