What will women gain from all this squawking about sex pests? A Niqab

All of them? No. I'm saying a lot of women, if they want you to jump their bones, somehow expect you to know it, but they won't tell you. If you guess wrong you're in big trouble. That's one reason a lot of this stuff happens.
If you don't know when touching a woman would we welcome, ask. Seriously, you sound like you have real issues. It's common sense and human decency: it's that simple.

This is what I said. He seems to think women would not like being asked. I have not found that to be the case.

You don't ask to kiss a woman. They'll think you're a pathetic loser if you do. I've never heard any guy say he asked a woman if he could kiss her. Any guy in here who claims thay always do that is lying. That simply isn't how normal men and women behave.

I never said I always did. In fact, I have said it is not always necessary. But I have not had one instance where I asked that it turned out badly. In fact, most appreciated my show of respect and being a gentleman.
According to the feminazis, you are a sexual predator because you don't always ask first.

So you keep saying. I have not encountered any such women. Maybe you should worry less about extremists and more about respecting the common woman.
If you don't know when touching a woman would we welcome, ask. Seriously, you sound like you have real issues. It's common sense and human decency: it's that simple.

You sound like a sexually frustrated dyke. i don't have any issues. The bottom line is that many women will not tell you when the want you to jump their bones. I guy would never get laid if he never made a move on a women without getting a woman's explicit permission. I'm sure every honest male in this forum agrees with that obvservation of fact.

You do not always need to ask. Sometimes they are not shy about letting you know. But asking is not going to mean you never get laid.

If you don't need to ask, that means there are occasions where you didn't ask. According to all the triggered feminazis, that means you committed sexual assault.

Not at all. I didn't ask because she showed her interest. Because I was never the sort to try to look like a badass when it wasn't necessary. I never took my seduction lessons from action movies.

Asking a woman does not make you look like a loser. It makes you look like you respect her.
He just doesn't get it, doesn't get it at all. He's got a very crude understanding of relations between men and woman.
I have an accurate understanding of relations between men and women. I don't delude myself with PC feminazi propaganda about how women behave.

Here's a fact that you and the rest of the feminazis will never admit: women often lie about being raped.
A chaperone every time men and women are together. Even in business meetings.

Mrs. Pence?? Is that you??

How about men don’t make passes at co-workers?

Are you trying to kill off what is left of marriage in this country?

I guess we can all go out to the local bars and pick up on all of the alcoholic women there!

I never once dated a coworker and still managed to get married - twice. I almost turned down a wonderful job offer because I thought my boss was very attractive when he interviewed me and I’m grateful now that I took the job. He was one of the best bosses I ever worked for and no there was never any unprofessional behaviour for either of us.

I made it a firm policy in my life to avoid married men. Why would I choose to get involved with a guy knowing he’s a liar and a cheat up front. No thank you.

As the saying goes, when you marry a man who cheats on his wife, what you have is a husband who cheats on his wife.
You sound like a sexually frustrated dyke. i don't have any issues. The bottom line is that many women will not tell you when the want you to jump their bones. I guy would never get laid if he never made a move on a women without getting a woman's explicit permission. I'm sure every honest male in this forum agrees with that obvservation of fact.

You do not always need to ask. Sometimes they are not shy about letting you know. But asking is not going to mean you never get laid.

If you don't need to ask, that means there are occasions where you didn't ask. According to all the triggered feminazis, that means you committed sexual assault.

Not at all. I didn't ask because she showed her interest. Because I was never the sort to try to look like a badass when it wasn't necessary. I never took my seduction lessons from action movies.

Asking a woman does not make you look like a loser. It makes you look like you respect her.
He just doesn't get it, doesn't get it at all. He's got a very crude understanding of relations between men and woman.
I have an accurate understanding of relations between men and women. I don't delude myself with PC feminazi propaganda about how women behave.

Here's a fact that you and the rest of the feminazis will never admit: women often lie about being raped.

And you are avoiding the topic.

Have you ever asked a woman before kissing her on the first date?
If you don't know when touching a woman would we welcome, ask. Seriously, you sound like you have real issues. It's common sense and human decency: it's that simple.

This is what I said. He seems to think women would not like being asked. I have not found that to be the case.

You don't ask to kiss a woman. They'll think you're a pathetic loser if you do. I've never heard any guy say he asked a woman if he could kiss her. Any guy in here who claims thay always do that is lying. That simply isn't how normal men and women behave.

I never said I always did. In fact, I have said it is not always necessary. But I have not had one instance where I asked that it turned out badly. In fact, most appreciated my show of respect and being a gentleman.
According to the feminazis, you are a sexual predator because you don't always ask first.

So you keep saying. I have not encountered any such women. Maybe you should worry less about extremists and more about respecting the common woman.

I'm talking about how you behave with women. You have already admitted that you don't always ask them for permission before you make a move. As for feminazis, Esmeralda is obviously just such a woman. That is the reigning feminazi doctrine, that anytime a man makes a move and doesn't get explicit permission beforehand, then he's guilty of sexual assault.
This is what I said. He seems to think women would not like being asked. I have not found that to be the case.

You don't ask to kiss a woman. They'll think you're a pathetic loser if you do. I've never heard any guy say he asked a woman if he could kiss her. Any guy in here who claims thay always do that is lying. That simply isn't how normal men and women behave.

I never said I always did. In fact, I have said it is not always necessary. But I have not had one instance where I asked that it turned out badly. In fact, most appreciated my show of respect and being a gentleman.
According to the feminazis, you are a sexual predator because you don't always ask first.

So you keep saying. I have not encountered any such women. Maybe you should worry less about extremists and more about respecting the common woman.

I'm talking about how you behave with women. You have already admitted that you don't always ask them for permission before you make a move. As for feminazis, Esmeralda is obviously just such a woman. That is the reigning feminazi doctrine, that anytime a man makes a move and doesn't get explicit permission beforehand, then he's guilty of sexual assault.

And I answered that.

Have you ever asked a woman before kissing her on a first date?
If you don't need to ask, that means there are occasions where you didn't ask. According to all the triggered feminazis, that means you committed sexual assault.

Not at all. I didn't ask because she showed her interest. Because I was never the sort to try to look like a badass when it wasn't necessary. I never took my seduction lessons from action movies.

Asking a woman does not make you look like a loser. It makes you look like you respect her.
He just doesn't get it, doesn't get it at all. He's got a very crude understanding of relations between men and woman.

It is common to be very nervous when trying to pursue a woman initially. I get that. The day I am not nervous is when I worry. But that doesn't mean you can't be a gentleman.
You've already admitted you don't always ask first.

Case closed.

LMAO!! I have had dates where the girl kissed me first. Obviously, there was no need to ask. But if you are not sure you ask. Why is it that you have a problem with that?
The feminazis claim that if you don't ask, then you're committing sexual assault. That makes you a sexual predator.
Wandering hands need to stay where they belong. End of story. Confused?
ROFL! I bet you're a fun date.
And we already know that you are a real asshole. Now we can add sexual pervert to that list. Time to recognize that the actions of people like our President are a perversion, and not normal. And should be treated as such.

Liberal Dictionary
Sexual pervert - Republican with a normal attitude about sex.

What’s a “normal” attitude about sex to Republicans. For Trump it appears that his “normal” includes walking up to women he doesn’t know and grabbing their genitals. To me, that’s sexual assault.

If some guy you didn’t know walked up to you and grabbed your genitals, would you think he was normal? Or would you feel violated?

As a female (allegedly), you have no idea what you are talking about. You are completely unqualified.

Also, you best review the tape. That is not what Trump said at all.
You don't ask to kiss a woman. They'll think you're a pathetic loser if you do. I've never heard any guy say he asked a woman if he could kiss her. Any guy in here who claims thay always do that is lying. That simply isn't how normal men and women behave.

I never said I always did. In fact, I have said it is not always necessary. But I have not had one instance where I asked that it turned out badly. In fact, most appreciated my show of respect and being a gentleman.
According to the feminazis, you are a sexual predator because you don't always ask first.

So you keep saying. I have not encountered any such women. Maybe you should worry less about extremists and more about respecting the common woman.

I'm talking about how you behave with women. You have already admitted that you don't always ask them for permission before you make a move. As for feminazis, Esmeralda is obviously just such a woman. That is the reigning feminazi doctrine, that anytime a man makes a move and doesn't get explicit permission beforehand, then he's guilty of sexual assault.

And I answered that.

Have you ever asked a woman before kissing her on a first date?

You don't seem to get the point.
If you don't need to ask, that means there are occasions where you didn't ask. According to all the triggered feminazis, that means you committed sexual assault.

Not at all. I didn't ask because she showed her interest. Because I was never the sort to try to look like a badass when it wasn't necessary. I never took my seduction lessons from action movies.

Asking a woman does not make you look like a loser. It makes you look like you respect her.
He just doesn't get it, doesn't get it at all. He's got a very crude understanding of relations between men and woman.

It is common to be very nervous when trying to pursue a woman initially. I get that. The day I am not nervous is when I worry. But that doesn't mean you can't be a gentleman.
You've already admitted you don't always ask first.

Case closed.

LMAO!! I have had dates where the girl kissed me first. Obviously, there was no need to ask. But if you are not sure you ask. Why is it that you have a problem with that?

You have also had dates where you didn't ask beforehand. That makes you a sexual predator. You keep avoiding that point.
I never said I always did. In fact, I have said it is not always necessary. But I have not had one instance where I asked that it turned out badly. In fact, most appreciated my show of respect and being a gentleman.
According to the feminazis, you are a sexual predator because you don't always ask first.

So you keep saying. I have not encountered any such women. Maybe you should worry less about extremists and more about respecting the common woman.

I'm talking about how you behave with women. You have already admitted that you don't always ask them for permission before you make a move. As for feminazis, Esmeralda is obviously just such a woman. That is the reigning feminazi doctrine, that anytime a man makes a move and doesn't get explicit permission beforehand, then he's guilty of sexual assault.

And I answered that.

Have you ever asked a woman before kissing her on a first date?

You don't seem to get the point.

I get the point. YOu want to base your behavior on the views of a tiny group of extremists. That is ridiculous.
I get the point. You want to lump every single accusation of sexual assault together so you can dismiss them all because of the extremist views of a tiny minority.

Once again, have you ever asked a woman before kissing her on a first date? (not sure why you are afraid to answer this)
Not at all. I didn't ask because she showed her interest. Because I was never the sort to try to look like a badass when it wasn't necessary. I never took my seduction lessons from action movies.

Asking a woman does not make you look like a loser. It makes you look like you respect her.
He just doesn't get it, doesn't get it at all. He's got a very crude understanding of relations between men and woman.

It is common to be very nervous when trying to pursue a woman initially. I get that. The day I am not nervous is when I worry. But that doesn't mean you can't be a gentleman.
You've already admitted you don't always ask first.

Case closed.

LMAO!! I have had dates where the girl kissed me first. Obviously, there was no need to ask. But if you are not sure you ask. Why is it that you have a problem with that?

You have also had dates where you didn't ask beforehand. That makes you a sexual predator. You keep avoiding that point.

Why are you afraid to answer my very simple question?
You don't ask to kiss a woman. They'll think you're a pathetic loser if you do. I've never heard any guy say he asked a woman if he could kiss her. Any guy in here who claims thay always do that is lying. That simply isn't how normal men and women behave.

I never said I always did. In fact, I have said it is not always necessary. But I have not had one instance where I asked that it turned out badly. In fact, most appreciated my show of respect and being a gentleman.
According to the feminazis, you are a sexual predator because you don't always ask first.

So you keep saying. I have not encountered any such women. Maybe you should worry less about extremists and more about respecting the common woman.

I'm talking about how you behave with women. You have already admitted that you don't always ask them for permission before you make a move. As for feminazis, Esmeralda is obviously just such a woman. That is the reigning feminazi doctrine, that anytime a man makes a move and doesn't get explicit permission beforehand, then he's guilty of sexual assault.

And I answered that.

Have you ever asked a woman before kissing her on a first date?
You have not addressed the fact that feminazis consider your dating behavor to be sexual assault.
I never said I always did. In fact, I have said it is not always necessary. But I have not had one instance where I asked that it turned out badly. In fact, most appreciated my show of respect and being a gentleman.
According to the feminazis, you are a sexual predator because you don't always ask first.

So you keep saying. I have not encountered any such women. Maybe you should worry less about extremists and more about respecting the common woman.

I'm talking about how you behave with women. You have already admitted that you don't always ask them for permission before you make a move. As for feminazis, Esmeralda is obviously just such a woman. That is the reigning feminazi doctrine, that anytime a man makes a move and doesn't get explicit permission beforehand, then he's guilty of sexual assault.

And I answered that.

Have you ever asked a woman before kissing her on a first date?
You have not addressed the fact that feminazis consider your dating behavor to be sexual assault.

I most certainly have. I classify it in the same way I classify those insane women who want to kill all men, except a few kept for breeding. They are a crazy, extremist tiny minority.

There. I addressed quite clearly.

Now, can you answer my question?
According to the feminazis, you are a sexual predator because you don't always ask first.

So you keep saying. I have not encountered any such women. Maybe you should worry less about extremists and more about respecting the common woman.

I'm talking about how you behave with women. You have already admitted that you don't always ask them for permission before you make a move. As for feminazis, Esmeralda is obviously just such a woman. That is the reigning feminazi doctrine, that anytime a man makes a move and doesn't get explicit permission beforehand, then he's guilty of sexual assault.

And I answered that.

Have you ever asked a woman before kissing her on a first date?

You don't seem to get the point.

I get the point. YOu want to base your behavior on the views of a tiny group of extremists. That is ridiculous.
I get the point. You want to lump every single accusation of sexual assault together so you can dismiss them all because of the extremist views of a tiny minority.

Once again, have you ever asked a woman before kissing her on a first date? (not sure why you are afraid to answer this)

That "tiny group of extremists" are the reason that the Duck lacross time was expelled and almost convicted of rape, and they were entirely innocent. All over American, thousands of young men are being unjustly accused of rape because of this "tiny group of extremists." Numerous politicians and corporate CEO's have their careers destroyed because of this "tiny group of extremists."

I'm also not "lumping every single accusation of sexual assault together." However, you and the femininazis are trying to claim there are no bogus accusations of sexual assault.
According to the feminazis, you are a sexual predator because you don't always ask first.

So you keep saying. I have not encountered any such women. Maybe you should worry less about extremists and more about respecting the common woman.

I'm talking about how you behave with women. You have already admitted that you don't always ask them for permission before you make a move. As for feminazis, Esmeralda is obviously just such a woman. That is the reigning feminazi doctrine, that anytime a man makes a move and doesn't get explicit permission beforehand, then he's guilty of sexual assault.

And I answered that.

Have you ever asked a woman before kissing her on a first date?
You have not addressed the fact that feminazis consider your dating behavor to be sexual assault.

I most certainly have. I classify it in the same way I classify those insane women who want to kill all men, except a few kept for breeding. They are a crazy, extremist tiny minority.

There. I addressed quite clearly.

Now, can you answer my question?

They are running this country, fool. That's what this thread is about.
He just doesn't get it, doesn't get it at all. He's got a very crude understanding of relations between men and woman.

It is common to be very nervous when trying to pursue a woman initially. I get that. The day I am not nervous is when I worry. But that doesn't mean you can't be a gentleman.
You've already admitted you don't always ask first.

Case closed.

LMAO!! I have had dates where the girl kissed me first. Obviously, there was no need to ask. But if you are not sure you ask. Why is it that you have a problem with that?

You have also had dates where you didn't ask beforehand. That makes you a sexual predator. You keep avoiding that point.

Why are you afraid to answer my very simple question?
It's irrelevant. The issue isn't what happens when you ask. The issue is what happens when you don't ask.
So you keep saying. I have not encountered any such women. Maybe you should worry less about extremists and more about respecting the common woman.

I'm talking about how you behave with women. You have already admitted that you don't always ask them for permission before you make a move. As for feminazis, Esmeralda is obviously just such a woman. That is the reigning feminazi doctrine, that anytime a man makes a move and doesn't get explicit permission beforehand, then he's guilty of sexual assault.

And I answered that.

Have you ever asked a woman before kissing her on a first date?

You don't seem to get the point.

I get the point. YOu want to base your behavior on the views of a tiny group of extremists. That is ridiculous.
I get the point. You want to lump every single accusation of sexual assault together so you can dismiss them all because of the extremist views of a tiny minority.

Once again, have you ever asked a woman before kissing her on a first date? (not sure why you are afraid to answer this)

That "tiny group of extremists" are the reason that the Duck lacross time was expelled and almost convicted of rape, and they were entirely innocent. All over American, thousands of young men are being unjustly accused of rape because of this "tiny group of extremists." Numerous politicians and corporate CEO's have their careers destroyed because of this "tiny group of extremists."

I'm also not "lumping every single accusation of sexual assault together." However, you and the femininazis are trying to claim there are no bogus accusations of sexual assault.

Now you are just lying. Please show me one single instance where I said there are no bogus accusations of sexual assault. I'll wait.
It is common to be very nervous when trying to pursue a woman initially. I get that. The day I am not nervous is when I worry. But that doesn't mean you can't be a gentleman.
You've already admitted you don't always ask first.

Case closed.

LMAO!! I have had dates where the girl kissed me first. Obviously, there was no need to ask. But if you are not sure you ask. Why is it that you have a problem with that?

You have also had dates where you didn't ask beforehand. That makes you a sexual predator. You keep avoiding that point.

Why are you afraid to answer my very simple question?
It's irrelevant. The issue isn't what happens when you ask. The issue is what happens when you don't ask.

So you expect answers to all these questions, but you are scared to answer a very simple question? Pitiful.
Wandering hands need to stay where they belong. End of story. Confused?
ROFL! I bet you're a fun date.
And we already know that you are a real asshole. Now we can add sexual pervert to that list. Time to recognize that the actions of people like our President are a perversion, and not normal. And should be treated as such.

Liberal Dictionary
Sexual pervert - Republican with a normal attitude about sex.

What’s a “normal” attitude about sex to Republicans. For Trump it appears that his “normal” includes walking up to women he doesn’t know and grabbing their genitals. To me, that’s sexual assault.

If some guy you didn’t know walked up to you and grabbed your genitals, would you think he was normal? Or would you feel violated?

As a female (allegedly), you have no idea what you are talking about. You are completely unqualified.

Also, you best review the tape. That is not what Trump said at all.

That is what he said. “When you’re a star you can do anything. Grab em by the pussy. You can do anything”


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