What will you do when they arrest Trump ?


Unless his name is hunter biden.


Will you respect the work of keeping America secure from traitors ?
Will you polish up your guns and kill some cops ?
Will you squat on your couch , watch Fox and burble about Hillary,Hunter and stuff ?

You havent got long to think about this.
Aren't you the same asshole that won't say whether they belong to a union or not because you are afraid that it could be used against you? lol! Now you want to ask others the same type of personal questions? Why the double standard, oh wait, you are a lefty, that's your way.
Just because the Times says these are classified documents doesn't really mean they are classified documents.

However, if such a thing were to happen this country would split and become completely ungovernable. Trump would have an army to command if he was inclined as the nation was brought to a seismic breakup. Democrats would find themselves with splintered law enforcement and a fractured military.
Expect the FBI/DOJ to move slowly and cautiously to prevent just that from happening.

I've said the same many times on this board, but only now it's being repeated by Trump's faithful.

You're inciting violence.

If those who attempt to uphold America's democracy were completely confident, they would have moved against Trump long ago with charges up to and including treason.
You realize it's only going to make him much, much more powerful and influential, right?

I sometimes wonder if you people are actually working for Trump.

Well if he's convicted on any of the charges outlined in the search warrant, it won't matter how powerful he is -- he'll still be ineligible to be president again.
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Expect the FBI/DOJ to move slowly and cautiously to prevent just that from happening.

I've said the same many times on this board, but only now it's being repeated by Trump's faithful.

You're inciting violence.

If those who attempt to uphold America's democracy were completely confident, they would have moved against Trump long ago with charges up to and including treason.
Thanks you are really funny.
I think you should be punished for all of yours.

Otherwise, I don’t agree with you. You’re very selective. Way too selective.

You never say boo about Brandon’s endless lies. Face it, taint. You’re a very unintelligent hack.

One of the things I will enjoy if and when Trump gets re-inaugurated is how you will cry over there in your flea-bite little abode. 😎
Start a thread about stuff that concerns you. Otherwise stop whining.
I know the left is dumb, but they are not that stupid, are they? They have already made a martyr of Trump with this FBI raid.
That is a good point. They do not realize that the worst thing you can do to a narcissist like TRUMP! is to ignore him totally and that making him a martyr is a good way to ignite violence. Nah, the worst thing that will happen to him is a fine.
That is a good point. They do not realize that the worst thing you can do to a narcissist like TRUMP! is to ignore him totally and that making him a martyr is a good way to ignite violence. Nah, the worst thing that will happen to him is a fine.
A fine?
No move away from Trump will go unnoticed as the investigation builds momentum.
Start a thread about stuff that concerns you. Otherwise stop whining.
I’ll post as I see fit in reply to your endless whining. I don’t require your approval.

Again, feel free to read the words slowly if that assists your diminutive petty mind:

Trump may never be arrested. So your OP “question” is mis-formatted to say the least.

Now IF he were to be arrested, my reaction will be irritation and anger. This would be Soviet show trial bullshit worse than the 1/6 Congressional clown show. And I would do legal things within my power to politically punish Brandon and the rest of the Dim filth.

I would savor picturing your angst however when the crap got dismissed.

Now go stand in a corner and jump up and down and kick your own ass. 👍
So when he gets elected President in jail, will they do some sort of work release program so he can run the country?
I think he'll just pardon himself at that point. . .

Secret Service detail for Trump would not be standing by and allowing FBI to grab him up
I think libs are witch hunting up a shoot out.

Trump's not going to jail. If he even gets charged with a crime, like Clinton, he'll be offered a deal which keeps him out of prison. In the unlikely event he were sent off to Club Fed, he'd have a security detail protecting him in there.
I think he'll just pardon himself at that point. . .

Quid Pro might be forced to pardon him to stop the bloodshed. That would piss him off completely, being in debt to Quid Pro. Of course, you do realize he relishes all this attention, right?
Trump's not going to jail. If he even gets charged with a crime, like Clinton, he'll be offered a deal which keeps him out of prison. In the unlikely event he were sent off to Club Fed, he'd have a security detail protecting him in there.
That is the correct motorcycle.
I think that the FBI will be devising a way to cause Trump to go out with a fizzle instead of a 'bang'. The evidence against Trump is already being released in a progressive fashion that avoids having Trump needing to turn to extreme measures with his extremist militia groups.

And also, Trump will understand that he's under considerable restraint to ensure he can't be arrested for incitiong violence against the state.

I would agree that it won't be long, as in some definitive measures will be taken before their 22 election.

I don't think anything will happen before the upcoming elections. Any movement at all will impact them.

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