What will you do when they arrest Trump ?

Expect the FBI/DOJ to move slowly and cautiously to prevent just that from happening.

I've said the same many times on this board, but only now it's being repeated by Trump's faithful.

You're inciting violence.

If those who attempt to uphold America's democracy were completely confident, they would have moved against Trump long ago with charges up to and including treason.

It is treason to try to convict an ex-president of anything.
Look at Bush, who murdered over half a million innocent Iraqis?
Even if you discount the Iraqis, that is still 7,000 death US soldiers due to Bush deliberate lies.

What will you do when they arrest Trump ?​

Hope they won’t eventually come after me for opposing their ideas.
Just because the Times says these are classified documents doesn't really mean they are classified documents.

However, if such a thing were to happen this country would split and become completely ungovernable. Trump would have an army to command if he was inclined as the nation was brought to a seismic breakup. Democrats would find themselves with splintered law enforcement and a fractured military.

Trump's "army" would be promptly squashed by our military.

Will you respect the work of keeping America secure from traitors ?
Will you polish up your guns and kill some cops ?
Will you squat on your couch , watch Fox and burble about Hillary,Hunter and stuff ?

You havent got long to think about this.

I'll just drink champagne and breathe.
I don't think anything will happen before the upcoming elections. Any movement at all will impact them.
I'm really not predicting an active move by the FBI/DOJ to arrest Trump, but I'm rather expecting information being released that will be important to American patriots, enough to forward the case against Trump.

The FBI will fully understand that Trump's crazies being elected would provide Trump with momentum that will carry over for the next 2 years.

As well, power going to the R's in the Senate and the House would make the FBI's task more difficult..

Not to suggest that the FBI will fail. Some method to remove the Trump risk to national security WILL succeed!
I'm going to go to work that day, just like everyday, nothing different and it doesn't effect my day to day life.
Trump's "army" would be promptly squashed by our military.
Undoubtedly, barring two wild cards:

1.The military's sentiments will have to side with government. (don't forget a fascist foothold0

2.The ensuing bloodbath on the streets will be an FBI priority to be avoided.

It can't be overly stressed that the threat of fascism exists!
It is treason to try to convict an ex-president of anything.
Look at Bush, who murdered over half a million innocent Iraqis?
Even if you discount the Iraqis, that is still 7,000 death US soldiers due to Bush deliberate lies.
Convince yourself if you think you've come up with something that applies.
Trump's "army" talks a good game, but few of them are in good enough physical shape to even take on a US soldier.
The deaths on both sides could be in the hundreds and could be imagined to be in the thousands on both sides.
And that's assuming that the military would side against Trump.

The authorities aren't completely confident on that happening yet, and that is the logical reason for the FBI's slower progress than normal.
Trump's "army" talks a good game, but few of them are in good enough physical shape to even take on a US soldier.

Trump's "army"...

The deaths on both sides could be in the hundreds and could be imagined to be in the thousands on both sides.
And that's assuming that the military would side against Trump.

The authorities aren't completely confident on that happening yet, and that is the logical reason for the FBI's slower progress than normal.
I believe if it came to it, the army would be deployed so as to minimize causalities "on both sides". Most likely when there is a clash with police, they would employ sniper teams to take out the leaders, or selective instigators from a mile away.
So when he gets elected President in jail, will they do some sort of work release program so he can run the country?
He already lost by nearly 8 million votes. You actually see that reversing if he’s convicted? :cuckoo:
ummmmm.... guess what? that there SS detail was given a 45 minute heads up that the FBI was acomin'... & the reason.... & can you guess what the SS did? can ya? huh? huh huh HUH?

they let 'em in without a peep.

well, then.... if that were true - which it ain't... you think the SS has unlimited resources?


you are sorely lacking in critical thinking skills.
Apples to door knobs Once Again
Secret service allowing access to a property is no where near same as permitting Trump to be taken into custody and out of Secret Service hands and care. They won’t allow it so you Fauci worshiping ghouls may get another garish wish come true when the shoot out begins.

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