What will you watch in lieu of Obama's farewell address?

Whatever is on Fox News, just like you always do. </thread>
Tammy, then Bones, and follow up with Agents of SHIELD
Yo, I think I`ll watch a great movie: "The Patriot" starring Mel Gibson! It`s a movie that shows you how to win against all odds, reminds me of "Donald J. Trump, President Elect of the U.S.A.," he Conquered the "Socialist Democrat Party," and all of it`s Puppet Affiliates!!!

8 years is a long time to listen to someone B/S-ing.

Trump's B/S is currently popular because everyone is trying to figure him out.

Everyone already has BHO figured out.

I like watching the Justice Network (True Crime documentaries) and they won't have the live feed from The White House showing.

The True Crime documentaries give everyone something to think about, and that's why I like watching it.

For example, some perp's will come up behind you and garrote you around your neck. In nature this is similar to a mountain lion attack.

For either one, the garrote or mountain lion attack, you need a really long knife, either a folding jack knife clipped inside your pocket or a fixed blade, which you can draw and within the 5 seconds you have left to live, you must stab at him behind you so as to severely injure him such that he needs to let go.

Thus it is useful to watch True Crime.

Watching BHO give his last B/S speech is a waste of time unless you are Negro and are savoring the moment.

There probably won't be another Negro POTUS for a long, long, long time. Ben Carson found that out right away.

For the record, BHO is 50% white, 12% Negro, and 38% Arab/Berber. But most people think of him as Negro.
I did see a number of the crying alt left videos, and I agree some of them are quite funny. The sheer reaction of seeing their entitled outcome be denied is priceless.

I will however try to watch the Obama farewell. All presidents were elected democratically and he will finish out his term accordingly. Regardless of any disagreements, he has earned our time for this.

If I may also make an assessment. If not for Obama and really more importantly Clinton following after a controversial role as Security of State, there is no chance someone outside of the Establishment such as Trump wins. Quite frankly I miss the overzealous American patriotism that I remembered as a kid, would be great to see it again, Trump appears to be the right guy for this objective. On top of his deep tax cuts and drive to get government out of peoples lives, this could be a positive incoming administration.

Some Canadians are sensitive about this and have an inferiority complex. Since I'm comfortable in my skin and have alot of confidence myself, none of this bothers me. God Bless America!

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