What will you watch in lieu of Obama's farewell address?

Actually as a speaker BHO is mesmerizing.

Only to the weak-minded. And I don't mean that as an insult or an attack. I am deadly serious.

You have to be the type of person that would join a cult to be able to listen to that pretend, phony bullshit he mouth-farts out of his disgusting piehole
How many of you are old enough to remember shows like 'Barney Miller' and 'All in the Family'?

They were all the rage in their day. I mean, if you went to work without watching them the night before, you got left out of all the good conversations.

My nightly TV venue often consisted of Star Trek re-runs, All In The Family, Barney Miller, The Jeffersons, etc, etc

Now, go to one of the dinosaur TV Channels on Cable where you can watch All in the Family or Barney Miller.


I can't believe I was immature enough to watch that out and out garbage!!

But, they were the shows of the 'moment'. They were 'camp'. Cool. The new hotness.

When you get older and you look back on the Lying Cocksucker's speeches, I promise you -- You'll have the same reaction I did to the old Sitcoms.

Some of them were good. Some of them were great. Some were/are treasures (Carol Burnett). But All In The Family and Barney Miller were simply TRASH.

obama is, too

You'll see
so about the shit stains farewell address,
I think he will spend half of the time sucking his own dick in an attempt to make himself look better than he was, then he will spend the other half telling people not to listen to President Trump, giving them Instructions to take up arms against him if need be. He will certainly not be able to go with dignity, to be honest, after watching him for the last 8 years, I really dont think he is capable of being dignified in anything he does.
At the moment I would say the same about Trump, however I think that after enough slap downs in the first year, he will learn to keep many of his comments to himself, hopefully stop tweeting every thought he has. thank god he has not started sexting yet. Those thoughts of his aside however, I do think he has the makings of the President that finally turns the borrow and spend habits of this government around.
Might I suggest...

I can't stand the sound of Obama's voice and this video never gets old.

What would you suggest watching in lieu of O'Bummer?

Naaaah, been there, done that. My daughter and I will be watching How it's Made. She loves those kinds of shows. And so do I!
How many of you are old enough to remember shows like 'Barney Miller' and 'All in the Family'?

They were all the rage in their day. I mean, if you went to work without watching them the night before, you got left out of all the good conversations.

My nightly TV venue often consisted of Star Trek re-runs, All In The Family, Barney Miller, The Jeffersons, etc, etc

Now, go to one of the dinosaur TV Channels on Cable where you can watch All in the Family or Barney Miller.


I can't believe I was immature enough to watch that out and out garbage!!

But, they were the shows of the 'moment'. They were 'camp'. Cool. The new hotness.

When you get older and you look back on the Lying Cocksucker's speeches, I promise you -- You'll have the same reaction I did to the old Sitcoms.

Some of them were good. Some of them were great. Some were/are treasures (Carol Burnett). But All In The Family and Barney Miller were simply TRASH.

obama is, too

You'll see
I actually never liked Barney Miller or All in the Family. I couldnt stand Micheal, or that whiny bitch Gloria? and the constant repeating of the same race jokes in every episode got tiring after a very short time. Barney Miller just held no interest for me.
Star Trek however, thats what dreams were made of. Remember watching that in the early days and watching those impossible things that happened on the ship? like, doors that would open automatically when someone just walked up to them? or using lasers for weapons? actually, lasers,,, So many fantastic things on that show that we take for granted now. Its why I have no doubt that one day man will learn to exceed the speed of light Not in our lifetime, but, somewhere in the future
My grandson plays his saxophone in a concert
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Rather watch paint dry. I'm gonna pass.
can I suggest Glidden semi gloss? It dries fast but its really cool because if you have stains on the walls, you can see them through the paint while its wet, but as it dries they slowly disappear until they are completely gone. Do one wall at a time to increase the time spent with your viewing pleasure. Its also pretty much self leveling too, if you have a small run it will blend itself in as it dries. Great stuff, loads of fun.
Actually as a speaker BHO is mesmerizing.

Only to the weak-minded. And I don't mean that as an insult or an attack. I am deadly serious.

You have to be the type of person that would join a cult to be able to listen to that pretend, phony bullshit he mouth-farts out of his disgusting piehole

I wonder if he'll be extra nauseating and add a few fake tears???

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