What would Africa be like if it were never colonized by Europeans?

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Pardon me if someone else has already raised this point: If the Europeans had never colonized Africa, I guess that it goes without saying that today's national boundaries would not exist.

If I am not mistaken, the boundaries imposed on Africa by the European powers have contributed to terrible tribal conflicts (e.g., Rwanda).

What the poster baileyn was implying ( think): other dominant non European powers would have colonised Africa.

I doubt that would have happened. The Africa you think about never existed.
The Africa They Never Show You.

Cool pics. How much of that is foreign investment from those racist White Imperialist nations? Hilton and Marriot are just fine with building convention centers and hotels most anywhere...

How much money have those racist white imperial nations stolen from nations in Africa? Do you care to answer that question?

They set up massive exports and trade OUT of Africa. I'm afraid you're counting all that as THEFT, when the benefactor really should be the EXPORTING countries. Now you can argue about how all that profit is SPENT or DISTRIBUTED -- but it's all net INCOME to the African country that created it.

Are you trying to tell me that the predominantly white leadership of Rhodesia allowed themselves to be robbed by white westerners? Not bloody likely. It's a matter of where the "profits" were spent once the country received them.

Yes I am counting that as theft because it was theft. It's just this simple flacaltenn, Rhodesia was not better off under apartheid. You are an idiot to keep trying to argue that it was.
That doesn't appear to be the case.
"Appear" does not apply. It IS the case. ...because before Europeans arrived, that's exactly what they were doing (for thousands of years). >>

living in mud huts, running around naked throwing spears at monkeys, chanting witch doctor chants at passing airplanes, and dying young of preventable tropical diseases.
The whole premise of the video is rather silly. If the Europeans hadn't shown up, the Arabs would have continued to conquer Africa. On top of that there are other questions that the world needs to ask

What if the Europeans had never landed in the Americas? Well sooner or later someone would have crossed one of those oceans, whether from Africa or Asia, and the native peoples would have died of disease en masse.

What if the Turks hadn't rampaged, raped, slaughtered and enslaved peoples in eastern Europe for 400 years? My ancestors probably wouldn't have fled Europe for America.

What if Islam hadn't rampaged and slaughtered their way through the Asian subcontinent? There would be a hell of a lot more Hindus, that's for sure.

What if the mongols hadn't slaughtered their way across all of Asia and into Europe. Well for starters Hungarians wouldn't be in Europe

What if Slavic peoples hadn't expanded into eastern Europe. Hitler wouldn't have had the idea that the Germans needed to reclaim the historic lands of Germanic tribes.

We could do this forever.

No the Arabs would not have kept conquering Africa. Whites like yourself have this distorted and false view of Africa that you need to unlearn.
It doesn't appear to be the case because it was not the case. Whites like you believe in an Africa that never existed.
Are you really that programmed by the reality changers ? Before Europeans arrived, Black Africans were uncivilized, barbaric savages. Same with American Indians. Go ahead and pretend different, if it makes you feel any better.
The Lasting Impact of Colonialism

So can anyone tell me without a google who is Patrice Lumumba?

I am sure you all can tell me about Mobutu Sese Seko. I am sure you all can lecture me on just how evil this dictator was and how he stole from his people and all the usual dumb ass white racist garbage coming from you idiots. Yep to you idiots Mobutu represents a failure of black leadership which you use to validate your idiotic beliefs of how backs can't govern. But what you don't want to face is the truth. And the truth s this:

Patrice Lumumba: 50 Years Later, Remembering the U.S.-Backed Assassination of Congo’s First Democratically Elected Leader

This week marks the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Patrice Lumumba, the first democratically elected leader of what is now known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Lumumba’s pan-Africanism and his vision of a united Congo gained him many enemies. Both Belgium and the United States actively sought to have him killed. The CIA ordered his assassination but could not complete the job. Instead, the United States and Belgium covertly funneled cash and aid to rival politicians who seized power and arrested Lumumba. On January 17, 1961, after being beaten and tortured, Lumumba was shot and killed.

Patrice Lumumba: 50 Years Later, Remembering the U.S.-Backed Assassination of Congo’s First Democratically Elected Leader | Democracy Now!

He's been dead 56 years now and who took his place?

Mobutu. That's who we paid to kill Lumumba. Our government murdered a democratically elected leader, installed a dictator who ruled for years without elections, who stole from his people and fucked up the country all thanks to white governments and dumb asses like you think that it's only a failure of back leadership that made this happen.

This is just one example. Maybe instead of running your mouths off spewing ignorance, you educate yourselves.
Whites Admit to LYING about African History and BLACK Empires

One thing I know is this: had Africa had not been colonized, we would not have to put up who people like mudda

For the most part we don't now. Most of these trolls here likely reside in some remote part of Appalachia.
I see that most of these whites are scared to look at the videos,

Comfort within the safety of ignorance?
So THAT'S why you all drop out of school!!! :biggrin:

No one in my family has ever dropped out of school.

Why would you put your stupidity on display by making such a general statement?
By "you all" I meant nignags in general.

Still a stupid statement "you all" implies "all".
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Because of my advanced age, I for one do remember Prime Minister Lumumba's melancholy end.

I keep thinking of a photograph of his sitting in the back of a pickup truck being taunted by the soldiers who had captured him.

I believe that objective historians agree that in those days, the United State did, indeed, overthrow governments that it did not like.
Seems that this is a place where whites can tell us how stupid we are, how we mooch off white taxpayers, how our IQs are lower than everyone elses, how anything governed by blacks is a shithole and I don't see you saying shit to them.

That's true. I see it all the time. But do you know whose fault that is? The very authority that you threatened to appeal to. That's who. Sub-forums like Race Relations encourage people like you to spew racial hatred. And you've done a great job demonstrating that truth. As was said elsewhere around here, by encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality (aka Race Relations), the advocates of so-called 'diversity' actually perpetuate racism. The obsession with racial group identity is inherently racist. To repeat, racism is just an ugly form of collectivism. That's all it is. It's a mindset that views humans strictly as members of groups rather than Individuals. And you're equally as guilty.

For the record, I've never once discussed any issue around here by collectivizing race. Not once. The biggest problem I see is the football mentality. It dominates thisplace. So, when you spew your hatred for whites, it'd be polite and more factual to say 'some whites.'

And as far as what you see or don't see, maybe read the rest of the board instead of squatting in the collectivism perpetuation section. Again, aka Race Relations.

Matter of fact, here's a post where I mentioned something about race. Likely the only one. Listening To People Like This Is Why -
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Actually, IM2, do you know what you should do? Get yourself a WordPress blog. Seriously. That'd do you well. If you want, I'll even send you to a good WordPress web designer I know. And she's not even white. She can probab ly design it for you in 1 day for a couple of hundred Federal Reserve Notes and you'll be blogging by night fall. Link your Twitter and your fedbook to it and you're rolling. I'm serious now.
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Seems that this is a place where whites can tell us how stupid we are, how we mooch off white taxpayers, how our IQs are lower than everyone elses, how anything governed by blacks is a shithole and I don't see you saying shit to them.

That's true. I see it all the time. But do you know whose fault that is? The very authority that you threatened to appeal to. That's who. Sub-forums like Race Relations encourage people like you to spew racial hatred. And you've done a great job demonstrating that truth. As was said elsewhere around here, by encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality (aka Race Relations), the advocates of so-called 'diversity' actually perpetuate racism. The obsession with racial group identity is inherently racist. To repeat, racism is just an ugly form of collectivism. That's all it is. It's a mindset that views humans strictly as members of groups rather than Individuals. And you're equally as guilty.

For the record, I've never once discussed any issue around here by collectivizing race. Not once. The biggest problem I see is the football mentality. It dominates thisplace. So, when you spew your hatred for whites, it'd be polite and more factual to say 'some whites.'

And as far as what you see or don't see, maybe read the rest of the board instead of squatting in the collectivism perpetuation section. Again, aka Race Relations.

Matter of fact, here's a post where I mentioned something about race. Likely the only one. Listening To People Like This Is Why -

Except I am not spewing racial hatred. Pointing out what whites have done is not spewing racial.hatred. This is the lie whites have been pushing in order to shut up opposition continuing white racism. Your argument of individualizing race has no merit when laws were made hat affected groups. And the notion that promotion of diversity perpetuates racism is foolish.

I don't have to say some whites in a forum where I don't see you telling whites to say some blacks. I see through you and you are fake.
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