What would America be like if the anti-Abortion types win?

Ireland had abortion banned until recently.

The results? Highest birth rate in Europe.

Now they banned abortion. The result? They start replacing their own population with Africans.

That must be some of those Black Irish we've heard of.

Reality, though is that Irish women just went over to the UK to have their abortions.

and they only allowed abortions legally starting this year.

Your comparison to a 3rd world country is laughably stupid - we all already knew that they are shitholes. That doesn't mean we should make our countries shitholes by importing them because we aren't having children.

Even though obviously JoeB as a communist supports all that, because in a 3rd world country even an idiot like himself can appear viable.

I'd rather spend time with Filipinos than dumb white trash like you. the only third world country we have here is the Red States.
Ireland had abortion banned until recently.

The results? Highest birth rate in Europe.

Now they banned abortion. The result? They start replacing their own population with Africans.

That must be some of those Black Irish we've heard of.

Reality, though is that Irish women just went over to the UK to have their abortions.

and they only allowed abortions legally starting this year.

Your comparison to a 3rd world country is laughably stupid - we all already knew that they are shitholes. That doesn't mean we should make our countries shitholes by importing them because we aren't having children.

Even though obviously JoeB as a communist supports all that, because in a 3rd world country even an idiot like himself can appear viable.

I'd rather spend time with Filipinos than dumb white trash like you. the only third world country we have here is the Red States.

All the Filipinos want to come here, no matter red or blue state.. Not many Americans wanting to move to Filipinos. Even you don't have the balls to go through with it.

The problem with leftists is that their words never match their actions. They are colossal liars. In any case, you totally failed to debunk anything that I stated.
That's not the case. Poor women in states that do not allow abortion can take a bus to a state that allows them. Even poor people can take sick days.

How long does it take to take a Bus from Texas to California to get a legal abortion? So you have to pay for a bus ticket there, the abortion, and a bus ticket back... thta's quite a burden if you are a poor teen with no high school education.

As fro Roe v. Wade, the Court pitted the claim of a right to privacy of a woman against the claim of a right to life of an unborn child, and argued that the woman had a constitutional right to privacy despite the fact it exists nowhere in the Constitution and denied the unborn baby had a right to life because it is not mentioned in the Constitution; clearly a political decision with no basis in law.

By that logic, not only is Roe unconstitutional, then so is Griswald v. CT, which legalized birth control.

The constitution is not a suicide pact.
That's not the case. Poor women in states that do not allow abortion can take a bus to a state that allows them. Even poor people can take sick days.

How long does it take to take a Bus from Texas to California to get a legal abortion? So you have to pay for a bus ticket there, the abortion, and a bus ticket back... thta's quite a burden if you are a poor teen with no high school education.

Good, she probably won't be "proud to have done it", after having to pay for it, not with my money. She will learn to be responsible unlike JoeB.
There would be millions more accepting personal responsibility as the proper way to do things instead of killing for convenience. Why do you oppose that?
Because life isn’t so precious I think a woman who’s newly pregnant can’t get an abortion if she wants one.

We don’t need her to have the kid. She won’t do a good job raising the kid. And you don’t like programs that pay for those kids.

We need her to practice personal responsibility and killing something for convenience isn't responsible.

What about those that do have the kids. Why should taxpayers a woman told to butt out of her choice be forced by the government she says should stay out of her business when that happen? If what she does isn't my business, when she chooses something she can't afford, it isn't my responsibility.
If you aren’t willing to pay for the child they can’t afford abortion is better than starvation.

It’s because of your attitude I am so pro choice.

You're pro choice because you believe it's OK to be personally irresponsible for the results of a choice that produced the pregnancy.

That's why I hope every abortion is botched.
Thanks for being a proponent of irresponsible sexual intercourse.

Hey, real people have sex.
Real people make mistakes. They forget to take their pills, rubbers burst, whatever.

Some day, little boy, you'll have sex and realize this.

There would be millions more accepting personal responsibility as the proper way to do things instead of killing for convenience. Why do you oppose that?

Because real life doesn't work that way. Again, the Filipinos are probably more religious than we are... and man, if you want to see folks with a work ethic, they put Americans to shame.

Yet despite all these conservative "virtues", they have 560,000 abortions a year. Per capita, that is more than the US has.

Now we can argue all day about how things SHOULD be. Frankly, I'd like to round up all the guns and put racist like you in mandetory sensitivity training. But the real world doesn't work like that.

We need to make laws for how the world is, not how we'd like it to be.
I forgot that you admire the less civilized members of the human race.

No, we don't. We have no fondess for assholes, racists or misogynists at all. That's why we have a huge problem with Trump and his supporters.

Yet you had no problem voting for the black guy solely because of his skin color.
Good, she probably won't be "proud to have done it", after having to pay for it, not with my money. She will learn to be responsible unlike JoeB.

Again, a bit confused... you are okay with rich white women having easy access to abortion, but poor black women having a harder time of getting them.... better not tell your fellow Klan members about this. You'll achieve the browning of America a lot sooner.

That's why I hope every abortion is botched.

Do you do special exercises to be this awful of a person, or does it just come naturally?
Good, she probably won't be "proud to have done it", after having to pay for it, not with my money. She will learn to be responsible unlike JoeB.

Again, a bit confused... you are okay with rich white women having easy access to abortion, but poor black women having a harder time of getting them.... better not tell your fellow Klan members about this. You'll achieve the browning of America a lot sooner.

That's why I hope every abortion is botched.

Do you do special exercises to be this awful of a person, or does it just come naturally?

What's awful about hoping that the one making the choice to conveniently kill the innocent life SHE created gets the same end result? If it's good for the innocent life she's killing for convenience, surely it's good enough for her.
What's awful about hoping that the one making the choice to conveniently kill the innocent life SHE created gets the same end result? If it's good for the innocent life she's killing for convenience, surely it's good enough for her.

Fetuses aren't people...

By your logic, why stop at abortion. Once a woman gets one of these,


she is legally subordinate to the tissue mass inside her. Everything she eats, drinks, smokes or exposes herself to at work should be controlled.

I mean, if we are going to take your logic to it's ultimate conclusion.
What's awful about hoping that the one making the choice to conveniently kill the innocent life SHE created gets the same end result? If it's good for the innocent life she's killing for convenience, surely it's good enough for her.

Fetuses aren't people...

By your logic, why stop at abortion. Once a woman gets one of these,

View attachment 245263

she is legally subordinate to the tissue mass inside her. Everything she eats, drinks, smokes or exposes herself to at work should be controlled.

I mean, if we are going to take your logic to it's ultimate conclusion.

Hopefully every abortion is botched.
Wow how pro life of the person you're replying to.

They are so pro life they call human beings subhuman filth and wants to murder people for performing a completely legal medical procedure.

Your “completely legal medical procedure” is nothing more or less than the cold-blooded murder of an innocent human being—one of the most serious evils that a person can commit. Do you even realize how twisted and evil your position is—defending the murder of an innocent child, while condemning me for calling for the very worst kind of murderer to be given the only punishment that fits such a crime?
As fro Roe v. Wade, the Court pitted the claim of a right to privacy of a woman against the claim of a right to life of an unborn child, and argued that the woman had a constitutional right to privacy despite the fact it exists nowhere in the Constitution and denied the unborn baby had a right to life because it is not mentioned in the Constitution; clearly a political decision with no basis in law.

The Fifth Amendment states that no person shall be deprived of live, liberty, or property without due process of law. How much due process does the victim of an abortion get, before being brutally slaughtered?
Your “completely legal medical procedure” is nothing more or less than the cold-blooded murder of an innocent human being—one of the most serious evils that a person can commit. Do you even realize how twisted and evil your position is—defending the murder of an innocent child, while condemning me for calling for the very worst kind of murderer to be given the only punishment that fits such a crime?

Well, first, capital punishment is always wrong. You don't show killing is wrong by killing people.

This is the 21st century, not some 19th century barbarism you Mormons want.

Second- fetuses aren't children. at the point most abortions are preformed, they are smaller than a kidney bean and not viable outside the womb.

And again, I'd be more impressed with your concern for "babies" if you werent' constantly trying to cut WIC, Head Start, Food Stamps and other programs they get after the umbilical cord is cut.
The Fifth Amendment states that no person shall be deprived of live, liberty, or property without due process of law. How much due process does the victim of an abortion get, before being brutally slaughtered?

fetuses aren't people. People don't exist until a birth certificate is issued for them, legally.

after a birth certificate is issued, they are entitled to all sorts of due process, i guess.
Wow how pro life of the person you're replying to.

They are so pro life they call human beings subhuman filth and wants to murder people for performing a completely legal medical procedure.

Your “completely legal medical procedure” is nothing more or less than the cold-blooded murder of an innocent human being—one of the most serious evils that a person can commit. Do you even realize how twisted and evil your position is—defending the murder of an innocent child, while condemning me for calling for the very worst kind of murderer to be given the only punishment that fits such a crime?
If you know where children are being murdered I urge you to call the police. Who the hell are you to determine whether it`s a legal medical procedure or murder? After one of our mass shootings you people are no where to be found and the same can be said about all of our ridiculous wars that the phony pro-lifers don`t give a damn about.
Your “completely legal medical procedure” is nothing more or less than the cold-blooded murder of an innocent human being—one of the most serious evils that a person can commit. Do you even realize how twisted and evil your position is—defending the murder of an innocent child, while condemning me for calling for the very worst kind of murderer to be given the only punishment that fits such a crime?

Well, first, capital punishment is always wrong. You don't show killing is wrong by killing people.

This is the 21st century, not some 19th century barbarism you Mormons want.

Second- fetuses aren't children. at the point most abortions are preformed, they are smaller than a kidney bean and not viable outside the womb.

And again, I'd be more impressed with your concern for "babies" if you werent' constantly trying to cut WIC, Head Start, Food Stamps and other programs they get after the umbilical cord is cut.
At what point is it the potential mother's fault for getting pregnant? This more about the numbers of abortions and babies born.
My position is that murder is one of the most serious crimes that a human being can commit, and that it calls for the most serious punishment that a society can give.

So essentially, you will put a poor girl to death for wanting to get rid of an unplanned pregnancy because your imaginary sky friend tells you that a kidney bean sized fetus has more rights than she does... Man that's all kinds of f•••ed up. We really dodged a bullet by defeating Romney, if this is the kind of fucked up thinking we have in your cult.

For having her own child murdered in cold blood, yes, absolutely. I have no sympathy at all for any subhuman bitch who would murder her own child.

Someone who thinks that it is OK to murder an innocent child in cold blood is in no position to cast any moral judgements on anyone else. Your position is as twisted and evil as it is possible to be.

This isn't even about religion, as much as you want to use it as an excuse to attack mine. It's basic decency. Killing an innocent child is wrong. Period. It's about the most extreme wrong that is humanly possible. It takes a sick, morally-diseased sociopath such as yourself to deny this.
If you know where children are being murdered I urge you to call the police. Who the hell are you to determine whether it`s a legal medical procedure or murder? After one of our mass shootings you people are no where to be found and the same can be said about all of our ridiculous wars that the phony pro-lifers don`t give a damn about.

Well said.

The thing Mormon Bob doesn't get is that the abortion laws that were on the books prior to 1973 were never enforced. Women weren't arrested for having abortions, and doctors weren't arrested for performing them unless they fucked up and injured the woman.

Which is why I bring up the Philippines as an example. They have the kinds of laws he wants, but they aren't enforced the way he thinks they should be. Women risk their health and punishment in a country with some very spotty freedoms right now. (Their president makes Trump almost look sane). yet when it comes to risking a dicy procedure and having a kid you can't afford to feed because you already have three, women choose the risky procedure every time.

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