What would America be like if the anti-Abortion types win?

Find me a doctor who says it’s justified to murder a baby in the 3rd trimester and I’ll show you Dr Mengela Jr.

And where did you go to medical school?

Women who get third trimester abortions get them for good medical reasons.

Anti-choice nuts need to mind their own fucking business.

any questions?
No it didn’t. We led the world in civilization. That’s why those immigrants poured over here. American women lived better than any other place in the world.

Okay, if you need your little boost of self-esteem, tell yourself that.
Find me a doctor who says it’s justified to murder a baby in the 3rd trimester and I’ll show you Dr Mengela Jr.

And where did you go to medical school?

Women who get third trimester abortions get them for good medical reasons.

Anti-choice nuts need to mind their own fucking business.

any questions?
Thanks for validating no doctor in the world thinks killing a child in the 3rd trimester would ever be justified.

You’re just a psychopath who enjoys watching children suffer.
I'm just wondering how long God's gonna sit back and let all those babies be murdered?
I would think that if God really cared, he'd step in at some point and do some serious wrist slappin.
I mean seriously....how many innocents will need to die before there's some intervention? 1 million? 1 billion? 1 trillion? 1 quadrillion? 1 quintrillion? 1 sextillion? 1 septillion? 1 octillion? 1 nonillion? 1 decillion? HOW MANY???

What's more important.... free will or the sanctity of innocent life made in God's own image?
What good is free will if it results in profound torture and endless cruelty?

If God stood back while "His People" were being killed by the Nazis, he isn't going to get worked up about a bunch of fetuses... Next.

Yeah right, Martha Plimpton brags about abortion in front of her fans. Said her first one was the best with a cheering crowd. Liberals have cheapened life so much, you have people celebrating killing inocent babie and it's only going to get worse from here.

Again, I'm still awaiting for you to offer an alternative that doesn't look like the hot mess the Philippines are.
Sodom and the Roman Empire disagrees. I'm not worried I'm good.
This is the sort of childish, ignorant stupidity is typical of authoritarian conservatives hostile to privacy rights.

Which goes to the fact that conservatives are not ‘small government.’

Conservatives are fundamentally authoritarian – they seek to compel conformity and punish dissent.

Their unwarranted hostility toward privacy rights is proof of that, where conservatives work to increase the size and power of the state at the expense of individual liberty by compelling women to give birth against their will through force of law.

Conservatives are not anarchists. Not even Libertarians are anarchists.

Anyone who is not an anarchist recognizes the need for societies to outlaw certain behaviors that are harmful to individuals or societies; and that the murder of an innocent human being is among these behaviors that society needs to outlaw.

What about the life of the woman who is forced to bear a child she doesn't want and can't afford? What about the lives of her living children? Why is her decision to have a baby or not, any of your business?

As a society you would enslave women and turn them into breeding stock. That's not a moral society at all.
What about the brothers and sisters that know one of their own gets murdered?
Then don’t have an abortion if you believe it’s ‘wrong’ – that’s the benefit of the right to privacy, everyone is at liberty to decide the matter for himself.
What do we liberals fight for?


That's why the authoritarian perverts of the right here hate us so.

We liberals understand the liberty-hating nature of the right. We know the fight against them will never end. No matter how many goosesteppers we defeat, there will always be more.

So why fight, if the fight never ends?

Because it's the right thing to do. It's a good way to live, fighting for liberty.
What the hell is wrong with
choosing to act responsibly?

My body, my right

A woman can’t charge a man for sexual intercourse
but, she can terminate a pregnancy
that resulted from having sexual intercourse

Why can’t every woman sell their pussy if they choose?

Why can a porn star get paid for fucking and sucking?

Just asking
I'm just wondering how long God's gonna sit back and let all those babies be murdered?
I would think that if God really cared, he'd step in at some point and do some serious wrist slappin.
I mean seriously....how many innocents will need to die before there's some intervention? 1 million? 1 billion? 1 trillion? 1 quadrillion? 1 quintrillion? 1 sextillion? 1 septillion? 1 octillion? 1 nonillion? 1 decillion? HOW MANY???

What's more important.... free will or the sanctity of innocent life made in God's own image?
What good is free will if it results in profound torture and endless cruelty?

If God stood back while "His People" were being killed by the Nazis, he isn't going to get worked up about a bunch of fetuses... Next.

Yeah right, Martha Plimpton brags about abortion in front of her fans. Said her first one was the best with a cheering crowd. Liberals have cheapened life so much, you have people celebrating killing inocent babie and it's only going to get worse from here.

Again, I'm still awaiting for you to offer an alternative that doesn't look like the hot mess the Philippines are.
Sodom and the Roman Empire disagrees. I'm not worried I'm good.
This is the sort of childish, ignorant stupidity is typical of authoritarian conservatives hostile to privacy rights.
When God comes back, unbelievers are screwed. If you die without him, you are too. I hope you change your mind.

Which goes to the fact that conservatives are not ‘small government.’

Conservatives are fundamentally authoritarian – they seek to compel conformity and punish dissent.

Their unwarranted hostility toward privacy rights is proof of that, where conservatives work to increase the size and power of the state at the expense of individual liberty by compelling women to give birth against their will through force of law.

Conservatives are not anarchists. Not even Libertarians are anarchists.

Anyone who is not an anarchist recognizes the need for societies to outlaw certain behaviors that are harmful to individuals or societies; and that the murder of an innocent human being is among these behaviors that society needs to outlaw.

What about the life of the woman who is forced to bear a child she doesn't want and can't afford? What about the lives of her living children? Why is her decision to have a baby or not, any of your business?

As a society you would enslave women and turn them into breeding stock. That's not a moral society at all.
What about the brothers and sisters that know one of their own gets murdered?
Then don’t have an abortion if you believe it’s ‘wrong’ – that’s the benefit of the right to privacy, everyone is at liberty to decide the matter for himself.

Only if they would.
All their screaming about "infanticide" aside, do you ever wonder what our country would look like if the Anti-Choice fanatics got their way.

Well, thanks to the modern miracles of actually understanding there is a rest of the world out there, we have a real life example.

The Philippines, former American Colony, has exactly the kind of anti-choice laws you guys want.

How's that working out.. Well, let's review.

Unintended Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion in the Philippines

• The Philippines abortion law is among the strictest in the world. Abortion is illegal under all circumstances and there are no explicit exceptions. Nonetheless, because of high levels of unintended pregnancy, abortion is common in the country. Projections that were based on the national abortion rate in 2000 (the most recent available) and that took into account population increase estimated that 560,000 abortions occurred in 2008 and 610,000 abortions took place in 2012.[2,8,9]

• About 1,000 Filipino women die each year from abortion complications, which contributes to the nation’s high maternal mortality rate. Projections that were based on data from 2000 indicate that 100,000 women were hospitalized for abortion complications in 2012; countless others suffered complications that went untreated.[4,9]

• The stigma surrounding abortion makes it difficult for women to seek postabortion care. Some women report feeling shamed and intimidated by health care workers and in some cases, women are not given pain relievers or anesthetics or are denied treatment all together. Others report being threatened that they would be turned over to the police.[5,8]
New York literally legalized “unsafe” abortions, moron.

You have lost that pathetic talking point as well.
What do we liberals fight for?


That's why the authoritarian perverts of the right here hate us so.

We liberals understand the liberty-hating nature of the right. We know the fight against them will never end. No matter how many goosesteppers we defeat, there will always be more.

So why fight, if the fight never ends?

Because it's the right thing to do. It's a good way to live, fighting for liberty.
How about abortion up to 9 months?
Find me a doctor who says it’s justified to murder a baby in the 3rd trimester and I’ll show you Dr Mengela Jr.

And where did you go to medical school?

Women who get third trimester abortions get them for good medical reasons.

Anti-choice nuts need to mind their own fucking business.

any questions?
A woman can have a c section and save the child. No reason to kill it at that time.
Find me a doctor who says it’s justified to murder a baby in the 3rd trimester and I’ll show you Dr Mengela Jr.

And where did you go to medical school?

Women who get third trimester abortions get them for good medical reasons.

Anti-choice nuts need to mind their own fucking business.

any questions?
A woman can have a c section and save the child. No reason to kill it at that time.
The Left hate science, they just want to hear babies screaming as they are murdered.
What a load of bullshit. If the pro life people win, each state will make its own abortion laws, just as they did before the Roe v. Wade mutilation of our Constitution. Some states will allow abortions and some states won't, so if a woman who lived in a state that didn't allow abortions wanted one, she would have to take a bus to a state that did allow them, and if she didn't have the bus fare, pro abortion fanatics like yourself would be happy to buy her a bus ticket.

But here's the problem with that...

Poor women in red states wouldn't be able to get abortions, but wealthy women in red states could take a trip.

Does this seem fair to you? It would seem that if anyone should be compelled to have a baby, it should be the affluent person, who has the resources to take care of it.
That's not the case. Poor women in states that do not allow abortion can take a bus to a state that allows them. Even poor people can take sick days.

Poor women don't have the money to take off work, leave the state, leave their children in the care of others, and jump through all of the legal hoops, unnecessary tests, and degradation that the state will put her through because she can't afford to have a baby.

I love it how men think that doing all of this is just so easy for people of limited resources.
What a load of bullshit. If the pro life people win, each state will make its own abortion laws, just as they did before the Roe v. Wade mutilation of our Constitution. Some states will allow abortions and some states won't, so if a woman who lived in a state that didn't allow abortions wanted one, she would have to take a bus to a state that did allow them, and if she didn't have the bus fare, pro abortion fanatics like yourself would be happy to buy her a bus ticket.

But here's the problem with that...

Poor women in red states wouldn't be able to get abortions, but wealthy women in red states could take a trip.

Does this seem fair to you? It would seem that if anyone should be compelled to have a baby, it should be the affluent person, who has the resources to take care of it.
That's not the case. Poor women in states that do not allow abortion can take a bus to a state that allows them. Even poor people can take sick days.

Poor women don't have the money to take off work, leave the state, leave their children in the care of others, and jump through all of the legal hoops, unnecessary tests, and degradation that the state will put her through because she can't afford to have a baby.

I love it how men think that doing all of this is just so easy for people of limited resources.
So stop giving money to Planned Parenthood and give it to moms. You’re desire to murder children is sick.
When all else fails, act like a coward and hide behind the sainted poooooor.

Life's tough, shit happens, wear a fucking helmet.

Not at all. I'm pointing out the fallacy of your system.

If you are going to deny an abortion to anyone, it should be the rich bitch. She can afford to have Biff's baby, even if Biff wasn't good father material. That she can fly to NY to have an abortion while the poor girl can't, is kind of messed up.

So what you want is abortion to be a system of privilege. Rich white women will still be able to get them, poor women of color will be kind of screwed.

I am willing to pay for “poor woman of color” to move to New York where she has equality.

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