What would America be like if the anti-Abortion types win?

What a load of bullshit. If the pro life people win, each state will make its own abortion laws, just as they did before the Roe v. Wade mutilation of our Constitution. Some states will allow abortions and some states won't, so if a woman who lived in a state that didn't allow abortions wanted one, she would have to take a bus to a state that did allow them, and if she didn't have the bus fare, pro abortion fanatics like yourself would be happy to buy her a bus ticket.

But here's the problem with that...

Poor women in red states wouldn't be able to get abortions, but wealthy women in red states could take a trip.

Does this seem fair to you? It would seem that if anyone should be compelled to have a baby, it should be the affluent person, who has the resources to take care of it.
That's not the case. Poor women in states that do not allow abortion can take a bus to a state that allows them. Even poor people can take sick days.

Poor women don't have the money to take off work, leave the state, leave their children in the care of others, and jump through all of the legal hoops, unnecessary tests, and degradation that the state will put her through because she can't afford to have a baby.

I love it how men think that doing all of this is just so easy for people of limited resources.
Bullshit. Even poor women take sick days, and if you care so much about providing abortions for other women, you will surely find a way to make sure she has bus fare.
Thanks for validating no doctor in the world thinks killing a child in the 3rd trimester would ever be justified.

You’re just a psychopath who enjoys watching children suffer.

No, fetuses still aren't children.

And there are a lot of good medical reasons.

1) The fetus is a threat to the mother's health.
2) The fetus has a horrible deformity or birth defect.

Those are good reasons.
A woman can have a c section and save the child. No reason to kill it at that time.

Why would you want to save a child with brittle bone disease or spina bifida? So you can watch it suffer? So you can show everyone how fucking holy you are? Get fucking bent.

I am willing to pay for “poor woman of color” to move to New York where she has equality.

I'm willing to tax dumb white bigots into the poor house so she can have equality.
Okay, so once again, this thread has devolved down into whining about very rare third trimester abortions, which certainly wasn't the point here.

The point was, what if you anti-abortion religious nutbags got your way and got ALL abortions banned? Because that's what you really want, isn't it, guys?

Well, there's one of two things that can happen.

1) You would have to create a draconian police state, where people inform on their doctors and neighbors who have abortions. You would have to lock women up for having them.


2) You can have a law on the books that everyone pretty much ignores, like the prostitution laws in this country, or like the actual abortion laws in the Philippines.

The practicality of 1 is pretty difficult. People would resist the law.

You see, you guys want to scream "Murder" all day, but the fact is, we only have 16,000 murders a year for a reason. People will report murders if they see them. The Police will vigorously investigate them. Witnesses will testify about them, and juries will gladly convict because no one wants a murderer living down the block from them.

At current, we have 600,000 abortions a year. People will not report them. Police will not bother investigating them. There probably won't be any witnesses, but most of them wouldn't testify, and I promise you, half of a jury would think your laws are bunk and wouldn't convict.
Thanks for validating no doctor in the world thinks killing a child in the 3rd trimester would ever be justified.

You’re just a psychopath who enjoys watching children suffer.

No, fetuses still aren't children.

And there are a lot of good medical reasons.

1) The fetus is a threat to the mother's health.
2) The fetus has a horrible deformity or birth defect.

Those are good reasons.
Hey shitforbrains, there are Americans in prison for MURDERING babies not born yet, you sick fuckhead.
Hey shitforbrains, there are Americans in prison for MURDERING babies not born yet, you sick fuckhead.

Um, yeah, how many were their mothers?

We need to get these stupid laws off the books, too, but that's another discussion.
Okay, so once again, this thread has devolved down into whining about very rare third trimester abortions, which certainly wasn't the point here.

The point was, what if you anti-abortion religious nutbags got your way and got ALL abortions banned? Because that's what you really want, isn't it, guys?

Well, there's one of two things that can happen.

1) You would have to create a draconian police state, where people inform on their doctors and neighbors who have abortions. You would have to lock women up for having them.


2) You can have a law on the books that everyone pretty much ignores, like the prostitution laws in this country, or like the actual abortion laws in the Philippines.

The practicality of 1 is pretty difficult. People would resist the law.

You see, you guys want to scream "Murder" all day, but the fact is, we only have 16,000 murders a year for a reason. People will report murders if they see them. The Police will vigorously investigate them. Witnesses will testify about them, and juries will gladly convict because no one wants a murderer living down the block from them.

At current, we have 600,000 abortions a year. People will not report them. Police will not bother investigating them. There probably won't be any witnesses, but most of them wouldn't testify, and I promise you, half of a jury would think your laws are bunk and wouldn't convict.

So did we have a “draconian police state” in 1971?
Ok name s better place.

Canada. Any European social democracy. America is the retard of the industrialized world.

Yeah I’ve never seen a liberal yet who didn’t mean “but Europe is better”.
But back to your anti-Americanism...Canada didn’t give women the right to vote much earlier than the US. And Canada didn’t allow indians to vote until the 1960’s.
So did we have a “draconian police state” in 1971?

No, dummy, we had laws on the books everyone ignored and no one bothered to enforce. Women got abortions, doctors wrote something else down on the chart, insurance gladly paid for it.

You see, the courts just assumed that they were achieving the same thing they had with Griswold v. Connecticut, where they got rid of archaic laws against contraception. The religious people would bitch, but everyone else would say, "Thank God."
Yeah I’ve never seen a liberal yet who didn’t mean “but Europe is better”.
But back to your anti-Americanism...Canada didn’t give women the right to vote much earlier than the US. And Canada didn’t allow indians to vote until the 1960’s.

Completely irrelevant to the point I was making, but if I explained it to you, you still wouldn't get it.
So did we have a “draconian police state” in 1971?

No, dummy, we had laws on the books everyone ignored and no one bothered to enforce. Women got abortions, doctors wrote something else down on the chart, insurance gladly paid for it.

You see, the courts just assumed that they were achieving the same thing they had with Griswold v. Connecticut, where they got rid of archaic laws against contraception. The religious people would bitch, but everyone else would say, "Thank God."

Yeah thats why you pro-abortion (((people))) lost over 400 times in the 50 states...before finally just overturning the laws passed by the people of those 50 states.

Same with homosexuals pretending to marry. Since you got your ass handed to you hundreds of times when the people were asked you just imposed it.
So did we have a “draconian police state” in 1971?

No, dummy, we had laws on the books everyone ignored and no one bothered to enforce. Women got abortions, doctors wrote something else down on the chart, insurance gladly paid for it.

You see, the courts just assumed that they were achieving the same thing they had with Griswold v. Connecticut, where they got rid of archaic laws against contraception. The religious people would bitch, but everyone else would say, "Thank God."

All abortions were banned in my state in 1970. It wasnt a "draconian police state" as you said would be needed. In fact just the opposite. No metal detectors in schools. You could kiss your spouse goodbye in the doorway of a plane and you didnt need a special internal ID to fly. Illegitimate children were less than 10% of the population and we didnt have to listen to politicians moan about single mothers in desperate straits. Families could thrive with just the father working. It was actually a much freer time all around.
Cognitive dissonance is necessary to be a liberal isnt it?
No, fetuses still aren't children.

Dear Mods. . .

Why are members permitted to continually lie like this?

That's ErroneousJoe's nature.....

We wouldn't want to 'abort' his posts....just remind everyone that he's simply a liar.

Provide the etymology....

fetus (n.)
late 14c., "the young while in the womb or egg" (tending to mean vaguely the embryo in the later stage of development), from Latin fetus (often, incorrectly, foetus) "the bearing or hatching of young, a bringing forth, pregnancy, childbearing, offspring,"
fetus | Origin and meaning of fetus by Online Etymology Dictionary

See how that reveals his ignorance?
No, fetuses still aren't children.

Dear Mods. . .

Why are members permitted to continually lie like this?

That's ErroneousJoe's nature.....

We wouldn't want to 'abort' his posts....just remind everyone that he's simply a liar.

Provide the etymology....

fetus (n.)
late 14c., "the young while in the womb or egg" (tending to mean vaguely the embryo in the later stage of development), from Latin fetus (often, incorrectly, foetus) "the bearing or hatching of young, a bringing forth, pregnancy, childbearing, offspring,"
fetus | Origin and meaning of fetus by Online Etymology Dictionary

See how that reveals his ignorance?

Im tired of having to refute the same bullshit lies over and over again.

And that makes me tired of USMB in general.

So inefficient.
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Yeah thats why you pro-abortion (((people))) lost over 400 times in the 50 states...before finally just overturning the laws passed by the people of those 50 states.

Quite right. The courts realized that the legislatures weren't going to overturn these archaic laws, so they did.

Same with homosexuals pretending to marry. Since you got your ass handed to you hundreds of times when the people were asked you just imposed it.

But funny thing. Gays were forming families and relationships long before the government said they could. Just like women were having abortions long before the law said they could.

All abortions were banned in my state in 1970. It wasnt a "draconian police state" as you said would be needed. In fact just the opposite.

No, as I've explained to you several times... women went to their OB/GYNs, got their abortions, the doctors wrote something else down on the charts, everyone was happy.

No metal detectors in schools. You could kiss your spouse goodbye in the doorway of a plane and you didnt need a special internal ID to fly.

Yes, but we've already determined we aren't going to have common sense gun control, so that's that. I had no

Illegitimate children were less than 10% of the population and we didnt have to listen to politicians moan about single mothers in desperate straits.

No, back in the day, the women who didn't have illegal abortions quitely went away and had their babies in secret and put them up for adoption. Or they were passed off as "Younger siblings".

Families could thrive with just the father working. It was actually a much freer time all around.

Okay, let's look at that. Why could families thrive with just dad working? Oh, that's right.. because Dad had a good union job that paid a living wage!

Cognitive dissonance is necessary to be a liberal isnt it?

Is it, you seem to think Abortion is causing hijackings and the decline of the middle class. I'm guessing you weren't alive in the 1960's, or you wouldn't say such silly things.
Im tired of having to refute the same bullshit lies over and over again.

And that makes me tired of USMB in general.

So inefficient.

Well, maybe you should stop trying to impose your morality on others.

The fact is, even in the Dark Ages when abortion was still against the (rarely enforced) law, women were never charged with any crime for having them, and doctors weren't charged with murder for performing them. Because fetuses weren't considered people and never will be.

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